38 resultados para aberrant methylation


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The repair process of damaged tissue involves the coordinated activities of several cell types in response to local and systemic signals. Following acute tissue injury, infiltrating inflammatory cells and resident stem cells orchestrate their activities to restore tissue homeostasis. However, during chronic tissue damage, such as in muscular dystrophies, the inflammatory-cell infiltration and fibroblast activation persists, while the reparative capacity of stem cells (satellite cells) is attenuated. Abnormal dystrophic muscle repair and its end stage, fibrosis, represent the final common pathway of virtually all chronic neurodegenerative muscular diseases. As our understanding of the pathogenesis of muscle fibrosis has progressed, it has become evident that the muscle provides a useful model for the regulation of tissue repair by the local microenvironment, showing interplay among muscle-specific stem cells, inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components of the mammalian wound-healing response. This article reviews the emerging findings of the mechanisms that underlie normal versus aberrant muscle-tissue repair.


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Se describen someramente los principales arrecifes del Messiniense en España, haciendo hincapié en el conjunto de 'anomalias' presentan los arrecifes del Neógeno inferior en comparación con las asociaciones arrecifales actuales. Se discute la importancia y significado de Porites sp. como coral claramente dominante, y a menudo exclusivo, en la construcción de edificios arrecifales.


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Background: The DNA repair protein O6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) confers resistance to alkylating agents. Several methods have been applied to its analysis, with methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) the most commonly used for promoter methylation study, while immunohistochemistry (IHC) has become the most frequently used for the detection of MGMT protein expression. Agreement on the best and most reliable technique for evaluating MGMT status remains unsettled. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the correlation between IHC and MSP. Methods A computer-aided search of MEDLINE (1950-October 2009), EBSCO (1966-October 2009) and EMBASE (1974-October 2009) was performed for relevant publications. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were those comparing MGMT protein expression by IHC with MGMT promoter methylation by MSP in the same cohort of patients. Methodological quality was assessed by using the QUADAS and STARD instruments. Previously published guidelines were followed for meta-analysis performance. Results Of 254 studies identified as eligible for full-text review, 52 (20.5%) met the inclusion criteria. The review showed that results of MGMT protein expression by IHC are not in close agreement with those obtained with MSP. Moreover, type of tumour (primary brain tumour vs others) was an independent covariate of accuracy estimates in the meta-regression analysis beyond the cut-off value. Conclusions Protein expression assessed by IHC alone fails to reflect the promoter methylation status of MGMT. Thus, in attempts at clinical diagnosis the two methods seem to select different groups of patients and should not be used interchangeably.


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TCF7L2 is the susceptibility gene for Type 2 diabetes (T2D) with the largest effect on disease risk that has been discovered to date. However, the mechanisms by which TCF7L2 contributes to the disease remain largely elusive. In addition, epigenetic mechanisms, such as changes in DNA methylation patterns, might have a role in the pathophysiology of T2D. This study aimed to investigate the differences in terms of DNA methylation profile of TCF7L2 promoter gene between type 2 diabetic patients and age- and Body Mass Index (BMI)- matched controls. We included 93 type 2 diabetic patients that were recently diagnosed for T2D and exclusively on diet (without any pharmacological treatment). DNA was extracted from whole blood and DNA methylation was assessed using the Sequenom EpiTYPER system. Type 2 diabetic patients were more insulin resistant than their matched controls (mean HOMA IR 2.6 vs 1.8 in controls, P<0.001) and had a poorer beta-cell function (mean HOMA B 75.7 vs. 113.6 in controls, P<0.001). Results showed that 59% of the CpGs analyzed in TCF7L2 promoter had significant differences between type 2 diabetic patients and matched controls. In addition, fasting glucose, HOMA-B, HOMA-IR, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol correlated with methylation in specific CpG sites of TCF7L2 promoter. After adjustment by age, BMI, gender, physical inactivity, waist circumference, smoking status and diabetes status uniquely fasting glucose, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol remained significant. Taken together, newly diagnosed, drug-naïve type 2 diabetic patients display specific epigenetic changes at the TCF7L2 promoter as compared to age- and BMI-matched controls. Methylation in TCF7L2 promoter is further correlated with fasting glucose in peripheral blood DNA, which sheds new light on the role of epigenetic regulation of TCF7L2 in T2D.


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El limfoma de cèl•lules de mantell (LCM) és un limfoma de cèl•lules B incurable que presenta sobreexpressió de ciclina D1. Això fa necessari el desenvolupament de noves teràpies. Els gens supressors de tumors estan alterats en càncer pel silenciament epigenètic aberrant, com a conseqüència de la desacetilació de les histones dels seus promotors. Els inhibidors de les desacetilases d'histones (HDACi) són nous compostos amb resultats prometedors per al tractament de tumors. L'objectiu principal, i que ha durat 7 mesos, va ser analitzar l'activitat antitumoral de l'àcid hidroxàmic suberoilanílid (SAHA, vorinostat), un HDACi en fase d'assajos clínics per al tractament de varis tumors, en cèl•lules de LCM. Es va analitzar la sensibilitat al SAHA (Merck Pharmaceuticals) en nou línies cel•lulars humanes de LCM, que es diferenciaven en les alteracions genètiques, les característiques replicatives i la sensibilitat als fàrmacs; i cèl•lules primàries de 6 pacients. El SAHA va presentar un efecte citotòxic heterogeni amb DL50 (Dosi Letal 50) de 3.25 μM a &25 μM amb 24 d'incubació. Aquest efecte citotòxic s'incrementava notablement després de 48 hores d'incubació assolint una DL50 de 0.34 a 5.69 μM. Cal destacar que 5 dels 6 casos de les mostres primàries de LCM van mostrar una elevada sensibilitat (DL50 & 8.07 μM). A nivell mecanistic, el SAHA va augmentar l'acetilació de les histones H3 i H4, i va disminuir els nivells de proteïna de la ciclina D1 i c-Flip. La citometria de flux i els anàlisis per Western Blot van posar de manifest que l'efecte citotòxic del SAHA es dóna a través de l'activació de la via mitocondrial de mort cel•lular i la cascada de caspases. El SAHA indueix l'expressió transcripcional de la proteïna proapoptòtica Bmf. Aquests resultats suggereixen que el SAHA podria ser una nova teràpia prometedora per al tractament del LCM.


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Aquest treball es basa en l’estudi de dues malalties lisosòmiques: la malaltia de Niemann-Pick A/B (NPAB) i la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C (NPC). En relació a la malaltia de NPAB, s’ha realitzat l’expressió in vitro d’algunes de les mutacions de canvi d’aminoàcid trobades en pacients espanyols per tal de detectar les activitats enzimàtiques residuals. Totes les mutacions presenten una activitat molt baixa, gairebé nul•la, excepte la p.L225P i la R608del que tenen un 11% i 20% d’activitat respectivament. Els resultats obtinguts són coherents amb la severitat del fenotip que presenten els pacients. D’altra banda, s’ha caracteritzat un al•lel amb una mutació que afecta a una posició poc conservada d’un donador de splicing i que produeix la generació de trànscrits aberrants corresponents a trànscrits minoritaris de SMPD1, prèviament descrits, que no codifiquen per proteïna funcional. Respecte a malaltia de NPC, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi molecular de pacients espanyols prèviament estudiats identificant, en la majoria dels casos, la segona mutació responsable de la patologia. S’ha descrit per primer cop per aquesta malaltia una gran deleció que inclou el gen NPC1 i altres gens flanquejants i s’ha estudiat l’efecte que tenen les mutacions de splicing trobades a nivell de RNA. Per una d’aquestes mutacions, c.1554-1009G&A, s’ha assajat amb èxit una estratègia terapèutica basada en la utilització d’oligonuclèotids antisentit. D’altra banda, s’està desenvolupant un model cel•lular neuronal de la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C, basat en la utilització de RNAs d’interferència, sobre el qual es podran assajar possibles estratègies terapèutiques en un futur.


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Las células madre embrionarias (Embryonic Stem Cells; ESC) son células pluripotentes que presentan la capacidad de dividirse indefinidamente a la vez que mantienen la habilidad para diferenciarse a cualquier tipo celular. Aunque de manera rutinaria se derivan a partir de la masa celular interna de embriones en estadio de blastocisto, también pueden derivarse a partir de embriones en estadios precompactacionales y de embriones reconstruidos por procesos de transferencia nuclear. Debido a que durante el desarrollo embrionario temprano, momento en el que se derivan las ESC, tienen lugar profundos cambios de metilación en el genoma, tanto la derivación como el cultivo se consagran como técnicas que pueden alterar los patrones de metilación en genes regulados por impronta genómica. Con el objetivo de analizar la estabilidad epigenética de embriones preimplantacionales y ESC murinas, en este trabajo se ha optimizado un protocolo de anàlisis de los niveles de metilación mediante pirosecuenciación. Para ello se han seleccionado tres genes regulados por impronta genómica (H19/Igf2, Snrpn and Peg3), dos genes relacionados con el mantenimiento de pluripotencia en ESC (Oct4, Nanog y Sox2) y dos genes marcadores de diferenciación temprana (Cdx2 y Gata6). Nuestros resultados muestran que algunos grupos de embriones preimplantacionales presentan una hipo e hipermetilación en las regiones diferencialmente metiladas (Differentially Methylated Regions, DMRs) de los genes Snrpn y Peg3. Además, la línea de ESC analizada presentó anomalías en los tres genes regulados por impronta genómica. No obstante, el hecho de que esta línea fuera inestable a nivel cariotípico no permite establecer una relación entre el cultivo in vitro o la técnica de derivación y la inestabilidad epigenética demostrada. Por todo esto, parece pertinente analizar tanto la integridad epigenética como la estabilidad cromosómica de ESC antes de proceder a realizar ensayos clínicos en humanos.


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Estudi retrospectiu que analitza les característiques de l’apertura palpebral en 22 pacients amb regeneració aberrant secundària a paràlisi adquirida del III nervi cranial. S’ha estudiat el percentatge d’apertura palpebral de l’ull parètic respecte a la posició primària i respecte a l’ull sà en 5 posicions de la mirada i la relació entre l’apertura palpebral en adducció i en depressió respecte a la posició primària mitjançant regressió lineal. S’ha comprovat que, rere un quadre de regeneració aberrant, no només hi ha una recuperació parcial o total de la parpella en posició primària, sinó una retracció palpebral en adducció i en depressió.


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La distròfia endotelial de Fuchs es caracteritza per la formació de guttas endotelials i en estadis avançats pot induir edema corneal i pèrdua d’agudesa visual. A diferència del microscopi especular, el microscopi confocal té un disseny que permet evitar la llum aberrant causada per l’edema corneal o opacitats estromals. Comparant ambdues probes en la valoració de l’endoteli corneal en pacients amb distròfia de Fuchs, s’observa millor qualitat d’imatge per microscòpia confocal tot i que no es podia valorar la fiabilitat de l’esmentada proba en la determinació de la densitat cel•lular endotelial en les còrnies afectades.


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El sarcoma de Ewing es el segundo tumor óseo infantil más frecuente y presenta una alta incidencia de enfermedad metastática. Este tipo de tumores presentan una traslocación génica característica que da origen a una proteína de fusión, normalmente EWS/FLI1. Esta proteína de fusión actúa como factor de transcripción aberrante regulando la expresión de diferentes genes implicados en la iniciación, mantenimiento y progresión del tumor. Nuestro grupo describió como uno de estos genes diana a la caveolina 1 (CAV1) describiendo además su papel determinante en el fenotipo maligno del sarcoma de Ewing, en la tumorigénesis y en la resistencia a apoptosis inducida por quimioterapia. Para investigar el papel concreto de CAV1 en el proceso metastático de este sarcoma, creamos un modelo de baja expresión de CAV1 en líneas celulares de sarcoma de Ewing y determinamos cambios en su capacidad migratoria, invasiva y metastática. En los ensayos in vitro hallamos una menor capacidad migratoria de las células knockdown de CAV1 y una reducción en la expresión de MMP9 y en la actividad de MMP2. La regulación de la actividad de MMP2 parece estar relacionada con la posible regulación que ejerce CAV1 en la función de MT1-MMP, proteína fundamental para la activación de MMP2. Por otro lado, en este estudio proponemos que CAV1 promueve la expresión de MMP9 tanto transcripcionalmente, regulando la vía de señalización ERK1/2, como a nivel post-transcripcional regulando la vía RSK1/rpS6. Además, en los ensayos de metástasis experimental in vivo las células knockdown de CAV1 presentaron una menor incidencia de metástasis pulmonar, hecho que correlacionó con una disminución en la expresión de SPARC, una proteína de adhesión importante en procesos metastáticos. En resumen, nuestros resultados evidencian la importancia de CAV1 en el proceso metastático del sarcoma de Ewing.


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DNA methylation has an important impact on normal cell physiology, thus any defects in this mechanism may be related to the development of various diseases In this project we are interested in identifying epigeneticaliy modified genes, in general controlled by processes related to the DNA methylation, by means of a new strategy combining protomic and genomic analyses. First, the two Dimensional-Difference Gel Electrophoresis (2-DIGE) protein analyses of extracts obtained from HCT-116 wt and double knockout for DNMT1 and DNMT3b (DKO) cells revealed 34 proteins overexpressed in the condition of DNMTs depletion. From five genes with higher transcript lavels in DKO cells, comparing with HCT-116 wt. oniy AKR1B1, UCHLl and VIM are melhylated in HCT-116. As expected. the DNA methvlation 1s lost in DKO cells. The rneth,vl ation of VIM and UCHLl promoters in some cancer samples has already been repaired, thus further studies has been focused on AKRlBI. AKR1B1 expression due lo DNA methyiaton of promoter region seems to occur specilfically in the colon cancer cell Iines. which was confirmed in the DNA rnethylation status and expression analyses. performed on 32 different cancer cell lines (including colon, breast, lymphoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma, glioma and lung cancer cell Iines) as well as normal colon and normal lymphocytes samples. AKRIBI expression after treatments with DNA demethvlating agent (AZA) was rescued in 5 coloncancer cell lines (including genetic regulation of the candidate gene. The methylation status of the rest of the genes identified in proteomic analysis was checked by methylation specific PCR (MSP) experiment and all appeared to be unmethylated. The similar research has been done also bv means of Mecp2-null mouse model For 14 selected candidate genes the analyses of expression leveis, methylation Status and MeCP2 interaction with promoters are currently being performed.


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La leucemia linfática crónica (LLC) está asociada a factores biológicos como la expresión de la proteína ZAP-70 y la expresión aberrante del miR-21. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la expresión de miR-21 en líneas celulares B y en células primarias de LLC y su asociación con la expresión de ZAP-70 en la LLC. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Análisis de la expresión de miR-21 en la línea celular transfectada con ZAP-70 y en células de LLC. RESULTADOS: Se observó mayor expresión de miR-21 en las células con ZAP-70 tras estimulación del BCR y una correlación positiva entre la expresión de miR-21 y la de ZAP-70.


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Rho GTPases are conformational switches that control a wide variety of signaling pathways critical for eukaryotic cell development and proliferation. They represent attractive targets for drug design as their aberrant function and deregulated activity is associated with many human diseases including cancer. Extensive high-resolution structures (.100) and recent mutagenesis studies have laid the foundation for the design of new structure-based chemotherapeutic strategies. Although the inhibition of Rho signaling with drug-like compounds is an active area of current research, very little attention has been devoted to directly inhibiting Rho by targeting potential allosteric non-nucleotide binding sites. By avoiding the nucleotide binding site, compounds may minimize the potential for undesirable off-target interactions with other ubiquitous GTP and ATP binding proteins. Here we describe the application of molecular dynamics simulations, principal component analysis, sequence conservation analysis, and ensemble small-molecule fragment mapping to provide an extensive mapping of potential small-molecule binding pockets on Rho family members. Characterized sites include novel pockets in the vicinity of the conformationaly responsive switch regions as well as distal sites that appear to be related to the conformations of the nucleotide binding region. Furthermore the use of accelerated molecular dynamics simulation, an advanced sampling method that extends the accessible time-scale of conventional simulations, is found to enhance the characterization of novel binding sites when conformational changes are important for the protein mechanism.


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Alzheimer"s disease and prion pathologies (e.g., Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) display profound neural lesions associated with aberrant protein processing and extracellular amyloid deposits. For APP processing, emerging data suggest that the adaptor protein Dab1 plays a relevant role in regulating its intracellular trafficking and secretase-mediated proteolysis. Although some data have been presented, a putative relationship between human prion diseases and Dab1/APP interactions is lacking. Therefore, we have studied the putative relation between Dab1, APP processing and Aβ deposition, targets in sCJD cases. Our biochemical results categorized two groups of sCJD cases, which also correlated with PrPsc types 1 and 2 respectively. One group, with PrPsc type 1 showed increased Dab1 phosphorylation, and lower βCTF production with an absence of Aβ deposition. The second sCJD group, which carried PrPsc type 2, showed lower levels of Dab1 phosphorylation and βCTF production, similar to control cases. Relevant Aβ deposition in the second sCJD group was measured. Thus, a direct correlation between Dab1 phosphorylation, Aβ deposition and PrPsc type in human sCJD is presented for the first time.


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Caveolins are a crucial component of plasma membrane (PM) caveolae but have also been localized to intracellular compartments, including the Golgi complex and lipid bodies. Mutant caveolins associated with human disease show aberrant trafficking to the PM and Golgi accumulation. We now show that the Golgi pool of mainly newly synthesized protein is detergent-soluble and predominantly in a monomeric state, in contrast to the surface pool. Caveolin at the PM is not recognized by specific caveolin antibodies unless PM cholesterol is depleted. Exit from the Golgi complex of wild-type caveolin-1 or -3, but not vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein, is modulated by changing cellular cholesterol levels. In contrast, a muscular dystrophy-associated mutant of caveolin-3, Cav3P104L, showed increased accumulation in the Golgi complex upon cholesterol treatment. In addition, we demonstrate that in response to fatty acid treatment caveolin can follow a previously undescribed pathway from the PM to lipid bodies and can move from lipid bodies to the PM in response to removal of fatty acids. The results suggest that cholesterol is a rate-limiting component for caveolin trafficking. Changes in caveolin flux through the exocytic pathway can therefore be an indicator of cellular cholesterol and fatty acid levels.