218 resultados para Lenguaje digital
This article presents a panoramic view of the development of the so-called serliana or Serlian motif throughout the Italian Renaissance, focusing on the most relevant examples in the architecture of that period. The use of this motif during the Early Renaissance was pioneered by Filippo Brunelleschi in religious buildings. As its employment become widespread in a range of different settings, architects frequently incorporated local building traditions. It was only during the last twenty years of the Quattrocento that Giuliano da Sangallo and Leonardo da Vinci adopted the Serlian arch in residential architecture designed for the ruling elites. Thanks to Bramante and other artists such as Raphael, Baldassare Peruzzi, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and Giulio Romano, the motif was extraordinarily popular during the High Renaissance period. Ever-increasingly complex and monumental compositions eased the adaptation of the serliana to both exterior and interior spaces, and in works such as the design by Galeazzo Alessi in Genoa, the imperial connotation of the motif is clear. This process illustrates the progressive transfer from the religious to the courtly sphere, and, at the same time, the permeability between the sacred and the profane. During the sixteenth century, Spain too was at the European avant-garde, due to its contacts with Italy and the latest fashions, such as the employment of the serliana in residential architecture, were followed in the fortified palace at La Calahorra, the Vich palace in Valencia, or the palace of Charles V in Granada, as part of a complex iconography of power. Throughout the sixteenth century, the serliana featured in that specifically-Spanish typology, the monumental altarpiece or retablo, as well as in monumental tombs. Italy was certainly the leading force in the process and had an indisputable influence on Spanish art, but the latter would develop its own original solutions in the sixteenth century, which matched the innovative character of Italian creations.
Cooperació sí o sí o La biblioteca digital només es podrà fer amb treball d’equip i formant aliances
Aquesta memòria s'estructura en dos grans blocs. El primer correspon a la descripció de les pràctiques que com a estudiant del Grau de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes, pertanyent als Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), he realitzat durant el curs acadèmic 2013/14 al diari digital de cultura Núvol (www.nuvol.com). D'altra banda, en el segon eix temàtic d'aquesta memòria s'ofereix una valoració i una reflexió personals d'aquestes pràctiques a nivell d'experiència i d'aprenentatge.
El trabajo recoge la creación de una revista digital especializada en contenidos de salud para dispositivos móviles, concretamente para iPad y, por tanto, para la plataforma iOS.
A lo largo de la última década, niños y jóvenes han sido etiquetados como nativos digitales. Se considera que cualquier persona nacida a partir de la década de los 80 es hablante nativo de una lengua digital basada en el uso de los ordenadores, los videojuegos e Internet. De todos modos, algunos autores cuestionan este concepto ¿se trata realmente de jóvenes que aprenden de modo distinto, o simplemente incorporan algunas herramientas y procedimientos nuevos a su forma de acceder a la información y socializarse? El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación (Usos de las TIC entre los estudiantes universitarios: perspectiva académica y social de los procesos de aprendizaje mediados. EDU2009-12125) centrada en el uso de las TIC que hacen los jóvenes universitarios de las diferentes universidades de Cataluña. Los resultados revelan distintos usos de las tecnologías, diferenciados por los ámbitos de uso y se alinean en las visiones críticas del concepto de nativo digital. La relevancia de los resultados apuntan a lineas emergentes de investigación para seguir mejorando la educación superior.
Beatriz Gallardo Paúls ha publicado Usos políticos del lenguaje. Se trata de un libro sobre análisis del discurso que destaca por ser doblemente provechoso. Lo es porque reúne, sin solución de continuidad, un marco teóricodiverso y relevante y el análisis de discurso político. La obra articula con concisión y lucidez un discurso formativo, detallado y aplicado. Para ofrecer este resultado, la autora utiliza elementos de pragmática y de semántica cognitiva. La autora es catedrática de Lingüística en la Universidad de Valencia. Beatriz Gallardo Paúls se ha especializado en análisis conversacional y ha realizado estudios sobre discurso privado, en particular en el ámbito clínico, y sobre discurso público. Una clave de esta dedicación se halla en la identidad de su departamento, el de Teoría de los Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Comunicación. La consecuencia es que la lingüística se concibe como una disciplina que adquiere una dimensión aplicada e interdisciplinar. Lo que parece un factor administrativo puede tener una gran repercusión científica. Un efecto afortunado de esta concepción abierta, práctica e inquisitiva es la edición del libro que nos ocupa, 'Usos políticos del lenguaje'.
The multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change produced by population ageing affects not only the quality of life of elderly people but also of our societies. Some dimensions of population ageing grow and expand over time (e.g. knowledge of the world events, or experience in particular situations), while others decline (e.g. reaction time, physical and psychological strength, or other functional abilities like reduced speed and tiredness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help elderly to overcome possible limitations due to ageing. As a particular case, biometrics can allow the development of new algorithms for early detection of cognitive impairments, by processing continuous speech, handwriting or other challenged abilities. Among all possibilities, digital applications (Apps) for mobile phones or tablets can allow the dissemination of such tools. In this article, after presenting and discussing the process of population ageing and its social implications, we explore how ICTs through different Apps can lead to new solutions for facing this major demographic challenge.
This article argues that interactive documentaries play a key role in digital multicasting strategies the author offers analysis of the latest trends in this area from three angles: the documentery subject, the support/ platform, and the user experience.
Quince años después de la aparición de los primeros diarios en Internet, los medios de comunicación en general y la prensa en particular se encuentran inmersos en una situación singularmente crítica, incierta y desconcertante. En estos momentos de cambios profundos se mezclan amenazas y oportunidades en un cóctel aún incierto del cual no se sabe muy bien qué surgirá.Las amenazas provienen de la crisis de la prensa escrita, acuciada por la pérdida de lectores y el descenso de la publicidad, por la aparición de nuevos agentes informativos y por las dudas sobre el papel mediador del periodista.La crisis económica, iniciada con virulencia en los últimos meses del 2008, provocó entre otros efectos una drástica reducción de las inversiones de las empresas e instituciones en publicidad en medios, hecho que ataca frontalmente el modelo de negocio de los diarios. Al agudo golpe acusado en la reducción de ingresos publicitarios, se superpone un cambio cultural de gran calado en los hábitos de consumo de noticias, que se va abriendo paso a medida que las nuevas (y no tan nuevas) generaciones de lectores dejan de comprar diarios en papel (o reducen su consumo) para leer las informaciones de actualidad directamente en Internet.Además, las informaciones de actualidad ahora ya no solamente las ofrecen las cabeceras en línea de los medios de comunicación convencionales, sino también una variada oferta de productos y servicios: agregadores, blogs, webs sociales, redes sociales, twitter, etcétera, con lo cual la hegemonía informativa de la que disfrutaban los medios de comunicación de masas en la época «analógica», se difumina en el entorno digital y a la vez también se debilita el papel del periodista como mediador entre la realidad y la audiencia. De esta forma se constata que los cambios no son tan solo económicos, sino que afectan también a la esencia de la función de la prensa y de los periodistas...
The ability to recognize mental states in oneself and others, or the theory of mind, has been a widely studied topic in last years. Traditionally, these studies have focused on the understanding of false belief, one of the most important milestones in its development. Studies conducted with children with language difficulties suggest that they have a delay in false belief acquisition. On the other hand, numerous studies have established a relationship between the understanding of false belief and language skills. In particular, it has been suggested that training based in labelling objects with double perspective facilitates the understanding of false belief. The aim of the present study is to test the effect of the structuration level of labelling training in a group of children with difficulties in language development. A total of 14 children, aged between 58 and 107 months, were trained in 3 sessions, and a pre-test and a post-test were administered to evaluate the effects of the training. The results confirm a delay in false belief understanding in children with developmental language difficulties, and suggest that the structured labelling training is effective to improve this understanding
In the past years a considerable amount of research has been carried out on the development of theory of mind (ToM) reporting that language and ToM performance are correlated. However it is less clear what aspect of language is related with ToM development. Some studies show a greater influence of semantics aspects, whereas others suggest that sentential complement sentences, a specific aspect of syntax, are crucial for false belief understanding (FB). Yet others argue that pragmatic abilities correlate with FB understanding. The aim of this study is investigate, on the one side, the development of ToM between the ages of 6 and 8 and on the other side, the relationship between some aspects of language and the ToM improvement. Several ToM tasks were administrated to evaluate children’s performance at two different ages (60 participants aged 6 and 8 years) and four tasks to assess language abilities. The results show a significant increase in the understanding of the mind between the ages of 6 and 8. Furthermore, results reveal a significant relationship between syntax and tasks that require FB understanding, while pragmatics is more strongly associated with tasks that involve more complex socio-cognitive understandings
Many educators and educational institutions have yet to integrate web-based practices into their classrooms and curricula. As a result, it can be difficult to prototype and evaluate approaches to transforming classrooms from static endpoints to dynamic, content-creating nodes in the online information ecosystem. But many scholastic journalism programs have already embraced the capabilities of the Internet for virtual collaboration, dissemination, and reader participation. Because of this, scholastic journalism can act as a test-bed for integrating web-based sharing and collaboration practices into classrooms. Student Journalism 2.0 was a research project to integrate open copyright licenses into two scholastic journalism programs, to document outcomes, and to identify recommendations and remaining challenges for similar integrations. Video and audio recordings of two participating high school journalism programs informed the research. In describing the steps of our integration process, we note some important legal, technical, and social challenges. Legal worries such as uncertainty over copyright ownership could lead districts and administrators to disallow open licensing of student work. Publication platforms among journalism classrooms are far from standardized, making any integration of new technologies and practices difficult to achieve at scale. And teachers and students face challenges re-conceptualizing the role their class work can play online.