35 resultados para Description and travel


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We propose a model and solution methods, for locating a fixed number ofmultiple-server, congestible common service centers or congestible publicfacilities. Locations are chosen so to minimize consumers congestion (orqueuing) and travel costs, considering that all the demand must be served.Customers choose the facilities to which they travel in order to receiveservice at minimum travel and congestion cost. As a proxy for thiscriterion, total travel and waiting costs are minimized. The travel costis a general function of the origin and destination of the demand, whilethe congestion cost is a general function of the number of customers inqueue at the facilities.


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Relació del viatge fet per la Maria Antònia Canals a Nepal amb motiu de l’acte de celebració de la signatura del conveni de col·laboració entre la Universitat de Tribhuvan a Katmandu i la Universitat de Vic per crear el centre de formació del professorat d’infantil i de primària M. Antònia Canals


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El paisatge de l’Alta Garrotxa ha sofert canvis radicals al llarg del temps i molt especial a les darreres dècades. Es proporcionen dades estadístiques sobre bosc, bosquina, pastura, conreu, vegetació de cinglera i zona estèril (roca nua, etc.)


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Descripció del viatge a Egipte, així com de les impressions que van provocar l’autora els indrets que va visitar com ara les piràmides de la vall de Giza, Memfis, Sakkara i Dashur entre altres


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Descripció del viatge entre Llagostera i Romanyà de la Selva realitzat per l’autora un dia de tardor


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Ja feia anys que ens ballava pel cap d'anar a Pakistan per fer la ruta del Karakorum, la carretera més alta del món, vorejada per pics imponents i rius de gran cabal. Un trajecte que connecta el Pakistan amb la Xina i ressegueix una part de la famosa ruta de la seda. Tot un seguit de fets inesperats afavoriren que el viatgeinicialment previst ampliés el seu centre d'atenció amb la visita al poble de Kalash, l'últim reducte animista del país, i els camps de refugiats afganesos de Peshawar. La nostraarribada al Pakistan és, en termes tant metafòrics com reals, tempestuosa. L'endarrerimenten l'enllaç Barcelona-Londres ens impedeix d'agafar l'avió que ens havia de portar cap aIslamabad i ens obliga a quedar-nos durant un dia a la capital britànica


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Aquest article l'escrivim des del record. Des d'unrecord llunyà, l'estiu de 1994, un referent constant cada vegada que mencionem lessocietats tradicionals i de manera especial els pobles nómades. De fet, el motiu principaldel viatge va ser precisament el de conviure amb homes i dones que viuen en un marc social, polític i econòmic molt diferent al nostre: el marc de les societats preindustrials, el qual configura i configurarà per molt temps Mongólia. El punt de partida d'aquest viatge és Beijin (Pequín), des d'on iniciem un periple incert però que finalment ens deixa un bon gusc de boca. El mitjà per arribar a la capital de Mongòlia, Ulaan Bator, és el tren -el transmongolià que va des de la capital de Xina fins a Moscou i que actualment és utilitzat per molts xinesos que hi van a fer petits negocis


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Few studies have examined the combined effect of implementing quality and environmental management within the service sector. This void is more evident if we focus on segments in which small businesses predominate and even more so if we look for highly competitive sectors that are very variable and that have high business mortality. After analysing 198 surveys of Spanish travel agency managers using structural equations, it can be concluded that practices of quality management have a significant direct impact on business competitiveness but not on this business's financial results, at least directly. However, there is a significant relationship between environmental management practices and economic benefits. This article suggests that commitment to quality and the environment can allow small businesses in the service sector to have a competitive advantage that will separate surviving and ceased operations, particularly in sectors that are rapidly evolving and highly competitive.


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El objetivo principal de este estudio es conocer la concordancia entre informantes, padres y maestros,en cada una de las dimensiones o categorías diagnósticas del Early Childhood Inventory-4 (ECI-4).Además, se pretende analizar la influencia de la presencia de problemas de salud en los padres en ladescripción y valoración de la conducta de una muestra de 204 alumnos de preescolar (3 a 6 años) deperfiles socioeconómicos diferentes. Los resultados indican que los padres tienden a valorar con mayorseveridad los síntomas, observándose una mayor concordancia entre informantes en los relativos alos trastornos del desarrollo


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The fossil crown wasp Electrostephanus petiolatus Brues comb. rev.(Stephanidae, Electrostephaninae) is re-described from a single male preserved in middle Eocene Baltic Amber. The holotype was lost or destroyed around the time of World War II and subsequent interpretations of its identity have been based solely on the brief descriptive comments provided by Brues in his original account. The new specimen matches the original description and illustration provided by Brues in every detail and we hereby consider them to be conspecific, selecting the specimen as a neotype for the purpose of stabilizing the nomenclature for this fossil species. This neotype exhibits a free first metasomal tergum and sternum, contrary to the assertion of previous workers who indicated these to be fused. Accordingly, this species does indeed belong to the genus Electrostephanus Brues rather than to Denaeostephanus Engel & Grimaldi (Stephaninae). Electrostephanus petiolatus is transferred to a new subgenus, Electrostephanodes n. subgen. , based on its elongate pseudo- petiole and slender gaster, but may eventually warrant generic status as the phylogenetic placement of these fossil lineages continues to be clarifi ed. A revised key to the Baltic amber crown wasps is provided.


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Abstract Background: Little is known about how sitting time, alone or in combination with markers of physical activity (PA), influences mental well-being and work productivity. Given the need to develop workplace PA interventions that target employees’ health related efficiency outcomes; this study examined the associations between self-reported sitting time, PA, mental well-being and work productivity in office employees. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Spanish university office employees (n = 557) completed a survey measuring socio-demographics, total and domain specific (work and travel) self-reported sitting time, PA (International Physical Activity Questionnaire short version), mental well-being (Warwick-Edinburg Mental Well-Being Scale) and work productivity (Work Limitations Questionnaire). Multivariate linear regression analyses determined associations between the main variables adjusted for gender, age, body mass index and occupation. PA levels (low, moderate and high) were introduced into the model to examine interactive associations. Results: Higher volumes of PA were related to higher mental well-being, work productivity and spending less time sitting at work, throughout the working day and travelling during the week, including the weekends (p < 0.05). Greater levels of sitting during weekends was associated with lower mental well-being (p < 0.05). Similarly, more sitting while travelling at weekends was linked to lower work productivity (p < 0.05). In highly active employees, higher sitting times on work days and occupational sitting were associated with decreased mental well-being (p < 0.05). Higher sitting times while travelling on weekend days was also linked to lower work productivity in the highly active (p < 0.05). No significant associations were observed in low active employees. Conclusions: Employees’ PA levels exerts different influences on the associations between sitting time, mental well-being and work productivity. The specific associations and the broad sweep of evidence in the current study suggest that workplace PA strategies to improve the mental well-being and productivity of all employees should focus on reducing sitting time alongside efforts to increase PA.


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This paper reports on collaborative research on and with young people. In this study five groups of students in the final year of their Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) from five different schools developed five ethnographic studies about how they communicate, express themselves and learn inside and outside school, with the support and collaboration of teachers and members of our research group. The paper begins by discussing the dimensions of collaboration in education, taking into account the contribution of collaborative and ooperative learning, and the potential of digital resources, situating earlier influences and characterizing the work realised. Then there is a description of the research carried out on and with the young people we invited to perform as investigators. The results focus on the description and conceptualization of the different types of collaboration that have emerged while carrying out the ethnographic studies in each of the schools using digital technologies. Finally, we discuss the implications and limitations of the work as a contribution to anyone interested in researching on and with young people, collaborating, educating and using digital resources.


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El objetivo principal de este estudio es conocer la concordancia entre informantes, padres y maestros, en cada una de las dimensiones o categorías diagnósticas del Early Childhood Inventory-4 (ECI-4). Además, se pretende analizar la influencia de la presencia de problemas de salud en los padres en la descripción y valoración de la conducta de una muestra de 204 alumnos de preescolar (3 a 6 años) de perfiles socioeconómicos diferentes. Los resultados indican que los padres tienden a valorar con mayor severidad los síntomas, observándose una mayor concordancia entre informantes en los relativos a los trastornos del desarrollo


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The paper provides a description and analysis of the Hodgskin section of Theories of Surplus Value and the general law section of the first version of Volume III of Capital. It then considers Part III of Volume III, the evolution of Marx's thought and various interpretations of his theory in the light of this analysis. It is suggested that Marx thought that the rate of profit must fall and even in the 1870s hoped to be able to provide a demonstration of this. However the main conclusions are: 1. Marx's major attempt to show that the rate of profit must fall occurred in the general law section. 2. Part III does not contain a demonstration that the rate of profit must fall. 3. Marx was never able to demonstrate that the rate of profit must fall and he was aware of this.