176 resultados para Contractes agrícoles -- Balearic Islands -- Menorca


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Mercurialis canariensis Obbard & S. A. Harris is an endemic plant recently described from the Canary Islands (OBBARD et al., 2006b: 103). This taxon went undetected until recently, having been included within the variability of the Mercurialis annua sensu lato complex (HANSEN & SUNDING, 1993:170; STIERSTORFER & GAISBERG, 2006).


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Comparative phylogeography seeks for commonalities in the spatial demographic history of sympatric organisms to characterize the mechanisms that shaped such patterns. The unveiling of incongruent phylogeographic patterns in co-occurring species, on the other hand, may hint to overlooked differences in their life histories or microhabitat preferences. The woodlouse-hunter spiders of the genus Dysdera have undergone a major diversi cation on the Canary Islands. The species pair Dysdera alegranzaensis and Dysdera nesiotes are endemic to the island of Lanzarote and nearby islets, where they co-occur at most of their known localities. The two species stand in sharp contrast to other sympatric endemic Dysdera in showing no evidence of somatic (non-genitalic) differentiation. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of mitochondrial cox1 sequences from an exhaustive sample of D. alegranzaensis and D. nesiotes specimens, and additional mitochondrial (16S, L1, nad1) and nuclear genes (28S, H3) were analysed to reveal their phylogeographic patterns and clarify their phylogenetic relationships. Relaxed molecular clock models using ve calibration points were further used to estimate divergence times between species and populations. Striking differences in phylogeography and population structure between the two species were observed. Dysdera nesiotes displayed a metapopulation-like structure, while D. alegranzaensis was characterized by a weaker geographical structure but greater genetic divergences among its main haplotype lineages, suggesting more complex population dynamics. Our study con rms that co-distributed sibling species may exhibit contrasting phylogeographic patterns in the absence of somatic differentiation. Further ecological studies, however, will be necessary to clarify whether the contrasting phylogeographies may hint at an overlooked niche partitioning between the two species. In addition, further comparisons with available phylogeographic data of other eastern Canarian Dysdera endemics con rm the key role of lava ows in structuring local populations in oceanic islands and identify localities that acted as refugia during volcanic eruptions


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L'article exposa la racionalització i la sostenibilitat en la captació, l'emmagatzematge i el posterior ús de les aigües d'un mas de la Catalunya central. L'estructuració d'una xarxa de recollida d'aigües d'escolament superficial a l'entorn d'un turó proper al mas va permetre l'acumulació de volums d'aigua renovables en una bassa, malgrat l'aridesa climàtica i la pràctica absència de recursos hídrics subterranis. D'altra banda, la recollida de les aigües pluvials es complementava amb les aigües de les teulades connetades a una cisterna interior i amb un pou obert situat al mateix coll del mas. Aquests recursos hídrics permetien uns usos diversificats en relació a les activitats domèstiques, ramaderes i agrícoles que es realitzaven en el mas. Les dones s'ocupaven de les labors de neteja, de l'elaboració del menjar, de la higiene i de l'aviram, mentre que els homes s'encarregavem del bestiar, l'hort i els conreus. El mas Sanmartí constitueix un exemple reeixit d'aquest emmagatzematge divers i dispers d'aigües lligat a un ús sostenible.


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Al Cap de Shirr e ff (Fig. 1) hi aflora una successió volcànica de com a mínim 450 m de potència, constituïda principalment per laves i, en menor proporció, bretxes vulcanoclàstiques (Fig. 2). Les laves són basalts olivínics subalcalins i andesites basàltiques, que generalment tenen un aspecte massiu. Tot i això, la successió volcànica localment forma una alternança decimètrica de nivells durs i tous, amb potències va r i a bles i presència local de discordances angulars i onlaps, que reflecteixen geometries deposicionals complexes. A la zona nord del Cap de Shirr e ff hi ha aflorament de bretxes vulcanoclàstiques d"aspecte massiu, que localment tenen intercalacions de laves...


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The loss of species during the Holocene was, dramatically more important on islands than on continents. Seabirds from islands are very vulnerable to human-induced alterations such as habitat destruction, hunting and exotic predators. For example, in the genus Puffinus (family Procellariidae) the extinction of at least five species has been recorded during the Holocene, two of them coming from the Canary Islands.


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The genetic impact associated to the Neolithic spread in Europe has been widely debated over the last 20 years. Within this context, ancient DNA studies have provided a more reliable picture by directly analyzing the protagonist populations at different regions in Europe. However, the lack of available data from the original Near Eastern farmers has limited the achieved conclusions, preventing the formulation of continental models of Neolithic expansion. Here we address this issue by presenting mitochondrial DNA data of the original Near-Eastern Neolithic communities with the aim of providing the adequate background for the interpretation of Neolithic genetic data from European samples. Sixty-three skeletons from the Pre Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) sites of Tell Halula, Tell Ramad and Dja'de El Mughara dating between 8,700-6,600 cal. B.C. were analyzed, and 15 validated mitochondrial DNA profiles were recovered. In order to estimate the demographic contribution of the first farmers to both Central European and Western Mediterranean Neolithic cultures, haplotype and haplogroup diversities in the PPNB sample were compared using phylogeographic and population genetic analyses to available ancient DNA data from human remains belonging to the Linearbandkeramik-Alföldi Vonaldiszes Kerámia and Cardial/Epicardial cultures. We also searched for possible signatures of the original Neolithic expansion over the modern Near Eastern and South European genetic pools, and tried to infer possible routes of expansion by comparing the obtained results to a database of 60 modern populations from both regions. Comparisons performed among the 3 ancient datasets allowed us to identify K and N-derived mitochondrial DNA haplogroups as potential markers of the Neolithic expansion, whose genetic signature would have reached both the Iberian coasts and the Central European plain. Moreover, the observed genetic affinities between the PPNB samples and the modern populations of Cyprus and Crete seem to suggest that the Neolithic was first introduced into Europe through pioneer seafaring colonization.


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Data about breeding populations of birds in the Antarctica are rare and fragmented. Thus, information about the status of the breeding populations of Antarctic birds is crucial given the current scenario of climate change, which is particularly acute in Antarctica. This paper presents new information about the populations of the Antarctic tern Sterna vittata, the kelp gull Larus dominicanus, the southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus, the Antarctic skua Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi, the chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica and the gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands). We used line transects counts to estimate both densities and numbers of nests of the different species. We estimate that there are 398.96 birds km-2 of southern giant petrels (2793 individuals), 62.4 birds km-2 of Antarctic tern (3746 individuals) and 269.1 birds km-2 of kelp gull (1884 individuals). Furthermore, we found 15 nests of Antarctic skua in 25 km2, from which we can estimate that 6091 birds must breed on Byers Peninsula. We also censused two colonies of gentoo penguins (3000 and 1200 pairs) and 50 pairs of chinstrap. Compared to previous estimates, gentoo penguins seem to have increased whereas chinstrap penguin have decreased. Finally, the populations of Antarctic tern, southern giant petrel and kelp gull have stabilized or slightly increased.


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Majolica pottery was the most characteristic tableware produced in Europe during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Because of the prestige and importance attributed to this ware, Spanish majolica was imported in vast quantities into the Americas during the Spanish Colonial period. A study of Spanish majolica was conducted on a set of 186 samples from the 10 primary majolica production centres on the Iberian Peninsula and 22 sherds from two early colonial archaeological sites on the Canary Islands. The samples were analysed by neutron activation analysis (NAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical approaches. Our results show a clear discrimination between different production centres, allowing a reliable provenance attribution of the sherds from the Canary Islands.


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Aquest Projecte Fi de Carrera consisteix en l’elaboració d’un projecte per poder realitzar la implantació d’un centre de repoblació de llamàntols del mediterrani i contribuir en el restabliment de l’equilibri de crustacis marins a la costa de Menorca. El centre de repoblació s’ubica en una piscifartoria de cria de llobarros i aurades actualment tancada a ‘Sa Caleta de Binillautí’ de Menorca. Es realitza la reforma pertinent de les instal·lacions i edificacions existent per adaptar-les al cultiu del llamàntol. El procés aqüícola consisteix en agafar llamàntols femella gràvides del medi, els ous s’eclosionen i s’obtenen les larves de llamàntol en condicions controlades. D’aquesta manera s’augmenta la taxa de supervivència de les larves. Aquestes es preengreixen en el viver i s’obtenen les postlarves d’últim estadi aptes per engreixar-les en les muscleres del port de Maó. Finalment aquestes postlarves o juvenils serveixen per repoblar la costa del mar de Menorca. Ha estat indispensable l’elaboració d’una memòria, uns annexes relacionats amb la memòria, el plec de condicions, uns plànols i un pressupost. Dins del projecte s’ha de destacar la importància de les particularitats del cultiu del llamàntol, les instal·lacions de subministrament d’aigua marina i l’estudi de viabilitat realitzat.


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Studies conducted on volcanic islands have greatly contributed to our current understanding of how organisms diversify. The Canary Islands archipelago, located northwest of the coast of northern Africa, harbours a large number of endemic taxa. Because of their low vagility, mygalomorph spiders are usually absent from oceanic islands. The spider Titanidiops canariensis, which inhabits the easternmost islands of the archipelago, constitutes an exception to this rule. Here, we use a multi-locus approach that combines three mitochondrial and four nuclear genes to investigate the origins and phylogeography of this remarkable trap-door spider. We provide a timeframe for the colonisation of the Canary Islands using two alternative approaches: concatenation and species tree inference in a Bayesian relaxed clock framework. Additionally, we investigate the existence of cryptic species on the islands by means of a Bayesian multi-locus species delimitation method. Our results indicate that T. canariensis colonised the Canary Islands once, most likely during the Miocene, although discrepancies between the timeframes from different approaches make the exact timing uncertain. A complex evolutionary history for the species in the archipelago is revealed, which involves two independent colonisations of Fuerteventura from the ancestral range of T. canariensis in northern Lanzarote and a possible back colonisation of southern Lanzarote. The data further corroborate a previously proposed volcanic refugium, highlighting the impact of the dynamic volcanic history of the island on the phylogeographic patterns of the endemic taxa. T. canariensis includes at least two different species, one inhabiting the Jandia peninsula and central Fuerteventura and one spanning from central Fuerteventura to Lanzarote. Our data suggest that the extant northern African Titanidiops lineages may have expanded to the region after the islands were colonised and, hence, are not the source of colonisation. In addition, T. maroccanus may harbour several cryptic species.


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El present treball de final de grau tracta el tema de l’evolució del poblament del municipi de Ciutadella de Menorca i la seva contextualització a les Illes Balears, gràcies al Nomenclàtor del 1860. Per tal de realitzar un estudi aproximat del que pot haver passat, s’han pres tres moments històrics de referència: el 1860, el 1957 i l’actualitat. D’aquesta manera, amb la observació dels canvis en el poblament i la seva relació amb la població, m’he adonat de la tendència creixent d’aquests indicadors, els quals sofrien un canvi de tendència al voltant dels anys seixanta tot augmentat de forma accelerada. La causa d’aquest augment es troba relacionada amb l’aparició del turisme de masses, que va atreure tant immigració interessada en la gran oferta de treball, com turistes interessats en gaudir d’allò que Menorca –i el municipi en qüestió- els oferia. Parlem llavors d’una “revolució turística”.