167 resultados para DISSOCIATION ENERGIES


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This paper describes the port interconnection of two subsystems: a power electronics subsystem (a back-to-back AC/CA converter (B2B), coupled to a phase of the power grid), and an electromechanical subsystem (a doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM). The B2B is a variable structure system (VSS), due to presence of control-actuated switches: however, from a modelling simulation, as well as a control-design, point of view, it is sensible to consider modulated transformers (MTF in the bond graph language) instead of the pairs of complementary switches. The port-Hamiltonian models of both subsystems are presented and, using a power-preserving interconnection, the Hamiltonian description of the whole system is obtained; detailed bond graphs of all subsystems and the complete system are also provided. Using passivity-based controllers computed in the Hamiltonian formalism for both subsystems, the whole model is simulated; simulations are run to rest the correctness and efficiency of the Hamiltonian network modelling approach used in this work.


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A partir de maig de 2003, per iniciativa del Vicerectorat adjunt d’Edificacions de la UPC, el Centre Interdisciplinari de Tecnologia, Innovació i Educació per a la Sostenibilitat (CITIES) treballa en l’elaboració i la implantació del Pla d’Eficiència en el Consum de Recursos (PECR), amb l’objectiu d’establir polítiques i definir línees d’actuació per a l’estalvi i l’eficiència en el consum dels recursos energètics i d’ aigua en els edificis de la UPC.El PECR contempla, en una de les primeres fases, la realització d’avaluacions energètiques en les edificacions de la UPC per valorar l’estat actual dels edificis i poder establir uns indicadors del seu comportament energètic a partir dels quals establir els objectius d’estalvi i d’eficiència. Per fer aquestes avaluacions, es va crear una línea de projectes finals de carrera (PFC) per a estudiants de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de l’Edificació de Barcelona (EPSEB), sota la coordinació de professors tutors de diferents departaments y amb la col•laboració indispensable de totes les unitats de recolzament de la UPC.Aquesta publicació és la ponència presentada al IV Congrès "Sustainable City", a Tallinn, en el que es va presentar aquest projecte com a una eina de treball amb l'objectiu de reduir l'impacte ambiental dels edificis universitaris en les ciutats.


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Universities must motivate future professionals so that they are able to apply their experience over and beyond the scientific and technological context. These professionals should also be trained so that they are aware of the current position as regards the economy and limited energy resources, and they must be creative, knowledgeable and committed if they are to rethink the current model.The Departments of Architectural Technology II and Applied Physics, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Centre of Technology, Innovation and Education for Sustainability (CITIES), believed that students could be given the opportunity to specialise in the area of sustainable development by means of their final theses [2]. With this objective in mind, a line of theses called Energy Assessments was created as part of the Plan for Resource Consumption Efficiency (PECR). The line was based on a learning strategy that focused on the student.The teaching staff was able to observe that, in terms of cognitive aspects, the students improved their knowledge of environmental issues and the associated skills, and that they were more able to solve problems in the area of sustainability and had greater concerns about this subject matter after having completed their theses.


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Articulo sobre la importancia de las energias renovables y su integración arquitectónica en el camino hacia una arquitectura sostenible. Descripción y evaluación del proyecto Fachada Solar SCHOTT Iberica.


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The key parameters associated to the thermally induced spin crossover process have been calculated for a series of Fe(II) complexes with mono-, bi-, and tridentate ligands. Combination of density functional theory calculations for the geometries and for normal vibrational modes, and highly correlated wave function methods for the energies, allows us to accurately compute the entropy variation associated to the spin transition and the zero-point corrected energy difference between the low- and high-spin states. From these values, the transition temperature, T 1/2, is estimated for different compounds.


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Disseny instal·lació solar tèrmica de baixa temperatura per ACS i calefacció en una cada situada al terme municipal de Vilanova de Segrià (Lleida). La casa consta de dos plantes i es habitada durant tot l'any per 4 persones. S'aprofitarà la caldera ja instal·lada i la distribució de calefacció que és terra radiant.


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A petició del promotor s'ha dissenyat una instal·lació fotovoltaica connectada a la xarxa per tal de transformar l'energia solar en energia elèctrica i vendre-la a la companyia elèctrica i així contribuir en la utilització d'energies renovables i reduir les emissions de CO2. Un dels objectius, ha estat aconseguir la màxima rendibilitat per tal de fer-la més atractiva des del punt de vista econòmic. Una de les principals dificultats és el reduït espai, per tant s'ha estudiat la configuració que major benefici obté tant des del punt de vista ecònomic com mediambiental.


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El projecte defineix les instal·lacions bàsiques en un edifici de 12 habitatges, incloent el disseny de la instal·lació d'ACS amb aportació per energies renovables. S'avaluen els sistemes més adequats per a cada instal·lació i es defineixen els materials i els elements constructius de l'edifici. Del pàrquing situat al soterrani s'estudiarà la ventilació que més s'escaigui i les proteccions contra incendis necessàries.


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Millora de les instal·lacions, en concret la instal·lació elèctrica i al de calefacció per tal de reduir els consums d'una residència rural. A més s'apliquen energies renovables mitjançant plaques fotovoltaiques, d'aquesta manera part de les línies elèctriques estan subministrades per energia neta. Les instal·lacions millorades han estat dissenyades per un arquitecte tècnic de la Universitat de Lleida i formen part d'un projecte per la ONG Lleida Solidària de Lleida.


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En aquest Projecte s’analitza la viabilitat de gasificació de residus de serraria per a l’obtenció d’energia tèrmica i elèctrica en una empresa tipus amb capacitat de processar anualment 2.800 m3 de fusta en rol. La tecnologia de gasificació de biomassa possibilita la revalorització energètica dels residus proporcionant un gas de síntesi amb poder calorífic que netejat i refredat és apte per a la generació elèctrica i tèrmica en motors de combustió. S’analitzen diferents possibilitats de recuperació energètica i es decideix utilitzar un generador acoblat a un motor Diesel. La planta es dimensiona per a treballar a plena càrrega a partir dels residus disponibles. Els resultats de l’estudi de viabilitat manifesten que la gasificació de residus en la serraria és viable econòmicament si es consideren els ingressos per venda energètica i l’estalvi de combustible per l’aprofitament tèrmic.


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Both the intermolecular interaction energies and the geometries for M ̄ thiophene, M ̄ pyrrole, M n+ ̄ thiophene, and M n+ ̄ pyrrole ͑with M = Li, Na, K, Ca, and Mg; and M n+ = Li+ , Na+ , K+ , Ca2+, and Mg2+͒ have been estimated using four commonly used density functional theory ͑DFT͒ methods: B3LYP, B3PW91, PBE, and MPW1PW91. Results have been compared to those provided by HF, MP2, and MP4 conventional ab initio methods. The PBE and MPW1PW91 are the only DFT methods able to provide a reasonable description of the M ̄ complexes. Regarding M n+ ̄ ␲ complexes, the four DFT methods have been proven to be adequate in the prediction of these electrostatically stabilized systems, even though they tend to overestimate the interaction energies.


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In this paper, we present a computer simulation study of the ion binding process at an ionizable surface using a semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo method that models the surface as a discrete distribution of charged and neutral functional groups in equilibrium with explicit ions modelled in the context of the primitive model. The parameters of the simulation model were tuned and checked by comparison with experimental titrations of carboxylated latex particles in the presence of different ionic strengths of monovalent ions. The titration of these particles was analysed by calculating the degree of dissociation of the latex functional groups vs. pH curves at different background salt concentrations. As the charge of the titrated surface changes during the simulation, a procedure to keep the electroneutrality of the system is required. Here, two approaches are used with the choice depending on the ion selected to maintain electroneutrality: counterion or coion procedures. We compare and discuss the difference between the procedures. The simulations also provided a microscopic description of the electrostatic double layer (EDL) structure as a function of pH and ionic strength. The results allow us to quantify the effect of the size of the background salt ions and of the surface functional groups on the degree of dissociation. The non-homogeneous structure of the EDL was revealed by plotting the counterion density profiles around charged and neutral surface functional groups. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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The concept of conditional stability constant is extended to the competitive binding of small molecules to heterogeneous surfaces or macromolecules via the introduction of the conditional affinity spectrum (CAS). The CAS describes the distribution of effective binding energies experienced by one complexing agent at a fixed concentration of the rest. We show that, when the multicomponent system can be described in terms of an underlying affinity spectrum [integral equation (IE) approach], the system can always be characterized by means of a CAS. The thermodynamic properties of the CAS and its dependence on the concentration of the rest of components are discussed. In the context of metal/proton competition, analytical expressions for the mean (conditional average affinity) and the variance (conditional heterogeneity) of the CAS as functions of pH are reported and their physical interpretation discussed. Furthermore, we show that the dependence of the CAS variance on pH allows for the analytical determination of the correlation coefficient between the binding energies of the metal and the proton. Nonideal competitive adsorption isotherm and Frumkin isotherms are used to illustrate the results of this work. Finally, the possibility of using CAS when the IE approach does not apply (for instance, when multidentate binding is present) is explored. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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An analytical approach for the interpretation of multicomponent heterogeneous adsorption or complexation isotherms in terms of multidimensional affinity spectra is presented. Fourier transform, applied to analyze the corresponding integral equation, leads to an inversion formula which allows the computation of the multicomponent affinity spectrum underlying a given competitive isotherm. Although a different mathematical methodology is used, this procedure can be seen as the extension to multicomponent systems of the classical Sips’s work devoted to monocomponent systems. Furthermore, a methodology which yields analytical expressions for the main statistical properties (mean free energies of binding and covariance matrix) of multidimensional affinity spectra is reported. Thus, the level of binding correlation between the different components can be quantified. It has to be highlighted that the reported methodology does not require the knowledge of the affinity spectrum to calculate the means, variances, and covariance of the binding energies of the different components. Nonideal competitive consistent adsorption isotherm, widely used in metal/proton competitive complexation to environmental macromolecules, and Frumkin competitive isotherms are selected to illustrate the application of the reported results. Explicit analytical expressions for the affinity spectrum as well as for the matrix correlation are obtained for the NICCA case. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper presents an approach based on the saddle-point approximation to study the equilibrium interactions between small molecules and macromolecules with a large number of sites. For this case, the application of the Darwin–Fowler method results in very simple expressions for the stoichiometric equilibrium constants and their corresponding free energies in terms of integrals of the binding curve plus a correction term which depends on the first derivatives of the binding curve in the points corresponding to an integer value of the mean occupation number. These expressions are simplified when the number of sites tends to infinity, providing an interpretation of the binding curve in terms of the stoichiometric stability constants. The formalism presented is applied to some simple complexation models, obtaining good values for the free energies involved. When heterogeneous complexation is assumed, simple expressions are obtained to relate the macroscopic description of the binding, given by the stoichiomeric constants, with the microscopic description in terms of the intrinsic stability constants or the affinity spectrum. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.