329 resultados para Matrona romana


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Amb aquest treball volem contribuir al coneixement de la dinàmica comercial de la Tàrraco del segle i dC. Es presenta una possible producció local documentada d’una manera abundant en el jaciment de la plaça de la Font de Tarragona. També presentem com a novetat un petit conjunt de ceràmiques procedents de la zona de Nàpols i Narbona. Per últim, destacar algunes imitacions de TSI d’origen indeterminat.


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In 1991 was brought to light a collection of architectural terracottas from the villa of the Vilarenc and some pieces from Tarraco that were identified as lastre Campana. Five years later, in the excavations of the Plaza de la Font of Tarragona, a collection of six pieces was discovered. Altogether, the collection is based in 14/15 lastre and 4 different topics: “Women flanking a candelabra”, “Theseus known by his father”, “Adornment of a hermes” and “Scene of portico of palestra”. The interest of these finds lies in several factors: Their absolute exceptionality (it is very rare to find them outside of Italy); the geographical concentration, the topics, and their chronological relation and precise culture, since the finds are concentrated in a provincial capital and its territory, and they come from contexts of the beginning of first century AD. The physicochimique analyses make possible to assign an origin from Latium to some pieces and a local manufacture to others. These finds make possible to talk about the area and the provincial impact of certain iconographic and cultural models of Augustus’ time.


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Es publiquen dos segells impresos en els fons de sengles vasos de terra sigillata trobats a Tarragona. Es tracta d’impressions de gemmes amb motius mitològics: Prometeu creant l’home del fang i Victòria.


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The Torre Llauder pottery workshop, where evidence was found of the manufacture of Pascual 1 and Dressel 2–4 amphoras in the 1960s and 70s, is one of the most emblematic of the Laietania region. Marià Ribas had already expressed her opinion that tegulae with the L·HER·OPT stamp had also been manufactured there. In addition, it was theorised that this pottery had also produced plain ware. In this paper we present the results of the analysis3 of samples of the above mentioned types of pottery, carried out with the aim of shedding some light on these questions.


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Quan August va accedir al poder en solitari l'any 31 aC, Roma es trobava trastornada per un seguit de guerres civils que havien deixat l'Estat molt malparat. A partir d'aquell moment, el principal objectiu d'August va ser el retorn a la normalitat, assegurar les necessitats del poble i consolidar el règim que acabava d'inaugurar. No en va, aquest emperador presumia d'haver trobat una Roma de maons i haverla deixat de marbre. August va assumir una bona part de les despeses que generava aquesta política com si fos un veritable deure personal. Gràcies a la immensa fortuna heretada de Juli Cèsar, August va poder finançar aquells aspectes de la vida pública que més atreien els seus contemporanis. El primer ciutadà de l'Imperi es converteix també en el primer evergeta (benefactor) amb un propòsit ben interessat: captar el favor popular.