310 resultados para 220790 Física nuclear experimental bajas energías
J/psi photoproduction is studied in the framework of the analytic S-matrix theory. The differential and integrated elastic cross sections for J/psi photoproduction are calculated from a dual amplitude with Mandelstam analyticity. It is argued that, at low energies, the background, which is the low-energy equivalent of the high-energy diffraction, replaces the Pomeron exchange. The onset of the high-energy Pomeron dominance is estimated from the fits to the data.
We study the collision of a gravitational wave pulse and a soliton wave on a spatially homogeneous background. This collision is described by an exact solution of Einsteins equations in a vacuum which is generated from a nondiagonal seed by means of a soliton transformation. The effect produced by the soliton on the amplitude and polarization of the wave is considered.
We show that some nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics color-octet matrix elements can be written in terms of (derivatives of) wave functions at the origin and of nonperturbative universal constants once the factorization between the soft and ultrasoft scales is achieved by using an effective field theory where only ultrasoft degrees of freedom are kept as dynamical entities. This allows us to derive a new set of relations between inclusive heavy-quarkonium P-wave decays into light hadrons with different principal quantum numbers and with different heavy flavors. In particular, we can estimate the ratios of the decay widths of bottomonium P-wave states from charmonium data.
Particles moving on crystalline surfaces and driven by external forces or flow fields can acquire velocities along directions that deviate from that of the external force. This effect depends upon the characteristics of the particles, most notably particle size or particle index of refraction, and can therefore be (and has been) used to sort different particles. We introduce a simple model for particles subject to thermal fluctuations and moving in appropriate potential landscapes. Numerical results are compared to recent experiments on landscapes produced with holographic optical tweezers and microfabricated technology. Our approach clarifies the relevance of different parameters, the direction and magnitude of the external force, particle size, and temperature.
We estimate the attainable limits on the coefficients of dimension-6 operators from the analysis of Higgs boson phenomenology, in the framework of a SUL(2)UY(1) gauge-invariant effective Lagrangian. Our results, based on the data sample already collected by the collaborations at Fermilab Tevatron, show that the coefficients of Higgs-vector boson couplings can be determined with unprecedented accuracy. Assuming that the coefficients of all blind operators are of the same magnitude, we are also able to impose more restrictive bounds on the anomalous vector-boson triple couplings than the present limit from double gauge boson production at the Tevatron collider.
The monopole (L=0) and quadrupole (L=2) strength distributions in normal 3He clusters are calculated within the random-phase approximation. We use a phenomenological, zero-range 3-3He interaction to generate the Hartree-Fock single-particle spectrum and the residual particle-hole interaction. The evolution of the collective modes with the number of atoms in the cluster is discussed.
HadronPhysics2 (Grant Agreement No. 227431) (EU)
An optical-model potential for systematic calculations of elastic scattering of electrons and positrons by atoms and positive ions is proposed. The electrostatic interaction is determined from the Dirac-Hartree-Fock self-consistent atomic electron density. In the case of electron projectiles, the exchange interaction is described by means of the local-approximation of Furness and McCarthy. The correlation-polarization potential is obtained by combining the correlation potential derived from the local density approximation with a long-range polarization interaction, which is represented by means of a Buckingham potential with an empirical energy-dependent cutoff parameter. The absorption potential is obtained from the local-density approximation, using the Born-Ochkur approximation and the Lindhard dielectric function to describe the binary collisions with a free-electron gas. The strength of the absorption potential is adjusted by means of an empirical parameter, which has been determined by fitting available absolute elastic differential cross-section data for noble gases and mercury. The Dirac partial-wave analysis with this optical-model potential provides a realistic description of elastic scattering of electrons and positrons with energies in the range from ~100 eV up to ~5 keV. At higher energies, correlation-polarization and absorption corrections are small and the usual static-exchange approximation is sufficiently accurate for most practical purposes.