176 resultados para growth theorem
I formulate and estimate a model of externalities within countriesand technological interdependence across countries. I find that externalreturns to scale to physical capital within countries are 8 percent; thata 10 percent increase of total factor productivity of a country's neighborsraises its total factor productivity by 6 percent; and that a 2 percentannual growth rate of labor productivity can be explained as an endogenousresponse to an exogenous 0.2 percent annual growth rate of total factorproductivity in the steady--state.
Endogenous growth theory suggests that human capital formation plays a significant role for the wealth and poverty of nations. In contrast to previous studies which denied the role of human capital as a crucial determinant of for really long-term growth, we confirm its importance. Indicators of human capital like literacy rates are lacking for the period of 1450-1913; hence, we use per capita book production as a proxy for advanced literacy skills. This study explains how, and to what extent, growth disparities are a function of human capital formation.
We employ a non-parametrical approach to growth accounting (Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA) to disentangle the proximate sources of labour productivity growth in 41 nationsbetween 1929 and 1950 by decomposing productivity growth into four components:technological change; efficiency catch-up (movements towards the production frontier),capital accumulation and human capital accumulation. We show that efficiency catch-upgenerally explains productivity growth, whereas technological change and factoraccumulation were limited and distorted by the effects of war. War clearly hamperedefficiency. Moreover, an unbalanced ratio of human capital to physical capital (a gap to thetechnological leader) was crucial for efficiency catching-up.
We find that trade and domestic market size are robust determinants of economic growth overthe 1960-1996 period when trade openness is measured as the US dollar value of imports andexports relative to GDP in PPP US$ ('real openness'). When trade openness is measured asthe US dollar value of imports and exports relative to GDP in exchange rate US$ ('nominalopenness') however, trade and the size of domestic markets are often non-robust determinantsof growth. We argue that real openness is the more appropriate measure of trade and that ourempirical results should be seen as evidence in favor of the extent-of-the-market hypothesis.
We analyze the implications of a market imperfection related to the inability to establish intellectual property rights, that we label {\it unverifiable communication}. Employees are able to collude with external parties selling ``knowledge capital'' of the firm. The firm organizer engages in strategic interaction simultaneously with employees and competitors, as she introduces endogenous transaction costs in the market for information between those agents. Incentive schemes and communication costs are the key strategic variables used by the firm to induce frictions in collusive markets. Unverifiable communication introduces severe allocative distortions, both at internal product development and at intended sale of information (technology transfer). We derive implications of the model for observable decisions like characteristics of the employment relationship (full employment, incompatibility with other jobs), firms' preferences over cluster characteristics for location decisions, optimal size at entry, in--house development vs sale strategies for innovations and industry evolution.
Does financial development result in capital being reallocated more rapidly to industries where it is most productive? We argue that if this was the case, financially developed countries should see faster growth in industries with investment opportunities due to global demand and productivity shifts. Testing this cross-industry cross-country growth implication requires proxies for (latent) global industry investment opportunities. We show that tests relying only on data from specific (benchmark) countries may yield spurious evidence for or against the hypothesis. We therefore develop an alternative approach that combines benchmark-country proxies with a proxy that does not reflect opportunities specific to a country or level of financial development. Our empirical results yield clear support for the capital reallocation hypothesis.
This paper offers empirical evidence that a country's choice of exchange rate regime can have a signifficant impact on its medium-term rate of productivity growth. Moreover, the impact depends critically on the country's level of financial development, its degree of market regulation, and its distance from the global technology frontier. We illustrate how each of these channels may operate in a simple stylized growth model in which real exchange rate uncertainty exacerbates the negative investment e¤ects of domestic credit market constraints. The empirical analysis is based on an 83 country data set spanning the years 1960-2000. Our approach delivers results that are in striking contrast to the vast existing empirical exchange rate literature, which largely finds the effects of exchange rate volatility on real activity to be relatively small and insignificant.
The present paper revisits a property embedded in most dynamic macroeconomic models: the stationarity of hours worked. First, I argue that, contrary to what is often believed, there are many reasons why hours could be nonstationary in those models, while preserving the property of balanced growth. Second, I show that the postwar evidence for most industrialized economies is clearly at odds with the assumption of stationary hours per capita. Third, I examine the implications of that evidence for the role of technology as a source of economic fluctuations in the G7 countries.
The size, growth and spawning characteristics of pompano dolphin (N=150) and common dolphinfish (N=36) caught off the Canary Islands between May and September 1995 and between July and September 1996 were examined. Fork length (FL) of pompano dolphin was in the range 28.3-62.8 cm. In 1995, the mean length increased significantly from June to September. However, in 1996, the mean length was significantly larger in July than in September. The overall length-weight relationship was W=0.0287*FL2.774 (r=0.97), while these relationships by sex were as follows: W=0.031*FL2.758 (r=0.98) and W=0.0282*FL2.776 (r=0.97), for males and females respectively. Spawning takes place at the beginning of the Summer (June-July). All the individuals obtained showed developing gonads, but females showed a higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) than males. The highest GSI values were obtained in June (x- =3.10±1.73), and decreased progressively towards the end of the season (September), when the average of this index was x- = 1.86±0.87. Similarly, the condition index decreased significantly from June to September. The proportion of females was always significantly higher than males, except in July 1996 when it was 1:1. There was a high correspondence between growth rates determined by annuli scale interpretation and modal progression analysis. According to scale annuli interpretation, the individuals caught showed more than five age classes. However, there are doubts about age assignation from scales. Fork length of common dolphinfish was in the range of 76.5-103.0 cm. The length-weight relationships obtained for all the specimens caught was W=0.00095FL3.527 (r=0.96), while these relationships by sex were as follows: W=0.00398FL3.222 (r=0.94) and W=0.01656FL2.873 (r=0.91), for males and females respectively. Spawning probably takes place at the beginning of the Summer. All the individuals obtained showed developing gonads, although the GSI of females were higher than males. The highest GSI values were obtained in June (x- =5.50±2.17). In the same way, the condition index decreased from May to June. The proportion of females was always slightly higher than males (1:1.4), but the ratio was not significantly different from 1:1
Con este nuevo número, la revista Intangible Capital, inicia el cuarto volumen avanzando hacia el quinto año de publicación. Como ya es tradición en la revista, iniciamos este nuevo volumen evaluando el anterior y presentando las nuevas direcciones. Como principales aportaciones del 2007, se destacan hechos relevantes como la renovación de convenios para la indexación científica de la revista, el cambio de plataforma a OJS, la inclusión de un nuevo editor, la nueva composición del editorial board, el equipo de revisores, el cambio a un modelo bilingüe de revista, la nueva financiación obtenida y el trabajo que estamos realizando gran número de editores científicos de acceso abierto en España para el reconocimiento por parte de la Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora.This issue opens the fourth volume of the Intangible Capital journal, which makes its way towards the fifth year of publication. As usually, we start this volume by evaluating the previous one and tracing new directions. Among the main contributions during the year 2007, we consider important to highlight the following aspects: the renewal of the scientific indexation agreements, the platform change to OJS, the appointment of a new editor, new members included in the editorial board, the board of reviewers, the change towards a bilingual model, the new financing obtained and, the last but not the least, the work undertaken together with many scientific editors of open access Spanish journals for obtaining the positive evaluation of the CNEAI (National Commission for the Evaluation of the Research Activity) and thus, being a proof of scientific excellence
A population of leaping grey mullet (Liza saliens (Risso, 1810) was studied in order to measure seasonal and annual growth rates. The annual growth rates were similar to those reported for other populations from the central Western Mediterranean and intermediate between those living in northern and southern areas. As usual, the growth rate of adult males was slower than that of females. Males reached adulthood in their third summer. Females of the same age showed a moderate gonadal development, but did not ripen until the next summer. Mullets of all ages gained weight only when the water temperature was higher than 20°C. However adults and immature fish showed reduced growth in mid-summer, when that of the juveniles peaked. This difference is not a consequence of the reproductive cost, because the growth rate of immatures was greatly reduced although they did not spawn.
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the tyrosine kinase receptor family involved in signal transduction and the regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation. It is also a calmodulin-binding protein. To examine the role of calmodulin in the regulation of EGFR, the effect of calmodulin antagonist, W-13, on the intracellular trafficking of EGFR and the MAPK signaling pathway was analyzed. W-13 did not alter the internalization of EGFR but inhibited its recycling and degradation, thus causing the accumulation of EGF and EGFR in enlarged early endosomal structures. In addition, we demonstrated that W-13 stimulated the tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR and consequent recruitment of Shc adaptor protein with EGFR, presumably through inhibition of the calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II). W-13¿mediated EGFR phosphorylation was blocked by metalloprotease inhibitor, BB94, indicating a possible involvement of shedding in this process. However, MAPK activity was decreased by W-13; dissection of this signaling pathway showed that W-13 specifically interferes with Raf-1 activity. These data are consistent with the regulation of EGFR by calmodulin at several steps of the receptor signaling and trafficking pathways.
Transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) is a polypeptide, which binds to the epidermal growth factor receptor to carry out its function related to cell proliferation and differentiation. The ultrastructural localisation of TGF alpha was studied in both the proximal and the distal colon. The columnar cells, lining the surface epithelium of the proximal colon, showed a strong immunoreactivity in the polyribosomes and in the interdigitations of the lateral membrane. The columnar cells of the crypts and the goblet cells in both the proximal and the distal colon showed the immunostaining in the cis and trans cisternae of the Golgi apparatus. TGF alpha seems to be processed differently in the surface columnar cells and in the crypt columnar cells and goblet cells. Moreover, it probably has different roles in proliferation and differentiation.