20 resultados para Chromatic dispersion
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies), New Jersey (Estats Units), entre el 15 de setembre de 2005 i el 15 de gener de 2006. Els sistemes de transmissió per fibra òptica fonamenten les principals xarxes de comunicacions. A mesura que la demanda d’ample de banda per usuari creixi, seran necessaris nous sistemes que siguin capaços de cobrir les necessitats a curt i llarg termini. La tecnologia dels sistemes òptics limita fortament la complexitat dels sistemes de transmissió / recepció en comparació, per exemple, als sistemes d’ones de ràdio. La tendència és la de dissenyar sistemes avançats amb detecció directa i mirar d’aplicar tècniques bàsiques de processat del senyal. Una d’aquestes tècniques és l’equalització electrònica, és a dir, fer ús de les tècniques de processament del senyal per tal de compensar la distorsió introduïda pel canal, deguda per una o diverses degradacions típiques: dispersió cromàtica, efectes no lineals, dispersió del mode de polarització (PMD) ... Dins d’un entorn comercial d’empresa, s’ha avaluat el funcionament dels sistemes d’equalització FFE-DFE aixi com MLSE en presència de dispersió cromàtica i/o dispersió del mode de polarització (PMD) en transmissions NRZ/RZ.
This paper determines the effects of post-trade opaqueness on market performance. We find that the degree of market transparency has important effects on market equilibria. In particular, we show that dealers operating in a transparent structure set regret-free prices at each period making zero expected profits in each of the two trading rounds, whereas in the opaque market dealers invest in acquiring information at the beginning of the trading day. Moreover, we obtain that if there is no trading activity in the first period, then market makers only change their quotes in the opaque market. Additionally, we show that trade disclosure increases the informational efficiency of transaction prices and reduces volatility. Finally, concerning welfare of market participants, we obtain ambiguous results. Keywords: Market microstructure, Post-trade transparency, Price experimentation, Price dispersion.
This paper studies the implications of correlation of private signals about the liquidation value of a risky asset in a variation of a standard noisy rational expectations model in which traders receive endowment shocks which are private information and have a common component. We nd that a necessary condition to generate multiple linear partially revealing rational expectations equilibria is the existence of several sources of information dispersion. In this context equilibrium multiplicity tends to occur when information is more dispersed. A necessary condition to have strategic complementarity in information acquisition is to have mul- tiple equilibria. When the equilibrium is unique there is strategic substi- tutability in information acquisition, corroborating the result obtained in Grossman and Stiglitz (1980). JEL Classi cation: D82, D83, G14 Keywords: Multiplicity of equilibria, strategic complementarity, asym- metric information.
We present an overlapping generations model that explains price dispersion among Catalonian healthcare insurance firms. The model shows that firms with different premium policies can coexist. Furthermore, if interest rates are low, firms that apply equal premium to all insureds can charge higher average prices than insurers that set premiums according to the risk of insured. Economic theory, health insurance, health economics.
This paper describes a method to achieve the most relevant contours of an image. The presented method proposes to integrate the information of the local contours from chromatic components such as H, S and I, taking into account the criteria of coherence of the local contour orientation values obtained from each of these components. The process is based on parametrizing pixel by pixel the local contours (magnitude and orientation values) from the H, S and I images. This process is carried out individually for each chromatic component. If the criterion of dispersion of the obtained orientation values is high, this chromatic component will lose relevance. A final processing integrates the extracted contours of the three chromatic components, generating the so-called integrated contours image
The front speed of the Neolithic (farmer) spread in Europe decreased as it reached Northern latitudes, where the Mesolithic (huntergatherer) population density was higher. Here, we describe a reaction diffusion model with (i) an anisotropic dispersion kernel depending on the Mesolithicpopulation density gradient and (ii) a modified population growth equation. Both effects are related to the space available for the Neolithic population. The model is able to explain the slowdown of the Neolithic front as observed from archaeological data
Using an extended-random-phase-approximation sum-rule technique, we have investigated the bulk-plasmon dispersion relation, incorporating in a simple way exchange and correlation effects within the jellium model. The results obtained are compared with recent experimental findings. The key role played by exchange and correlation effects in improving the agreement between theory and experiment is stressed. The static polarizability has also been calculated as a function of q. The formulas can be easily modified to incorporate band-structure effects (through an intraband electron effective mass) and core-polarization effects (through a static dielectric constant).
We study particle dispersion advected by a synthetic turbulent flow from a Lagrangian perspective and focus on the two-particle and cluster dispersion by the flow. It has been recently reported that Richardson¿s law for the two-particle dispersion can stem from different dispersion mechanisms, and can be dominated by either diffusive or ballistic events. The nature of the Richardson dispersion depends on the parameters of our flow and is discussed in terms of the values of a persistence parameter expressing the relative importance of the two above-mentioned mechanisms. We support this analysis by studying the distribution of interparticle distances, the relative velocity correlation functions, as well as the relative trajectories.
We study particle dispersion advected by a synthetic turbulent flow from a Lagrangian perspective and focus on the two-particle and cluster dispersion by the flow. It has been recently reported that Richardson¿s law for the two-particle dispersion can stem from different dispersion mechanisms, and can be dominated by either diffusive or ballistic events. The nature of the Richardson dispersion depends on the parameters of our flow and is discussed in terms of the values of a persistence parameter expressing the relative importance of the two above-mentioned mechanisms. We support this analysis by studying the distribution of interparticle distances, the relative velocity correlation functions, as well as the relative trajectories.
Using the experimental data of Paret and Tabeling [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4162 (1997)] we consider in detail the dispersion of particle pairs by a two-dimensional turbulent flow and its relation to the kinematic properties of the velocity field. We show that the mean square separation of a pair of particles is governed by rather rare, extreme events and that the majority of initially close pairs are not dispersed by the flow. Another manifestation of the same effect is the fact that the dispersion of an initially dense cluster is not the result of homogeneously spreading the particles within the whole system. Instead it proceeds through a splitting into smaller but also dense clusters. The statistical nature of this effect is discussed.
Al consultar los pliegos de Artemisia L. contenidos en el Herbario BCF, con motivo de la revisión de dicho género en la Península Ibérica, que estamos realizando como tesis doctoral, hemos hallado dos de ellos (BCF n.° 7473 y n.° 7475) recolectados por don Salvador Rivas Goday, el 17 de septiembre de 1948, en Titulcia (MADRID) y determinados como Artemisia variabilis Ten.
A propósito de la dispersión de Verbascum boerhavii var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang. en Catalunya. Verbascum boerhavii L. var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital. 505 (1882). = V. bicolor Bad., Osserv., 3 (1824) = V. boerhavii L. fma. bicolor (Bad.) Murb., Lunds. Univ. Arssk, 29 (2): 159 (1933). = V. maiale DC. var. bicolor (Bad.) Rouy, Fl. Fr. 9:9 (1909).