538 resultados para Calveiro, Pilar


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Aquest qüestionari pretén valorar la teva experiència en la participació del projecte que desenvolupeu a launiversitat.


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A novel and simple procedure for concentrating adenoviruses from seawater samples is described. The technique entails the adsorption of viruses to pre-flocculated skimmed milk proteins, allowing the flocs to sediment by gravity, and dissolving the separated sediment in phosphate buffer. Concentrated virus may be detected by PCR techniques following nucleic acid extraction. The method requires no specialized equipment other than that usually available in routine public health laboratories, and due to its straightforwardness it allows the processing of a larger number of water samples simultaneously. The usefulness of the method was demonstrated in concentration of virus in multiple seawater samples during a survey of adenoviruses in coastal waters.


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The presence of human adenoviruses in recreational water might cause disease in the population upon exposure. Human adenoviruses detected by PCR could also serve as indicators of the virological water quality. In order to assess the applicability of human adenoviruses to the evaluation of the faecal contamination in European bathing waters, a real-time quantitative PCR assay was developed for the quantification of human adenoviruses in 132 samples collected from 24 different recreational marine and freshwater sites in nine European countries.Selected samples presenting positive nested-PCR results for human adenoviruses were analyzed using quantitative PCR and 80 samples from a total of 132 produced quantitative results with mean values of 3.2x102 10 per 100 ml of water, human adenovirus 41 being the most prevalent serotype. Human adenoviruses were quantified in samples from all 15 surveillance laboratories. Statistical analysis showed no homogeneous linear relation between humanadenoviruses and E. coli, intestinal enterococci or somatic coliphages concentrations in the tested samples when considering all the data together. Significant correlations between human adenoviruses and at least one of the other indicators were observed only when data from individual Laboratories were considered. The quantification of human adenoviruses may provide complementary information in relation to the use of bacterial standards in the control of water quality in bathing water.


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To evaluate the clinical evolution of sacral stress fractures in relation to the scintigraphic pattern and the presence of additional pelvic fractures. METHODS--This was a retrospective study of 14 patients with sacral fractures. RESULTS--Six patients had additional pelvic fractures. Four bone scintigraphic patterns were found. The resolution of symptoms was longer in patients with associated pelvic fractures (30 weeks v three weeks). No relation was found between the bone scintigraphic pattern and the time of evolution. CONCLUSION--Associated pelvic fractures delay the resolution of symptoms in patients with sacral fractures, regardless of scintigraphic pattern.


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This study aimed to investigate the behaviour of two indicators of influenza activity in the area of Barcelona and to evaluate the usefulness of modelling them to improve the detection of influenza epidemics. DESIGN: Descriptive time series study using the number of deaths due to all causes registered by funeral services and reported cases of influenza-like illness. The study concentrated on five influenza seasons, from week 45 of 1988 to week 44 of 1993. The weekly number of deaths and cases of influenza-like illness registered were processed using identification of a time series ARIMA model. SETTING: Six large towns in the Barcelona province which have more than 60,000 inhabitants and funeral services in all of them. MAIN RESULTS: For mortality, the proposed model was an autoregressive one of order 2 (ARIMA (2,0,0)) and for morbidity it was one of order 3 (ARIMA (3,0,0)). Finally, the two time series were analysed together to facilitate the detection of possible implications between them. The joint study of the two series shows that the mortality series can be modelled separately from the reported morbidity series, but the morbidity series is influenced as much by the number of previous cases of influenza reported as by the previous mortality registered. CONCLUSIONS: The model based on general mortality is useful for detecting epidemic activity of influenza. However, because there is not an absolute gold standard that allows definition of the beginning of the epidemic, the final decision of when it is considered an epidemic and control measures recommended should be taken after evaluating all the indicators included in the influenza surveillance programme.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a mass vaccination programme carried out in Catalonia (Spain) in the last quarter of 1997 in response to an upsurge of serogroup C meningococcal disease (SCMD). DESIGN Vaccination coverage in the 18 month to 19 years age group was investigated by means of a specific vaccination register. Vaccination effectiveness was calculated using the prospective cohort method. Cases of SCMD were identified on the basis of compulsory reporting and microbiological notification by hospital laboratories. Vaccination histories were investigated in all cases. Unadjusted and age adjusted vaccination effectiveness referred to the time of vaccination and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of follow up. SETTING All population aged 18 months to 19 years of Catalonia. MAIN RESULTS A total of seven cases of SCMD were detected at six months of follow up (one in the vaccinated cohort), 12 cases at 12 months (one in the vaccinated cohort), 19 cases at 18 months (two in the vaccinated cohort) and 24 at 24 months (two in the vaccinated cohort). The age adjusted effectiveness was 84% (95%CI 30, 97) at six months, 92% (95%CI 63, 98) at 12 months, 92% (95% CI 71, 98) at 18 months and 94% (95%CI 78, 98) at 24 months. In the target population, cases have been reduced by more than two thirds (68%) two years after the vaccination programme. In the total population the reduction was 43%. CONCLUSION Vaccination effectiveness has been high in Catalonia, with a dramatic reduction in disease incidence in the vaccinated cohort accompanied by a relevant reduction in the overall population. Given that vaccination coverage was only 54.6%, it may be supposed that this vaccination effectiveness is attributable, in part, to the herd immunity conferred by the vaccine.


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Background: Noroviruses are one of the principal biological agents associated with the consumption of contaminated food. The objective of this study was to analyse the size and epidemiological characteristics of foodborne outbreaks of gastroenteritis in Catalonia, a region in the northeast of Spain.Methods: In all reported outbreaks of gastroenteritis associated with food consumption, faecal samples of persons affected were analysed for bacteria and viruses and selectively for parasites. Study variables included the setting, the number of people exposed, age, sex, clinical signs and hospital admissions. The study was carried out from October 2004 to October 2005.Results: Of the 181 outbreaks reported during the study period, 72 were caused by Salmonella and 30 by norovirus (NoV); the incidence rates were 14.5 and 9.9 per 100,000 person-years, respectively. In 50% of the NoV outbreaks and 27% of the bacterial outbreaks (p = 0.03) the number of persons affected was ¿10; 66.7% of NoV outbreaks occurred in restaurants; no differences in the attack rates were observed according to the etiology. Hospitalizations were more common (p = 0.03) in bacterial outbreaks (8.6%) than in NoV outbreaks (0.15%). Secondary cases accounted for 4% of cases in NoV outbreaks compared with 0.3% of cases in bacterial outbreaks (p < 0.001)Conclusion: Norovirus outbreaks were larger but less frequent than bacterial outbreaks, suggesting that underreporting is greater for NoV outbreaks. Food handlers should receive training on the transmission of infections in diverse situations. Very strict control measures on handwashing and environmental disinfection should be adopted in closed or partially-closed institutions.


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l'Àrea de Gestió de la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona va coordinar durant l'estiu de 1994 un treball de recerca amb l'objectiu d'analitzar el comportament dels estudiants davant els canvis tecnològics i d'organització en la BUB. En l'article s'ofereixen els resultats obtinguts a partir del qüestionari que es distribuí als estudiants de les cinc àrees de coneixement que cobreix la BUB.


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[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.


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L"objectiu d"aquest treball és fer conèixer, de forma molt resumida el procés d"excavació de l"abric del Filador entre el 1978 i el 1997. Durant aquest període de temps la Universitat de Barcelona ha tingut cura de la direcció dels esmentats treballs. Els tres codirectors que hem assolit durant més de temps les responsabilitats de coordinar la recerca volem oferir una síntesi de la història i resultats de vint campanyes ininterrumpudes en un jaciment clau per entendre el desenvolupament de l"Epipaleolític al NE peninsular i la façana mediterrània ibèrica.


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En este artículo presentamos un estudio de síntesis de los pulidores de arenisca del Paleolítico Superior y del Epipaleolítico/ Mesolítico de Europa. El trabajo surgió a partir del hallazgo de cuatro ejemplares, los más meridionales de Europa y los únicos de la Península Ibérica, en el transcurso de las recientes excavaciones de los niveles epipaleolíticos del XQ milenio B.P., del abrigo del Filador(Margalef de Montsant, Priorat, Tarragona).


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En este artículo pretendemos dar a conocer los últimos resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio en profundidad de la industria lítica y de la fauna del yacimiento tarraconense de la Mallada (Perelló); ello nos ayudará a situarlo cronológicamente en los inicios el Magdaleniense Superior Mediterráneo.


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La idea de cooperar o de fer cooperació internacional s'ha anat incorporant a les nostres vides -també en la vida acadèmica- en els darrers deu anys, sense que moltes vegades s'hagi aprofundit suficientment en què vol dir, no només etimol6gicament. En aquests moments, en els quals la situació en el món i les complexes relacions internacionals han experimentat canvis importants, s'imposa que ens aturem a pensar una mica sobre el perquè, el com, on i amb qui fem la cooperació internacional. Sobre el paper de l'educació en aquests nous contextos i, més en concret, en el que les universitats fan o poden fer en el que anomenem cooperació per al desenvolupament.