27 resultados para Public choice school


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Malgrat que el debat de l’Estat del Benestar està en el bell mig de l’actualitat política i econòmica des de fa uns quants anys amb graus ben diversos i aproximacions diferents, la darrera gran crisi ha disparat com mai la seva actualitat. Fins el present moment, amb algunes notables excepcions, totes les tendències han conduit a desenvolupar l’Estat del Benestar fins a extrems insostenibles. Això té explicacions múltiples i variades com les que s’aborden al llarg del present text. Aquestes tendències tenen una dinàmica econòmica i social pròpia que s’ha constatat amb força durant els darrers anys. Fa unes dues dècades que aquest debat va ser encetat amb profunditat per pocs països, però amb conclusions estimulants. Suècia és l’exemple més reeixit. La reforma duta a terme en el país nòrdics és una referència de primer ordre per molts estudiosos del tema i hauria de ser font d’inspiració per a la resta de països. Seguidament, hem volgut descriure, de forma complementària i des d’una perspectiva econòmica i jurídica, un fenomen estrictament lligat al desenvolupament imparable de l’Estat del Benestar, el de la burocratització. La reflexió d’acadèmics d’escoles en diferents i, en particular, els de la Public Choice proporcionen una visió rica i complexa, que entenem fonamental per avaluar els problemes que se’n deriven. Finalment, dins el marc de la Hisenda Pública i entrant en l’estudi concret del cas català, hem volgut endinsar-nos en l’anàlisi del pressupost. Essent com és una eina indispensable per avaluar el conjunt de polítiques econòmiques i socials d’un país. Aquesta anàlisi es duu a terme des d’una doble perspectiva: la primera, mitjançant un estudi comparatiu de l’evolució del Pressupost de la Generalitat dels darrers anys i, en segon terme, el canvi que el Pressupost 2011 materialitza aquest any, prefigura el de l’any 2012 i les principals crítiques de l’oposició. Queden oberts els camins envers els possibles canvis. De fet, res està definitivament escrit, però la pretensió d’aquest treball és modesta i, alhora, clara. Sense embuts, si volem mantenir un grau de benestar sostenible, és fonamental deixar de banda l’actual concepció de l’Estat del Benestar i començar a treballar per implementar els profunds canvis necessaris que donin pas a l’únic model que, a parer nostre, aconseguirà que això sigui possible: la Societat del Benestar. Una concepció actual del paper que ha de tenir l’Estat, de caràcter liberal i, alhora, social.


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Electoral institutions that encourage citizens to vote are widely used around the world. Yet littleis known about the effects of such institutions on voter participation and the composition of the electorate.In this paper, I combine a field experiment with a change in Peruvian voting laws to identify theeffect of monetary (dis-)incentives on voting. Using the random variation in the fine for abstention andan objective measure of turnout at the individual level, I estimate the elasticity of voting with respectto cost to be -0.21. Consistent with the theoretical model presented, the reduction in turnout inducedby the reduction in the fine is driven by voters who (i) are in the center of the political spectrum, (ii)are less interested in politics, and (iii) hold less political information. However, voters who respondto changes in the cost of abstention do not have different preferences for policies than those who voteregardless of the cost. Further, involvement in politics, as measured by the decision to acquire politicalinformation, seems to be independent of the level of the fine. Additional results indicate that thereduction in the fine does not affect the incidence of vote buying, but increases the price paid for avote.


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Entrevista a Assumpta Bailac, directora general de Promoció i Cooperació Cultural de la Generalitat de Catalunya. S'hi exposen els plans de la direcció per al desenvolupament a Catalunya de les biblioteques públiques i escolars. També es comenten qüestions més específiques com el Catàleg Col·lectiu de Catalunya o el suport genèric.


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Panoràmica de les biblioteques públiques i les biblioteques escolars a Catalunya i tendències de futur. Les biblioteques públiques catalanes s¿articulen en xarxes però són encara a distància d¿articular una única plataforma d¿accés a tota la informació que contenen. Pel que fa a l¿oferta de serveis, es reflexiona sobre la necessitat de modificar les conductes d¿estancament en la prestació de serveis bibliotecaris, en favor d¿augmentar el nivell dels serveis clàssics, alhora que se n¿impulsen de nous, d¿acord amb el fenomen de l¿economia de l¿atenció. Es presenten les biblioteques públiques com a eines d¿integració dels públics diversos, i també d¿impuls democràtic en totes les esferes de la societat. S¿analitza el present, necessàriament gris, i el futur possible de les biblioteques escolars a Catalunya. Les biblioteques públiques i les escolars han d¿ajudar les generacions futures a esdevenir persones autònomes en l¿ús de la informació.


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Las redes sociales están generando un amplio entramado de comunicaciones, a distintos niveles y con distintos objetivos. En este artículo analizamos un caso concreto, fruto de la observación y el seguimiento de un grupo creado para la defensa de unas oposiciones justas para el acceso a la función pública de docentes para educación secundaria. Se trata de un grupo creado como reacción a una serie de posibles irregularidades. Interesa observar tanto la creación del grupo, como las distintas fases que sigue la evolución, muy ligada a la efectividad de los procesos de comunicación, y la vinculación de estos últimos a las posibilidades de acción y resolución del conflicto que existe en la base del grupo


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Recently, several school districts in the US have adopted or consider adopting the Student-Optimal Stable Mechanism or the Top Trading Cycles Mechanism to assign children to public schools. There is clear evidence that for school districts that employ (variants of) the so-called Boston Mechanism the transition would lead to efficiency gains. The first two mechanisms are strategy-proof, but in practice student assignment procedures impede students to submit a preference list that contains all their acceptable schools. Therefore, any desirable property of the mechanisms is likely toget distorted. We study the non trivial preference revelation game where students can only declare up to a fixed number (quota) of schools to be acceptable. We focus on the stability of the Nash equilibrium outcomes. Our main results identify rather stringent necessary and sufficient conditions on the priorities to guaranteestability. This stands in sharp contrast with the Boston Mechanism which yields stable Nash equilibrium outcomes, independently of the quota. Hence, the transition to any of the two mechanisms is likely to come with a higher risk that students seek legal actionas lower priority students may occupy more preferred schools.


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We experimentally investigate in the laboratory two prominent mechanisms that are employed in school choice programs to assign students to public schools. We study how individual behavior is influenced by preference intensities and risk aversion. Our main results show that (a) the Gale-Shapley mechanism is more robust to changes in cardinal preferences than the Boston mechanism independently of whether individuals can submit a complete or only a restricted ranking of the schools and (b) subjects with a higher degree of risk aversion are more likely to play "safer" strategies under the Gale-Shapley but not under the Boston mechanism. Both results have important implications for the efficiency and the stability of the mechanisms.


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This paper studies the determinants of school choice, focusing on the role of information. Weconsider how parents' search efforts and their capacity to process information (i.e., tocorrectly assess schools) affect the quality of the schools they choose for their children. Usinga novel dataset, we are able to identify parents' awareness of schools in their neighborhoodand measure their capacity to rank the quality of the school with respect to the officialrankings. We find that parents education and wealth are important factors in determiningtheir level of school awareness and information gathering. Moreover, these search effortshave important consequences in terms of the quality of school choice.


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The literature on school choice assumes that families can submit a preference list over all the schools they want to be assigned to. However, in many real-life instances families are only allowed to submit a list containing a limited number of schools. Subjects' incentives are drastically affected, as more individuals manipulate their preferences. Including a safety school in the constrained list explains most manipulations. Competitiveness across schools play an important role. Constraining choices increases segregation and affects the stability and efficiency of the final allocation. Remarkably, the constraint reduces significantly the proportion of subjects playing a dominated strategy.


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This paper explores the earnings return to Catalan knowledge for public and private workers in Catalonia. In doing so, we allow for a double simultaneous selection process. We consider, on the one hand, the non-random allocation of workers into one sector or another, and on the other, the potential self-selection into Catalan proficiency. In addition, when correcting the earnings equations, we take into account the correlation between the two selectivity rules. Our findings suggest that the apparent higher language return for public sector workers is entirely accounted for by selection effects, whereas knowledge of Catalan has a significant positive return in the private sector, which is somewhat higher when the selection processes are taken into account.


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Two main school choice mechanisms have attracted the attention in the literature: Boston and deferred acceptance (DA). The question arises on the ex-ante welfareimplications when the game is played by participants that vary in terms of their strategicsophistication. Abdulkadiroglu, Che and Yasuda (2011) have shown that the chances ofnaive participants getting into a good school are higher under the Boston mechanism thanunder DA, and some naive participants are actually better off. In this note we show thatthese results can be extended to show that, under the veil of ignorance, i.e. students not yetknowing their utility values, all naive students may prefer to adopt the Boston mechanism.


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We use an ordered logistic model to empirically examine the factors that explain varying degrees of private involvement in the U.S. water sector through public-private partnerships. Our estimates suggest that a variety of factors help explain greater private participation in this sector. We find that the risk to private participants regarding cost recovery is an important driver of private participation. The relative cost of labor is also a key factor in determining the degree of private involvement in the contract choice. When public wages are high relative to private wages, private participation is viewed as a source of cost savings. We thus find two main drivers of greater private involvement: one encouraging private participation by reducing risk, and another encouraging government to seek out private participation in lowering costs.


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El projecte ha assolit la majoria d’objectius, ajustats a la reducció d'una quarta part de l'import concedit: 1) caracteritzar la transformació del paisatge agro-forestal i urbà a dos municipis de la vall del Congost, La Garriga i Figaró-Montmany, reconstruint amb SIG els mapes d'ús del sòl de 1854, 1949, 1956 i 2005, obtenint per intersecció de cobertes les matrius dels canvis d'ús; i 2) avaluar amb l’índex de connectivitat ecològica l'impacte ambiental d'aquells canvis des del punt de vista de la biodiversitat i la resiliència del paisatges, amb un especial èmfasi en la reforestació induïda per l'abandonament rural i la pèrdua de paisatges en mosaic, en un àmbit més gran pel període 1956-1993-2005. Aquests resultats han permès preparar varis articles per publicar en co-autoría a revistes com Landscape History, Environment and History o Landscape and Urban Planning. Ja és a punt de poder-se lliurar el primer amb el títol de "Looking backwards into a Mediterranean edge environment: Landscape changes and ecological connectivity in El Congost Valley (province of Barcelona, Catalonia) 1850-2005", incloent dos objectius esmentats a la memòria: identificar les principals forces motores d'aquells canvis en el paisatge relacionant els usos del sòl amb les formes d'ordenació del territori, caracteritzar-ne les forces rectores econòmico-socials i el paper jugat per la protecció del Parc Natural del Montseny i els Cingles de Bertí. Els resultats també permetran abordar en el futur altres aspectes, com per exemple estimar el potencial energètic de la biomassa local tot cercant que el seu aprofitament generi sinèrgies territorials positives per a l'ecologia del paisatge amb la recuperació d’una ramaderia extensiva i una agricultura ecològica que facin possible la restauració dels paisatges en mosaic. L'estudi ha pogut incorporar un aspecte inicialment no previst, el cens d'orquídies mediterrànies a Figaró-Montmany elaborat pel naturalista Paul Wilcox.


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It has been found that the symbolic elites have a prominent role in the discursive reproduction of racism in society, because they control the public discourse through which many ethnic prejudices are spread and shared. This special position of the mass media requires that the professional education of journalists, also featuring such topics as ethnic studies, diversity and racism, is optimally adapted to the multicultural societies in Europe, North America and Australia. This paper reports about an extensive research project examining ethnic education of journalists in these white-dominated countries, by examining the websites of many journalism and communication departments. Consistent with the general finding that white symbolic elites primarily deny or ignore (their) racism in society, none of the academic programs, anywhere in the world, mentions special classes on racism in the mass media. Finally, a practical proposal is made for a course on ethnic reporting in multicultural societies.


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The past four decades have witnessed an explosive growth in the field of networkbased facility location modeling. This is not at all surprising since location policy is one of the most profitable areas of applied systems analysis in regional science and ample theoretical and applied challenges are offered. Location-allocation models seek the location of facilities and/or services (e.g., schools, hospitals, and warehouses) so as to optimize one or several objectives generally related to the efficiency of the system or to the allocation of resources. This paper concerns the location of facilities or services in discrete space or networks, that are related to the public sector, such as emergency services (ambulances, fire stations, and police units), school systems and postal facilities. The paper is structured as follows: first, we will focus on public facility location models that use some type of coverage criterion, with special emphasis in emergency services. The second section will examine models based on the P-Median problem and some of the issues faced by planners when implementing this formulation in real world locational decisions. Finally, the last section will examine new trends in public sector facility location modeling.