251 resultados para SCAR


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El propósito de este estudio fue identificar y analizar algunos rasgos retóricos discursivos de casos clínicos (CC) odontológicos. Se seleccionó, al azar, un corpus de 40 CC de cuatro revistas odontológicas hispanas (1999-2005). Se encontró que predomina el formato 'introducción, descripción del caso , discusión', siendo la 'descripción del caso' la sección distintiva. Prevalecen las secuencias narrativas y descriptivas en todas las secciones retóricas. Además,hay muy pocas citas, aparecen esencialmente en la 'introcucción' y en la 'discusión' . Se registró el uso de atenuantes en las distintas secciones retóricas del CC: predominó el uso de impersonales, empleados para ocultar el agente de la acción, y aproximadores, para expresar impresión, variabilidad y honestidad. En cuanto al posicionamiento, predominaron el impersonal y plural mayestático. Se concluye que pese a la variabilidad retórica discursiva, el corpus analizado podría definirse como un género discursivo, descriptivo, narrativo e impersonal. El CC es un género importante para las distintas sub-especialidades odontológicas; por lo tanto, los resultados tienen aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza del discurso odontológico. Incorporar el CC al currículum de odontología permitiría al estudiante desarrollar las competencias para producir, comprender y publicar este género


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Postprint (published version)


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Trabajo de final de carrera incluido en el área de sistemas empotrados sobre una boya oceanográfica costera.


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We report on the growth of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 thin films on X-cut LiNbO3 single crystals. The use of double CeO2/YSZ buffer layers allows a single in-plane orientation of YBa2Cu3O7, and results in superior superconducting properties. In particular, surface resistance Rs values of 1.4 m¿ have been measured at 8 GHz and 65 K. The attainment of such low values of Rs constitutes a key step toward the incorporation of high Tc materials as electrodes in photonic and acoustic devices.


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HDM, Help Desk Manager és una aplicació android que permet crear i gestionar les incidències que es presenten en una empresa.


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Aquest treball pretén reflexionar al voltant de l’espiritualitat i la diversitat funcional, especialment des de l’òptica del treball dels professionals de l’acció social i des del que es promou des de les institucions. Pel que fa a la diversitat funcional, revisarem críticament el terme discapacitat i dependència i tindrem en compte les diferents dimensions de la persona, especialment l’espiritual. La premissa “la recerca del sentit de la vida és una força primària de la vida humana que té relació amb la felicitat” (Benavent) serà l’eix vertebral de la major part d’idees que aquest article pretén abordar.


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Para conseguir una docencia de excelencia y calidad en la Universidad se requiere de una preparación por parte del profesorado que la debe impartir. Si esta formación comienza desde los primeros escalones de la Universidad, los profesores noveles, ésta les permitirá alcanzar unas competencias pedagógicas básicas que podrán ir ampliando y mejorando en el transcurso de su trayectoria docente.


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Las redes móviles ad hoc son redes formadas por lainterconexión de terminales inalámbricos que de manera autónoma,sin ninguna administración central, establecen enlaces decomunicación entre ellos. La infraestructura de red la componenlos propios terminales de usuarios que actúan de gestores yencaminadores de paquetes. Así, un usuario cualquiera puedeconectarse con un terminal remoto a través de una conexiónmultisalto entre diferentes usuarios. En este tipo de redes tanabiertas, uno de los retos prioritarios es proteger el anonimatode los sujetos y sus localizaciones. En este artículo hacemos unrepaso de las técnicas existentes a través de los protocolos que sehan propuesto en la literatura, y exponemos los problemas queaun quedan abiertos.


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In this paper, an advanced technique for the generation of deformation maps using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data is presented. The algorithm estimates the linear and nonlinear components of the displacement, the error of the digital elevation model (DEM) used to cancel the topographic terms, and the atmospheric artifacts from a reduced set of low spatial resolution interferograms. The pixel candidates are selected from those presenting a good coherence level in the whole set of interferograms and the resulting nonuniform mesh tessellated with the Delauney triangulation to establish connections among them. The linear component of movement and DEM error are estimated adjusting a linear model to the data only on the connections. Later on, this information, once unwrapped to retrieve the absolute values, is used to calculate the nonlinear component of movement and atmospheric artifacts with alternate filtering techniques in both the temporal and spatial domains. The method presents high flexibility with respect to the required number of images and the baselines length. However, better results are obtained with large datasets of short baseline interferograms. The technique has been tested with European Remote Sensing SAR data from an area of Catalonia (Spain) and validated with on-field precise leveling measurements.


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Direct evidence confirming the hypothesis that a dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) underlies the pathogenesis of hyperlactatemia associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is scarce. We studied mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and MRC function in the skeletal muscle of an HIV-infected patient during an episode of symptomatic hyperlactatemia. Skeletal muscle biopsy was performed during the episode when the patient was symptomatic and 3 months later when the patient was clinically recovered. Assessment of mitochondria was performed using histological, polarographic, spectrophotometrical, and Southern blot and real time PCR DNA quantification methods. The histological study disclosed extensive mitochondrial impairment in the form of ragged-red fibers or equivalents on oxidative reactions. These findings were associated with an increase in mitochondrial content and a decrease in both mitochondrial respiratory capacity and MRC enzyme activities. Mitochondrial DNA content declined to 53% of control values. Mitochondrial abnormalities had almost disappeared later when the patient became asymptomatic. Our findings support the hypothesis that MRC dysfunction stands at the basis of HAART-related hyperlactatemia.


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Direct evidence confirming the hypothesis that a dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) underlies the pathogenesis of hyperlactatemia associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is scarce. We studied mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and MRC function in the skeletal muscle of an HIV-infected patient during an episode of symptomatic hyperlactatemia. Skeletal muscle biopsy was performed during the episode when the patient was symptomatic and 3 months later when the patient was clinically recovered. Assessment of mitochondria was performed using histological, polarographic, spectrophotometrical, and Southern blot and real time PCR DNA quantification methods. The histological study disclosed extensive mitochondrial impairment in the form of ragged-red fibers or equivalents on oxidative reactions. These findings were associated with an increase in mitochondrial content and a decrease in both mitochondrial respiratory capacity and MRC enzyme activities. Mitochondrial DNA content declined to 53% of control values. Mitochondrial abnormalities had almost disappeared later when the patient became asymptomatic. Our findings support the hypothesis that MRC dysfunction stands at the basis of HAART-related hyperlactatemia.


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The increasing interest aroused by more advanced forecasting techniques, together with the requirement for more accurate forecasts of tourismdemand at the destination level due to the constant growth of world tourism, has lead us to evaluate the forecasting performance of neural modelling relative to that of time seriesmethods at a regional level. Seasonality and volatility are important features of tourism data, which makes it a particularly favourable context in which to compare the forecasting performance of linear models to that of nonlinear alternative approaches. Pre-processed official statistical data of overnight stays and tourist arrivals fromall the different countries of origin to Catalonia from 2001 to 2009 is used in the study. When comparing the forecasting accuracy of the different techniques for different time horizons, autoregressive integrated moving average models outperform self-exciting threshold autoregressions and artificial neural network models, especially for shorter horizons. These results suggest that the there is a trade-off between the degree of pre-processing and the accuracy of the forecasts obtained with neural networks, which are more suitable in the presence of nonlinearity in the data. In spite of the significant differences between countries, which can be explained by different patterns of consumer behaviour,we also find that forecasts of tourist arrivals aremore accurate than forecasts of overnight stays.


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Las tendencias de emparejamiento selectivo suponen la unión de pares de individuos en algún rasgo humano (físico o psicológico) más semejantes de lo que cabría esperar por azar. La inteligencia y la personalidad constituyen dos de los rasgos más estudiados. Las tendencias de emparejamiento selectivo en una población poseen implicaciones sociológicas y genéticas. En España no existen evidencias empíricas sobre la presencia o ausencia de estas tendencias. En el presente estudio se evalúa la inteligencia, la dureza de carácter, la extraversión y la inestabilidad emocional de 342 parejas adultas de las Comunidades de Cataluña y de Madrid. El rango de edad de los miembros de las parejas oscila entre 34 y 77 años. También está representado un amplio rango de nivel educativo, desde estudios primarios a universitarios. Los resultados indican la presencia de un fuerte emparejamiento selectivo en inteligencia, pero no en los rasgos de personalidad evaluados. La semejanza en inteligencia no está influida por la semejanza en nivel de estudios. Además, los datos revelan una ligera reducción de la tendencia a emparejarse según la variable inteligencia en las parejas más jóvenes. El artículo discute las posibles implicaciones sociológicas y genéticas de esta reducción.


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Introduction. The current study describes the planning process and aims of the university reforms in Spain and suggests an innovative proposal, namely the design and evaluation of a week-long induction programme for first-year bachelor‟s degree students at the University of Lleida (Spain), organised within the European higher education framework. The purpose of this induction programme is to help new students adapt to university life. Method. A total of 102 students and ten lecturers were involved in the study. These participants responded questionnaires and interviews. We contrasted all the results in order to obtain some results that were useful to evaluate the induction programmee which the University introduced in the first four degrees. Results. Findings of the study revealed that participants gave very positive feedback regarding the programme, and the results also highlighted areas which could be improved. Conclusion. The new proposals clearly require a higher level of staff participation to make them work, highlighting the need for appropriate training of university staff and improving coordination with appropriate systems.