16 resultados para multi-disciplinary design optimisation


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This paper builds on the experience of the on-going, mainly ethnographic, research project called Teacher training in’ multicultural’ Sweden. Class, gender and ethnicity. In this multi-disciplinary project a number of scholars conduct research through participant observation in, and through the study and analysis of documents from, a number of teacher training colleges in Sweden. In this paper I will use empirical material gathered from two teacher training colleges to discuss this basic issue. One college is situated in a suburb outside Stockholm and it consciously portrays itself as a college for ‘multicultural’ students who will later teach in ‘multicultural’ suburbs. The other college is situated in a small town and although ‘multiculturalism’ is seen as important in the educational system students with mainly ‘Swedish’ background are recruited. In the first college ‘differences’ are lauded and students are encouraged to ponder upon and develop their ethnic profile. In the second ‘similarities’ are more taken for granted. I will argue, however, that within these colleges ‘differences’ and ’similarities’ are not only discussed but actually created against a backdrop of macro-constraints which are not much scrutinized within these colleges.


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In response to an increasing need for ever-shorter personality instruments, Gosling, Rentfrow, and Swann (2003) developed the Ten-Item-Personality Inventory (TIPI), which measures the dimensions of the Five Factor Model (FFM) using 10 items (two for each dimension) and can be administered in about one minute. In two studies and using a multi-judge (self and observer) and multi-instrument design, we develop Spanish (Castilian) and Catalan versions of the TIPI and evaluate them in terms of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent, discriminant, and content validity, as well as self-observer correlations. Test-retest correlations were strong, and convergence with the NEO-PI-R factors was significant. There were also strong correlations between observer ratings and the participants’ self-ratings. Despite some inconsistencies with respect to the Agreeableness scale, the Catalan translation and both translations into Spanish of the original TIPI demonstrated sufficient psychometric properties to warrant use as a Five Factor personality measure when the use of longer instruments is not convenient or possible. Furthermore, as the first translation of a brief standard Big Five Instrument into Catalan, this work should facilitate future research on personality in the Catalan-speaking population.


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Des programmes de recherche pluridisciplinaires sur l’occupation du sol et le pastoralisme de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge dans le sud du massif alpin sont menés, depuis 1998, sur les massifs du Haut Champsaur, de Freissinières et de l’Argentièrois (Hautes-Alpes). Des dix phases d’occupation et d'activité agropastorale mises en évidence (prospections pédestres et fouilles), entre 1600 et 2700 m d’altitude, trois se distinguent: la fin du Néolithique, l’âge du Bronze et la période médiévale. Au travers des premières données archéologiques et environnementales, cet article présente, depuis le milieu du IIIe millénaire au début du Ier millénaire, les grandes caractéristiques de l’occupation du sol mais aussi l’originalité et l’importance de l’activité humaine dans cette zone alpine. La fin du Néolithique et l’âge du Bronze correspondent à une multiplication des gisements archéologiques marquant de façon évidente une rupture dans la gestion de l'espace montagnard. Les paysages sont largement façonnés par les activités humaines et l’entretien des terres cultivées, des prairies et des alpages, paraît continu. À la lumière des données de terrain, l’une des évolutions qui apparaît sur les sites d’altitude durant cette période concerne l’apparition de structures pastorales bâties entre 2 067 et 2 303 m d’altitude (datation 14C).


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This paper presents a customizable system used to develop a collaborative multi-user problem solving game. It addresses the increasing demand for appealing informal learning experiences in museum-like settings. The system facilitates remote collaboration by allowing groups of learners tocommunicate through a videoconferencing system and by allowing them to simultaneously interact through a shared multi-touch interactive surface. A user study with 20 user groups indicates that the game facilitates collaboration between local and remote groups of learners. The videoconference and multitouch surface acted as communication channels, attracted students’ interest, facilitated engagement, and promoted inter- and intra-group collaboration—favoring intra-group collaboration. Our findings suggest that augmentingvideoconferencing systems with a shared multitouch space offers newpossibilities and scenarios for remote collaborative environments and collaborative learning.


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In this article, a real-world case- study is presented with two general objectives: to give a clear and simple illustrative example of application of social multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) in the field of rural renewable energy policies, and to help in understanding to what extent and under which circumstances solar energy is suitable for electrifying isolated farmhouses. In this sense, this study might offer public decision- makers some insight on the conditions that favour the diffusion of renewable energy, in order to help them to design more effective energy policies for rural communities.


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El present projecte part d’un estudi sobre el tractament de situacions d’emergència, on es considera que una infraestructura de comunicació, sobre aquest tipus d’escenaris, ha d’implementar la interoperabilitat i el control d’accés, entre els diferents elements que hi participen, utilitzant la conversió d’atributs. Per tal de materialitzar aquest estudi s’ha realitzat un anàlisi de les necessitats de l’aplicació i un disseny detallat dels mòduls que el formen. S’ha implementat d’aquesta manera una eina de simulació per entorns multi-domini. Finalment s’han realitzat un conjunt de proves per comprovar la seva fiabilitat respecte l’estudi original.


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El treball final de carrera 'HISMED', es basa en l'anàlisi, disseny, investigació e implementació d'una aplicació dins l'àmbit assistencial sanitari amb la premissa de voler ser un sistema per oferir un servei sanitari de millor qualitat, i crear un entorn en el qual investigadors, laboratoris, metges i personal docent comparteixen dades amb una rellevància cabdal per les seves professions. Oferint-los una eina de consulta molt potent en quant a l'obtenció de dades clíniques, que els permet explotar la informació segons convingui el cas.


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The problems arising in commercial distribution are complex and involve several players and decision levels. One important decision is relatedwith the design of the routes to distribute the products, in an efficient and inexpensive way.This article deals with a complex vehicle routing problem that can beseen as a new extension of the basic vehicle routing problem. The proposed model is a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problemthat considers three objectives and multiple periods, which models in a closer way the real distribution problems. The first objective is costminimization, the second is balancing work levels and the third is amarketing objective. An application of the model on a small example, with5 clients and 3 days, is presented. The results of the model show the complexity of solving multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems and the contradiction between the several distribution management objective.


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One of the main questions to solve when analysing geographically added information consists of the design of territorial units adjusted to the objectives of the study. This is related with the reduction of the effects of the Modificable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). In this paper an optimisation model to solve regionalisation problems is proposed. This model seeks to reduce disadvantages found in previous works about automated regionalisation tools


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One of the main questions to solve when analysing geographically added information consists of the design of territorial units adjusted to the objectives of the study. This is related with the reduction of the effects of the Modificable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). In this paper an optimisation model to solve regionalisation problems is proposed. This model seeks to reduce disadvantages found in previous works about automated regionalisation tools


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This study was conducted at colleges in three countries (United States, Venezuela, and Spain) and across three academic disciplines (engineering, education, and business), to examine how experienced faculty define competencies for their discipline, and design instructional interaction for online courses. A qualitative research design employing in-depth interviews was selected. Results show that disciplinary knowledge takes precedence when faculty members select competencies to be developed in online courses for their respective professions. In all three disciplines, the design of interaction to correspond with disciplinary competencies was often influenced by contextual factors that modify faculty intention. Therefore, instructional design will vary across countries in the same discipline to address the local context, such as the needs and expectations of the learners, faculty perspectives, beliefs and values, and the needs of the institution, the community, and country. The three disciplines from the three countries agreed on the importance of the following competencies: knowledge of the field, higher order cognitive processes such as critical thinking, analysis, problem solving, transfer of knowledge, oral and written communication skills, team work, decision making, leadership and management skills, indicating far more similarities in competencies than differences between the three different applied disciplines. We found a lack of correspondence between faculty¿s intent to develop collaborative learning skills and the actual development of them. Contextual factors such as faculty prior experience in design, student reluctance to engage in collaborative learning, and institutional assessment systems that focus on individual performance were some of these reasons.


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Influenza vaccines are recommended for administration by the intramuscular route. However, many physicians use the subcutaneous route for patients receiving an oral anticoagulant because this route is thought to induce fewer hemorrhagic side effects. Our aim is to assess the safety of intramuscular administration of influenza vaccine in patients on oral anticoagulation therapy. Methods: Design: Randomised, controlled, single blinded, multi-centre clinical trial. Setting: 4 primary care practices in Barcelona, Spain. Participants: 229 patients on oral anticoagulation therapy eligible for influenza vaccine during the 20032004 season. Interventions: intramuscular administration of influença vaccine in the experimental group (129 patients) compared to subcutaneous administration in the control group (100 patients). Primary outcome: change in the circumference of the arm at the site of injection at 24 hours. Secondary outcomes: appearance of local reactions and pain at 24 hours and at 10 days; change in INR (International Normalized Ratio) at 24 hours and at 10 days. Analysis was by intention to treat using the 95% confidence intervals of the proportions or mean differences. Results: Baseline variables in the two groups were similar. No major side effects or major haemorrhage during the follow-up period were reported. No significant differences were observed in the primary outcome between the two groups. The appearance of local adverse reactions was more frequent in the subcutaneous administration group (37,4% vs. 17,4%, 95% confidence interval of the difference 8,2% to 31,8%). Conclusion: This study shows that the intramuscular administration route of influenza vaccine in patients on anticoagulant therapy does not have more side effects than the subcutaneous administration route


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Global warming mitigation has recently become a priority worldwide. A large body of literature dealing with energy related problems has focused on reducing greenhouse gases emissions at an engineering scale. In contrast, the minimization of climate change at a wider macroeconomic level has so far received much less attention. We investigate here the issue of how to mitigate global warming by performing changes in an economy. To this end, we make use of a systematic tool that combines three methods: linear programming, environmentally extended input output models, and life cycle assessment principles. The problem of identifying key economic sectors that contribute significantly to global warming is posed in mathematical terms as a bi criteria linear program that seeks to optimize simultaneously the total economic output and the total life cycle CO2 emissions. We have applied this approach to the European Union economy, finding that significant reductions in global warming potential can be attained by regulating specific economic sectors. Our tool is intended to aid policymakers in the design of more effective public policies for achieving the environmental and economic targets sought.


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We have synthesized a family of rhein-huprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and (-)-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and (-)-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and (-)-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.


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We have synthesized a family of rhein-huprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and (-)-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and (-)-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and (-)-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.