237 resultados para BON-0-A


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We use the recently obtained theoretical expression for the complete QCD static energy at next-to-next-to-next-to leading-logarithmic accuracy to determine r(0)Lambda((MS) over bar) by comparison with available lattice data, where r(0) is the lattice scale and Lambda((MS) over bar) is the QCD scale. We obtain r(0)Lambda((MS) over bar) = 0.622(-0.015)(+0.019) for the zero-flavor case. The procedure we describe can be directly used to obtain r(0)Lambda((MS) over bar) in the unquenched case, when unquenched lattice data for the static energy at short distances becomes available. Using the value of the strong coupling alpha(s) as an input, the unquenched result would provide a determination of the lattice scale r(0).


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Intensive numerical studies of exact ground states of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic random field Ising model at T=0, with a Gaussian distribution of fields, are presented. Standard finite size scaling analysis of the data suggests the existence of a transition at ¿c=0.64±0.08. Results are compared with existing theories and with the study of metastable avalanches in the same model.


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We consider the distribution of cross sections of clusters and the density-density correlation functions for the A+B¿0 reaction. We solve the reaction-diffusion equations numerically for random initial distributions of reactants. When both reactant species have the same diffusion coefficients the distribution of cross sections and the correlation functions scale with the diffusion length and obey superuniversal laws (independent of dimension). For different diffusion coefficients the correlation functions still scale, but the scaling functions depend on the dimension and on the diffusion coefficients. Furthermore, we display explicitly the peculiarities of the cluster-size distribution in one dimension.


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The distribution of Sn4+ cations within the five crystallographic sites of the magnetoplumbite (M) ‐like compound BaFe12−2xCoxSnxO19 has been analyzed using single‐crystal x‐ray‐diffraction data. The species Fe3+ and Co2+ cannot be distinguished using x rays because of their very similar atomic numbers; however, the calculation of the apparent valencies for the different sites allows an insight into the Co2+ cation segregation. The use of previous data from neutron powder diffraction allows a precise picture of the cation distribution, which indicates a pronounced site selectivity for both Sn4+ and Co2+ cations. The Sn4+ cations prefer the 4f2 sites and to a much lower extent the 12k sites, while they do not enter the octahedral 2a sites at all. Co2+ cations are distributed among tetrahedral and octahedral sites displaying a clear preference for the tetrahedral 4f1 sites. Magnetic measurements indicate that the compound still exhibits uniaxial anisotropy with the easy direction parallel to the c axis. Nevertheless, the magnetic structure shows a considerable degree of noncolinearity. A strong reduction of the magnetic anisotropy regarding that of the undoped compound is also detected.


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This paper aims to illustrate the dynamics of coal trade between Latin America and its main trade partners, i.e. the USA, Great Britain and Germany, before and after the enormous disruption caused by the First World War. The coal trade was used as an indicator of modernization for Latin American countries, given that oil was at that time of secondary importance. Energy imports have determined the possibilities of each Latin American country in its process of development. Here we address this question and place special emphasis on supply channels, concluding that the trade link with main suppliers was of key significance. Although this was very clear by the end of the period, the process had started well before the First World War, at least for the majority of LA&C countries. These points are developed through a gravity model applied to the bilateral coal trade. The importance of the market supplier share is addressed through cluster methodologies.


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Aquest article és fruit de la recerca duta a terme en el marc del projecte conjunt REDICE08, PID08, PID09 'Com motivar, com adequar l"avaluació continuada i com mesurar el treball a les assignatures de Matemàtiques' durant els cursos 2008 2009 i 2009-2010. El projecte aborda temes relacionats amb els resultats de les enquestes sobre l"actuació docent del professorat a l"ensenyament de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB), en què l"alumnat posa de manifest, en general, un baixa motivació del professorat i un elevat volum de feina en les assignatures. Com a resultat de l"estudi i de la pràctica docent en les assignatures involucrades en el projecte citat abans, es desprèn que la motivació de l"alumnat s"aconsegueix sumant esforços en diferents direccions: d"una banda, cal una tria adequada i una bona comunicació dels continguts, que fomenti el diàleg amb l"alumnat; d"altra banda, cal que l"avaluació continuada presenti un esglaonament progressiu en la dificultat de les activitats no presencials i una atenció continuada a l"alumnat mentre les duu a terme. Finalment, cal quantificar la dedicació de l"alumnat a les diferents activitats no presencials, ja que serveix de gran ajuda al professorat a l"hora d"adequar-les a la dedicació requerida, i ponderar les diferents activitats d"avaluació acreditativa en la qualificació de forma proporcional a aquesta dedicació. La motivació pren molta força com a element clau que cal tenir en compte en el bon desenvolupament de la docència universitària. L"alumnat motivat respon amb una més gran dedicació, cosa que comporta la integració de l"alumnat en les assignatures, millors resultats acadèmics i una millor motivació del professorat. Aquest cicle de motivació es va realimentant i va produint efectes molt positius tant en el professorat com en l"alumnat. Una consideració final és que el camí per millorar la docència a Matemàtiques és, segurament, llarg. Tot i així, les reflexions i les actuacions fetes per un nombre considerable de professors de diferents disciplines i departaments de la Facultat de Matemàtiques són experiències que segurament serviran en moltes assignatures de Matemàtiques i d"altres ensenyaments.


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We consider the distribution of cross sections of clusters and the density-density correlation functions for the A+B¿0 reaction. We solve the reaction-diffusion equations numerically for random initial distributions of reactants. When both reactant species have the same diffusion coefficients the distribution of cross sections and the correlation functions scale with the diffusion length and obey superuniversal laws (independent of dimension). For different diffusion coefficients the correlation functions still scale, but the scaling functions depend on the dimension and on the diffusion coefficients. Furthermore, we display explicitly the peculiarities of the cluster-size distribution in one dimension.


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The optical-absorption spectrum of a cationic Ag0 atom in a KCl crystal has been studied theoretically by means of a series of cluster models of increasing size. Excitation energies have been determined by means of a multiconfigurational self-consistent field procedure followed by a second-order perturbation correlation treatment. Moreover results obtained within the density-functional framework are also reported. The calculations confirm the assignment of bands I and IV to transitions of the Ag-5s electron into delocalized states with mainly K-4s,4p character. Bands II and III have been assigned to internal transitions on the Ag atom, which correspond to the atomic Ag-4d to Ag-5s transition. We also determine the lowest charge transfer (CT) excitation energy and confirm the assignment of band VI to such a transition. The study of the variation of the CT excitation energy with the Ag-Cl distance R gives additional support to a large displacement of the Cl ions due to the presence of the Ag0 impurity. Moreover, from the present results, it is predicted that on passing to NaCl:Ag0 the CT onset would be out of the optical range while the 5s-5p transition would undergo a redshift of 0.3 eV. These conclusions, which underline the different character of involved orbitals, are consistent with experimental findings. The existence of a CT transition in the optical range for an atom inside an ionic host is explained by a simple model, which also accounts for the differences with the more common 3d systems. The present study sheds also some light on the R dependence of the s2-sp transitions due to s2 ions like Tl+.


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Aquest manual pretèn ser una obra introductòria a la psicopatologia infantil, disciplina força recent però d'evolució molt ràpida. L'objectiu és delimitar les etapes d'estudi en aquesta disciplina i fer una aportació introductòria a la temàtica. És per tant una obra que se sap parcial i lacunar.


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Siempre es motivo de gozo releer un clásico moderno. En esta ocasión se trata de Ferdinand Gregorovius, cuya Atenais ha publicado recientemente Herder en una magnífica traducción (la primera en lengua española) de José Antonio Molina Gómez, profesor de la Universidad de Murcia. Herder prosigue de esta manera la línea editorial, iniciada hace ya algunos años,de publicar las biografías de grandes figuras de la antigüedad, entre las que cabe contar las dedicadas a Aníbal, Cleopatra, Augusto, Calígula, Constantino I, Juliano o Teodosio I.


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Passats alguns mesos d'ençà el 75è aniversari de la proclamació de la II República, pot ser un bon moment per recuperar una de les tensions a les que es veu abocat el pensament republicanista actual. Em refereixo a la relació entre la situació cosmopolita, on es dóna el fenomen nòmada (el fantasma que recorre no Europa sinó tot el planeta i ben aviat més enllà), i el republicanisme. Primerament, apuntaré alguns elements del que s"ha anomenat nomadisme contemporani i algunes de les seves conseqüències que crec que tenen un interès pedagògic. Segonament, plantejaré la qüestió de la compatibilitat de la realitat cosmopolita amb el republicanisme, i ho faré tant des de la vessant de cosmopolitització fàctica del nostre temps com de la normativa que pretén consolidar-lo com a model.