950 resultados para Cambrils (Catalunya) -- Arqueologia
The widespread implementation of GIS-based 3D topographical models has been a great aid in the development and testing of archaeological hypotheses. In this paper, a topographical reconstruction of the ancient city of Tarraco, the Roman capital of the Tarraconensis province, is presented. This model is based on topographical data obtained through archaeological excavations, old photographic documentation, georeferenced archive maps depicting the pre-modern city topography, modern detailed topographical maps and differential GPS measurements. The addition of the Roman urban architectural features to the model offers the possibility to test hypotheses concerning the ideological background manifested in the city shape. This is accomplished mainly through the use of 3D views from the main city accesses. These techniques ultimately demonstrate the ‘theatre-shaped’ layout of the city (to quote Vitrubius) as well as its southwest oriented architecture, whose monumental character was conceived to present a striking aspect to visitors, particularly those arriving from the sea.
Forensic archaeology has been of inestimable help in the location and excavation of clandestine burials (Hunter 1996a:16-17, 1996b; Killam 2004; Levine et al. 1984). Landscape archaeology techniques have been adapted and widely applied for such purposes. In this article, an adaptation of one of the most common applications of archaeological GIS, that is predictive site location, is applied to the detection of body dump sites and clandestine burial sites, bringing together in the process the fields of landscape archaeology, forensic sciences, and GIS.
Landscape research in urban or peri-urban areas implies important methodological constraints. In this sense, the area of study, placed in the Vallès basin, near the city of Barcelona, has known an important process of landscape’s transformation in the last two decades. This fact restrains the retrieving of archaeological data and the development of archaeological surveys and fieldwalking. The destruction of large agrarian areas implies that landscape morphology research must focus on an intensive work with historical cartography and old aerial photography within a GIS environment.
La investigación sobre el paisaje en zonas urbanas o periurbanas implica importantes limitaciones metodológicas. En el presente estudio, el trabajo se centra en un llano pre-litoral próximo a la ciudad de Barcelona, el Vallès Oriental, profundamente urbanizado en las últimas dos décadas, hecho que condiciona la recuperación de nuevos datos arqueológicos y la implementación de programas de prospección arqueológica. Asimismo, la particular topografía que presenta el llano, caracterizado por unos relieves suaves, ha obligado a adaptar la metodología del análisis arqueomorfológico a este contexto geográfico. El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis arqueomorfológico realizado, que han sido cruzados con la documentación histórica y arqueológica para caracterizar —desde una perspectiva diacrónica— la red viaria, la estructuración territorial y la evolución del poblamiento de esta área y, finalmente, determinar las dinámicas del paisaje en época romana. La investigación sobre la morfología del territorio se ha llevado a cabo a partir de un intenso trabajo de fotointerpretación y análisis de la cartografía histórica en entorno SIG, especialmente útil en un paisaje marcado por las importantes trasformaciones del medio rural. Igualmente, los datos generados en los últimos años por la investigación arqueológica han sido revisados de forma detallada, a fin de contribuir a la planificación de las prospecciones arqueológicas y arqueomorfológicas desarrolladas.
long-term cultural history of the Madriu-Perafita-Claror valleys (Andorra) and the Cadí Range (Catalonia) has been investigated thanks to the combination of archaeological surveys and excavation, analysis of written sources, multiproxy alaeoenvironment analysis (pollen, NPP, micro and macro charcoal, sedimentology and geochemistry), and digital technologies such as stereophotogrammetry, multispectral imaging, DGPS and GIS. The project has been designed from a landscape archaeology approach and the study area has been selected due to the suitable setting it provides for a meaningful application of the aforementioned techniques. Consequently, archaeological, historical and palaeoenvironmental data have been all treated as cultural proxies. Their comparison has allowed obtaining not only coherent but also complementary results. The project outcomes show an uninterrupted occupation of these high mountain valleys (2000-2600 m a.s.l.) from the Mesolithic until the present. This human occupation shows strong spatial and chronological variability in human practices ranging from a stable long term group occupation in the Late Neolithic to the diversification of representative practices during the Roman period (metallurgy, pine resin exploitation, charcoal production, pastoralism, etc.). This high diversity of activities leads to complex cultural landscapes in the high Pyrenean areas. The reconstruction of the cultural history at the study areas will allow the development of more sustainable politics for these landscapes management.
This paper is concerned with the organization of societies in north-eastern Iberia (present-day Catalonia) during the Iron Age, using data provided by domestic architecture and settlement organization. I offer an analysis of the social differences detected in the dwellings based on a sample of houses excavated at different types of settlement. Although many Iberian houses had simple layouts and small surface areas, some larger dwellings at the main sites are distinguished by the shape of their ground plans, their surface areas, architectural features, and central locations; these houses are believed to be the residences of the Iberian elite. Such dwellings are not found at all sites and the data suggest that there was a relationship between the category of the settlement (or its function) and the types of dwelling in it.
Barcino és encara avui una ciutat romana poc coneguda de la província Tarraconense, que segons la majoria d’especialistes fou fundada per raons polítiques. Malgrat això, una anàlisi detallada de les característiques econòmiques suggereixen que es va crear com a resultat de necessitats comercials, ja que es localitzava en una de les millors zones portuàries del NE de la península. L’article present pretén reconstruir tot el circuit comercial de Barcino a partir de les nombroses estampilles d’àmfores trobades en les excavacions. Aquestes marques comercials no solament evidencien una pròspera producció de vi en l’àrea, sinó també la corresponent demanda externa.
Aquest petit treball pretén esdevenir una guia bàsica per aquells arqueòlegs que desconeixen l’aspecte conservatiu dels materials arqueològics. Així, en primer lloc analitzarem, a grans trets, la composició físicoquímica dels diferents objectes que podem trobar en una excavació i quins són els agents que més els malmeten. Després tractarem d’introduir alguns consells pràctics pel treball de camp.
L'archeologia classica ha registrato in Catalogna un importante sviluppo in questi ultimi tempi, sia in ciò che è legato alla ricerca sul campo, sia nelle pubblicazioni e nella crescita dei centri di studio. Una prova della potenza dell'archeologia classica catalana attuale è proprio il fatto che a questa sia stata dedicata una singola sessione del XVII Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, cosa che è un'eccezione, alla quale dobbiamo essere vivamente grati, perché le sessioni regionali sono in genere dedicate ai vecchi paesigià esistenti nell'antichità o alle grande isole del Mediterraneo.