17 resultados para log sorting


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Sediment composition is mainly controlled by the nature of the source rock(s), and chemical (weathering) and physical processes (mechanical crushing, abrasion, hydrodynamic sorting) during alteration and transport. Although the factors controlling these processes are conceptually well understood, detailed quantification of compositional changes induced by a single process are rare, as are examples where the effects of several processes can be distinguished. The present study was designed to characterize the role of mechanical crushing and sorting in the absence of chemical weathering. Twenty sediment samples were taken from Alpine glaciers that erode almost pure granitoid lithologies. For each sample, 11 grain-size fractions from granules to clay (ø grades &-1 to &9) were separated, and each fraction was analysed for its chemical composition.The presence of clear steps in the box-plots of all parts (in adequate ilr and clr scales) against ø is assumed to be explained by typical crystal size ranges for the relevant mineral phases. These scatter plots and the biplot suggest a splitting of the full grain size range into three groups: coarser than ø=4 (comparatively rich in SiO2, Na2O, K2O, Al2O3, and dominated by “felsic” minerals like quartz and feldspar), finer than ø=8 (comparatively rich in TiO2, MnO, MgO, Fe2O3, mostly related to “mafic” sheet silicates like biotite and chlorite), and intermediate grains sizes (4≤ø &8; comparatively rich in P2O5 and CaO, related to apatite, some feldspar).To further test the absence of chemical weathering, the observed compositions were regressed against three explanatory variables: a trend on grain size in ø scale, a step function for ø≥4, and another for ø≥8. The original hypothesis was that the trend could be identified with weathering effects, whereas each step function would highlight those minerals with biggest characteristic size at its lower end. Results suggest that this assumption is reasonable for the step function, but that besides weathering some other factors (different mechanical behavior of minerals) have also an important contribution to the trend.Key words: sediment, geochemistry, grain size, regression, step function


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La aplicación Log2XML tiene como objeto principal la transformación de archivos log en formato texto con separador de campos a un formato XML estandarizado. Para permitir que la aplicación pueda trabajar con logs de diferentes sistemas o aplicaciones, dispone de un sistema de plantillas (indicación de orden de campos y carácter separador) que permite definir la estructura mínima para poder extraer la información de cualquier tipo de log que se base en separadores de campo. Por último, la aplicación permite el procesamiento de la información extraída para la generación de informes y estadísticas.Por otro lado, en el proyecto se profundiza en la tecnología Grails.


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Aquest projecte permetrà aprofundir en el coneixement de l'estructura de funcionament del PL/SQL d'Oracle (crides a procediments i, especialment, tractament d'excepcions), en la utilització de JDBC com a mecanisme de comunicació entre JAVA i Oracle, i en l'ús de les classes de generació d'interfícies gràfiques d'usuari (swing) i, a més, permetrà posar en pràctica funcionalitats d'Oracle que no havia tingut oportunitat d'emprar, com ara tipus genèrics de dades, objectes persistents o transaccions autònomes.


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We compare correspondance análisis to the logratio approach based on compositional data. We also compare correspondance análisis and an alternative approach using Hellinger distance, for representing categorical data in a contingency table. We propose a coefficient which globally measures the similarity between these approaches. This coefficient can be decomposed into several components, one component for each principal dimension, indicating the contribution of the dimensions to the difference between the two representations. These three methods of representation can produce quite similar results. One illustrative example is given


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Extracción de conocimiento de los log generados por un servidor web aplicando técnicas de minería de datos.


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Particles moving on crystalline surfaces and driven by external forces or flow fields can acquire velocities along directions that deviate from that of the external force. This effect depends upon the characteristics of the particles, most notably particle size or particle index of refraction, and can therefore be (and has been) used to sort different particles. We introduce a simple model for particles subject to thermal fluctuations and moving in appropriate potential landscapes. Numerical results are compared to recent experiments on landscapes produced with holographic optical tweezers and microfabricated technology. Our approach clarifies the relevance of different parameters, the direction and magnitude of the external force, particle size, and temperature.


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There has been a recent revolution in the ability to manipulate micrometer-sized objects on surfaces patterned by traps or obstacles of controllable configurations and shapes. One application of this technology is to separate particles driven across such a surface by an external force according to some particle characteristic such as size or index of refraction. The surface features cause the trajectories of particles driven across the surface to deviate from the direction of the force by an amount that depends on the particular characteristic, thus leading to sorting. While models of this behavior have provided a good understanding of these observations, the solutions have so far been primarily numerical. In this paper we provide analytic predictions for the dependence of the angle between the direction of motion and the external force on a number of model parameters for periodic as well as random surfaces. We test these predictions against exact numerical simulations.


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Ca(2+) import into the lumen of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by the secretory pathway calcium ATPase1 (SPCA1) is required for the sorting of secretory cargo. How is Ca(2+) retained in the lumen of the Golgi, and what is its role in cargo sorting? We show here that a soluble, lumenal Golgi resident protein, Cab45, is required for SPCA1-dependent Ca(2+) import into the TGN; it binds secretory cargo in a Ca(2+)-dependent reaction and is required for its sorting at the TGN.


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[cat] El progrés tecnològic afecta a la jubilació anticipada a través de dues forces oposades. Per una banda, augmenta el salari real i, per tant, crea incentius per posposar la jubilació. Per altra banda, causa l’erosió de les habilitats dels treballadors, el qual augmenta la probabilitat de jubilació anticipada. En aquest article reexaminem l’efecte del progrés tecnològic en la jubilació anticipada tenint en compte que, al principi de la vida laboral, els individus es distribueixen en diferents sectors segons la seva habilitat. Obtenim dos resultats principals: 1) per petits (grans) canvis tecnològics, l’efecte salari (erosió) domina, i 2) els individus més capaços resisteixen millor l’efecte erosió.


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G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels play an important role in regulating neuronal excitability. Sorting nexin 27b (SNX27b), which reduces surface expression of GIRK channels through a PDZ domain interaction, contains a putative Ras-association (RA) domain with unknown function. Deleting the RA domain in SNX27b (SNX27b-DRA) prevents the down-regulation of GIRK2c/GIRK3 channels. Similarly, a point mutation (K305A) in the RA domain disrupts regulation of GIRK2c/GIRK3 channels and reduces H-Ras binding in vitro. Finally, the dominant-negative H-Ras (S17N) occludes the SNX27b-dependent decrease in surface expression of GIRK2c/GIRK3 channels. Thus, the presence of a functional RA domain and the interaction with Ras-like G proteins comprise a novel mechanism for modulating SNX27b control of GIRK channel surface expression and cellular excitability.


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[cat] El progrés tecnològic afecta a la jubilació anticipada a través de dues forces oposades. Per una banda, augmenta el salari real i, per tant, crea incentius per posposar la jubilació. Per altra banda, causa l’erosió de les habilitats dels treballadors, el qual augmenta la probabilitat de jubilació anticipada. En aquest article reexaminem l’efecte del progrés tecnològic en la jubilació anticipada tenint en compte que, al principi de la vida laboral, els individus es distribueixen en diferents sectors segons la seva habilitat. Obtenim dos resultats principals: 1) per petits (grans) canvis tecnològics, l’efecte salari (erosió) domina, i 2) els individus més capaços resisteixen millor l’efecte erosió.


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A visual SLAM system has been implemented and optimised for real-time deployment on an AUV equipped with calibrated stereo cameras. The system incorporates a novel approach to landmark description in which landmarks are local sub maps that consist of a cloud of 3D points and their associated SIFT/SURF descriptors. Landmarks are also sparsely distributed which simplifies and accelerates data association and map updates. In addition to landmark-based localisation the system utilises visual odometry to estimate the pose of the vehicle in 6 degrees of freedom by identifying temporal matches between consecutive local sub maps and computing the motion. Both the extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter have been considered for filtering the observations. The output of the filter is also smoothed using the Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) method to obtain a better alignment of the sequence of local sub maps and to deliver a large-scale 3D acquisition of the surveyed area. Synthetic experiments have been performed using a simulation environment in which ray tracing is used to generate synthetic images for the stereo system