22 resultados para Rodents.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
Amino acid tandem repeats, also called homopolymeric tracts, are extremely abundant in eukaryotic proteins. To gain insight into the genome-wide evolution of these regions in mammals, we analyzed the repeat content in a large data set of rat-mouse-human orthologs. Our results show that human proteins contain more amino acid repeats than rodent proteins and that trinucleotide repeats are also more abundant in human coding sequences. Using the human species as an outgroup, we were able to address differences in repeat loss and repeat gain in the rat and mouse lineages. In this data set, mouse proteins contain substantially more repeats than rat proteins, which can be at least partly attributed to a higher repeat loss in the rat lineage. The data are consistent with a role for trinucleotide slippage in the generation of novel amino acid repeats. We confirm the previously observed functional bias of proteins with repeats, with overrepresentation of transcription factors and DNA-binding proteins. We show that genes encoding amino acid repeats tend to have an unusually high GC content, and that differences in coding GC content among orthologs are directly related to the presence/absence of repeats. We propose that the different GC content isochore structure in rodents and humans may result in an increased amino acid repeat prevalence in the human lineage.
Background: Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a lungworm of rats (Muridae) that is the causative agent of human cerebral angiostrongyliasis. The life cycle of A. cantonensis involves rats and mollusks as the definitive and intermediate hosts, respectively. This study was designed to increase the knowledge about the occurrence and distribution of A. cantonensis in its definitive host in the Canary Islands, using parasitological and serological analysis in different areas and age groups.Methodology/Principal Findings: Between 2009 and 2010, 54 black rats (Rattus rattus) from Tenerife were captured from six human-inhabited areas and sera samples were obtained. The lung nematodes were identified by morphological and molecular tools as A. cantonensis. The 31-kDa glycoprotein antigen was purified from A. cantonensis adult worms by electrophoresis and electroelution. Of the 54 tested rodents, 30 showed IgG antibodies against A. cantonensis 31-kDa antigen by ELISA. Therefore, the overall seroprevalence was 55.6% (95% CI: 42.4-68). Seroprevalent rodents were found in all the 6 areas. This 31-kDa antigen was not recognized by some sera of rats infected by other helminth species (but not A. cantonensis). Seroprevalence of IgG antibodies against A. cantonensis and prevalence based on the presence of adult worms showed significant correlation (R2 = 0.954, p,0.05). Conclusions/Significance: The present results could indicate a high prevalence of A. cantonensisin Tenerife and suggest the inclusion of two new zones in the distribution area of the parasite. The commonness and wide distribution of A. cantonensis in rats implies the presence of intermediate hosts, indicating that humans may be at risk of getting infected.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 30-40% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
During a study of the helminth fauna of 1,643 rodents trapped along the Mekong River (Thailand, LaoPeople"s Democratic Republic and Cambodia) in 2008-2011, the spirurid nematode Physaloptera ngoci Le-Van-Hoa,1961 was recovered with an overall prevalence of 2.8%. Based on the original description, it was identified in nine of 23 different Murinae host species and is here reported for the first time from these three countries. A scanning electron microscopy study provides additional morphological data.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 30-40% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
El canvi climàtic és una realitat i té efectes, tant directes com indirectes, sobre la salut. Són necessàries actuacions concertades per abordar aquestes qüestions de salut pública plantejades pel canvi climàtic, així com també disposar de mecanismes per predir quina serà la seva evolució. En aquest projecte es discuteixen les malalties infeccioses adquirides a través de diferents vies (artròpodes vectors, rosegadors, aigua, aliments i aire) en referència al canvi climàtic al món i també a Catalunya. Basat en una extensa revisió dels treballs i articles publicats, i de comentaris d’experts, es presenta una avaluació dels canvis de les malalties infeccioses: incidència, prevalença i distribució dels patògens i vehicles transmissors en un entorn canviant. En el present estudi es detallen alguns dels casos més estudiats i demostrats d’emergència i reemergència de brots infecciosos a diferents zones del planeta associats a certes variacions en les variables climàtiques. Degut a l’alt nivell d’incertesa sobre el ritme del canvi climàtic i el seu impacte sobre les malalties infeccioses, es proposa un seguit de línies de futur. Una de les propostes és crear una xarxa integrada de dades ambientals i epidemiològiques, amb capacitat de connectar aquestes dades amb la vigilància dels patògens, vectors i de la qualitat de l’aigua, entre d’altres factors. Aquestes anàlisis podrien orientar les estratègies d’actuació en un futur per la protecció de la salut de la població.
Los roedores tienen un importante papel como dispersores/depredadores de bellotas en los bosques Mediterráneos de Quercus spp. Existe abundante información del efecto de factores intrínsecos de las semillas (tamaño, composición) en la selección de las bellotas por estos animales, mientras que la influencia de otros procesos como el riesgo de depredación o la competencia intraespecífica han estado mucho menos estudiados. En un bosque mixto de encina y roble en el Parque Natural de Collserola, se ha investigado el patrón de dispersión/depredación de bellotas por parte del ratón de campo (Apodemus sylvaticus) en función del riesgo de depredación por parte de jineta (Genetta genetta) y la competencia intraespecífica (mediante un experimento en el que estos factores se simulaban a partir de olores). Un censo previo determinó que la población de roedores presente en el área de estudio estaba formada principalmente por Apodemys sylvaticus. Éstos respondieron al tratamiento de olor pues se observó un retraso significativo en la manipulación de bellotas de jineta respecto a los otros dos tratamientos. Asimismo, respecto a la distancia de dispersión se observó que las bellotas del tratamiento con olor a ratón eran dispersadas a menor distancia, a una distancia intermedia las de jineta y a mayor distancia las del tratamiento control. En todos los tratamientos, las bellotas dispersadas a zonas de microhábitat abierto fueron menos depredadas. Este trabajo sugiere que el patrón espacio temporal de dipersión/depredación de bellotas en bosques de encina y roble puede tener una elevada complejidad, a la vez que subraya el interés de mantener la integridad de las redes tróficas por sus efectos directos e indirectos sobre las poblaciones de organismos situados a diferentes niveles.
We have carried out an initial analysis of the dynamics of the recent evolution of the splice-sites sequences on a large collection of human, rodent (mouse and rat), and chicken introns. Our results indicate that the sequences of splice sites are largely homogeneous within tetrapoda. We have also found that orthologous splice signals between human and rodents and within rodents are more conserved than unrelated splice sites, but the additional conservation can be explained mostly by background intron conservation. In contrast, additional conservation over background is detectable in orthologous mammalian and chicken splice sites. Our results also indicate that the U2 and U12 intron classes seem to have evolved independently since the split of mammals and birds; we have not been able to find a convincing case of interconversion between these two classes in our collections of orthologous introns. Similarly, we have not found a single case of switching between AT-AC and GT-AG subtypes within U12 introns, suggesting that this event has been a rare occurrence in recent evolutionary times. Switching between GT-AG and the noncanonical GC-AG U2 subtypes, on the contrary, does not appear to be unusual; in particular, T to C mutations appear to be relatively well tolerated in GT-AG introns with very strong donor sites.
Repeated THC administration produces motivational and somaticadaptive changes leading to dependence in rodents. Toinvestigate the molecular basis for cannabinoid dependenceand its possible relationship with the endogenous opioid system,we explored Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) activity in mice lacking μ-, δ- or κ-opioid receptor genes. Acute THCinduced hypothermia, antinociception, and ypolocomotion remained unaffected in these mice, whereas THC tolerance and withdrawal were minimally modified in mutant animals. In contrast, profound phenotypic changes are observed in several place conditioning protocols that reveal both THC rewarding and aversive properties. Absence of μ receptors abolishes THC place preference. Deletion of κ receptors ablates THC place aversion and furthermore unmasks THC place preference. Thus, an opposing activity of μ- and κ-opioid receptors in modulating reward pathways forms the basis for the dual euphoric–dysphoric activity of THC.
It is generally accepted that the extent of phenotypic change between human and great apes is dissonant with the rate of molecular change. Between these two groups, proteins are virtually identical, cytogenetically there are few rearrangements that distinguish ape-human chromosomes, and rates of single-base-pair change and retrotransposon activity have slowed particularly within hominid lineages when compared to rodents or monkeys. Studies of gene family evolution indicate that gene loss and gain are enriched within the primate lineage. Here, we perform a systematic analysis of duplication content of four primate genomes (macaque, orang-utan, chimpanzee and human) in an effort to understand the pattern and rates of genomic duplication during hominid evolution. We find that the ancestral branch leading to human and African great apes shows the most significant increase in duplication activity both in terms of base pairs and in terms of events. This duplication acceleration within the ancestral species is significant when compared to lineage-specific rate estimates even after accounting for copy-number polymorphism and homoplasy. We discover striking examples of recurrent and independent gene-containing duplications within the gorilla and chimpanzee that are absent in the human lineage. Our results suggest that the evolutionary properties of copy-number mutation differ significantly from other forms of genetic mutation and, in contrast to the hominid slowdown of single-base-pair mutations, there has been a genomic burst of duplication activity at this period during human evolution.
C75 is a synthetic racemic α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone exhibiting anti-tumoral properties in vitro and in vivo as well as inducing hypophagia and weight loss in rodents. These interesting properties are thought to be a consequence of the inhibition of the key enzymes FAS and CPT1 involved in lipid metabolism. The need for larger amounts of this compound for biological evaluation prompted us to develop a convenient and reliable route to multigram quantities of C75 from easily available ethyl penta-3,4-dienoate 6. A recently described protocol for the addition of 6 to a mixture of dicyclohexylborane and nonanal followed by acidic treatment of the crude afforded lactone 8, as a mixture of cis and trans isomers, in good yield. The DBU-catalyzed isomerization of the methyl esters 9 arising from 8 gave a 10:1 trans/cis mixture from which the trans isomer was isolated and easily transformed into C75. The temporary transformation of C75 into a phenylseleno ether derivative makes its purification, manipulation and storage easier.
Visual perception is initiated in the photoreceptor cells of the retina via the phototransduction system.This system has shown marked evolution during mammalian divergence in such complex attributes as activation time and recovery time. We have performed a molecular evolutionary analysis of proteins involved in mammalianphototransduction in order to unravel how the action of natural selection has been distributed throughout thesystem to evolve such traits. We found selective pressures to be non-randomly distributed according to both a simple protein classification scheme and a protein-interaction network representation of the signaling pathway. Proteins which are topologically central in the signaling pathway, such as the G proteins, as well as retinoid cycle chaperones and proteins involved in photoreceptor cell-type determination, were found to be more constrained in their evolution. Proteins peripheral to the pathway, such as ion channels and exchangers, as well as the retinoid cycle enzymes, have experienced a relaxation of selective pressures. Furthermore, signals of positive selection were detected in two genes: the short-wave (blue) opsin (OPN1SW) in hominids and the rod-specific Na+/Ca2+,K+ ion exchanger (SLC24A1) in rodents. The functions of the proteins involved in phototransduction and the topology of the interactions between them have imposed non-random constraints on their evolution. Thus, in shaping or conserving system-level phototransduction traits, natural selection has targeted the underlying proteins in a concerted manner.