186 resultados para Pagès


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En este artículo exponemos los resultados de tres años de experimentación en un cultivo de alfalfa con sistema de regadío estival, en el Valle medio del Ebro.El objetivo ha sido comprobar hasta qué punto la utilización de herbicida y de abonado mejora la producción (en materia seca) y la calidad (porcentaje de proteína) en el forraje de alfalfa cultivado.


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Antisocial and criminal behaviors are multifactorial traits whose interpretation relies on multiple disciplines. Since these interpretations may have social, moral and legal implications, a constant review of the evidence is necessary before any scientific claim is considered as truth. A recent study proposed that men with wider faces relative to facial height (fWHR) are more likely to develop unethical behaviour mediated by a psychological sense of power. This research was based on reports suggesting that sexual dimorphism and selection would be responsible for a correlation between fWHR and aggression. Here we show that 4,960 individuals from 94 modern human populations belonging to a vast array of genetic and cultural contexts do not display significant amounts of fWHR sexual dimorphism. Further analyses using populations with associated ethnographical records as well as samples of male prisoners of the Mexico City Federal Penitentiary condemned by crimes of variable level of inter-personal aggression (homicide, robbery, and minor faults) did not show significant evidence, suggesting that populations/individuals with higher levels of bellicosity, aggressive behaviour, or power-mediated behaviour display greater fWHR. Finally, a regression analysis of fWHR on individual"s fitness showed no significant correlation between this facial trait and reproductive success. Overall, our results suggest that facial attributes are poor predictors of aggressive behaviour, or at least, that sexual selection was weak enough to leave a signal on patterns of between- and within-sex and population facial variation.


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This paper analyses the problem that an incumbent faces during the legislature when deciding how to react to citizen proposals such as the outcome of referenda or popular initiatives. We argue that these proposals constitute a potential source of electoral disadvantage when citizens factor in their evaluation of the incumbent his reaction to these proposals. This is because an incumbent politician may jeopardize his re-election by implementing policies close to his preferred ones but unpopular among the electorate. We characterize conditions under which this potential disadvantage becomes in fact an electoral advantage for the incumbent. We find that the choices of the incumbent during the legislature will be closest to citizens policy proposals when the intensity of electoral competition is neither too soft nor too tough. Finally, we use our results to discuss some implications of the use of mechanisms such as referenda and popular assemblies on electoral competition and on the incumbency advantage phenomenon.


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Catastrophic storms have been observed to be one of the major elements in shaping the standing structure of marine benthic ecosystems. Yet, little is known about the effect of catastrophic storms on ecosystem processes. Specifically, herbivory is the main control mechanism of macrophyte communities in the Mediterranean, with two main key herbivores: the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the fish Sarpa salpa. Consequently, the effects of extreme storm events on these two herbivores (at the population level and on their behaviour) may be critical for the functioning of the ecosystem. With the aim of filling this gap, we took advantage of two parallel studies that were conducted before, during and after an unexpected catastrophic storm event. Specifically, fish and sea urchin abundance were assessed before and after the storm in monitored fixed areas (one site for sea urchin assessment and 3 sites for fish visual transects). Additionally, we investigated the behavioural response to the disturbance of S. salpa fishes that had been tagged with acoustic transmitters. Given their low mobility, sea urchins were severely affected by the storm (ca. 50% losses) with higher losses in those patches with a higher density of sea urchins. This may be due to a limited availability of refuges within each patch. In contrast, fish abundance was not affected, as fish were able to move to protected areas (i.e. deeper) as a result of the high mobility of this species. Our results highlight that catastrophic storms differentially affect the two dominant macroherbivores of rocky macroalgal and seagrass systems due to differences in mobility and escaping strategies. This study emphasises that under catastrophic disturbances, the presence of different responses among the key herbivores of the system may be critical for the maintenance of the herbivory function.


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Este artículo se ha realizado desde una posición de cautela ante el ruido mediático y la agitación social reactiva en torno a la violencia de género y la violencia en la escuela. Porque el género y sus violencias van más allá de quien las ejerce y contra quien. Las alarmas sociales simplifican y reducen la realidad, silencian y a veces naturalizan a otros agentes de la trama de la violencia. De ahí que la finalidad de este artículo sea explorar -a partir de lecturas y de las evidencias aportadas por una investigación sobre las experiencias de aprendizaje de un grupo de jóvenes en torno a las masculinidades- otras maneras de pensar, posicionarse y actuar en la relación entre género y formas de violencia.


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Un parc científic té dos objectius primordials. El primer és actuar d’ens catalitzador del desenvolupament econòmic regional. El segon implica facilitar l’aparició i el creixement de noves empreses de base tecnològica i alhora, la transferència de coneixement de la universitat a les empreses


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The objective of this article is to identify differential traits of successful SMEs in comparison to average SME firms in the textile and clothing sector. The method used is the multiple case-study of 12 firms based on qualitative and quantitative data obtained by means of in-depth interviews. Building on recent academic literature, we use four main dimensions that may explain success: i) knowledge generation (R&D) and acquisition; ii) innovation activity; iii) product and market characteristics and iv) strategic characteristics. Our results indicate that a higher R&D intensity and knowledge acquisition do not explain success. The main differential characteristic is that successful firms have a higher level of innovation activity, since innovation is their strategic priority, being a result of perceiving the key success factors of their markets differently. From the analysis it also follows that the prevalent strategy of successful firms is the niche strategy, with a demand pull focus, and a high proximity to the customer


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Aquest treball explora la llengua del diari del pagès Joan de la Guàrdia, de l'Esquirol, escrit al segle XVII durant la guerra dels Segadors. El treball està fet a partir d'una anàlisi dels principals trets morfològics, sintàctics i lexicosemàntics del diari, així com de l'ortografia i de les característiques d'escriptura del document original. Al treball també s'estableix una comparativa d'aquest text amb d'altres del mateix moment, d'abans i de després de la zona, així com amb l'actual parla del Collsacabra.


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Aquest article presenta els resultats de l’anàlisi de cinquanta-dues unitats de transferència de tecnologia generada al sector públic. L’objectiu de l’anàlisi era aportar informació i coneixement adreçats a facilitar en el nostre entorn el disseny d’unitats de comercialització de patents i spin-offs per part de les autoritats universitàries i de les agències d’innovació. El projecte ha estat finançat pel Centre d'Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial (CIDEM) de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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Anàlisi de les característiques estructurals dels panells sàndwich tenint en compte la novanorma UNE-EN 14509. Estudi per tal d’adequar la informació tècnica que ofereix l’empresa Huurre Iberica S.A.als requisits d’aquesta norma. L’anàlisi de les característiques tècniques i estructurals s’aplicarà a una part dels panellsfrigorífics i dels panels per cobertes i façanes que fabrica Huurre Iberica S.A. Concretament,s’analitzaran els panells HI-PIR/PUR F , HI-PIR/PUR ST Standard, HIPIR/PUR ST Llis, i HI-PIR/PUR CT. A més, es tindrà en compte que elpanell és irreversible, és a dir la càrrega s’aplica únicament a una cara del panell


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Identification of clouds from satellite images is now a routine task. Observation of clouds from the ground, however, is still needed to acquire a complete description of cloud conditions. Among the standard meteorologicalvariables, solar radiation is the most affected by cloud cover. In this note, a method for using global and diffuse solar radiation data to classify sky conditions into several classes is suggested. A classical maximum-likelihood method is applied for clustering data. The method is applied to a series of four years of solar radiation data and human cloud observations at a site in Catalonia, Spain. With these data, the accuracy of the solar radiation method as compared with human observations is 45% when nine classes of sky conditions are to be distinguished, and it grows significantly to almost 60% when samples are classified in only five different classes. Most errors are explained by limitations in the database; therefore, further work is under way with a more suitable database


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Los docentes de los distintos ciclos del sistema educativo que están comenzando su vida profesional,si permanecen en esta actividad, trabajarán durante los próximos treinta o cuarentaaños con personas que vivirán parte de su vida en el siglo XXII. Este hecho constituye un puntode reflexión para los educadores quienes recibimos nuestra formación básica en el sigloXX, estamos desarrollando nuestro trabajo en el XXI, y tenemos la responsabilidad de preparara individuos para que puedan construir un mañana que ya es hoy (Millán y Sancho, 1995).Aquí comienza el interés de nuestros grupos de investigación por explorar cómo los hombresy las mujeres que han salido en los últimos años de las facultades de formación del profesorado,con las especialidades de educación infantil y primaria, aprenden a ser docentes. Cómose han ido constituyendo y posicionando como maestros y maestras durante la formación inicial y los primeros años de su vida profesional...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...