351 resultados para Quijano, Alonso


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Membrane organization into condensed domains or rafts provides molecular platforms for selective recruitment of proteins. Cell migration is a general process that requires spatiotemporal targeting of Rac1 to membrane rafts. The protein machinery responsible for making rafts competent to recruit Rac1 remains elusive. Some members of the MAL family of proteins are involved in specialized processes dependent on this type of membrane. Because condensed membrane domains are a general feature of the plasma membrane of all mammalian cells, we hypothesized that MAL family members with ubiquitous expression and plasma membrane distribution could be involved in the organization of membranes for cell migration. We show that myeloid-associated differentiation marker (MYADM), a protein with unique features within the MAL family, colocalizes with Rac1 in membrane protrusions at the cell surface and distributes in condensed membranes. MYADM knockdown (KD) cells had altered membrane condensation and showed deficient incorporation of Rac1 to membrane raft fractions and, similar to Rac1 KD cells, exhibited reduced cell spreading and migration. Results of rescue-of-function experiments by expression of MYADM or active Rac1L61 in cells knocked down for Rac1 or MYADM, respectively, are consistent with the idea that MYADM and Rac1 act on parallel pathways that lead to similar functional outcomes.


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The gated operation is proposed as an effective method to reduce the noise in pixel detectors based on Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes. A prototype with the sensor and the front-end electronics monolithically integrated has been fabricated with a conventional HV-CMOS process. Experimental results demonstrate the increase of the dynamic range of the sensor by applying this technique.


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Avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode offer a high intrinsic gain as well as an excellent timing accuracy. These qualities make the sensor specially suitable for those applications where detectors with high sensitivity and low timing uncertainty are required. Moreover, they are compatible with standard CMOS technologies, allowing sensor and front-end electronics integration within the pixel cell. However, the sensor suffers from high levels of intrinsic noise, which may lead to erroneous results and limit the range of detectable signals. They also increase the amount of data that has to be stored. In this work, we present a pixel based on a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode operated in the gated mode to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interfering with photon arrival events. The readout circuit is based on a two grounds scheme to enable low reverse bias overvoltages and consequently lessen the dark count rate. Experimental characterization of the fabricated pixel with the HV-AMS 0.35µm standard technology is also presented in this article.


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Objective: Health status measures usually have an asymmetric distribution and present a highpercentage of respondents with the best possible score (ceiling effect), specially when they areassessed in the overall population. Different methods to model this type of variables have beenproposed that take into account the ceiling effect: the tobit models, the Censored Least AbsoluteDeviations (CLAD) models or the two-part models, among others. The objective of this workwas to describe the tobit model, and compare it with the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model,that ignores the ceiling effect.Methods: Two different data sets have been used in order to compare both models: a) real datacomming from the European Study of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD), in order to model theEQ5D index, one of the measures of utilities most commonly used for the evaluation of healthstatus; and b) data obtained from simulation. Cross-validation was used to compare thepredicted values of the tobit model and the OLS models. The following estimators werecompared: the percentage of absolute error (R1), the percentage of squared error (R2), the MeanSquared Error (MSE) and the Mean Absolute Prediction Error (MAPE). Different datasets werecreated for different values of the error variance and different percentages of individuals withceiling effect. The estimations of the coefficients, the percentage of explained variance and theplots of residuals versus predicted values obtained under each model were compared.Results: With regard to the results of the ESEMeD study, the predicted values obtained with theOLS model and those obtained with the tobit models were very similar. The regressioncoefficients of the linear model were consistently smaller than those from the tobit model. In thesimulation study, we observed that when the error variance was small (s=1), the tobit modelpresented unbiased estimations of the coefficients and accurate predicted values, specially whenthe percentage of individuals wiht the highest possible score was small. However, when theerrror variance was greater (s=10 or s=20), the percentage of explained variance for the tobitmodel and the predicted values were more similar to those obtained with an OLS model.Conclusions: The proportion of variability accounted for the models and the percentage ofindividuals with the highest possible score have an important effect in the performance of thetobit model in comparison with the linear model.


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Objective: To describe the methodology of Confirmatory Factor Analyis for categorical items and to apply this methodology to evaluate the factor structure and invariance of the WHO-Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS-II) questionnaire, developed by the World HealthOrganization.Methods: Data used for the analysis come from the European Study of Mental Disorders(ESEMeD), a cross-sectional interview to a representative sample of the general population of 6 european countries (n=8796). Respondents were administered a modified version of theWHODAS-II, that measures functional disability in the previous 30 days in 6 differentdimensions: Understanding and Communicating; Self-Care, Getting Around, Getting Along withOthers, Life Activities and Participation. The questionnaire includes two types of items: 22severity items (5 points likert) and 8 frequency items (continuous). An Exploratory factoranalysis (EFA) with promax rotation was conducted on a random 50% of the sample. Theremaining half of the sample was used to perform a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) inorder to compare three different models: (a) the model suggested by the results obtained in theEFA; (b) the theoretical model suggested by the WHO with 6 dimensions; (c) a reduced modelequivalent to model b where 4 of the frequency items are excluded. Moreover, a second orderfactor was also evaluated. Finally, a CFA with covariates was estimated in order to evaluatemeasurement invariance of the items between Mediterranean and non-mediterranean countries.Results: The solution that provided better results in the EFA was that containing 7 factors. Twoof the frequency items presented high factor loadings in the same factor, and one of thempresented factor loadings smaller than 0.3 with all the factors. With regard to the CFA, thereduced model (model c) presented the best goodness of fit results (CFI=0.992,TLI=0.996,RMSEA=0.024). The second order factor structure presented adequate goodness of fit (CFI=0.987,TLI=0.991, RMSEA=0.036). Measurement non-invariance was detected for one of the items of thequestionnaire (FD20 ¿ Embarrassment due to health problems).Conclusions: AFC confirmed the initial hypothesis about the factorial structure of the WHODAS-II in 6factors. The second order factor supports the existence of a global dimension of disability. The use of 4of the frequency items is not recommended in the scoring of the corresponding dimensions.


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El análisis sedimentológico de distintos sectores de la plataforma continental balear (Bahia de Campos, Sur de Menorca y Canal de Menorca) ha puesto de manifiesto la existencia de siete grupos de facies: A) algales, B) de bivalvos, C) de gasterpodos, D) bioclsticas, E) mixtas, F) de fragmentos liticos y G) cementadas (costras algales y calcarenitas). La distribución de estas facies sedimentarias guarda una estrecha relación con la profundidad, excepto en el Sur de Menorca, y con las comunidades bentónicas que se desarrollan en la plataforma continental. Las facies que recubren actualmente la plataforma balear se depositaron durante la fase del ascenso del nivel del mar de la transgresión Versiliense.


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Using the extended Thomas-Fermi version of density-functional theory (DFT), calculations are presented for the barrier for the reaction Na20++Na20+¿Na402+. The deviation from the simple Coulomb barrier is shown to be proportional to the electron density at the bond midpoint of the supermolecule (Na20+)2. An extension of conventional quantum-chemical studies of homonuclear diatomic molecular ions is then effected to apply to the supermolecular ions of the alkali metals. This then allows the Na results to be utilized to make semiquantitative predictions of position and height of the maximum of the fusion barrier for other alkali clusters. These predictions are confirmed by means of similar DFT calculations for the K clusters.


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A deformed-jellium model is used to calculate the fission barrier height of positive doubly charged sodium clusters within an extended Thomas-Fermi approximation. The fissioning cluster is continuously deformed from the parent configuration until it splits into two fragments. Although the shape of the fission barrier obviously depends on the parametrization of the fission path, we have found that remarkably, the maximum of the barrier corresponds to a configuration in which the emerging fragments are already formed and rather well apart. The implication of this finding in the calculation of critical numbers for fission is illustrated in the case of multiply charged Na clusters.


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Spiral chemical waves subjected to a spatiotemporal random excitability are experimentally and numerically investigated in relation to the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Brownian motion is identified and characterized by an effective diffusion coefficient which shows a rather complex dependence on the time and length scales of the noise relative to those of the spiral. A kinematically based model is proposed whose results are in good qualitative agreement with experiments and numerics.


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A pacemaker, regularly emitting chemical waves, is created out of noise when an excitable photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium, strictly unable to autonomously initiate autowaves, is forced with a spatiotemporal patterned random illumination. These experimental observations are also reproduced numerically by using a set of reaction-diffusion equations for an activator-inhibitor model, and further analytically interpreted in terms of genuine coupling effects arising from parametric fluctuations. Within the same framework we also address situations of noise-sustained propagation in subexcitable media.


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We present an analytic and numerical study of the effects of external fluctuations in active media. Our analytical methodology transforms the initial stochastic partial differential equations into an effective set of deterministic reaction-diffusion equations. As a result we are able to explain and make quantitative predictions on the systematic and constructive effects of the noise, for example, target patterns created out of noise and traveling or spiral waves sustained by noise. Our study includes the case of realistic noises with temporal and spatial structures.


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Rotating scroll waves are dynamical spatiotemporal structures characteristic of three-dimensional active media. It is well known that, under low excitability conditions, scroll waves develop an intrinsically unstable dynamical regime that leads to a highly disorganized pattern of wave propagation. Such a ¿turbulent¿ state bears some resemblance to fibrillation states in cardiac tissue. We show here that this unstable regime can be controlled by using a spatially distributed random forcing superimposed on a control parameter of the system. Our results are obtained from numerical simulations but an explicit analytical argument that rationalizes our observations is also presented.


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