160 resultados para Dou, Gerard, 1613-1675.
Health and inequalities in health among inhabitants of European cities are of major importance for European public health and there is great interest in how different health care systems in Europe perform in the reduction of health inequalities. However, evidence on the spatial distribution of cause-specific mortality across neighbourhoods of European cities is scarce. This study presents maps of avoidable mortality in European cities and analyses differences in avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods with different levels of deprivation. Methods: We determined the level of mortality from 14 avoidable causes of death for each neighbourhood of 15 large cities in different European regions. To address the problems associated with Standardised Mortality Ratios for small areas we smooth them using the Bayesian model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié. Ecological regression analysis was used to assess the association between social deprivation and mortality. Results: Mortality from avoidable causes of death is higher in deprived neighbourhoods and mortality rate ratios between areas with different levels of deprivation differ between gender and cities. In most cases rate ratios are lower among women. While Eastern and Southern European cities show higher levels of avoidable mortality, the association of mortality with social deprivation tends to be higher in Northern and lower in Southern Europe. Conclusions: There are marked differences in the level of avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods of European cities and the level of avoidable mortality is associated with social deprivation. There is no systematic difference in the magnitude of this association between European cities or regions. Spatial patterns of avoidable mortality across small city areas can point to possible local problems and specific strategies to reduce health inequality which is important for the development of urban areas and the well-being of their inhabitants
Flushing is an important maintenance task that removes accumulated particles in microirrigation laterals that can help to reduce clogging problems. The effect of three dripline flushing frequency treatments (no flushing, one flushing at the end of each irrigation period, and a monthly flushing during the irrigation period) was studied in surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems that operated using a wastewater treatment plant effluent for three irrigation periods of 540 h each. The irrigation systems had two different emitters, one pressure compensating and the other not, both molded and welded onto the interior dripline wall, placed in laterals 87 meters long. Dripline flow of the pressure compensating emitter increased 8% over time, while in the nonpressure compensating emitter, dripline flow increased 25% in the surface driplines and decreased 3% in the subsurface driplines by the emitter clogging. Emitter clogging was affected primarily by the interactions between emitter location, emitter type, and flushing frequency treatment. The number of completely clogged emitters was affected by the interaction between irrigation system and emitter type. There was an average of 3.7% less totally clogged emitters in flushed surface driplines with the pressurecompensating emitter as compared to flushed subsurface laterals with the nonpressure compensating emitter
Arterial stiffness assessed by carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) measurement is now well accepted as an independent predictor of vascular mortality and morbidity. However, the value of cfPWV has been considered to be limited for risk classification in patients with several vascular risk factors. Magnetic resonance (MR) allows measurement of PWV between two points, though to date mainly used to study the aorta. To assess the common carotid artery pulse wave velocity by magnetic resonance, determine their association with classical vascular risk factors and ischemic brain injury burden in patients with suspected ischemic cerebrovascular disease
La Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Asociación de Psiquiatría Americana catalogan la transexualidad como una patología bajo el nombre de ‘trastorno de identidad de género’ y ‘disforia de género’, respectivamente. En el contexto español, la Ley 3/2007 establece que para poder modificarse la mención de sexo hace falta presentar, entre otros, un certificado de dicho diagnóstico. Las Unidades de Trastornos de Identidad de Género, ubicadas en las unidades de psiquiatría de diferentes hospitales públicos, son las encargadas de expedir este tipo de certificados una vez pasado un proceso que puede durar dos años. En este artículo, tras analizar la construcción del género que subyace en el discurso médico oficial sobre la transexualidad se concluye que se establece una visión patologizadora, binarista, biologista y que fomenta, en el caso de los trans masculinos, los estereotipos de la masculinidad hegemónica.
Como toda categoría identitaria, transexual tiene una definición normativa —en este caso, muy marcada por su origen médico—, hay unos agentes sociales que controlan su uso y existe un conflicto alrededor de los límites que abarca. En este artículo, analizamos cómo el conflicto por la delimitación de esta categoría se articula a nivel individual y colectivo. En base al análisis de entrevistas, grupos de discusión y mensajes en foros de Internet, se ha observado que hay un choque entre dos concepciones de la transexualidad. La primera defiende, desde postulados biologistas, que los criterios para entrar dentro de esta categoría son el cambio corporal y una identificación normativa con el género reivindicado. La segunda propone una interpretación más inclusiva y estratégica de la categoría. El choque entre estas dos concepciones permite entender el trasfondo de este debate aparentemente terminológico e invita a repensar la forma de entender la conexión entre el género y el cuerpo.
Revisió de la Història de la llengua catalana, manuscrit d’Antoni de Bastero, degut a l’aparició d’un segon volum manuscrit del mateix Bastero que completa el primer però que no varia substancialment les conclusions a les que es van arribar fruit de l’estudi del primer manuscrit. Es relaciona també un inventari dels papers que es conserven del canonge Bastero
Share Your Hobbies pretén ser una aplicació web per conèixer gent amb els mateixos interessos o aficions. Ofereix un taulell en el que proposar activitats a realitzar perquè altres usuaris s'hi puguin inscriure. Ofereix també una agenda amb els esdeveniments culturals futurs a la ciutat de Barcelona.
El projecte consisteix en una aplicació per a realitzar el seguiment de pacients a distància, evitant així desplaçaments innecessaris al centre de salut. Està format per una pàgina web, on el personal sanitari gestiona el sistema, i una aplicació Android, que és la que fa servir el pacient. El personal sanitari introdueix la medicació, les visites o les tasques periòdiques a fer pel pacient al sistema. El pacient consulta la informació en l’aplicació del seu mòbil, rebent avisos de recordatori i amb la possibilitat enviar respostes als formularis creats per el personal sanitari de manera periòdica.
En esta investigación se ha estudiado la relación entre dos subsistemas de la memoria de trabajo (buclefonológico y agenda viso-espacial) y el rendimiento en cálculo con una muestra de 94 niños españolesde 7-8 años. Hemos administrado dos pruebas de cálculo diseñadas para este estudio y seis medidassimples de memoria de trabajo (de contenido verbal, numérico y espacial) de la «Batería de Testsde Memoria de Treball» de Pickering, Baqués y Gathercole (1999), y dos pruebas visuales complementarias.Los resultados muestran una correlación importante entre las medidas de contenido verbaly numérico y el rendimiento en cálculo. En cambio, no hemos encontrado ninguna relación con las medidasespaciales. Se concluye, por lo tanto, que en escolares españoles existe una relación importanteentre el bucle fonológico y el rendimiento en tareas de cálculo. En cambio, el rol de la agenda viso-espaciales nulo
Aquest projecte consisteix en un petit servei web de comptabilitat desenvolupat amb Vaadin framework, MySQL i Java. Dita aplicació permet crear factures i altres documents i portar-ne unes estadístiques de les figures relacionades amb aquesta comptabilitat. El fet d'utilitzar Vaadin permet desenvolupar aquest servei web mitjançant Java. Aquesta entrega es composa d'una presentació, la memòria i el producte (servei web+BD+instruccions).
Most ecosystems undergo substantial variation over the seasons, ranging from changes in abiotic features, such as temperature, light and precipitation, to changes in species abundance and composition. How seasonality varies along latitudinal gradients is not well known in freshwater ecosystems, despite being very important in predicting the effects of climate change and in helping to advance ecological understanding. Stream temperature is often well correlated with air temperature and influences many ecosystem features such as growth and metabolism of most aquatic organisms. We evaluated the degree of seasonality in ten river mouths along a latitudinal gradient for a set of variables, ranging from air and water temperatures, to physical and chemical properties of water and growth of an invasive fish species (eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki ). Our results show that although most of the variation in air temperature was explained by latitude and season, this was not the case for water features, including temperature, in lowland Mediterranean streams, which depended less on season and much more on local factors. Similarly, although there was evidence of latitude-dependent seasonality in fish growth, the relationship was nonlinear and weak and the significant latitudinal differences in growth rates observed during winter were compensated later in the year and did not result in overall differences in size and growth. Our results suggest that although latitudinal differences in air temperature cascade through properties of freshwater ecosystems, local factors and complex interactions often override the water temperature variation with latitude and might therefore hinder projections of species distribution models and effects of climate change
Nonnative brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis are abundant in Pine Creek and its main tributary, Bogard Spring Creek, California. These creeks historically provided the most spawning and rearing habitat for endemic Eagle Lake rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss aquilarum. Three-pass electrofishing removal was conducted in 2007–2009 over the entire 2.8-km length of Bogard Spring Creek to determine whether brook trout removal was a feasible restoration tool and to document the life history characteristics of brook trout in a California meadow stream. After the first 2 years of removal, brook trout density and biomass were severely reduced from 15,803 to 1,192 fish/ha and from 277 to 31 kg/ha, respectively. Average removal efficiency was 92–97%, and most of the remaining fish were removed in the third year. The lack of a decrease in age-0 brook trout abundance between 2007 and 2008 after the removal of more than 4,000 adults in 2007 suggests compensatory reproduction of mature fish that survived and higher survival of age-0 fish. However, recruitment was greatly reduced after 2 years of removal and is likely to be even more depressed after the third year of removal assuming that immigration of fish from outside the creek continues to be minimal. Brook trout condition, growth, and fecundity indicated a stunted population at the start of the study, but all three features increased significantly every year, demonstrating compensatory effects. Although highly labor intensive, the use of electrofishing to eradicate brook trout may be feasible in Bogard Spring Creek and similar small streams if removal and monitoring are continued annually and if other control measures (e.g., construction of barriers) are implemented. Our evidence shows that if brook trout control measures continue and if only Eagle Lake rainbow trout are allowed access to the creek, then a self-sustaining population ofEagle Lake rainbow trout can become reestablished
Condition-specific competition is widespread in nature. Species inhabiting heterogeneous environments tend to differ in competitive abilities depending on environmental stressors. Interactions between these factors can allow coexistence of competing species, which may be particularly important between invasive and native species. Here, we examine the effects of temperature on competitiveinteractions between invasive mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, and an endemic Iberian toothcarp, Aphanius iberus. We compare the tendency to approach heterospecifics and food capture rates between these two species, and examine differences between sexes and species in aggressive interactions, at three different temperatures (19, 24 and 29uC) in three laboratory experiments. Mosquitofish exhibit much more aggression than toothcarp. We show that mosquitofish have the capacity to competitively displace toothcarp through interference competition and this outcome is more likely at higher temperatures. We also show a reversal in the competitive hierarchy through reduced food capture rate by mosquitofish at lower temperatures and suggest that these two types of competition may act synergistically to deprive toothcarp of food at higher temperatures. Males of both species carry out more overtly aggressive acts than females, which is probably related to the marked sexual dimorphism and associated mating systems of these two species. Mosquitofish may thus impact heavily on toothcarp, and competition from mosquitofish, especially in warmer summer months, may lead to changes in abundance of the native species and displacement to non-preferred habitats. Globally increasing temperatures mean that highly invasive, warm-water mosquitofish may be able to colonize environments from which they are currently excluded through reduced physiological tolerance to low temperatures. Research into the effects of temperature on interactions between native and invasive species is thus of fundamental importance
The cost of reusing water in micro-irrigation at the field level has not been studied in depth although the use of effluents in agriculture is a viable alternative in areas where water is scarce or there is intense competition for its use. The aim of the present study is to analyse the private costs of water reuse in micro-irrigation in an experimental plot. This analysis is intended to provide information about the decision a farmer would make when the choice to use conventional or reclaimed water is guided by cost criteria. The components of the total costs of different combinations of four types of filters and five emitters that can be installed in micro-irrigation systems using reclaimed water have been studied with the data obtained from an experimental plot in conditions similar to those of fruit orchards. Different scenarios that compared the costs of using conventional or reclaimed water in terms of water price and nutrient content were also studied. The results show that a proper combination of filters and emitters can save up to 33% in irrigation costs. Capital costs and maintenance costs were the most variable among the different combinations. Scenario analysis showed that the greater price of reclaimed water could be compensated by high nutrient contents, which would reduce fertilizer costs
The preparation of [FeIV(O)(MePy2tacn)]2+ (2, MePy2tacn = N-methyl-N,N-bis(2-picolyl)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane) by reaction of [FeII(MePy2tacn)(solvent)]2+ (1) and PhIO in CH3CN and its full characterization are described. This compound can also be prepared photochemically from its iron(II) precursor by irradiation at 447 nm in the presence of catalytic amounts of [Ru II(bpy)3]2+ as photosensitizer and a sacrificial electron acceptor (Na2S2O8). Remarkably, the rate of the reaction of the photochemically prepared compound 2 toward sulfides increases 150-fold under irradiation, and 2 is partially regenerated after the sulfide has been consumed; hence, the process can be repeated several times. The origin of this rate enhancement has been established by studying the reaction of chemically generated compound 2 with sulfides under different conditions, which demonstrated that both light and [Ru II(bpy)3]2+ are necessary for the observed increase in the reaction rate. A combination of nanosecond time-resolved absorption spectroscopy with laser pulse excitation and other mechanistic studies has led to the conclusion that an electron transfer mechanism is the most plausible explanation for the observed rate enhancement. According to this mechanism, the in-situ-generated [RuIII(bpy)3] 3+ oxidizes the sulfide to form the corresponding radical cation, which is eventually oxidized by 2 to the corresponding sulfoxide