118 resultados para Historia local
Selecció comentada de fonts d'informació sobre historia local de Catalunya: col-leccions, bibliografies, actes de congressos, biblioteques, i altres entitats i publicacions de tipología diversa.
La finalitat d'aquest treball és treballar la història altmedieval de Catalunya a partir de la història local d'un poble concret: Sant Quirze de Besora.
Aquest és un dels treballs de López Gómez que s'insereix en la línia d'estudi de les topografies mèdiques com a material molt útil per al¿estudi de la història de la medicina a nivell local. En aquest cas estudia les topografies mèdiques de la província de Burgos a partir de documents conservats a l¿Arxiu de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Barcelona. També inclou un petit estudi sobre la biografia i obra del doctor Ildefonso Díez Santaolalla (1851-1929).
La recerca sobre la protohistoria de Catalunya s'ha fonamentat tradicionalment en la historia cultural, pero el treba11 deIs darrers vint-i-cinc anys ha comenat a donar 11um sobre aspectes crucials com el canvi social i la formació de l'Estat arcaico Aquest article és una visió general sobre aquests temes. S'hi analitza particularment el paper del creixement demogrMic com a element crucial del canvi social, pero també s'hi té en compte el paper que eventualment hi hagin pogut tenir els moviments de població i el comerç colonial.
This study analyses efficiency levels in Spanish local governments and their determining factors through the application of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) methodology. It aims to find out to what extent inefficiency arises from external factors beyond the control of the entity, or on the other hand, how much it is due to inadequate management of productive resources. The results show that on the whole, there is still a wide margin within which managers could increase local government efficiency levels, although it is revealed that a great deal of inefficiency is due to exogenous factors. It is specifically found that the size of the entity, per capita tax revenue, the per capita grants or the amount of commercial activity are some of the factors determining local government inefficiency.
In this paper we analyze the existence of spatial autocorrelation at a local level in Catalonia using variables such as urbanisation economies, population density, human capital and firm entries. From a static approach, our results show that spatial autocorrelation is weak and diminishes as the distance between municipalities increases. From a dynamic approach, however, spatial autocorrelation increased over the period we analysed. These results are important from a policy point of view, since it is essential to know how economic activities are spatially concentrated or disseminated. Key words: spatial autocorrelation, municipalities. JEL classification: R110, R120
In this paper we aim at studying to what extent spillovers between firms may foster economic growth. The attention is addressed to the spillovers connected with the R&D activity that improves the quality of the goods firms supply. Our model develops a growth theory framework and we assume that firms spread around a circle. Our study assesses that spillovers between neighbors affect the probability of successful research for each of them. In particular, spillovers are the forces fuelling growth when, on the whole, firms turn out to be net receivers with respect to their neighbors.
At the end of the XIX Century, Marshall described the existence of some concentrations of small and medium enterprises specialised in a specific production activity in certain districts of some industrial English cities. Starting from his contribute, Italian scholars have paid particular attention to this local system of production coined by Marshall under the term industrial district. In other countries, different but related territorial models have played a central role as the milieu or the geographical industrial clusters. Recently, these models have been extended to non-industrial fields like culture, rural activities and tourism. In this text, we explore the extension of these territorial models to the study of tourist activities in Italy, using a framework that can be easily applied to other countries or regions. The paper is divided in five sections. In the first one, we propose a review of the territorial models applied to tourism industry. In the second part, we construct a tourist filiere and we apply a methodology for the identification of local systems through GIS tools. Thus, taxonomy of the Italian Tourist Local Systems is presented. In the third part, we discuss about the sources of competitiveness of these Tourist Local Systems. In the forth section, we test a spatial econometrics model regarding different kinds of Italian Tourist Local Systems (rural systems, arts cities, tourist districts) in order to measure external economies and territorial networks. Finally, conclusions and policy implications are exposed.
Investigación producida a partir de una estancia en Buenos Aires entre los meses de septiembre y octubre del 2006. La construcción del estado nacional argentino en el siglo XIX implicó la definición –por parte de las elites dirigentes - de un pueblo que cumpliera con las expectativas que se esperaban de una joven nación que se encaminaba hacia la civilización y el progreso. El objeto de la investigación que se está llevando a cabo en el marco del doctorado en Historia de América de la Universitat de Barcelona, es el análisis de la población afroargentina de Buenos Aires en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX, un momento en que su presencia e historia estaban siendo negadas de los discursos y de las prácticas, promoviendo su “invisibilización”. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se hace fundamental recurrir a fuentes y documentos que deben ser buscados y hallados en los Archivos Generales y Locales, y en Bibliotecas Nacionales y Municipales, sitos en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
This paper contributes to the existing literature on industrial location by discussing some issues regarding the territorial levels that have been used in location analysis. We analyse which could be the advantages and disadvantages of performing locational analysis at a different local levels. We use data for new manufacturing firms located at municipality, county and travel to work areas level. We show that location determinants vary according to the territorial level used in the analysis, so we conclude that the level at which we perform the investigation should be carefully selected. Keywords: industrial location, cities, agglomeration economies, count data models.
Clase impartida por el historiador Alfred Bosch sobre la evolución de la candidatura de Barcelona'92 y del Comité Organizador de los Juegos en el curso universitario sobre Olimpismo organizado por el CEO-UAB en febrero de 1992.