38 resultados para physics.plasm-ph


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. Es pretén determinar quina influència exerceix el pH i el mètode de cultiu en el creixement i desenvolupament de les plantes de rave. S’han estudiat sis objectius concrets. Primerament, la influència del pH en el creixement de plantes de rave. Segonament, comparar dos sistemes de cultiu hidropònics: amb aigua i amb perlita. Tercerament, determinar la rendibilitat econòmica de cada sistema segons els costos i els resultats obtinguts. En quart lloc, avaluar la possibilitat d’emprar aquests mètodes a major escala i com alternativa al cultiu tradicional al sòl. En cinquè lloc, estudiar per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig els diferents epitelis de la planta. I, finalment, estudiar com afectaria el fenomen de la pluja àcida, mitjançant l’observació de l’efecte de pH àcids en el creixement de la planta.


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The 1st chapter of this work presents the different experiments and collaborations in which I am involved during my PhD studies of Physics. Following those descriptions, the 2nd chapter is dedicated to how the radiation affects the silicon sensors, as well as some experimental measurements carried out at CERN (Geneve, Schwitzerland) and IFIC (Valencia, Spain) laboratories. Besides the previous investigation results, this chapter includes the most recent scientific papers appeared in the latest RD50 (Research & Development #50) Status Report, published in January 2007, as well as some others published this year. The 3rd and 4th are dedicated to the simulation of the electrical behavior of solid state detectors. In chapter 3 are reported the results obtained for the illumination of edgeless detectors irradiated at different fluences, in the framework of the TOSTER Collaboration. The 4th chapter reports about simulation design, simulation and fabrication of a novel 3D detector developed at CNM for ions detection in the future ITER fusion reactor. This chapter will be extended with irradiation simulations and experimental measurements in my PhD Thesis.


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Estudi de l’efecte del pH de la matèria primera, del nivell de sal afegit i de la temperatura sobre el grau de proteòlisi i sobre la textura final del pernil curat per tal de millorar els criteris que s’utilitzen per a la selecció de la matèria primera, avaluar les condiciones de procés òptimes (nivell de sal afegit i de la temperatura de curació) per l’elaboració del pernils destinats al llencat mecànic


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An alternative approach to the fundamental general physics concepts has been proposed. We demonstrate that the electrostatic potential energy of a discrete or a continuous system of charges should be stored by the charges and not the field. It is found that there is a possibility that any electric field has no energy density, as well as magnetic field. It is found that there is no direct relation between the electric or magnetic energy and photons. An alternative derivation of the blackbody radiation formula is proposed. It is also found that the zero-point of energy of electromagnetic radiation may not exist.


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In this article we present a hybrid approach for automatic summarization of Spanish medical texts. There are a lot of systems for automatic summarization using statistics or linguistics, but only a few of them combining both techniques. Our idea is that to reach a good summary we need to use linguistic aspects of texts, but as well we should benefit of the advantages of statistical techniques. We have integrated the Cortex (Vector Space Model) and Enertex (statistical physics) systems coupled with the Yate term extractor, and the Disicosum system (linguistics). We have compared these systems and afterwards we have integrated them in a hybrid approach. Finally, we have applied this hybrid system over a corpora of medical articles and we have evaluated their performances obtaining good results.


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The aim of this article is to show not only what is the role played by eros in the Physics of the Ancient Stoicism but also to discover the meaning of the allegorical fellatio, a cosmogonal fellatio, which was introduced by Chrysippus in his Erotic Letters. The meaning of this intellectual boldness becomes quite clear if the texts are analyzed in accordance with the allegorical interpretation developed by the Stoics and when we also analyze the enodatio nominum of the word stóma.


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A general formalism is set up to analyze the response of an arbitrary solid elastic body to an arbitrary metric gravitational wave (GW) perturbation, which fully displays the details of the interaction antenna wave. The formalism is applied to the spherical detector, whose sensitivity parameters are thereby scrutinized. A multimode transfer function is defined to study the amplitude sensitivity, and absorption cross sections are calculated for a general metric theory of GW physics. Their scaling properties are shown to be independent of the underlying theory, with interesting consequences for future detector design. The GW incidence direction deconvolution problem is also discussed, always within the context of a general metric theory of the gravitational field.


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Nanoparticles with pH-sensitive behavior may enhance the success of chemotherapy in many cancers by efficient intracellular drug delivery. Here, we investigated the effect of a bioactive surfactant with pH-sensitive properties on the antitumor activity and intracellular behavior of methotrexate-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (MTX-CS-NPs). NPs were prepared using a modified ionotropic complexation process, in which was included the surfactant derived from Nα,Nε-dioctanoyl lysine with an inorganic lithium counterion. The pH-sensitive behavior of NPs allowed accelerated release of MTX in an acidic medium, as well as membrane-lytic pH-dependent activity, which facilitated the cytosolic delivery of endocytosed materials. Moreover, our results clearly proved that MTX-CSNPs were more active against the tumor HeLa and MCF-7 cell lines than the free drug. The feasibilty of using NPs to target acidic tumor extracellular pH was also shown, as cytotoxicity against cancer cells was greater in a mildly acidic environment. Finally, the combined physicochemical and pH-sensitive properties of NPs generally allowed the entrapped drug to induce greater cell cycle arrest and apoptotic effects. Therefore, our overall results suggest that pH-sensitive MTX-CS-NPs could be potentially useful as a carrier system for tumor and intracellular drug delivery in cancer therapy.


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Many strategies for treating diseases require the delivery of drugs into the cell cytoplasm following internalization within endosomal vesicles. Thus, compounds triggered by low pH to disrupt membranes and release endosomal contents into the cytosol are of particular interest. Here, we report novel cationic lysine-based surfactants (hydrochloride salts of N¿- and N¿-acyl lysine methyl ester) that differ in the position of the positive charge and the length of the alkyl chain. Amino acid-based surfactants could be promising novel biomaterials in drug delivery systems, given their biocompatible properties and low cytotoxic potential. We examined their ability to disrupt the cell membrane in a range of pH values, concentrations and incubation times, using a standard hemolysis assay as a model of endosomal membranes. Furthermore, we addressed the mechanism of surfactant-mediated membrane destabilization, including the effects of each surfactant on erythrocyte morphology as a function of pH. We found that only surfactants with the positive charge on the ¿-amino group of lysine showed pH-sensitive hemolytic activity and improved kinetics within the endosomal pH range, indicating that the positive charge position is critical for pH-responsive behavior. Moreover, our results showed that an increase in the alkyl chain length from 14 to 16 carbon atoms was associated with a lower ability to disrupt cell membranes. Knowledge on modulating surfactant-lipid bilayer interactions may help us to develop more efficient biocompatible amino acid-based drug delivery devices.


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The toxicity and environmental behavior of new pH-sensitive surfactants from lysine are presented. Three different chemical structures are studied: surfactants with one amino acid and one alkyl chain, surfactants with two amino acids on the polar head and one alkyl chain, and gemini surfactants. The pH sensitivity of these compounds can be tuned by modifying their chemical structures. Cytotoxicity has been evaluated using erythrocytes and fibroblast cells. The toxic effects against these cells depend on the hydrophobicity of the molecules as well as their cationic charge density. The effect of hydrophobicity and cationic charge density on toxicity is different for each type of cells. For erythrocytes, the toxicity increases as hydrophobicity and charge density increases. Nevertheless, for fibroblasts cationic charge density affects cytotoxicity in the opposite way: the higher charge density, the lower the toxicity. The effect of the pH on hemolysis has been evaluated in detail. The aquatic toxicity was established using Daphnia magna. All surfactants yielded EC50 values considerably higher than that reported for cationic surfactants based on quaternary ammonium groups. Finally, their biodegradability was evaluated using the CO2 headspace test (ISO 14593). These lysine derivatives showed high levels of biodegradation under aerobic conditions and can be classified as"readily biodegradable compounds".


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The canvas support in easel paintings is composed mainly of cellulose. One of the maindegradation paths of cellulose is acid-catalysed hydrolysis, which means that in an acidic environment (low pH), its degradation proceeds at a faster rate (Strlič et al., 2005).The main effect of acid-catalysed hydrolysis is the breaking up of the polymer chains,measured by the “Degree of Polymerisation” (DP). The lowering of the DP value impliesa lower mechanical strength of the textile (Scicolone, 1993), and thus this parameter canbe used to monitor degradation. Knowing these two parameters can, therefore, be veryinformative regarding the condition of the canvas support.