29 resultados para Germinal vesicle oocyte
BACKGROUND: In mammals it is well known that infections can lead to alterations in reproductive function. As part of the innate immune response, a number of cytokines and other immune factors is produced during bacterial infection or after treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and acts on the reproductive system. In fish, LPS can also induce an innate immune response but little is known about the activation of the immune system by LPS on reproduction in fish. Therefore, we conducted studies to examine the in vivo and in vitro effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the reproductive function of sexually mature female trout. METHODS: In saline- and LPS -injected brook trout, we measured the concentration of plasma steroids as well as the in vitro steroidogenic response (testosterone and 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone) of ovarian follicles to luteinizing hormone (LH), the ability of 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one to induce germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in vitro, and that of epinephrine to stimulate follicular contraction in vitro. We also examined the direct effects of LPS in vitro on steroid production, GVBD and contraction in brook trout ovarian follicles. The incidence of apoptosis was evaluated by TUNEL analysis. Furthermore, we examined the gene expression pattern in the ovary of saline- and LPS-injected rainbow trout by microarray analysis. RESULTS: LPS treatment in vivo did not affect plasma testosterone concentration or the basal in vitro production of steroids, although a small but significant potentiation of the effects of LH on testosterone production in vitro was observed in ovarian follicles from LPS-treated fish. In addition, LPS increased the plasma concentration of cortisol. LPS treatment in vitro did not affect the basal or LH-stimulated steroid production in brook trout ovarian follicles. In addition, we did not observe any effects of LPS in vivo or in vitro on GVBD or follicular contraction. Therefore, LPS did not appear to impair ovarian steroid production, oocyte final maturation or follicular contraction under the present experimental conditions. Interestingly, LPS administration in vivo induced apoptosis in follicular cells, an observation that correlated with changes in the expression of genes involved in apoptosis, as evidenced by microarray analysis. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that female trout are particularly resistant to an acute administration of LPS in terms of ovarian hormone responsiveness. However, LPS caused a marked increase in apoptosis in follicular cells, suggesting that the trout ovary could be sensitive to the pro-apoptotic effects of LPS-induced inflammatory cytokines.
Syntaxin 1 and synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kD (SNAP-25) are neuronal plasmalemma proteins that appear to be essential for exocytosis of synaptic vesicles (SVs). Both proteins form a complex with synaptobrevin, an intrinsic membrane protein of SVs. This binding is thought to be responsible for vesicle docking and apparently precedes membrane fusion. According to the current concept, syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 are members of larger protein families, collectively designated as target-SNAP receptors (t-SNAREs), whose specific localization to subcellular membranes define where transport vesicles bind and fuse. Here we demonstrate that major pools of syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 recycle with SVs. Both proteins cofractionate with SVs and clathrin-coated vesicles upon subcellular fractionation. Using recombinant proteins as standards for quantitation, we found that syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 each comprise approximately 3% of the total protein in highly purified SVs. Thus, both proteins are significant components of SVs although less abundant than synaptobrevin (8.7% of the total protein). Immunoisolation of vesicles using synaptophysin and syntaxin specific antibodies revealed that most SVs contain syntaxin 1. The widespread distribution of both syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 on SVs was further confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy. Botulinum neurotoxin C1, a toxin that blocks exocytosis by proteolyzing syntaxin 1, preferentially cleaves vesicular syntaxin 1. We conclude that t-SNAREs participate in SV recycling in what may be functionally distinct forms.
Diferents aspectes de la reproducció de la cabra de mar Maja brachydactyla s’han estudiat amb l’objectiu d’obtenir coneixements bàsics i aplicats al cultiu en captivitat d’aquesta espècie de gran interès comercial i aqüícola. L’anatomia interna de l’aparell reproductor masculí, el procés d’espermatogènesi, amb especial èmfasi amb la formació de l’acrosoma, i l’estructura i organització l’espermatozoide s’han descrit amb tècniques microscòpiques avançades. El desenvolupament de les gònades durant els primeres fases del desenvolupament post- embrionari (fases larvàries i primer cranc juvenil) han estat descrites mitjançant la quantificació de l’expressió del gen vasa, el qual és expressat específicament per les cèl•lules de la línia germinal. Aquests coneixements són bàsics per a la comprensió del paper dels mascles en la la reproducció i la seva aplicació posterior en condicions de captivitat. La reproducció en captivitat s’ha estudiat amb una sèrie d’experiments amb l’objectiu de determinar la quantitat, pes sec i composició bioquímica proximal de les larves acabades d’eclosionar en condicions de captivitat i l’efecte de les condicions ambientals, com ara el fotoperíode i la salinitat, sobre aquests paràmetres. Aquests experiments demostren què es poden obtenir larves de la cabra de mar en condicions de captivitat què podrien ser utilitzades per a la producció i l’efecte sobre la reproducció del fotoperíode i salinitat.
This study describes spermatogenesis in a majid crab (Maja brachydactyla) using electron microscopy and reports the origin of the different organelles present in the spermatozoa. Spermatogenesis in M. brachydactyla follows the general pattern observed in other brachyuran species but with several peculiarities. Annulate lamellae have been reported in brachyuran spermatogenesis during the diplotene stage of first spermatocytes, the early and mid-spermatids. Unlike previous observations, a Golgi complex has been found in midspermatids and is involved in the development of the acrosome. The Golgi complex produces two types of vesicles: light vesicles and electron-dense vesicles. The light vesicles merge into the cytoplasm, giving rise to the proacrosomal vesicle. The electron-dense vesicles are implicated in the formation of an electron-dense granule, which later merges with the proacrosomal vesicle. In the late spermatid, the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex degenerate and form the structures–organelles complex found in the spermatozoa. At the end of spermatogenesis, the materials in the proacrosomal vesicle aggregate in a two-step process, forming the characteristic concentric three-layered structure of the spermatozoon acrosome. The newly formed spermatozoa from testis show the typical brachyuran morphology.
This study describes the morphology of the sperm cell of Maja brachydactyla, with emphasis on localizing actin and tubulin. The spermatozoon of M. brachydactyla is similar in appearance and organization to other brachyuran spermatozoa. The spermatozoon is a globular cell composed of a central acrosome, which is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm and a cup-shaped nucleus with four radiating lateral arms. The acrosome is a subspheroidal vesicle composed of three concentric zones surrounded by a capsule. The acrosome is apically covered by an operculum. The perforatorium penetrates the center of the acrosome and has granular material partially composed of actin. The cytoplasm contains one centriole in the subacrosomal region. A cytoplasmic ring encircles the acrosome in the subapical region of the cell and contains the structures-organelles complex (SO-complex), which is composed of a membrane system, mitochondria with few cristae, and microtubules. In the nucleus, slightly condensed chromatin extends along the lateral arms, in which no microtubules have been observed. Chromatin fibers aggregate in certain areas and are often associated with the SO-complex. During the acrosomal reaction, the acrosome could provide support for the penetration of the sperm nucleus, the SO-complex could serve as an anchor point for chromatin, and the lateral arms could play an important role triggering the acrosomal reaction, while slightly decondensed chromatin may be necessary for the deformation of the nucleus.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Alemanya, entre novembre i desembre del 2007. En aquest treball es presenta el protocol a seguir per a dur a terme el cultiu d’embrions sencers in vitro (Whole Embryo Culture, WEC). Amb aquest protocol es pretén implementar la tècnica del WEC en el laboratori de la Unitat de Toxicologia de la Facultat de Farmàca (UB), seguint la metodologia apresa durant l’estada i deixant per escrit tots els passos seguits i el material i la metodologia concreta de cadascun d’ells. En el WEC es cultiven embrions de rata de 9.5 dies durant 48h en ampolles rotatòries en un medi líquid i amb una fase gasosa controlats. Durant el cultiu, tenen lloc dos processos principals: el plegament de l’embrió i l’organogènesi. Els embrions durant els dos dies que dura el cultiu es pleguen en els plans transversal i sagital, passant d’un embrió pla a un altre de cilíndric en forma de “C”. En aquest període, a més, es produeixen importants processos d’organogènesi com la neurulació, la formació de la cresta neural, dels somites, dels vasos sanguinis - el cor inclòs- i de la sang. Es comencen a formar la placoda nasal, la vesícula oftàlmica, la vesícula òtica, les extremitats superiors i inferiors i la cua. En la memòria adjunta es descriuen amb detall els processos d'aparellament dels animals, preparació del material i del medi de cultiu, el procés d'aïllament del embrions en el dia 9.5, les condicions de cultiu i l'avaluació dels embrions en el dia 11.5. Finalment es presenten resultats d'embrions en situació control amb un correcte desenvolupament i es mostra com, al final de l'estada, es va aconseguir el cultiu d’embrions control amb un desenvolupament correcte i estadísticament sense diferències respecte als diferents paràmetres mesurats en comparació amb els embrions control de la Charité-Universitätsmedizin de Berlin.
El tumor germinal seminoma (TGS) suposa un 50% de tots els tumors testiculars, i tot i l'excel•lent pronòstic a llarg plaç, està experimentant un increment de la incidència en un grup de la població d’entre 15-35 anys. L'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) juntament amb Fundació Puigvert són centre de referència en el maneig del TGS. La intenció el treball és reportar de manera descriptiva i retrospectiva l’experiència acumulada en aquest centre al llarg dels últims 15 anys. L'aportació d'aquest estudi pretén unir esforços per tal de disminuir tractaments innecessaris en gran part dels estadis I i intentar aportar més dades en favor del tractament adaptat al risc. En aquest sentit, ha de ser un motiu més per intentar validar factors pronòstics ferms en futurs estudis i poder posicionar la teràpia adaptada al risc en una situació protocolitzada i consensuada a nivell internacional.
Ultrastructural studies of oogenesis in Bolinus brandaris are described. Although the initial phase of oogenesis is common to most animal species, vitellogenesis can be considered a species-specific characteristic. In the vitellogenesis of B.brandaris, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticula play a relevant role in the formation of myelinised membranous systems. Nuclear envelope, Golgi body and the oocyte plasma membrane invaginations are three possible origins for annulate lamellae. The latter can be considered membranous reservoirs. There are two sources for the vitellum: exogenous (from follicular cells) and endogenous (from the endoplasmic reticulum of the same oocyte).
A monoclonal antibody CC92 (IgM), raised against a fraction of rat liver enriched in Golgi membranes, recognizes a novel Endo H-resistant 74-kD membrane glycoprotein (gp74). The bulk of gp74 is confined to the cis-Golgi network (CGN). Outside the Golgi gp74 is found in tubulovesicular structures and ER foci. In cells incubated at 37 degrees C the majority of gp74 is segregated from the intermediate compartment (IC) marker p58. However, in cells treated with organelle perturbants such as low temperature, BFA, and [AIF4]- the patterns of the two proteins become indistinguishable. Both proteins are retained in the Golgi complex at 20 degrees C and in the IC at 15 degrees C. Incubation of cells with BFA results in relocation of gp74 to p58 positive IC elements. [AIF4]- induces the redistribution of gp74 from the Golgi to p58-positive vesicles and does not retard the translocation of gp74 to IC elements in cells treated with BFA. Disruption of microtubules by nocodazol results in the rapid disappearance of the Golgi elements stained by gp74 and redistribution of the protein into vesicle-like structures. The responses of gp74 to cell perturbants are in sharp contrast with those of cis/middle and trans-Golgi resident proteins whose location is not affected by low temperatures or [AIF4]-, are translocated to the ER upon addition of BFA, and stay in slow disintegrating Golgi elements in cells treated with nocodazol. The results suggest that gp74 is an itinerant protein that resides most of the time in the CGN and cycles through the ER/IC following the pathway used by p58.
Diacylglycerol is necessary for trans-Golgi network (TGN) to cell surface transport, but its functional relevance in the early secretory pathway is unclear. Although depletion of diacylglycerol did not affect ER-to-Golgi transport, it led to a redistribution of the KDEL receptor to the Golgi, indicating that Golgi-to-ER transport was perturbed. Electron microscopy revealed an accumulation of COPI-coated membrane profiles close to the Golgi cisternae. Electron tomography showed that the majority of these membrane profiles originate from coated buds, indicating a block in membrane fission. Under these conditions the Golgi-associated pool of ARFGAP1 was reduced, but there was no effect on the binding of coatomer or the membrane fission protein CtBP3/BARS to the Golgi. The addition of 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol or the diacylglycerol analogue phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate reversed the effects of endogenous diacylglycerol depletion. Our findings implicate diacylglycerol in the retrograde transport of proteins from Golgi to the ER and suggest that it plays a critical role at a late stage of COPI vesicle formation.
Con este documento se pretende informar sobre la congelación de ovocitos para la reproducción humana y abordar el problema desde distintos punto de vista, con el fin de proporcionar argumentos y participar en el debate generado sobre el uso y aplicación de las técnicas de reproducción asistida y fomentar la necesaria actualización de una normativa que, si bien fue pionera en su momento, presenta hoy las carencias y contradicciones que el avance científico y el devenir social han ocasionado, y que requieren su puesta al día.
Normal pigmentation depends on the uniform distribution of melanin-containing vesicles, the melanosomes, in the epidermis. Griscelli syndrome (GS) is a rare autosomal recessive disease, characterized by an immune deficiency and a partial albinism that has been ascribed to an abnormal melanosome distribution. GS maps to 15q21 and was first associated with mutations in the myosin-V gene. However, it was demonstrated recently that GS can also be caused by a mutation in the Rab27a gene. These observations prompted us to investigate the role of Rab27a in melanosome transport. Using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy studies, we show that in normal melanocytes Rab27a colocalizes with melanosomes. In melanocytes isolated from a patient with GS, we show an abnormal melanosome distribution and a lack of Rab27a expression. Finally, reexpression of Rab27a in GS melanocytes restored melanosome transport to dendrite tips, leading to a phenotypic reversion of the diseased cells. These results identify Rab27a as a key component of vesicle transport machinery in melanocytes.
A mechanism of extraction of tubular membranes from a lipid vesicle is presented. A concentration gradient of anchoring amphiphilic polymers generates tubes from budlike vesicle protrusions. We explain this mechanism in the framework of the Canham-Helfrich model. The energy profile is analytically calculated and a tube with a fixed length, corresponding to an energy minimum, is obtained in a certain regime of parameters. Further, using a phase-field model, we corroborate these results numerically. We obtain the growth of tubes when a polymer source is added, and the budlike shape after removal of the polymer source, in accordance with recent experimental results.
Expression cloning of a rat hepatic reduced glutathione transporter with canalicular characteristics
Using the Xenopus oocyte expression system, we have previously identified an approximately 4-kb fraction of mRNA from rat liver that expresses sulfobromophthalein-glutathione (BSP-GSH)-insensitive reduced glutathione (GSH) transport (Fernandez-Checa, J., J. R. Yi, C. Garcia-Ruiz, Z. Knezic, S. Tahara, and N. Kaplowitz. 1993. J. Biol. Chem. 268:2324-2328). Starting with a cDNA library constructed from this fraction, we have now isolated a single clone that expresses GSH transporter activity. The cDNA for the rat canalicular GSH transporter (RcGshT) is 4.05 kb with an open reading frame of 2,505 nucleotides encoding for a polypeptide of 835 amino acids (95,785 daltons). No identifiable homologies were found in searching various databases. An approximately 96-kD protein is generated in in vitro translation of cRNA for RcGshT. Northern blot analysis reveals a single 4-kb transcript in liver, kidney, intestine, lung, and brain. The abundance of mRNA for RcGshT in rat liver increased 3, 6, and 12 h after a single dose of phenobarbital. Insensitivity to BSP-GSH and induction by phenobarbital, unique characteristics of canalicular GSH secretion, suggest that RcGshT encodes for the canalicular GSH transporter.
Recent studies have suggested a role for neurotrophins in the growth and refinement of neural connections, in dendritic growth, and in activity-dependent adult plasticity. To unravel the role of endogenous neurotrophins in the development of neural connections in the CNS, we studied the ontogeny of hippocampal afferents intrkB (¿/¿) and trkC (¿/¿) mice. Injections of lipophilic tracers in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus of newborn mutant mice showed that the ingrowth of entorhinal and commissural/associational afferents to the hippocampus was not affected by these mutations. Similarly, injections of biocytin in postnatal mutant mice (P10¿P16) did not reveal major differences in the topographic patterns of hippocampal connections. In contrast, quantification of biocytin-filled axons showed that commissural and entorhinal afferents have a reduced number of axon collaterals (21¿49%) and decreased densities of axonal varicosities (8¿17%) in both trkB (¿/¿) and trkC (¿/¿) mice. In addition, electron microscopic analyses showed thattrkB (¿/¿) and trkC (¿/¿) mice have lower densities of synaptic contacts and important structural alterations of presynaptic boutons, such as decreased density of synaptic vesicles. Finally, immunocytochemical studies revealed a reduced expression of the synaptic-associated proteins responsible for synaptic vesicle exocytosis and neurotransmitter release (v-SNAREs and t-SNAREs), especially in trkB (¿/¿) mice. We conclude that neither trkB nor trkC genes are essential for the ingrowth or layer-specific targeting of hippocampal connections, although the lack of these receptors results in reduced axonal arborization and synaptic density, which indicates a role for TrkB and TrkC receptors in the developmental regulation of synaptic inputs in the CNS in vivo. The data also suggest that the genes encoding for synaptic proteins may be targets of TrkB and TrkC signaling pathways.