The objective of this study is to gather information regarding the adaptation of the range of socio educational projects and services aimed at the transition to an adult life of young persons with intellectual disabilities in Spain. The research of the study has been done in three stages. During each stage, a specific tool has been used. One to one in-depth interviews have been undertaken with 45 professionals and 20 individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Delphi method has been applied to two panels consisting of 20 experts each. Firstly, results focus on the approach to different issues related to the devices. Secondly, the training opportunities that these individuals receive to ease the transition period is addressed. And finally, the study refers to the participation of the individuals themselves and their families in the process. The developed analysis allows us to propose strategies to improve the transition to adult life
Supported Employment (SE) is a clear alternative to the work inclusion of people with severe mental disorder (SMD). This article has two purposes: first, to show the possibilities of application of the SE with people with SMD, secondly, to establish the main lines that are configured as elements favoring the inclusion processes of this group work by SE. A piece of research has been carried out based on interviews of professionals with experience in supporting the work inclusion of people with SMD, focusing on the key factors that these professionals perceive as key elements for successful work inclusion processes. The awareness of the disease by the worker with SMD, the organization of the support processes throughout the insertion process, the relationship with the company as well as with the family and the characteristics of the health network are among the factors that, according to the research results, appear to be key factors for successful and less successful work inclusion processes. The information obtained provides insight into how people with SMD develop work inclusion processes with supported employment and help us to suggest some strategies to improve these processes
¿Cómo responde el cerebro de una persona con ansiedad a las matemáticas? Nuestro estudio muestra que los estudiantes con mucha ansiedad hacia las matemáticas presentan un componente llamado negatividad asociada al error (NAE) de mayor tamaño que aquellos con poca ansiedad. Esta diferencia emerge en errores en tareas numéricas, lo que sugiere que las personas con alta ansiedad son hipersensibles a la comisión de estos errores. Este hallazgo aporta nuevo conocimiento sobre las bases cerebrales de la ansiedad hacia las matemáticas y sugiere que esta hipersensibilidad al error numérico podría ser un factor determinante tanto en el origen como en el mantenimiento de esta ansiedad.
Depending on the various models explaining the burnout syndrome, different questionnaires have been developed to asses this topic, the most widely-used is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Moreover, in trying to asses this syndrome in a faster and more practical way, several authors have developed other instruments with fewer items. The present investigation aims: 1. Study the prevalence of burnout syndrome perceived using a simple measure of self-reported burnout, and to analyse its association with the scales of MBI. 2. Study demographic and work conditions associated with the perceived burnout. 3. Relate the burnout to personal and work evaluations. The sample consist of 6150 health professionals in Latin America (mainly from Argentina but with representation from Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, Guatemala and Spain, among others. The mean age of the sample was 42.4 years, 52.7% were males. They were supplied with an online questionnaire through the health web page ”Intramed” in order to measure characteristics, perceptions and professional opinions. The MBI and a simple question to assess perceptions of burnout (Do you feel burnt out ?) was also included. The results indicated that 36.3% of the sample has the perception of “burnt out” or burnout . The perceived burnout is closely related to emotional exhaustion and is independent of depersonalisation. The burnout is associated with the perceived sense of personal and family deterioration due to working conditions, and the idea of abandoning the profession
A research about the quality of life of the older persons of a municipality starting from the analysis of the perceptions, evaluations and expectations related to concrete spheres of their lives (familiar characteristics, housing, health, nearby environment, activities, needs and dependencies and persons helping them to satisfy needs) is presented. Answers to 1988 questionnaires obtained from two representative samples of older per - sons living in private homes in the city have been analysed: persons over 65 years old and a specific one composed by a sub-sample of the general one, with persons over 75 years living alone. Data shaping contextual indicators related to housing have been analysed. The auto - nomy to drive and the evaluation of on’s health seem to be positive indicators to take in account while sutying quality of life at these ages. Sentinel indicators of the physical and relational conditions in the family and indicators of dependency are analysed as well. The evaluations of the older persons about their own life conditions are also analysed through psychosocial indicators connected to housing, nearby environmenent, their activities andincomes. The results obtained are applicable in order to improve the decision making process in social intervention programmes developed in the field of ageing aiming to take into account their perspectives