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Larnellarins are a group of marine natural products isolated from the prosobranch mollusc Lamellaria sp., the ascidian Didemnum sp., and the sponge Dendrilla Cactos. Several of them exhibit interesting biological activities. Natural as well as synthetic lamellarins should be excellent candidates for the development of new drugs due to their unique skeletal structure and their important biological activities especially as antitumor agents. Lamelarin O has been recently characterized as a topoisomerase 1-targeted anti tumor agent. A variety of synthetic approaches have been developed for this family of alkaloids. Herein we describe a new route to the synthesis of Lamellarin D, from a methyl 2-pyrrolecarboxylate. Transformation of the starting material into the scaffold, a substituted 5,6-dihydropyrrolo (2,l ­a)isoquinoline (5,6-DHPl), was afforded by N-alkylation followed by intramolecular Heck cyclization. From this scaffold the synthetic strategy is based on two sequential regioselective bromination!Suzuki cross-coupling reactions which permitted the introduction of differently substituted aryl groups on positions 1 and 2 followed by oxidation, deprotection, and lactonization.


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In this study we report on the electronic and vibrational (hyper)polarizabilities of donor–acceptorsubstituted azobenzene. It is observed that both electronic and vibrational contributions to the electricdipole first hyperpolarizability of investigated photoactive molecule substantially depend on the conformation. The contributions to the nuclear relaxation first hyperpolarizability are found to be quite important in the case of two considered isomers (cis and trans). Although the double-harmonic term is found to be the largest in terms of magnitude, it is shown that the total value of the nuclear relaxation contribution to vibrational first hyperpolarizability is a result of subtle interplay of higher-order contributions. As a part of the study, we also assess the performance of long-range-corrected densityfunctional theory in determining vibrational contributions to electric dipole (hyper)polarizabilities. In most cases, the applied long-range-corrected exchange correlation potentials amend the drawbacks of their conventional counterparts


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells contain three omega-class glutathione transferases with glutaredoxin activity (Gto1, Gto2, and Gto3), in addition to two glutathione transferases (Gtt1 and Gtt2) not classifiable into standard classes. Gto1 is located at the peroxisomes, where it is targeted through a PTS1-type sequence, whereas Gto2 and Gto3 are in the cytosol. Among the GTO genes, GTO2 shows the strongest induction of expression by agents such as diamide, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, tert-butyl hydroperoxide or cadmium, in a manner that is dependent on transcriptional factors Yap1 and/or Msn2/4. Diamide and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (causing depletion of reduced glutathione) also induce expression of GTO1 over basal levels. Phenotypic analyses with single and multiple mutants in the S. cerevisiae glutathione transferase genes show that, in the absence of Gto1 and the two Gtt proteins, cells display increased sensitivity to cadmium. A gto1-null mutant also shows growth defects on oleic acid-based medium, which is indicative of abnormal peroxisomal functions, and altered expression of genes related to sulfur amino acid metabolism. As a consequence, growth of the gto1 mutant is delayed in growth medium without lysine, serine, or threonine, and the mutant cells have low levels of reduced glutathione. The role of Gto1 at the S. cerevisiae peroxisomes could be related to the redox regulation of the Str3 cystathionine -lyase protein. This protein is also located at the peroxisomes in S. cerevisiae, where it is involved in transulfuration of cysteine into homocysteine, and requires a conserved cysteine residue for its biological activity.


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En el marco del proyecto “La ciutat romana de Cosa: arqueologia d’un enclau comercial mediterrani” , autorizado y apoyado por la Soprintendenza Archeologica por la Toscana, entre los dias 4 y 22 de septiembre de 2006 se ha realizado la segunda campaña de intervenciones arqueológicas en la ciudad romana de Cosa (Ansedonia, prov. Grosseto, Itàlia), colonia latina fundada en el 273 aC a unos 120 km. al norte de Roma. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en la campanya del 2005 (localización/verificación de los límites precisos de la ínsula O-P/4-5 mediante la aplicación de técnicas de prospección geofísica completadas con la limpieza, registro y documentación arqueológica de las estructuras localizadas ) los trabajos del 2006 se han orientado hacia la identificación de la organización interna de la dicha ínsula tomando como referente el criptopórtico situado en el extremo N.E., el cual parece constituir el límite de una estructura singular (privada o pública ) estratégicamente ubicada en relación al fórum i a la Via Sacra. El trabajo de campo ha consistido en un intenso decapage con la finalidad de delimitar unidades de habitación complejas funcionalmente definidas y así la articulación existente entre ellas; en este sentido se ha podido documentar evidencias del espacio porticado superpuesto al criptopórtico así como, paralelamente a la calle 5 y en dirección a la Via Sacra, parte de habitaciones algunas de las cuales conservaban restos del pavimiento original, en un caso de mosaico. Paralelamente, se ha realizado el análisis en laboratorio de los materiales recuperados los cuales, aún procediendo de nivel superficial, empiezan a proporcionar datos sobre los diferentes momentos de ocupación de la zona, básicamente tardorepublicanos y augustales.


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte es dissenyar i implementar en Java una interfície gràfica que permeti simular l'arquitectura VLIW. Ha d'interactuar amb un simulador ja existent, VEX, i amb l'usuari. VEX permet analitzar, desenvolupar i depurar codi escrit en C sobre un processador VLIW configurable, des dels recursos hardware fíns al comportament de la "caché". L'interfície gràfica desenvolupada es diu JavaVEX. Té el gran avantatge d'evitar la introducció de les comandes de text que necesita VEX perquè son substituïdes per elements. És una eina més intuïtiva, ràpida i eficient. JavaVEX mostra informació sobre el codi C traduït a instruccions VLIW de fins a 4 operacions. També mostra els resultats de les instrucciones VLIW simulades. JavaVEX s'ha incorporat a un LiveCD. Així es pot executar l'aplicació sobre qualsevol ordinador. La finalitat docent de JavaVEX és ser utilitzada en les pràctiques de l'assignatura Arquitectura per a Computadors 2.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Lund, Sweden, between May and September 2007. A landscape-scale research approach has been highlighted by a growing body of literature as essential for understanding important ecosystem services as biological control. Aphids are victims of a diversity of enemies making the aphid-enemy interaction a nice example for the role of enemy diversity for the functioning of biological control. Here it is examined the effects of landscape complexity on cereal aphids and associated natural enemies that varied in the degree of specialization. Parasitoids wasps abundance did not differ between landscape types but was strongly negatively related to the percentage of arable land. In contrast, abundances of generalist predators like Coccinellidae were significantly higher in simple landscapes since can benefit from the high availability of a variety of alternative resources within cropping systems. Consequently coccinellidae-to-aphid ratio was significantly higher in fields in homogenous landscapes as compared to fields included in an heterogeneous landscape, suggesting that enemy pressure on cereal aphids increases with landscape simplification. The landscape effect will depend mainly on the degree of specialization of functionally dominant natural enemies, so that the results imply that conservation actions aiming to optimise abundance for one taxonomic group in the agricultural landscape will not automatically increase abundance of other groups. Given that the strength of natural enemy impact on biocontrol depends on landscape features and the role of functionally dominant natural enemies. So, therefore it is essential to focus the future empirical work in examining the schedule of agricultural landscapes that maintain a diversity of generalist and specialist natural enemies.


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La recerca, que ha durat quatre anys (2004-2008), s’ha centrat en l’estudi del parlar salat, un subdialecte del català oriental que es caracteritza per una sola isoglossa: l’ús de l’article salat (es, sa), és a dir, l’element derivat del demostratiu llatí “ipse”. Aquesta varietat ―poc estudiada― no té un abast gaire definit. Se sol situar en una estreta franja del litoral de Girona, entre Blanes i Begur, i que, després, isoladament, reapareix a Cadaqués, on es manté amb més vigència. A banda que els estudis no estableixen els límits geogràfics del fenomen de manera precisa, es tenen indicis que el tret que defineix i dóna nom a la varietat es troba en un acusat procés de recessió i de pèrdua, ja que només l’empren persones d’edat avançada (en general, pescadors). La tesi concreta l’estat actual del parlar salat. També fixa la cronologia del canvi de l’article salat (és a dir, en quin moment s’ha substituït per l’article literari, el, la) i es decriuen els factors que l’han propiciat (migració, turisme, la pressió de l’estàndard, etc.). El parlar salat és un exemple de desdialectalització del català, atès que es verifica que el tret que el caracteritza va començar a caure en desús en dels anys cinquanta del segle passat i que, avui dia, pràcticament ja s’ha extingit (només es manté en parlants de Cadaqués nascuts després de 1983). Per tant, s’evidencia que cal replantejar-se l’actual divisió dialectal de la llengua catalana ja que el subdialecte estudiat no existeix.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. El treball és un estudi de l’evolució, tan tècnica com estètica dels fars paral•lela als avenços tecnològics i prenent com a protagonistes els singulars fars de ferro que es varen construir durant la segona meitat del segle XIX i varen funcionar durant un llarguíssim període en el delta de l’Ebre. L’estructura de ferro, ancorada directament sobre les sorres del delta va donar un caràcter especial a aquestes construccions que, d’altra banda, constituïen una tipologia única a Catalunya i a Espanya. Aquests fars van rebre el nom del lloc on foren ubicats estratègicament. De sud a nord: far de la Banya, far de Buda i far del Fangar. Els van projectar conjuntament, es van encendre per primera vegada el mateix dia, van ser l’habitatge dels seus faroners, van anar evolucionant tècnicament tots tres però el final de cadascun d’ells va ser molt diferent. La història dels fars de ferro ha anat lligada al paisatge i la vida d’aquestes singulars terres del Delta i després de més d’un segle de servei foren substituïts per altres que estèticament i tècnicament res tenen a veure amb els seus antecessors.


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Los servicios de salud son sistemas muy complejos, pero de alta importancia, especialmente en algunos momentos críticos, en todo el mundo. Los departamentos de urgencias pueden ser una de las áreas más dinámicas y cambiables de todos los servicios de salud y a la vez más vulnerables a dichos cambios. La mejora de esos departamentos se puede considerar uno de los grandes retos que tiene cualquier administrador de un hospital, y la simulación provee una manera de examinar este sistema tan complejo sin poner en peligro los pacientes que son atendidos. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el modelado de un departamento de urgencias y el desarrollo de un simulador que implementa este modelo con la finalidad de explorar el comportamiento y las características de dicho servicio de urgencias. El uso del simulador ofrece la posibilidad de visualizar el comportamiento del modelo con diferentes parámetros y servirá como núcleo de un sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones que pueda ser usado en departamentos de urgencias. El modelo se ha desarrollado con técnicas de modelado basado en agentes (ABM) que permiten crear modelos funcionalmente más próximos a la realidad que los modelos de colas o de dinámicas de sistemas, al permitir la inclusión de la singularidad que implica el modelado a nivel de las personas. Los agentes del modelo presentado, descritos internamente como máquinas de estados, representan a todo el personal del departamento de urgencias y los pacientes que usan este servicio. Un análisis del modelo a través de su implementación en el simulador muestra que el sistema se comporta de manera semejante a un departamento de urgencias real.


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Aquest projecte tracta la implementació d’una eina gràfica multiplataforma de creació i edició de gramàtiques electròniques per representar el Llenguatge Natural. És una eina per lingüistes i projectes com Spanish FrameNet Project amb la quan poden representar fàcilment transductors en un format més visual, les transicions es representen en forma de “caixes”, i guardar els resultats. S’han implementat varies opcions per crear una eina còmode i personalitzable per l’usuari amb funcionalitats enfocades a les seves necessitats com importar/exportar autòmats des d’una Expressió Regular. Es tracta l’implementació de tots els components que s’han necessitat per crear la GUI així com la seva funcionalitat.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, from september to december 2007. For the first, we employed the Energy-Decomposition Analysis (EDA) to investigate aromaticity on Fischer carbenes as it is related through all the reaction mechanisms studied in my PhD thesis. This powerful tool, compared with other well-known aromaticity indices in the literature like NICS, is useful not only for quantitative results but also to measure the degree of conjugation or hyperconjugation in molecules. Our results showed for the annelated benzenoid systems studied here, that electron density is more concentrated on the outer rings than in the central one. The strain-induced bond localization plays a major role as a driven force to keep the more substituted ring as the less aromatic. The discussion presented in this work was contrasted at different levels of theory to calibrate the method and ensure the consistency of our results. We think these conclusions can also be extended to arene chemistry for explaining aromaticity and regioselectivity reactions found in those systems.In the second work, we have employed the Turbomole program package and density-functionals of the best performance in the state of art, to explore reaction mechanisms in the noble gas chemistry. Particularly, we were interested in compounds of the form H--Ng--Ng--F (where Ng (Noble Gas) = Ar, Kr and Xe) and we investigated the relative stability of these species. Our quantum chemical calculations predict that the dixenon compound HXeXeF has an activation barrier for decomposition of 11 kcal/mol which should be large enough to identify the molecule in a low-temperature matrix. The other noble gases present lower activation barriers and therefore are more labile and difficult to be observable systems experimentally.


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When underwater vehicles navigate close to the ocean floor, computer vision techniques can be applied to obtain motion estimates. A complete system to create visual mosaics of the seabed is described in this paper. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic is difficult to evaluate. The use of a laboratory setup to obtain an accurate error measurement is proposed. The system consists on a robot arm carrying a downward looking camera. A pattern formed by a white background and a matrix of black dots uniformly distributed along the surveyed scene is used to find the exact image registration parameters. When the robot executes a trajectory (simulating the motion of a submersible), an image sequence is acquired by the camera. The estimated motion computed from the encoders of the robot is refined by detecting, to subpixel accuracy, the black dots of the image sequence, and computing the 2D projective transform which relates two consecutive images. The pattern is then substituted by a poster of the sea floor and the trajectory is executed again, acquiring the image sequence used to test the accuracy of the mosaicking system


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Motivated by the work of Mateu, Orobitg, Pérez and Verdera, who proved inequalities of the form $T_*f\lesssim M(Tf)$ or $T_*f\lesssim M^2(Tf)$ for certain singular integral operators $T$, such as the Hilbert or the Beurling transforms, we study the possibility of establishing this type of control for the Cauchy transform along a Lipschitz graph. We show that this is not possible in general, and we give a partial positive result when the graph is substituted by a Jordan curve.


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Geochemical data that is derived from the whole or partial analysis of various geologic materialsrepresent a composition of mineralogies or solute species. Minerals are composed of structuredrelationships between cations and anions which, through atomic and molecular forces, keep the elementsbound in specific configurations. The chemical compositions of minerals have specific relationships thatare governed by these molecular controls. In the case of olivine, there is a well-defined relationshipbetween Mn-Fe-Mg with Si. Balances between the principal elements defining olivine composition andother significant constituents in the composition (Al, Ti) have been defined, resulting in a near-linearrelationship between the logarithmic relative proportion of Si versus (MgMnFe) and Mg versus (MnFe),which is typically described but poorly illustrated in the simplex.The present contribution corresponds to ongoing research, which attempts to relate stoichiometry andgeochemical data using compositional geometry. We describe here the approach by which stoichiometricrelationships based on mineralogical constraints can be accounted for in the space of simplicialcoordinates using olivines as an example. Further examples for other mineral types (plagioclases andmore complex minerals such as clays) are needed. Issues that remain to be dealt with include thereduction of a bulk chemical composition of a rock comprised of several minerals from which appropriatebalances can be used to describe the composition in a realistic mineralogical framework. The overallobjective of our research is to answer the question: In the cases where the mineralogy is unknown, arethere suitable proxies that can be substituted?Kew words: Aitchison geometry, balances, mineral composition, oxides