161 resultados para Regulació epigenètica
El Benestar emocional és una pràctica cada cop més reconeguda a la nostra societat. Tot i així, els grans canvis socials que es produeixen actualment com en són l’avenç tecnològic i l’excés de consum, entre d’altres, evoquen a la sanitat a plantejar-se nous camins d’actuació. En tant que, la persona sempre ha anhelat la seva autorealització com a fi. MÈTODE: disseny d’un projecte d’intervenció comunitària. RESULTATS: S’ha dissenyat un Programa d’Educació Sanitària amb el que es pretén potenciar el Benestar i la Intel•ligència Emocional com a mètodes eficaços de formació de la personalitat. CONCLUSIONS: Cal realitzar més programes amb implementació a les aules. És important que les administracions públiques creguin en els programes que es dissenyen i especialment, en aquells orientats a la promoció de la salut. L’adolescència és el moment idoni per a la implementació d’aquest. La familia és el recurs més poderós per a educar als adolescents en la pràctica de la IE. Paraules Clau: Intel•ligència emocional, Benestar emocional, adolescència, autoconeixement, regulació emocional, educació emocional i autoestima.
The molting hormone ecdysone triggers chromatin changes via histone modifica- tions that are important for gene regulation. On hormone activation, the ecdysone receptor (EcR) binds to the SET domain-containing histone H3 methyltransferase trithorax-related protein (Trr). Methylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4me), which is associated with tran- scriptional activation, requires several cofactors, including Ash2. We find that ash2 mutants have severe defects in pupariation and metamorphosis due to a lack of activation of ecdy- sone-responsive genes. This transcriptional defect is caused by the absence of the H3K4me3 marks set by Trr in these genes. We present evidence that Ash2 interacts with Trr and is re- quired for its stabilization. Thus we propose that Ash2 functions together with Trr as an ecdysone receptor coactivator.
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
BACKGROUND: The p53 transcription factor is located at the core of a complex wiring of signaling pathways that are critical for the preservation of cellular homeostasis. Only recently it has become clear that p53 regulates the expression of several long intergenic noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs). However, relatively little is known about the role that lincRNAs play in this pathway. RESULTS: Here we characterize a lincRNA named Pint (p53 induced noncoding transcript). We show that Pint is a ubiquitously expressed lincRNA that is finely regulated by p53. In mouse cells, Pint promotes cell proliferation and survival by regulating the expression of genes of the TGF-β, MAPK and p53 pathways. Pint is a nuclear lincRNA that directly interacts with the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), and is required for PRC2 targeting of specific genes for H3K27 tri-methylation and repression. Furthermore, Pint functional activity is highly dependent on PRC2 expression. We have also identified Pint human ortholog (PINT), which presents suggestive analogies with the murine lincRNA. PINT is similarly regulated by p53, and its expression significantly correlates with the same cellular pathways as the mouse ortholog, including the p53 pathway. Interestingly, PINT is downregulated in colon primary tumors, while its overexpression inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells, suggesting a possible role as tumor suppressor. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal a p53 autoregulatory negative mechanism where a lincRNA connects p53 activation with epigenetic silencing by PRC2. Additionally, we show analogies and differences between the murine and human orthologs, identifying a novel tumor suppressor candidate lincRNA.
Clopidogrel is a widely used antiplatelet drug used in preventing vascular events after suffering a first stoke. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has not been able to establish a clear association between polymorphisms and recurrence. Therefore in the present final master project an epigenetic approach is proposed. Using an array based technology, 450.000 CpG sites across all genome were assessed in 48 individuals (21 cases and 21 controls). Looking at differentially methylated levels between cases and controls, 58 CpG sites (DMGs) were found. Although, no clear locus was observed. Looking individually to each 49 genes, two appeared to be important to our study. TRAF3 and ADAMTS2 are gens highly related to platelet aggregation. In orther to confirm these result, a new DNA methylation study will be done in a larger cohort, using Sequenom technology.
En ple procés de codificació del dret civil de Catalunya, pot semblar quelcom romàntic analitzar com es visqué al Principat un altre moviment co- dificador: el del segle XIX. És clar que aquest darrer tenia un caràcter que no s"assembla en res a l"actual, tret de la mateixa voluntat de codificar. Es va tractar aleshores d"unificar i sistematitzar el dret civil d"Espanya, en resposta a una tendència generalitzada que s"havia estès a bona part d"Europa. Es tracta, ara, de codificar el dret civil de Catalunya en exercici d"una competència legislativa constitucionalment i estatutàriament reconeguda. Malgrat aquesta diferent significació, o potser per això, sentim un agradable sentimentalisme en mirar enrere. L"objecte del nostre comentari se centra, només, en l"intent de codificació de mitjan segle XIX: en l"anomenat Projecte de Codi civil de 1851. A Catalunya, el dit Projecte va despertar reaccions apassionades, quasi totes desfavorables al text codificat i no tant pel fet de voler codificar el dret civil, sinó pel caire castellanitzant del seu contingut, que negava tota vigència als altres drets territorials. Alhora, l"anàlisi que es proposa es redueix a la regulació projectada de la llegítima. I la resposta que va merèixer des de Catalunya s"esbossà de la mà d"un jurista autoritzat de l"època: Estanislao Reynals i Rabassa. Esdevé un més entre una gran munió de personatges vuitcentistes, tots ells intel·lectuals, que apareixen aquí i allà, en el decurs d"esdeveniments literaris, acadèmics, polítics, etc., i que permeten identificar una reacció prou sentida en contra dels elements revulsius dels trets de la identitat catalana.
Every adherent eukaryotic cell exerts appreciable traction forces upon its substrate. Moreover, every resident cell within the heart, great vessels, bladder, gut or lung routinely experiences large periodic stretches. As an acute response to such stretches the cytoskeleton can stiffen, increase traction forces and reinforce, as reported by some, or can soften and fluidize, as reported more recently by our laboratory, but in any given circumstance it remains unknown which response might prevail or why. Using a novel nanotechnology, we show here that in loading conditions expected in most physiological circumstances the localized reinforcement response fails to scale up to the level of homogeneous cell stretch; fluidization trumps reinforcement. Whereas the reinforcement response is known to be mediated by upstream mechanosensing and downstream signaling, results presented here show the fluidization response to be altogether novel: it is a direct physical effect of mechanical force acting upon a structural lattice that is soft and fragile. Cytoskeletal softness and fragility, we argue, is consistent with early evolutionary adaptations of the eukaryotic cell to material properties of a soft inert microenvironment.
The paper reviews the historical transformation of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications from the era dominated by state-owned enterprises to the presence of regulated competition. In the course of these developments, the vision of the roles of the public and private sectors in electronic communications changed in expected and unexpected ways. While the period is characterized by a shift toward less direct state intervention, the intensity of regulation has increased in many areas. Most recently, in the wake of the financial crisis, new forms of state intervention can be observed, including public investment in communications infrastructure and public-private partnerships. As a result of the reforms, Europe has been able to achieve major successes but it also suffered unanticipated setbacks compared to other regions. The European Union emerged as the global leader in mobile communications during the 1990s and was able to roll-out first-generation broadband access networks more rapidly than many of its peers. Recently, however, Europe as a whole has not performed as well in deploying next-generation networks and advanced mobile communications services. The paper offers a political-economic explanation for these developments and assesses their effects on the performance of the European electronic communications sector and the economy. From this analysis, the European model emerges as a unique institutional arrangement with peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Once these are recognized, sensible next steps to build the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the model can be seen more clearly.
The expansion of broadband speed and coverage over IP technology, which extend over transport and terminal access networks, has increased the demand for applications and content which by being provided over it, uniformly give rise to convergence. These shifts in technologies and enterprise business models are giving rise to the necessity for changing the perspective and scope of the Universal Service and of the regulation frameworks, with this last one based in the same principles as always but varying its application. Several aspects require special and renewed attention, such as the definition of relevant markets and dominant operators, the role of packages, interconnection of IP networks, network neutrality, the use of the spectrum with a vision of value for the citizenship, the application of the competition framework, new forms of licensing, treatment of the risk in the networks, changes in the regulatory authorities, amongst others. These matters are treated from the perspective of the actual trends in the world and its conceptual justification.
This paper examines the role that existing Latin American policy institutions and regulatory coordination mechanisms (otherwise referred to as “regional regulatory spaces”) play in innovation and development of the ICT sector. In doing so, it recognizes that sector regulation does not currently match regional development, thereby limiting its potential progress. In order to shed light on the role that the “regional regulatory space” could potentially play, the author addresses three main questions: · Is there a hierarchy of policies by which it is presumed easy to “coordinate within well-defined technical subjects” but extremely challenging to “agree in matters of public policy?” · What would happen if policy divergence became more important than convergence? Is it reasonable to consider creating “regional regulatory spaces?” or should we focus solely on technological coordination? · Do institutions capable of serving as effective regional regulatory spaces already exist in Latin America or should we consider modifying existing institutions or creating new institutions? After analyzing these three overarching areas of concern, this paper then discusses the need to create a regional space in order to harmonize ICT regulatory frameworks and public policies. Ultimately, this work aims to advance the institutional formulation beyond pre-existing efforts.
Aquest treball analitza el contingut de la doctrina del Conseil Constitutionnel francès en relació amb les successives normes reguladores de l'Impost de solidaritat sobre la fortuna (ISF). Després de descriure els elements bàsics d'aquest impost i de la institució del Conseil Constitutionnel, s'analitzen els principis constitucionals en matèria tributària de capacitat econòmica i d'igualtat davant l'impost que són seleccionats per efectuar el control de constitucionalitat. Utilitzant aquests principis com a instrument d'habilitació, s'ha legitimat el patrimoni com a mostra de capacitat econòmica de les persones físiques, i la limitació de la quota de gravamen de l'ISF com a forma d'aplicar el principi de prohibició de confiscatorietat. Sobre la base de l'elaboració que s'ha fet del principi d'igualtat tributària, s'ha admès la introducció de beneficis fiscals a la regulació de l'ISF i les especificitats d'aquest impost que tributa respecte als elements personals.
Background: Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been shown to participate in the patterning and specification of several tissues and organs during development and to regulate cell growth, differentiation and migration in different cell types. BMP-mediated cell migration requires activation of the small GTPase Cdc42 and LIMK1 activities. In our earlier report we showed that activation of LIMK1 also requires the activation of PAKs through Cdc42 and PI3K. However, the requirement of additional signaling is not clearly known. Methodology/Principal Findings: Activation of p38 MAPK has been shown to be relevant for a number of BMP-2¿s physiological effects. We report here that BMP-2 regulation of cell migration and actin cytoskeleton remodelling are dependent on p38 activity. BMP-2 treatment of mesenchymal cells results in activation of the p38/MK2/Hsp25 signaling pathway downstream from the BMP receptors. Moreover, chemical inhibition of p38 signaling or genetic ablation of either p38¿ or MK2 blocks the ability to activate the downstream effectors of the pathway and abolishes BMP-2-induction of cell migration. These signaling effects on p38/MK2/Hsp25 do not require the activity of either Cdc42 or PAK, whereas p38/MK2 activities do not significantly modify the BMP-2-dependent activation of LIMK1, measured by either kinase activity or with an antibody raised against phospho-threonine 508 at its activation loop. Finally, phosphorylated Hsp25 colocalizes with the BMP receptor complexes in lamellipodia and overexpression of a phosphorylation mutant form of Hsp25 is able to abolish the migration of cells in response to BMP-2. Conclusions: These results indicate that Cdc42/PAK/LIMK1 and p38/MK2/Hsp25 pathways, acting in parallel and modulating specific actin regulatory proteins, play a critical role in integrating responses during BMP-induced actin reorganization and cell migration.
Partint de la base teòrica de la proxèmica i l’espai personal, l’objectiu d’aquest treball era investigar la influència que té el sexe de l’individu i el de la persona amb la qual s’interactua en referència a la distància interpersonal. Així mateix, es pretenia esbrinar si hi ha una connexió entre el sexe i la conducta compensatòria que es realitzarà quan l’espai personal és envaït. L’estudi s’ha realitzat amb 60 joves de la Universitat de Barcelona, estudiants entre 1r i 4t de Grau en diversos estudis socials mitjançant un experiment de camp. Els resultats mostren que ambdues variables tenen una influència significativa en la regulació de l’espai personal d’un individu.
Una anàlisi de la difusió voluntària de dades o la seva gestió discreta en els Comunicats de Premsa i la importància de la presentació de resultats anuals. L¿exemple del context espanyol: cost de regulació i litigi.
La institució de l'acomiadament col·lectiu s'ha vist afectada per la reforma operada pel Reial Decret-llei 3/2012, de 10 de febrer, i la seva posterior convalidació com a Llei 3/2012, de 6 de juliol, de mesures urgents per a la reforma del mercat laboral. Els nombrosos pronunciaments i interpretacions proposades per diferents sectors judicials i doctrinals han convertit la regulació legal i reglamentària dels procediments d'acomiadament col·lectiu en un focus d'especial interès, sobretot tenint en compte la profunda crisi econòmica per la qual travessa Espanya. A causa d'això, podem assentar que gran part dels impediments al creixement de l'economia espanyola eren conseqüència de les febleses que mostrava el model laboral. És per aquest motiu que en el present treball ens dediquem a estudiar les diverses modificacions normatives dels expedients de regulació d'ocupació, prestant especial atenció als aspectes relatius a l'eliminació de la tradicional autorització administrativa (excepte pels casos de força major), a la significativa reconfiguració de les causes econòmiques, tècniques, organitzatives i productives que justifiquen l'extinció dels contractes de treball, al període de consultes, a la informació a facilitar als representants dels treballadors en el propi, a les actuacions de l'Autoritat Laboral per vetllar per la seva efectivitat del període de consultes podent realitzar funcions d'advertiment, recomanació i assistència a les parts, al renovat contingut de l'informe de la Inspecció de Treball i Seguretat Social, als plans de recol·locació i a les mesures d'acompanyament social assumides per l'empresari, entre d’altres. En definitiva, mitjançant el treball realitzat a continuació podem endinsar-nos a aquesta qüestió de forma més profunda i composar així un anàlisis extens sobre la reforma efectuada en 2012 en matèria d'acomiadaments col·lectius.
Transcriptional coactivators and corepressors often have multiple targets and can have opposing actions on transcription and downstream physiological events. The coactivator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator (PGC)-1α is under-expressed in Huntington's disease and is a regulator of antioxidant defenses and mitochondrial biogenesis. We show that in primary cortical neurons, expression of PGC-1α strongly promotes resistance to excitotoxic and oxidative stress in a cell autonomous manner, whereas knockdown increases sensitivity. In contrast, the transcriptional corepressor silencing mediator of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT) specifically antagonizes PGC-1α-mediated antioxidant effects. The antagonistic balance between PGC-1α and SMRT is upset in favor of PGC-1α by synaptic activity. Synaptic activity triggers nuclear export of SMRT reliant on multiple regions of the protein. Concommitantly, synaptic activity post-translationally enhances the transactivating potential of PGC-1α in a p38-dependent manner, as well as upregulating cyclic-AMP response element binding protein-dependent PGC-1α transcription. Activity-dependent targeting of PGC-1α results in enhanced gene expression mediated by the thyroid hormone receptor, a prototypical transcription factor coactivated by PGC-1α and repressed by SMRT. As a consequence of these events, SMRT is unable to antagonize PGC-1α-mediated resistance to oxidative stress in synaptically active neurons. Thus, PGC-1α and SMRT are antagonistic regulators of neuronal vulnerability to oxidative stress. Further, this coactivatorcorepressor antagonism is regulated by the activity status of the cell, with implications for neuronal viability.