308 resultados para Catalan -- Història
On the occasion of the recent death of the madrilenian culture historian Vicente Cacho Viu, the authors expose the main lines of his historical work. They point out the importance of Cacho's research on the periord of the Restauración, mainly his studies on the liberal education institution Institución Libre de Enseñanza. They also consider Cacho's interest in Catalonia, remembering the time he spent teaching at Barcelona University, paying attention to his works on catalan modernisme. The article includes a systematic bibliography of Cacho's works.
This "Introduction" underlines the multi-explanatory causes that explain the incorporation of the cultural approaches and methodologies to today's Catalan Social History.
The Catalan historian Miquel Batllori (1909-2003), had developed an important performance in many aspects of intellectual activities. He developed an extensive studies in many historical subjects. The author considers mainly the Batllori works connected with cultural history.
El dos de noviembre de 1935 se inauguró el Museo Arqueológico de Barcelona, sito en el antiguo edificio del Palacio de las Artes Gráficas construido para la Exposición Universal de 1929. Era el resultado de una ardua trayectoria iniciada por Pere Bosch Gimpera en 1916 por la que intentaba aplicar en Cataluña el esquema tripartito de protección del patrimonio histórico-artístico y arqueológico que había aprendido durante su estancia en Alemania como becario de la JAE entre 1911 y 1914, basado en la suma de tres conceptos: investigación, docencia y difusión. El nuevo equipamiento nacía bajo los auspicios de la Generalitat republicana y tras haber superado múltiples obstáculos derivados de la concepción clasista y winckelmaniana que ejercían tanto los responsables del museo del parque de la Ciudadela, como los integrantes de la Junta de Museos de Barcelona, más preocupados por el goce artístico de las obras de arte que por su inclusión como documentos en el ámbito del estudio de los procesos históricos.
El fet de viure i de formar part d'una comunitat suposa, per a les persones que la integren, un procés de socialització i d'aprenentatge continuat. La creació i la transmissió de la cultura d'una generació a l'altra implica unes modalitats d'aprenentatge que transcendeixen el temps i l'espai limitats de l'educació formal, per comprendre pràcticament qualsevol moment i situació de la vida. Així doncs, el concepte de l'educació permanent no és un descobriment pedagògic modern, esta present en la practica de la humanitat des deis seus orígens, i podem trobar referencies sobre aquest tema en les antigues civilitzacions xinesa, índia, grega, al cristianisme, a l'humanisme, al Renaixement, etc. Però és durant el període il·lustrat quan la idea d'una educació per a tothom més enllà de la infància i de l'adolescència s'expressa amb més claredat que en èpoques anteriors.
The Oligocene deposits of Montgat are integrated in a small outcrop made up of Cenozoic and Mesozoic rocks located in the Garraf-Montnegre horst, close to the major Barcelona fault. The Oligocene of Montgat consists of detrital sediments of continental origin mainly deposited in alluvial fan environments; these deposits are folded and affected by thrusts and strike-slip faults. They can be divided in two lithostratigraphic units separated by a minor southwest-directed thrust: (i) the Turó de Montgat Unit composed of litharenites and lithorudites with high contents of quartz, feldspar, plutonic and limestone rock fragments; and (ii) the Pla de la Concòrdia Unit composed of calcilitharenites and calcilithorudites with high contents of dolosparite and dolomicrite rock fragments. The petrological composition of both units indicates that sediments were derived from the erosion of Triassic (Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk and Keuper facies), Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks (Barremian to Aptian in age). Stratigraphic and petrological data suggest that these units correspond to two coalescent alluvial fans with a source area located northwestwards in the adjoining Collserola and Montnegre inner areas. Micromammal fossils (Archaeomys sp.) found in a mudstone layer of the Pla de la Concòrdia Unit assign a Chattian age (Late Oligocene) to the studied materials. Thus, the Montgat deposits are the youngest dated deposits affected by the contractional deformation that led to the development of the Catalan Intraplate Chain. Taking into account that the oldest syn-rift deposits in the Catalan Coastal Ranges are Aquitanian in age, this allows to precise that the change from a compressive to an extensional regime in this area took place during latest Oligocene-earliest Aquitanian times. This age indicates that the onset of crustal extension related to the opening of the western Mediterranean Basin started in southern France during latest Eocene-early Oligocene and propagated southwestward, affecting the Catalan Coastal Ranges and the northeastern part of the Valencia trough during the latest Chattian-earliest Aquitanian times.
The Oligocene deposits of Montgat are integrated in a small outcrop made up of Cenozoic and Mesozoic rocks located in the Garraf-Montnegre horst, close to the major Barcelona fault. The Oligocene of Montgat consists of detrital sediments of continental origin mainly deposited in alluvial fan environments; these deposits are folded and affected by thrusts and strike-slip faults. They can be divided in two lithostratigraphic units separated by a minor southwest-directed thrust: (i) the Turó de Montgat Unit composed of litharenites and lithorudites with high contents of quartz, feldspar, plutonic and limestone rock fragments; and (ii) the Pla de la Concòrdia Unit composed of calcilitharenites and calcilithorudites with high contents of dolosparite and dolomicrite rock fragments. The petrological composition of both units indicates that sediments were derived from the erosion of Triassic (Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk and Keuper facies), Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks (Barremian to Aptian in age). Stratigraphic and petrological data suggest that these units correspond to two coalescent alluvial fans with a source area located northwestwards in the adjoining Collserola and Montnegre inner areas. Micromammal fossils (Archaeomys sp.) found in a mudstone layer of the Pla de la Concòrdia Unit assign a Chattian age (Late Oligocene) to the studied materials. Thus, the Montgat deposits are the youngest dated deposits affected by the contractional deformation that led to the development of the Catalan Intraplate Chain. Taking into account that the oldest syn-rift deposits in the Catalan Coastal Ranges are Aquitanian in age, this allows to precise that the change from a compressive to an extensional regime in this area took place during latest Oligocene-earliest Aquitanian times. This age indicates that the onset of crustal extension related to the opening of the western Mediterranean Basin started in southern France during latest Eocene-early Oligocene and propagated southwestward, affecting the Catalan Coastal Ranges and the northeastern part of the Valencia trough during the latest Chattian-earliest Aquitanian times.
This article explores the case of Barcelona as paradigmatic global city in such transnational productions as Vicky Cristina Barcelona by Woody Allen (2008) and Biutiful by Alejandro González Iñárritu (2010). Allen"s film shows the extreme dilution that national and linguistic identity undergoes under foreign eyes in its rendition of a"hip Barcelona" for tourists"invaded" by transnational subjects in search of bourgeois pleasures. Maybe in pursuit of a more"real" city, Iñárritu"s Biutiful moves to the Barcelona of the immigrants and the undocumented, a transnational and paradoxical location inhabited by those who need to cross borders in order to survive. Through reference to the work of Manuel Castells, Saskia Sassen, Neil Smith and Michel De Certeau among others, we argue that neither of these representations of the city is more real or unreal than the other. In their drastically divergent ways, both films contribute their external perspectives to the imaginary construction of Barcelona as a fascinating global city and can be seen as a dyptich of a transnational Barcelona. Further, they contribute to the ongoing debate about the polarization between the local and the global, the construction of urban boarders inside cities through gentrification, the transformation of the places we (would like to) inhabit, and the translation of all these into visual terms.
In Catalan, sequences of sibilants are never pronounced as such. In most contexts all varieties coincide in the «strategies» used to avoid these sequences, namely epenthesis or deletion. Variation is only found in the domain of pronominal clitics (but not with other types of clitics). One source of variation is accounted for by decomposing a general constraint into two specific ones, which implies partial constraint reranking. The other source of variation, which involves a case of apparent opacity, is explained through an Output-Output constraint that makes reference to paradigmatic relations.
There is in Catalan a set of verbs, the so-called «velar verbs», whose differential characteristic consists in presenting a velar segment between the root and the inflectional suffixes in certain morphosyntactic contexts. This velar segment has traditionally been considered as being part of the root in the contexts where it occurs, and has been made responsible for the typical allomorphic character of velar verbs. Under the assumption that regular verbs are only one-root verbs, velar verbs have been treated as irregular verbs. Nevertheless, neither the phonic character of the velar segment nor the marginal character of velar verbs is clear. The aim of this paper is to present a different account of velar verbs on the basis of the inflectional morphological character of the velar segment. The work is split into two parts. The first one focuses on standard Catalan, and tries to show that in this variety velar verbs are better treated as regular verbs. The second one focuses on other Catalan varieties, and aims to exhibit the incoherence implied in the traditional treatment of velar verbs in the context of the Catalan language as a whole. The discussion is mainly developed on morphological grounds, halfway between theory and description.
L'article fa un recorregut per la història del tractament de la diversitat lingüística a Europa, tan marcada per la ideologia de l'Estat-nació. Europa, en el seu procés vacil·lant d'unificació, es planteja fins a quin punt pot mantenir i encoratjar la seva diversitat cultural i lingüística i alhora ésser una potència competitiva en un món cada vegada més globalitzat. S'examina, doncs, aquesta diversitat presentant la tipologia lingüística de les llengües, la seva distribució espacial, el seu pes demogràfic, el seu poder d'atracció i la seva vitalitat etnolingüística, així com els tipus de política lingüística que s'hi apliquen. En una segona part l'article descriu la filosofia lingüística oficial de la UE , els seus programes de caire lingüístic i, sobretot, la Carta Europea per a les Llengües Regionals i Minoritàries. Finalment, les conclusions suggereixen algunes línies per a la política lingüística europea futura.
This paper analyses the role of prosody in parenthetical insertions, a type of structure that is extremely common in both speech and writing. The materials under study come from a corpus of spontaneous speech acts in Central Catalan (with varying degrees of spontaneity) from which a corpus of oral parenthetical insertions has been compiled. The prototypical prosodic features of a parenthetical insertion in Catalan are: prosodic autonomy, limited extension, production in between pauses or final pause, tendency towards acceleration, fall in intensity, lower pitch range and, finally, falling or rising melodic pattern. While the final fall is the most frequent pattern in spontaneous conversations with a high degree of confidence between interlocutors, a final rising structure is found in interviews in which the degree of confidence between participants is smaller, their roles are unequal, and the interviewed constructs a narrative discourse. We thus suggest that the pitch contour of parenthetical insertions is related to formality and discourse typology (in this case, narrative vs. dialogue). Bearing in mind the discursive functions performed by these insertions, we propose a typology which classifies them with regards to two main functions: completion of information, and modalisation.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és fer conéixer els resultats d'un estudi sobre la visió que els llibres de text de I'época franquista donaven de la llengua i la literatura catalanes. S'han estudiat molts aspectes de la política educativa del régim franquista i de l'acció repressora contra la llengua i la cultura catalanes; en aquests estudis, pero, no s'ha utilitzat gaire una font importantíssima per a conéixer la ideologia que s'intentava de transmetre a través del sistema escolar: els llibres de text. És per aixo que m'ha semblat oportú de realitzar una analisi deis llibres de text de literatura per veure fins a quin punt aquests llibres reflectien la política anihiladora de la llengua i de la cultura catalanes empresa pel régim franquista.
La coyuntura política del reino de Túnez repercutió de forma decisiva sobre las aspiraciones y fracasos de sus relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales con las potencias europeas. Tras un periodo prolongado jalonado por acuerdos sucesivos, las viejas pretensiones tributarias de la Corona de Aragón alcanzarán a ser reconocidas en el tratado suscrito en 1360, aunque aquel acuerdo no conseguirá hacer efectiva en la práctica dicha reclamación. El fortalecimiento del poder de los Hafsíes en las últimas décadas del siglo XIV reabre un periodo de confrontación velada con la intensificación de las actividades corsarias, que culminan en sendas expediciones de castigo sobre puertos magrebíes. El tratado de 1403 pondrá fin a dichas hostilidades y reabrirá una nueva estrategia en las relaciones con el Magreb Hafsída.