361 resultados para virtual space
Este TFC consiste en una aplicación web sobre ASP.NET que gestiona el catálogo de una librería y permite realizar pedidos de libros.
En aquesta memòria es presenta el desenvolupament d'un entorn virtual orientat a la didàctica de la lògica proposicional, aplicada en assignatures de Lògica Computacional i Estructura i Tecnologia de Computadors. L'entorn en si té com a objectiu ser un reforç a l'aprenentatge autodidacta per part de l'alumne en aquestes matèries, així com una eina de seguiment per part del professor.
Aquest treball explica el funcionament del simulador ESPADDA i les técniques utilitzades. A partir d'aqui l'objectiu es implementar i explicar les noves funcionalitats afegides en el simulador. Aquestes són la integració del subsistema de memoria virtual, l'extensió del simulador cap a un entorn multiprogramat a nivell de tasques locals i tasques paral·leles i la implementació de les neus algorismes de mapping que tenen en compte els recursos limitats de l'estructura del sistema.
El propòsit que es vol assolir amb aquest projecte és la possibilitat de tenir un portafoli virtual de les feines realitzades durant les diverses assignatures, amb una connotació temporal per poder veure l'evolució, millores i aprenentatge que han tingut els alumnes.
The front speed of the Neolithic (farmer) spread in Europe decreased as it reached Northern latitudes, where the Mesolithic (huntergatherer) population density was higher. Here, we describe a reaction diffusion model with (i) an anisotropic dispersion kernel depending on the Mesolithicpopulation density gradient and (ii) a modified population growth equation. Both effects are related to the space available for the Neolithic population. The model is able to explain the slowdown of the Neolithic front as observed from archaeological data
Informe final del projecte eKnowledge, una eina de fòrums en línia que ofereix a consultors i estudiants la possibilitat de crear espais de comunicació i de col·laboració asíncrona que responguin a diferents finalitats i nivells d'estructuració per part dels docents.
Final report of the eKnowledge's project, an online forum tool that offers consultants and students the chance to create spaces for asynchronous communication and collaboration.
Informe final del proyecto eKnowledge, una herramienta de foros en línea que ofrece a consultores y estudiantes la posbilidad de crear espacios de comunicación y colaboración asíncrona que respondan a diferentes finalidades y niveles de estructuración por parte de los docentes.
This paper deals with fault detection and isolation problems for nonlinear dynamic systems. Both problems are stated as constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) and solved using consistency techniques. The main contribution is the isolation method based on consistency techniques and uncertainty space refining of interval parameters. The major advantage of this method is that the isolation speed is fast even taking into account uncertainty in parameters, measurements, and model errors. Interval calculations bring independence from the assumption of monotony considered by several approaches for fault isolation which are based on observers. An application to a well known alcoholic fermentation process model is presented
El proyecto denominado 'Supermercado virtual de productos de piscina con códigos QR en Android' pretende generar una serie de lineales con las fotografías de los diferentes productos con los precios y asociarlos a su código QR.
An implicitly parallel method for integral-block driven restricted active space self-consistent field (RASSCF) algorithms is presented. The approach is based on a model space representation of the RAS active orbitals with an efficient expansion of the model subspaces. The applicability of the method is demonstrated with a RASSCF investigation of the first two excited states of indole
A conceptually new approach is introduced for the decomposition of the molecular energy calculated at the density functional theory level of theory into sum of one- and two-atomic energy components, and is realized in the "fuzzy atoms" framework. (Fuzzy atoms mean that the three-dimensional physical space is divided into atomic regions having no sharp boundaries but exhibiting a continuous transition from one to another.) The new scheme uses the new concept of "bond order density" to calculate the diatomic exchange energy components and gives them unexpectedly close to the values calculated by the exact (Hartree-Fock) exchange for the same Kohn-Sham orbitals
Earthquakes occurring around the world each year cause thousands ofdeaths, millions of dollars in damage to infrastructure, and incalculablehuman suffering. In recent years, satellite technology has been asignificant boon to response efforts following an earthquake and itsafter-effects by providing mobile communications between response teamsand remote sensing of damaged areas to disaster management organizations.In 2007, an international team of students and professionals assembledduring theInternational Space University’s Summer Session Program in Beijing, Chinato examine how satellite and ground-based technology could be betterintegrated to provide an optimised response in the event of an earthquake.The resulting Technology Resources for Earthquake MOnitoring and Response(TREMOR) proposal describes an integrative prototype response system thatwill implement mobile satellite communication hubs providing telephone anddata links between response teams, onsite telemedicine consultation foremergency first-responders, and satellite navigation systems that willlocate and track emergency vehicles and guide search-and-rescue crews. Aprototype earthquake simulation system is also proposed, integratinghistorical data, earthquake precursor data, and local geomatics andinfrastructure information to predict the damage that could occur in theevent of an earthquake. The backbone of these proposals is a comprehensiveeducation and training program to help individuals, communities andgovernments prepare in advance. The TREMOR team recommends thecoordination of these efforts through a centralised, non-governmentalorganization.
El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación multiplataforma capaz de ejecutarse en multitud de sistemas operativos de distintos fabricantes de dispositivos móviles, como son teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas. La aplicación se basa en un calendario conectado al campus de la UOC.