156 resultados para Revolució industrial


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of Sussex, Gran Bretanya, entre març i juliol del 2008. L’estada ha estat centrada en obtenir fonts documentals primàries, per avançar en el projecte d’investigació sobre la transferència de tecnologia entre Catalunya i Anglaterra durant la Segona Revolució Industrial. Això ha estat possible gràcies a la consulta de les patents britàniques (Business & Intellectual Property Centre at the British Library). Així mateix, l’obtenció dels recursos documentals especialitzats de diverses biblioteques de referència situades al campus de la University of Sussex (Keith Pavitt Libray (SPRU), Library of Sussex, British Library of Development Studies) i a Ruddignton Framework Knitters’ Library a Nottingham han estat fonamentals, tal i com es pot veure en la relació detallada que es presenta.


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El present projecte descriu els inicis de la comunicació visual i la importància d’aquesta per els comerços que van néixer a rel de la Revolució Industrial. Analitza el moviment modern i l’aparició de la figura del Art Director als Estats Units en una època liderada per l’Avantguardisme i el Futurisme. S’endinsa en els treballs de tres figures importants en el món del disseny gràfic: William Addison, Paul Rand i Fortunato Depero. L’objectiu d’aquest treball es mostrar la influencia d’aquestes figures en la publicitat.


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El procés del projectar conté una lògica de desenvolupament que també queda afectada en la crisi de la raó a partir del romanticisme i la primera revolució industrial. Dissenyar passa a ser l'intent de recuperació momentània d'aquesta lògica, com assaig constant que es plasma en els resultats. Aquest assaig té diversos 'moments' o estadis entre els que el 'moment' de la conceptalització necessita la reflexió amb altres formes de reflexió, com és la narrativitat.


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This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.


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This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.


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El projecte es centra en analitzar les transformacions en els usos i cobertes del sòl al municipi de Sant Pere de Vilamajor, com a conseqüència d’un conjunt de forces inductores de canvi global. Primerament, s’ha realitzat la caracterització social, econòmica, demogràfica i ambiental de la zona d’estudi des de mitjans del segle passat fins a l’actualitat. Posteriorment, l’estudi es centra en l’anàlisi cartogràfica de la zona, realitzat a través de Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG), utilitzant el programa MiraMon, per tal de comparar els usos i cobertes del sòl entre 1956 i 2010. Les principals transformacions experimentades són la transició dels estatges de vegetació herbacis i matollars a bosc i la transformació dels cultius en sòl urbà. L’abandonament de les pràctiques agràries conjuntament amb el desenvolupament de les urbanitzacions a l’àmbit d’estudi són els principals agents de canvi, fruit del procés de la industrialització i terciarització de l’economia.


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[eng] Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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[eng] Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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[eng] Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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L"ACTIVITAT INDUSTRIAL INCLOU PROCESSOS molt diversos que sovint generen productes potencialment contaminants, que s"han estat abocant al medi ambient amb més o menys control des de l"inici de la Revolució Industrial. Alguns d"aquests productes poden ser reciclats pels mateixos cicles naturals, geoquímics i biològics, però d"altres es van acumulant, com és el cas del mercuri. Un estudi publicat a la revista Nature, encapçalat per Carl H. Lamborg, de la Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution de Massachusetts, als EUA, indica que la quantitat de mercuri als oceans s"ha triplicat des de la Revolució Industrial i, malgrat que el nivell actual encara és raonablement lluny de ser considerat tòxic per a les persones, pot començar a alterar els ecosistemes marins. A més, com assenyalen els autors del treball, la capacitat dels oceans per dissoldre el mercuri acumulat es podria estar esgotant, la qual cosa implicaria que, si no es prenen mesures que evitin els abocaments incontrolats, el seu ritme de penetració dins els ecosistemes i, a la llarga, en l"alimentació humana, podria augmentar de manera exponencial.


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An analysis is carried out in a sample of 738 industrial plants of the determining factors in the use of internal promotion of blue-collar workers to middle managers and skilled technicians as against their external recruitment. The use of internal promotion is positively correlated with variables indicative of the efforts made by plants to measure employees' skills, and to a lesser extent, with the level of specificity of investments in human capital made by blue-collar workers. Contrary to what was expected, variables related with the use and efficiency of other incentive systems have no significant influence on the increased or decreased use of internal promotion. These results are initial evidence that internal promotions are used to protect and favour specific investments, especially those made by firms in order to discover their workers' skills.


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El análisis del crecimiento económico moderno debe partir, en cada caso, del escenario natural en el que los procesos históricos tienen lugar. Los datos de naturaleza geográfica son muy importantes en orden al condicionamiento de las actividades de los hombres y de las sociedades. En el caso español, las constricciones del ecosistema han jugado seguramente, un rol muy destacado. La presencia desmesuradamente grande del Estado en la actividad económica y la persistencia de un déficit crónico en la balanza comercial son hechos que han caracterizado a la economía española desde fechas muy antiguas. Las páginas que siguen, no obstante, se orientan en otra dirección y presentan algunos datos especialmente relevantes relativos al secular atraso tecnológico, a la muy baja acción en Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) tradicionalmente efectuada por los agentes económicos en España y a la preocupante debilidad de las empresas en este terreno.


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This paper assesses empirically the importance of size discrimination and disaggregate data for deciding where to locate a start-up concern. We compare three econometric specifications using Catalan data: a multinomial logit with 4 and 41 alternatives (provinces and comarques, respectively) in which firm size is the main covariate; a conditional logit with 4 and 41 alternatives including attributes of the sites as well as size-site interactions; and a Poisson model on the comarques and the full spatial choice set (942 municipalities) with site-specific variables. Our results suggest that if these two issues are ignored, conclusions may be misleading. We provide evidence that large and small firms behave differently and conclude that Catalan firms tend to choose between comarques rather than between municipalities. Moreover, labour-intensive firms seem more likely to be located in the city of Barcelona. Keywords: Catalonia, industrial location, multinomial response model. JEL: C250, E30, R00, R12