228 resultados para Oral biopsies
Aquest document conté el text POL1, un "míting polític" que forma part del Corpus Oral de Registres (COR). El COR és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Aquest document conté el text POL2, una "sessió parlamentària" que forma part del Corpus Oral de Registres (COR). El COR és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Aquest document conté la transcripció fonètica, la fonoortogràfica i l'arxiu de so d'un fragment de conversa lliure amb un informant de Móra d'Ebre que forma part del Corpus Oral Dialectal (COD). El COD és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit UB o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Aquest document conté la transcripció fonètica, la fonoortogràfica i l'arxiu de so d'un fragment de conversa lliure amb un informant de Tamarit de Llitera que forma part del Corpus Oral Dialectal (COD). El COD és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit UB o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Aquest document conté la transcripció fonètica, la fonoortogràfica i l'arxiu de so d'un fragment de conversa lliure amb un informant de Sort que forma part del Corpus Oral Dialectal (COD). El COD és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit UB o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Aquest document conté la transcripció fonètica, la fonoortogràfica i l'arxiu de so d'un fragment de conversa lliure amb un informant de Tàrrega que forma part del Corpus Oral Dialectal (COD). El COD és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit UB o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Aquest document conté el text POL3, un "ple d'ajuntament" que forma part del Corpus Oral de Registres (COR). El COR és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the oral health status of professional soccer players of F.C. Barcelona and its relation to the incidence of sport lesions. Methods: Thirty professional soccer players were consecutively evaluated in the seasons 2003/4, 2004/5 and 2005/6. A research protocol to assess their oral health was developed. DMFT, Quigley & Hein plaque index (PI), Löe & Silness gingival index (GI), World Health Organization malocclusion index, Ramfjord teeth probing pocket depth (PPD), TMJ examination and history of dental trauma were recorded. All physical injuries sustained by players during the season were documented from F.C. Barcelona medical services. Results: Mean DMFT score was 5.7 (SD 4.1), Quigley & Hein plaque index score was 2.3 (SD 1.1), Löe & Silness gingival index was 1.1 (SD 0.8), and periodontal pocket depth was 1.9 mm (SD 0.3). Pearson"s analysis showed a significant correlation between PI and GI (p<0.01). Nine players (30%) presented bruxism - the same proportion of those with severe malocclusion. Seven (23.3%) players had suffered uncomplicated crown fractures. The mean incidence of physical injuries was 8 (SD 3.4) per player. PI and PPD showed a statistically significant correlation to muscle injuries (p<0.05). Conclusions: Soccer players, despite intensive medical follow-up, have significant oral health problems such as untreated caries, gingivitis or malocclusion, and suffer dental trauma as a result of sports activities. Their physical condition could also be associated to oral health
Objectives: The objective of the present study is to assess whether a good buccodental status (evaluated by means of dentogingival indices), is associated with a lower incidence and severity of oral mucositis in patients with hematological diseases who receive treatment with chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant. Study design: The study was carried out on 97 patients admitted to the Hematology Service of the Hospital Duran y Reynals in Barcelona during 2002-2003. These patients received treatment with chemotherapy or conditioning prior to bone marrow transplant. A descriptive study was made, analyzing oral hygiene, one dental index, and two gingivales indices, and evaluating their relationship with the appearance of mucositis. Results: The patients with high plaque (PI) and gingival (GI) indices during chemotherapy presented a higher percentage of mucositis (77.4% and 65.7% respectively) against those who had little or no visible plaque. In the case of the PI, the differences were statistically significant (p=0.015). Likewise, patients who brushed their teeth 3 times/day presented mucositis in only 26.7% of cases, against those who did not brush, or brushed only once a day (65.9% and 68.4%), these differences also being statistically significant (p=0.013). The CAO showed similar results in patients with or without mucositis (7.59 and 7.03 respectively). Conclusions: In our study, a good gingival status as well as good oral hygiene during chemoradiotherapy is associated with a lower incidence and severity of mucositis.
Rationale Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) is a still poorly known drug of abuse, alternative to ecstasy or cocaine. Objective The major aims were to investigate the pharmacokineticsa and locomotor activity of mephedrone in rats and provide a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model. Methods Mephedrone was administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats intravenously (10 mg/kg) and orally (30 and 60 mg/kg). Plasma concentrations and metabolites were characterized using LC/MS and LC-MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Locomotor activity was monitored for 180-240 min. Results Mephedrone plasma concentrations after i.v. administration fit a two-compartment model (α=10.23 h−1, β=1.86 h−1). After oral administration, peak mephedrone concentrations were achieved between 0.5 and 1 h and declined to undetectable levels at 9 h. The absolute bioavailability of mephedrone was about 10 % and the percentage of mephedrone protein binding was 21.59±3.67%. We have identified five phase I metabolites in rat blood after oral administration. The relationship between brain levels and free plasma concentration was 1.85±0.08. Mephedrone induced a dose-dependent increase in locomotor activity, which lasted up to 2 h. The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model successfully describes the relationship between mephedrone plasma concentrations and its psychostimulant effect. Conclusions We suggest a very important first-pass effect for mephedrone after oral administration and an easy access to the central nervous system. The model described might be useful in the estimation and prediction of the onset, magnitude,and time course of mephedrone pharmacodynamics as well as to design new animal models of mephedrone addiction and toxicity.
Introduction: A study is made of the principal characteristics of the oral lesions biopsied in our Service of Oral Surgery and histologically diagnosed as corresponding to fibro-osseous lesions of the maxillas. Patients and methods: A retrospective review was made of all the biopsies made in a Service of Oral Surgery between 1996 and 2003. The reason for consultation was analyzed, along with patient age, sex, clinical and radiological characteristics, tentative diagnosis, histological diagnosis and treatment provided. Results: A total of 1238 biopsies were performed during the study period. Of these, only 11 corresponded to benign fibro-osseous lesions (7 women and 4 men). The mean patient age was 44 years (range 19-72 years). The most frequent location was the mandible (8 of the cases). In 7 patients the lesions constituted casual radiological findings; 4 presented bulging of the vestibular cortical bone, though only one of them reported pain. The histological diagnoses comprised 7 cemento-ossifying fibromas and 4 fibrous dysplasias. In 9 cases surgical resection was carried out, while in one case an incisional biopsy was performed, and in the remaining case curettage was decided. Discussion: These lesions are more frequent in women than in men, and the age at presentation is variable. In terms of lesion location, fibrous dysplasia is more common in the upper maxilla, while cemento-ossifying fibroma is more frequently found in the mandible. The diagnosis of such lesions is established upon contrasting the data obtained from the anamnesis, physical examination, the radiological characteristics, the intraoperative findings and the histological study, since both disorders have similar clinical and histological features- despite the fact that they constitute distinct disease conditions.
Introduction: Third molar extraction is the most frequent procedure in oral surgery. The present study evaluates the indication of third molar extraction as established by the primary care dentist (PCD) and the oral surgeon, and compares the justification for extraction with the principal reason for patient consultation. Patients and method: A descriptive study was made of 319 patients subjected to surgical removal of a third molar in the context of the Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology (Barcelona University Dental School, Barcelona, Spain) between July 2004 and March 2005. The following parameters were evaluated: sex, age, molar, type of impaction, position according to the classifications of Pell and Gregory and of Winter, and the reasons justifying extraction. Results: The lower third molars were the most commonly extracted molars (73.7%). A total of 69.6% of the teeth were covered by soft tissues only. Fifty-six percent of the lower molars corresponded to Pell and Gregory Class IIB, while 42.1% were in the vertical position. The most common reason for patient reference to our Service of Oral Surgery on the part of the PCD was prophylactic removal (51.0% versus 46.1% in the case of the oral surgeon). Discussion and conclusions. Our results show prophylaxis to be the principal indication of third molar extraction, followed by orthodontic reasons. Regarding third molars with associated clinical symptoms or signs, infectious disease-including pericoronitis- was the pathology most often observed by the oral surgeon, followed by caries. This order of frequency was seen to invert in the case of third molars referred for extraction by the PCD. A vertical position predominated among the third molars with associated pathology
This paper analyses the effects of manipulating the cognitive complexity of L2 oral tasks on language production. It specifically focuses on self-repairs, which are taken as a measure of accuracy since they denote both attention to form and an attempt at being accurate. By means of a repeated measures de- sign, 42 lower-intermediate students were asked to perform three different tasks types (a narrative, and instruction-giving task, and a decision-making task) for which two degrees of cognitive complexity were established. The narrative task was manipulated along +/− Here-and-Now, an instruction-giving task ma- nipulated along +/− elements, and the decision-making task which is manipu- lated along +/− reasoning demands. Repeated measures ANOVAs are used for the calculation of differences between degrees of complexity and among task types. One-way ANOVA are used to detect potential differences between low- proficiency and high-proficiency participants. Results show an overall effect of Task Complexity on self-repairs behavior across task types, with different be- haviors existing among the three task types. No differences are found between the self-repair behavior between low and high proficiency groups. Results are discussed in the light of theories of cognition and L2 performance (Robin- son 2001a, 2001b, 2003, 2005, 2007), L1 and L2 language production models (Levelt 1989, 1993; Kormos 2000, 2006), and attention during L2 performance (Skehan 1998; Robinson, 2002).
The use of implants for oral rehabilitation of edentulous spaces has recently been on the increase, which has also led to an increase in complications such as peri-implant inflammation or peri-implantitis. Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for developing oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Objectives: To review the literature of cases that associate implant placement with the development of oral cancer. Study design: We present two clinical cases and a systematic review of literature published on the relationship between oral cancer and implants. Results: We found 13 articles published between the years 1996 and 2009, referencing 18 cases in which the osseointegrated implants are associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Of those, 6 articles were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Of the 18 cases reported, only 7 cases did not present a previous history of oral cancer or cancer in other parts of the body. Conclusions: Based on the review of these cases, a clear cause-effect relationship cannot be established, although it can be deduced that there is a possibility that implant treatment may constitute an irritant and/or inflammatory cofactor which contributes to the formation and/or development of OSCC.
Introduction and Objectives: The central odontogenic fibroma (COF) is a benign odontogenic tumour derived from the dental mesenchymal tissues. It is a rare tumour and only 70 cases of it have been published. Bearing in mind the rareness of the tumour, 8 new cases of central odontogenic fibroma have been found by analyzing the clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics of COF. Patients and Method: A retrospective study was carried out on 3011 biopsies in the Service of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Dental Clinic of Barcelona University between January 1995 and March 2008. 85 odontogenic tumours were diagnosed of which 8 were central odontogenic fibroma. The radiological study was based on orthopantomographs, periapical and occlusal radiographies and computerised tomographics. The variables collected were: sex, age, clinical characteristics of the lesion, treatment received and possible reappearances of the tumour. Results: The central odontogenic fibroma represents 9.4% of all odontogenic tumours. Of the 8 cases, 5 were diagnosed in men and 3 in women. The average age was 19.9 years with an age range of 11 to 38 years. The most common location of the tumour was in the mandible. All cases were associated with unerupted teeth. Of the 8 tumours, 3 provoked rhizolysis of the adjacent teeth and 4 cases caused cortical bone expansion. 50% of the patients complained of pain associated to the lesion. No case of recurrence was recorded up to 2 years after the treatment. Conclusions: Central odontogenic fibromas usually evolve asymptomatically although they can manifest very aggressively provoking dental displacement and rhizolysis. Radiologically, COF manifest as a uni or multilocular radiotransparent image although they can be indistinguishable from other radiotransparent lesions making diagnosis more difficult. COF treatment involves conservative surgery as well as follow-up patient checks.