99 resultados para Employer unions
The paper contributes to the investigation of zero-dimensional rings which can be written as a directed union of Artinian subrings. We give conditions on DU(R) in order to be nonempty.
En l’article es fa una revisió actual de les unions temporals d’empreses (UTE), per tal de veure si la informació comptable que presenten és fidedigne. En primer lloc, es defineix la unió temporal d’empreses, i es detalla l’origen històric, les característiques i els objectius de l’UTE. Seguidament es presenta la regulació comptable i fiscal que afecta a les UTE, i es detalla el que pauta l’adaptació del Pla general comptable de les empreses constructores en relació amb les UTE i la problemàtica derivada de les operacions en empreses d’aquest sector que tantes UTE realitzen. També es ressalta en l’article la responsabilitat de l’UTE i les Normes comptables internacionals relacionades amb les UTE. Finalment es presenten els resultats d’una anàlisi d’estats financers de trenta empreses constructores que habitualment realitzen UTE, per comprovar el seguiment que fan de l’adaptació sectorial del Pla general comptable de les empreses constructores i la informació que donen de les UTE. L’última part de l’article fa referència a les conclusions, i és en aquesta part on s’apunta que la informació comptable de les UTE ha de millorar notablement, ja que actualment és una informació poc transparent, insuficient i dispersa.
The 1990s witnessed the launching of two ambitious trade regionalization plans, the Nafta and EU enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe. In contrast to previous projects for the creation or expansion of regional trade blocs, these two projects concerned states at dramatically different levels of economic development: The Nafta involved the very wealthy economies of Canada and the USA and the significantly poorer economy of Mexico, whereas EU enlargement involved the very wealthy economy of the 15 member-state European Union and the significantly poorer economies of former Communist states in Central and Eastern Europe. Ultimately, the Nafta and EU enlargement are responses to the challenges of globalization. Paradoxically, however, they have been met with radically different societal reactions in the wealthy partners that participated in the launching of these processes. This paper focuses on the reaction by labor unions on both sides of the Atlantic. I conclude that while labor relations and welfare institutions constrained the trade policy choices made by labor unions in the United States and Europe, they do not tell the whole story. It would seem that United States labor unions were more sensitive to the potential risks for workers associated to the liberalization of trade than were their European counterparts.
We show that the product of a subparacompact C-scattered space and a Lindelöf D-space is D. In addition, we show that every regular locally D-space which is the union of a finite collection of subparacompact spaces and metacompact spaces has the D-property. Also, we extend this result from the class of locally D-spaces to the wider class of D-scattered spaces. All the results are shown in a direct way.
L’estudi elaborat té per objecte aprofundir en l’ànàlisi de la realitat social que envolta el model familiar de la convivència sense matrimoni per tal de conèixer millor la seva realitat en l’àmbit de les relacions de parentiu (a partir de la realització d’entrevistes), així com relacionar aquests aspectes amb la seva regulació legal a Catalunya (analitzant la tramitació parlamentària de la Llei d’unions estables de parella, aprovada pel Parlament de Cataluña, així com la seva aplicació per part dels nostres Jutjats i Tribunals). El que s’ha pogut constatar en la recerca és que, per una banda, la institucionalització de les unions estables de parella ha deixat de banda una part prou significativa de parelles de fet, a les quals no és d’aplicació una normativa dirigida a resoldre els conflictes derivats de la convivència efectiva en parella. Malgrat que a les entrevistes s’ha demostrat un clar desconeixement de la regulació legal actual de les unions estables de parella si que es pot destacar que hi ha un interès perquè existeixi una cobertura jurídica en les situaciones de convivència afectiva en parella. A més, la Llei catalana presenta mancances en els efectes regulats, que no tenen una aplicació substancial, ja que no responen a una tècnica jurídica acurada amb la realitat social que té per objectiu regular. Precisament amb l’aprovació d’altres lleis autonòmiques sobre unions estables de parella ens permetem plantejar una actualització de la Llei catalana en qüestions molt diverses (curatela, mediació familiar, funció pública, etc.) Es fa palesa a partir de les entrevistes dutes a terme la manca d’informació general sobre els requisits de constitució de les unions estables de parella, així com de la cobertura legal vigent. Possiblement si la modificació de la Llei d’unions estables de parella fos més àmplia, s’avançaria en la consideració d’aquest model familiar com a opció real de configuració familiar, dins la llibertat personal d’elecció en la forma de convivéncia.
Since its origins, the European Union has striven to be an actor on the International scene and a place in conflict Management. Yet the EU’s lack of activity cannot be justified by a mere lack of capacities. The EU counts with numerous political, economic, and, since 2003, civil and military instruments that should allow it to precede a comprehensive conflict response. This publication consists of a description of these instruments and an analysis of the final use that the Union makes of them in the different stages of a conflict. Examples will show us the EU’s main weakness in providing a comprehensive and timely response when a conflict breaks out.
This study analyses the characteristics of members leaving a Spanishunion federation – Catalonia branch of Workers’ Commissions(CCOO-Catalonia), together with their reasons for leaving using avariety of data sources. Our findings indicate that higher union attritionamong members in instable employment (i.e. casual employment andlow seniority). In general, union leavers confirm that their job situationis an important reason for leaving the union. We therefore concludethat efforts made by the union to retain members in vulnerable labormarket positions are important in reducing high rates of union attritionin Spain.
In monetary unions, monetary policy is typically made by delegates of the member countries. This procedure raises the possibility of strategic delegation - that countries may choose the types of delegates to influence outcomes in their favor. We show that without commitment in monetary policy, strategic delegation arises if and only if three conditions are met: shocks affecting individual countries are not perfectly correlated, risk-sharing across countries is imperfect, and the Phillips Curve is nonlinear. Moreover, inflation rates are inefficiently high. We argue that ways of solving the commitment problem, including the emphasis on price stability in the agreements constituting the European Union are especially valuable when strategic delegation is a problem.
In monetary unions, monetary policy is typically made by delegates of the member countries. This procedure raises the possibility of strategic delegation - that countries may choose the types of delegates to influence outcomes in their favor. We show that without commitment in monetary policy, strategic delegation arises if and only if three conditions are met: shocks affecting individual countries are not perfectly correlated, risk-sharing across countries is imperfect, and the Phillips Curve is nonlinear. Moreover, inflation rates are inefficiently high. We argue that ways of solving the commitment problem, including the emphasis on price stability in the agreements constituting the European Union are especially valuable when strategic delegation is a problem.
This paper studies the transaction cost savings of moving froma multi-currency exchange system to a single currency one. Theanalysis concentrates exclusively on the transaction andprecautionary demand for money and abstracts from any othermotives to hold currency. A continuous-time, stochastic Baumol-like model similar to that in Frenkel and Jovanovic (1980) isgeneralized to include several currencies and calibrated to fitEuropean data. The analysis implies an upper bound for thesavings associated with reductions of transaction costs derivedfrom the European Monetary Union of approximately 0.6\% of theCommunity GDP. Additionally, the magnitudes of the brokeragefee and the volatility of transactions, whose estimation hastraditionally been difficult to address empirically, areapproximated for Europe.
We study the effect of regional expenditure and revenue shocks on price differentials for47 US states and 9 EU countries. We identify shocks using sign restrictions on the dynamicsof deficits and output and construct two estimates for structural price differentials dynamics which optimally weight the information contained in the data for all units. Fiscal shocks explain between 14 and 23 percent of the variability of price differentials both in the US and in the EU. On average, expansionary fiscal disturbances produce positive price differential responses while distortionary balance budget shocks produce negative price differential responses. In a number of units, price differential responses to expansionary fiscal shocks are negative. Spillovers and labor supply effects partially explain this pattern while geographical, political, and economic indicators do not.
In this paper we study the relationship between unions and growth in a two-sector overlapping generations model with altruism and humancapital. This relationship depends on the interaction between the technology in the sector that produces human capital, the degreeof unionization of the economy and the operativeness of the bequest motive.
In this paper we study the relationship between unions and growth in a two-sector overlapping generations model with altruism and humancapital. This relationship depends on the interaction between the technology in the sector that produces human capital, the degreeof unionization of the economy and the operativeness of the bequest motive.
This article carries out an empirical examination of the origin of the differences between immigrant and native-born wage structures in the Spanish labour market. Especial attention is given in the analysis to the role played by occupational and workplace segregation of immigrants. Legal immigrants from developing countries exhibit lower mean wages and a more compressed wage structure than native-born workers. By contrast, immigrants from developed countries display higher mean wages and a more dispersed wage structure. The main empirical finding is that the disparities in the wage distributions for the native-born and both groups of immigrants are largely explained by their different observed characteristics, with a particularly important influence in this context of workplace and, particularly, occupational segregation.