31 resultados para TiO2-ZnO composite


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Se prepararon partículas de nanocomposites basados en TiO2 y nanotubos de carbono multicapa platinizados para la obtención de combustibles solares. Se evaluó la actividad fotocatalítica del material en la producción de hidrógeno, en procesos de degradación de ácido fórmico, y en la obtención de hidrocarburos a partir de la reducción de CO2 en agua. Los nanocomposites fueron sintetizados por medio de la técnica sol-gel. Se estudió el efecto de la proporción y el diámetro de los nanotubos de carbono en la actividad del material bajo iluminación ultravioleta y visible. Se estudió el efecto de la adición de RuO2 (0,5% wt.) en la actividad bajo iluminación visible. Los materiales fueron caracterizados por ATR, XRD, BET, HRTEM y SEM. Se obtuvieron sólidos macroporosos, con contenido de fase anatasa superior al 99% y tamaño cristalino comprendido entre 15 y 21 nm. Los resultados cinéticos mostraron una producción óptima de hidrógeno para el composite TiO2/(5wt.%)MWCNT/Pt(60-80 nm), con eficiencia cuántica y eficiencia energética de 1,27% y 0,27%, respectivamente. En el caso de radiación visible, la producción de hidrógeno fue nula para los composites TiO2/MWCNT/Pt, mientras que para el sistema RuO2/TiO2/MWCNT/Pt se observó que la adicción de MWCNT inhibía la actividad fotocatalítica del composite RuO2/TiO2 en la región del visible. Por otra parte, en los ensayos de reducción de CO2 no se detectó ningún producto de reacción.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’ Imperial College London, entre juliol i novembre de 2006. En aquest treball s’ha investigat la geometria més apropiada per a la caracterització de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. L’objectiu és assegurar la propagació de l’esquerda sense que la proveta falli abans per cap altre mecanisme de dany per tal de permetre la caracterització experimental de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. Amb aquesta fi, s’ha dut a terme l’anàlisi paramètrica de diferents tipus de provetes mitjançant el mètode dels elements finits (FE) combinat amb la virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). Les geometries de les provetes analitzades corresponen a la proveta de l’assaig compact tension (CT) i diferents variacions com la extended compact tension (ECT), la proveta widened compact tension (WCT), tapered compact tension (TCT) i doubly-tapered compact tension (2TCT). Com a resultat d’aquestes anàlisis s’han derivat diferents conclusions per obtenir la geometria de proveta més apropiada per a la caracterització de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. A més, també s’han dut a terme una sèrie d’assaigs experimentals per tal de validar els resultats de les anàlisis paramètriques. La concordança trobada entre els resultats numèrics i experimentals és bona tot i la presència d’efectes no previstos durant els assaigs experimentals.


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of ZnO-Functionalised-Sepiolite (ZnO-Sepiolite) to fulfil Zn requirements and health status of weaning piglets. Pre-starter Basal Diet (BD, corn– soybean based, from weaning till 14 days on trial) was calculated to provide 27 mg Zn/kg feed from raw materials and had no added ZnO and no antibiotics or organic acids. Treatments during pre-starter period were: 1) BD+90% of NRC Zn requirements completed with ZnO (ZnO90); 2) BD+90% of NRC Zn requirements completed with ZnO-Sepiolite (ZnOS90); 3) BD+3000 mg ZnO/kg of diet (ZnO3000); 4) BD+150 mg added Zn/kg diet from ZnO-Sepiolite (ZnOS150). The starter feed (corn–soybean based, from 14 till 31 days on trial) was common for all piglets, and met 90% NRC Zn requirements by adding ZnO. Diarrhea affected more than 50% of the animals of ZnO90, ZnOS90 and ZnOS150, and 33% of the ZnO3000 animals. Animals from ZnOS90 tended (Pb0.10) to improve Gain to Feed ratio (G:F) compared to animals from ZnO90 (0.830 kg/kg vs. 0.811 kg/kg for G:F). Performance of animals from ZnO3000 was not significantly different from the other treatments, and was numerically similar to animals from ZnOS90. The inclusion of ZnO at 3000 mg/kg of feed in the pre-starter period numerically decreased P in serum at the end of this period, with no effect on Ca level; normal levels were restored after 2 weeks of feeding the same levels of Zn than other animals. Animals fed ZnOSepiolite diets had numerically higher serum Ca than ZnO90 and ZnO3000 at 12 days and higher than ZnO90 at 28 days. Serum Zn levels were significantly higher for ZnO3000 than the other treatments.


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La gran demanda energètica i la problemàtica dels combustibles fòssils i d‟altres recursos per a obtenir energia posen de manifest la necessitat de desenvolupar tecnologies netes, sostenibles i econòmicament viables de generació d‟energia. En aquest àmbit, les cel·les solars sensibilitzades amb colorant (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, DSSC), que transformen l‟energia solar a energia elèctrica, són una solució factible. A més, el desenvolupament de mètodes per a construir aquestes cel·les a baixa temperatura permetria fabricar-les sobre substrats plàstics, fet que els donaria un valor afegit i permetria una producció en continu, ràpida i amb baix cost tant, econòmic, com d‟impacte ambiental. Aquest treball presenta el desenvolupament d‟un mètode de producció a baixa temperatura (140 ºC) de DSSC, amb eficiència de 5,9 % sobre substrats FTO/vidre. Aquest valor és superior a la majoria de les eficiències reportades a la bibliografia de DSSC construïdes a baixa temperatura. Les capes mesoporoses que formen els elèctrodes de les DCCS es dipositen per doctor blade a partir d‟una pasta composta per nanopartícules de TiO2, de 4-8 nm, recobertes d‟àcid 3,6,9-trioxadecanoic, per nanopartícules de Degussa P25, de 20-25 nm, i com a dissolvents només s‟utilitza aigua i etanol. L‟aplicació d‟un tractament a 140 ºC permet eliminar la matèria orgànica de la superfície de les nanopartícules de 4-8 nm i unir-les a les de Degussa P25. Aquest fet permet obtenir capes mesoporoses sinteritzades de 6 μm de gruix. A més, l‟aplicació d‟un post-tractament, en el qual s‟utilitza l‟àcid hexafluoro titànic (IV), produeix un lleuger increment en l‟eficiència. Endemés, l‟obtenció de capes primes de TiO2 sobre substrats plàstics és un tema d‟actualitat a causa de la falta de mètodes de deposició a baixa temperatura. En aquest context, s‟ha sintetitzat, mitjançant processos respectuosos amb el medi ambient nanopartícules de TiO2 cristal·lí modificades superficialment amb lauril gal·lat i àcid 3,6,9-trioxodecanoic. Les nanopartícules poden ser dispersades en dissolvents orgànics i aigua respectivament, fet que permet obtenir suspensions estables i de fàcil manipulació. Aquestes poden ser utilitzades com a precursores per a obtenir capes primes a baixa temperatura de TiO2 cristal·lí. En concret, les capes primes formades per nanopartícules de TiO2 modificades amb àcid 3,6,9-trioxodecanoic s‟han utilitzat com a blocking layer en les DSSC construïdes a baixa temperatura.


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Se desarrollaron catalizadores de TiO2 dopados con nitrógeno para conseguir actividad fotocatalítica bajo irradiación visible. En este trabajo se reporta la síntesis de TiO2-N, usando urea y nitrato de amonio (NH4NO3) como precursores de nitrógeno, tanto a partir de un TiO2 generado in situ (método sol-gel) como mediante la modificación de un TiO2 comercial. Así mismo, se varió la concentración de urea para encontrar el valor óptimo de nitrógeno, lo cual se comprobó mediante la oxidación fotocatalítica de ácido oxálico bajo irradiación con luz visible. Los materiales sintetizados se caracterizaron por medio de análisis elemental, y por reflectancia difusa UV-visible, encontrándose nitrógeno en todas las muestras, y un valor del ancho de banda prohibida en el rango 2-2,8 eV. Lamentablemente, se detectó una pérdida de nitrógeno cuando los fotocatalizadores eran reutilizados, lo cual causó una disminución de su actividad después de cada reacción, ya sea en presencia de oxígeno, o en ausencia de éste mientras se generaba hidrógeno. Entre los dopantes investigados el NH4NO3 mostro una mejor eficiencia en la producción de hidrógeno. Además, los resultados experimentales revelaron claramente que la deposición de platino en la superficie de los catalizadores TiO2-N desempeña un papel fundamental en el aumento de la generación de hidrógeno. Sin embargo, esta mejora dependía claramente del método de preparación de las muestras, obteniéndose mejores resultados con el TiO2-p25.


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We compare a set of empirical Bayes and composite estimators of the population means of the districts (small areas) of a country, and show that the natural modelling strategy of searching for a well fitting empirical Bayes model and using it for estimation of the area-level means can be inefficient.


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In this article we propose using small area estimators to improve the estimatesof both the small and large area parameters. When the objective is to estimateparameters at both levels accurately, optimality is achieved by a mixed sampledesign of fixed and proportional allocations. In the mixed sample design, oncea sample size has been determined, one fraction of it is distributedproportionally among the different small areas while the rest is evenlydistributed among them. We use Monte Carlo simulations to assess theperformance of the direct estimator and two composite covariant-freesmall area estimators, for different sample sizes and different sampledistributions. Performance is measured in terms of Mean Squared Errors(MSE) of both small and large area parameters. It is found that the adoptionof small area composite estimators open the possibility of 1) reducingsample size when precision is given, or 2) improving precision for a givensample size.


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Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.


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We report here on the magnetic properties of ZnO:Mn- and ZnO:Co-doped nanoparticles. We have found that the ferromagnetism of ZnO:Mn can be switched on and off by consecutive low-temperature annealings in O2 and N2, respectively, while the opposite phenomenology was observed for ZnO:Co. These results suggest that different defects (presumably n-type for ZnO:Co and p-type for ZnO:Mn) are required to induce a ferromagnetic coupling in each case. We will argue that ferromagnetism is likely to be restricted to a very thin, nanometric layer at the grain surface. These findings reveal and give insight into the dramatic relevance of surface effects to the occurrence of ferromagnetism in ZnO-doped oxides.


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Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.


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A deep understanding of the recombination dynamics of ZnO nanowires NWs is a natural step for a precise design of on-demand nanostructures based on this material system. In this work we investigate the influence of finite-size on the recombination dynamics of the neutral bound exciton around 3.365 eV for ZnO NWs with different diameters. We demonstrate that the lifetime of this excitonic transition decreases with increasing the surface-to-volume ratio due to a surface induced recombination process. Furthermore, we have observed two broad transitions around 3.341 and 3.314 eV, which were identified as surface states by studying the dependence of their life time and intensitiy with the NWs dimensions.


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Arrays of vertically aligned ZnO:Cl/ZnO core-shell nanowires were used to demonstrate that the control of the coaxial doping profile in homojunction nanostructures can improve their surface charge carrier transfer while conserving potentially excellent transport properties. It is experimentally shown that the presence of a ZnO shell enhances the photoelectrochemical properties of ZnO:Cl nanowires up to a factor 5. Likewise, the ZnO shell promotes the visible photoluminescence band in highly conducting ZnO:Cl nanowires. These lines of evidence are associated with the increase of the nanowires" surface depletion layer


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A novel NO2 sensor based on (CdO)x(ZnO)1-x mixed-oxide thin films deposited by the spray pyrolysis technique is developed. The sensor response to 3-ppm NO2 is studied in the range 50°C-350°C for three different film compositions. The device is also tested for other harmful gases, such as CO (300 ppm) and CH4 (3000 ppm). The sensor response to these reducing gases is different at different temperatures varying from the response typical for the p-type semiconductor to that typical for the n-type semiconductor. Satisfactory response to NO2 and dynamic behavior at 230°C, as well as low resistivity, are observed for the mixed-oxide film with 30% Cd. The response to interfering gas is poor at working temperature (230°C). On the basis of this study, a possible sensing mechanism is proposed.