163 resultados para Real Maestranza de Caballería (Sevilla)


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This paper reports an experiment that investigated people"s body ownership of an avatar that was observed in a virtual mirror. Twenty subjects were recruited in a within-groups study where 10 first experienced a virtual character that synchronously reflected their upper-body movements as seen in a virtual mirror, and then an asynchronous condition where the mirror avatar displayed prerecorded actions, unrelated to those of the participant. The other 10 subjects experienced the conditions in the opposite order. In both conditions the participant could carry out actions that led to elevation above ground level, as seen from their first person perspective and correspondingly in the mirror. A rotating virtual fan eventually descended to 2m above the ground. The hypothesis was that synchronous mirror reflection would result in higher subjective sense of ownership. A questionnaire analysis showed that the body ownership illusion was significantly greater for thesynchronous than asynchronous condition. Additionally participants in the synchronous condition avoided collision with the descending fan significantly more often than those in the asynchronous condition. The results of this experiment are put into context within similar experiments on multisensory correlation and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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La aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) a la gestión de la comunicación de las organizaciones deportivas ha significado el incremento de los medios de comunicación propios de estas organizaciones para llegar a sus públicos objetivos. Unos medios propios que, en algunos casos, han permitido la globalización de marcas como Barça o Real Madrid y, en otros, reforzar el sentimiento de pertenencia a una comunidad, como es el caso de la radio analógica de los clubes de fútbol andaluces, Sevilla FC o Real Betis. Este artículo muestra parte de los resultados de la tesis doctoral de este investigador sobre las TIC y el deporte, en el que analiza qué medios propios han desarrollado los clubes de fútbol españoles en la nueva era digital.


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El projecte està basat en la creació d'una aplicació per dispositius mòbils android i que fent servir l'ús del micròfon capturi el so que genera l'usuari i pugui determinar si s'està respirant i en quin punt de la respiració es troba l'usuari. S'ha dut a terme una filosofia de disseny orientada a l'usuari (DCU) de manera que el primer pas ha sigut realitzar un prototip i un 'sketch'. A continuació, s'han realitzat 10 aplicacions test i en cadascuna d'elles s'ha ampliat la funcionalitat fins a arribar a obtenir una aplicació base que s'aproxima al disseny inicial generat per mitjà del prototip. El més important dels dissenys algorísmics que s'han realitzat per la aplicació es la capacitat de processar el senyal en temps real, ja que fins i tot s'ha pogut aplicar la transformada ràpida de Fourier (FFT) en temps real sense que el rendiment de l'aplicació es veies afectat. Això ha sigut possible gràcies al disseny del processament amb doble buffer i amb un fil d'execució dedicat independent del fil principal d'execució del programa 'UI Thread'


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Este Congreso Internacional"Humanismo, mestizaje y escritura", que conmemoraba los 400 años de la publicación de los Comentarios reales del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, se celebró en la Universidad de Sevilla del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2009. El evento, organizado por Carmen de Mora (Universidad de Sevilla), Guillermo Serés (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) y Mercedes Serna (Universidad de Barcelona), con apoyo de la Asociación Española de Estudios Hispanoamericanos (AEELH) y la Universidad de Sevilla, fue un éxito de contenido, de organización y de público.


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Reseña del libro 'Las claves de la financiación autonómica', de José V. Sevilla Segura (Barcelona: Crítica, 2001).


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The incorporation of the Spanish university system into the European Higher Education Areahas brought about a series of adaptations. Among the recommendations is the inclusion ofan external training period in a company, which has resulted in significant changes in thedegree syllabus in order to balance the theoretical and practical education required by thestudents. This new framework has been legally confirmed by the Spanish Government and, inthe case of the University of Barcelona, by the publication of internal guidelines. Takingadvantage of this new opportunity to adapt the Pharmacy degree to real-world problems inindustry, the Dean’s team of the Faculty of Pharmacy, with the support of the Facultyadministrative staff and the Students Advisory Service, have assumed the challenge ofincluding a new subject in the syllabus entitled Training in Companies.In parallel, a new activity has been set up to ensure that the students choose the mostsuitable company department/job for them and to help them pass the company interview.Under the name of Passport to a Profession, a series of ten explanatory talks has beenscheduled every academic year. These talks deal with a broad range of topics aimed atproviding the students with the basic tools they will need to make the most of a companytraining period and to make headway in the professional world when they finish theirdegree. In addition, three Faculty of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical company workshops and tworound-table conferences have been held in the last two years in order to bring the universityand industry together. Notably, the project to provide students with company training isexpanding on an international level, with two to three undergraduate students contractedevery year by a United Kingdom-based multinational pharmaceutical company.The statistical data of the whole process has been analysed for a more in-depthunderstanding of the activity and to improve the programme.


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Aquest projecte final de postgrau tracta sobre el desenvolupament de DogsON, una aplicació mòbil per ajudar a les persones que tenen gossos a evitar que el seu gos estigui sol durant les seves hores d'esplai en les àrees canines i parcs habilitats.


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El deporte de masas o el “deporte espectáculo”, tiene dos aspectos: por un lado fortalece lazos internos al estado-nación logrando la visibilidad mundial del mismo al mismo tiempo que genera múltiples beneficios económicos siendo la más importante industria cultural en muchos casos.Nuestro estudio tiene como perspectiva la comparacion con el modelo Chino y s tratamiento del fenómeno deportivo. China ha dedicado siempre múltiples recursos al desarrollo de los deportes pero, en la comunicación deportiva, su avances se encuentra restringido por algunos factores


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Thanks to ART.17.7 of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Council now has to “take into account” the results of EP Elections when selecting a candidate for the role of Commission President. The European Parliament has grabbed the opportunity to launch the first electoral race for spitzenkandidaten to the Presidency. Is this the start of a new democratizing (and thus, politicizing) process for the European Union? This dissertation will try to give a possible answer to the dilemma by constructing a comprehensive framework around EP Elections 2014 that will involve both the Commission and the Parliament and an analysis of the debate beyond legal provisions and the possibility of a politicized presidency of the Commission.


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A capillary microtrap thermal desorption module is developed for near real-time analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at sub-ppbv levels in air samples. The device allows the direct injection of the thermally desorbed VOCs into a chromatographic column. It does not use a second cryotrap to focalize the adsorbed compounds before entering the separation column so reducing the formation of artifacts. The connection of the microtrap to a GC–MS allows the quantitative determination of VOCs in less than 40 min with detection limits of between 5 and 10 pptv (25 °C and 760 mmHg), which correspond to 19–43 ng m−3, using sampling volumes of 775 cm3. The microtrap is applied to the analysis of environmental air contamination in different laboratories of our faculty. The results obtained indicate that most volatile compounds are easily diffused through the air and that they also may contaminate the surrounding areas when the habitual safety precautions (e.g., working under fume hoods) are used during the manipulation of solvents. The application of the microtrap to the analysis of VOCs in breath samples suggest that 2,5-dimethylfuran may be a strong indicator of a person's smoking status


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Este trabajo se centra en el uso del lenguaje Python y la librería OpenCV de visión por computador para el seguimiento de crustáceos marinos en condiciones experimentales y determinar su comportamiento en un entorno social.


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Cualquier acción dinamizadora que tenga como objetivo la desestacionalización turística basada en la explotación del patrimonio de la finca pública de Son Real, debe sustentarse necesariamente en una política gestora explícita, dotada de contenidos e integral.Pero ante todo debe tener una base de conocimiento, de contextualización del territorio y debe recoger todas las incidencias que afectan al bien para desarrollar estrategias consecuentes destinadas al conocimiento, conservación y difusión de este patrimonio, ligándolo a las demandas y necesidades de la sociedad actual y futura.


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This paper re-examines the null of stationary of real exchange rate for a panel of seventeen OECD developed countries during the post-Bretton Woods era. Our analysis simultaneously considers both the presence of cross-section dependence and multiple structural breaks that have not received much attention in previous panel methods of long-run PPP. Empirical results indicate that there is little evidence in favor of PPP hypothesis when the analysis does not account for structural breaks. This conclusion is reversed when structural breaks are considered in computation of the panel statistics. We also compute point estimates of half-life separately for idiosyncratic and common factor components and find that it is always below one year.