153 resultados para Linguistic alternance
Actualment la tasca que desenvolupa l’escola és procurar que tots els infants es desenvolupin integralment, independentment de les característiques. En aquest marc sorgeix l’escola inclusiva, la qual ha d’estar preparada per atendre a tots i fer que aprenguin alumnes diferents al màxim de les seves possibilitats. Perquè això sigui real, l’escola ha de buscar noves maneres per a què els alumnes puguin aprendre no tan sols contingut sinó també valors, habilitats socials, cognitives, lingüístiques, entre moltes altres. Es per aquest motiu que la recerca vol portar a la pràctica i comprovar si mitjançant una eina lúdica, com són els jocs cooperatius, es milloren algunes habilitats socials i la cohesió d’un grup classe, en el qual també es té en compte la integració social d’una nena diagnosticada amb Trastorns Generalitzats del Desenvolupament (TGD) i, concretament, presenta trets autistes. Aquesta activitat educativa proporciona contextos nous on interactuar i desenvolupar bones pautes de relació per a tots així com també afavoreix la cohesió de grup, les relacions interpersonals i la integració d’infants amb dificultats en la interacció social.
The general aim of this paper is to explore and illustrate a theoretical model which postulates two mechanisms involved in the construction of collective identity: "action - transformation" and "symbolic identification". First, we define the concept of "collective identity" and we revise some works on this topic. After that, in order to justify the creation of Intercultural Universities, we described the linguistic and religious diversity from Chiapas. Some results concerning a quantitative and qualitative investigation with indigenous and mestizos students from the Intercultural University of Chiapas are also exposed. Finally, we point out some limitations of this study, and we suggest some possible future research directions
We use two coupled equations to analyze the space-time dynamics of two interacting languages. Firstly, we introduce a cohabitation model, which is more appropriate for human populations than classical (non-cohabitation) models. Secondly, using numerical simulations we nd the front speed of a new language spreading into a region where another language was previously used. Thirdly, for a special case we derive an analytical formula that makes it possible to check the validity of our numerical simulations. Finally, as an example, we nd that the observed front speed for the spread of the English language into Wales in the period 1961-1981 is consistent with the model predictions. We also nd that the e¤ects of linguistic parameters are much more important than those of parameters related to population dispersal and reproduction. If the initial population densities of both languages are similar, they have no e¤ect on the front speed. We outline the potential of the new model to analyze relationships between language replacement and genetic replacement