52 resultados para Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis
Se presenta una lista de 19 táxones con interés corológico, del Alt Berguedá (Pirineos orientales), con algunas observaciones acerca de su ecología, y en algunos casos con su distribución en Cataluña. La lista incluye nuevas localidades pirenaicas para orófitos (Brassica repanda subsp. turbonis, Alyssum cuneifolium), plantas mediterráneas (Asparagus acutifolius, Arenaria modesta), sinantrópicas (Impatiens balfourii), etc.
A method for the simultaneous determination of intact glucosinolates and main phenolic compounds (flavonoids and sinapic acid derivatives) in Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis was proposed. A simplified sample extraction procedure and a UPLC separation were carried out to reduce the total time of analysis. Brassica oleracea samples were added with internal standards (glucotropaeolin and rutin), and extracted with boiling methanol. Crude extracts were evaporated under nitrogen, redissolved in mobile phase and analyzed by UPLC with double detection (ESI--MRM for glucosinolates and flavonoids, and DAD for main sinapic acid derivatives). The proposed method allowed a satisfactory quantification of main native sinapic acid derivatives, flavonoids and glucosinolates with a reduced time of analysis.
Article que descriu la planta poligonàcea, Polyganum Romanum, present a la zona de l' Empordà
Presentem un recull de novetats corològiques i taxonòmiques per a les comarques catalanes situades al sud de l'Ebre. Es descriuen dos tàxons nous: Brassica repanda (Willd.) DC. subsp. dertosensis Molero i Rovira i Helianthemum pilosum (L.) Pers. var. pseudoasperum Molero i Rovira. S'estableix una nova combinació nomenclatural: Reseda lutea L. subsp. vivantii (P. Montserrat) A. Rovira. En l'aspecte corologie, Euphorbia lagascae Sprengel representa una novetat per a Catalunya. La majoria de les altres citacions representen novetats pel conjunt d'aquestes comarques catalanes meridio-occidentals.
Spiraea crenata subsp. parvifolia és un tàxon endèmic del nord-est ibèric, que té una de les escasses poblacions conegudes al Collsacabra, Osona. En aquest treball es pretén definir l’extensió d’aquesta població, caracteritzar la seva estructura demogràfica i avaluar-ne l’estat de conservació. La majoria d’individus censats viuen en un nucli principal rodejat per nuclis més petits. L’estabilitat de l’ambient que ocupa permet valorar l’evolució de la població i la categoria UICN d’amenaça, actualment considerada «en perill ». Es proposen mesures de gestió que permetin la conservació d’aquesta població.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combined pressure/temperature treatments (200, 400 and 600 MPa, at 20 and 40 °C) on key physical and chemical characteristics of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata alba). Thermal treatment (blanching) was also investigated and compared with high-pressure processing (HPP). HPP at 400 MPa and 20–40 °C caused significantly larger colour changes compared to any other pressure or thermal treatment. All pressure treatments induced a softening effect, whereas blanching did not significantly alter texture. Both blanching and pressure treatments resulted in a reduction in the levels of ascorbic acid, effect that was less pronounced for blanching and HPP at 600 MPa and 20–40 °C. HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher total phenol content, total antioxidant capacity and total isothiocyanate content compared to blanching. In summary, the colour and texture of white cabbage were better preserved by blanching. However, HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher levels of phytochemical compounds. The results of this study suggest that HPP may represent an attractive technology to process vegetable-based food products that better maintains important aspects related to the content of health-promoting compounds. This may be of particular relevance to the food industry sector involved in the development of convenient novel food products with excellent functional properties
The effects of combined pressure/temperature treatments (200, 400 and 600 MPa, at 20 and 40 °C) on the physical and nutritional properties of swede roots (Brassica napus var. napobrassica) were assessed. Changes induced by high pressure processing (HPP) on the original properties of swede samples were compared with those produced by thermal treatment (blanching). All studied treatments altered the physical properties of swede, resulting in a loss of hardness and water binding capacity. The strongest alteration of texture was observed after HPP at 400 MPa, while 600 MPa was the treatment that better preserved the texture properties of swede. Blanching caused less total colour changes (ΔE) than HPP. Antioxidant properties of swede were measured as total antioxidant capacity, ascorbic acid and total phenol content. All treatments caused a loss of antioxidant capacity, which was less pronounced after HPP at 600 MPa and 20 °C and blanching. Four glucosinolates were detected in swede roots, glucoraphanin, progoitrin, glucobrassicanapin and glucobrassicin. Glucobrassicanapin and glucobrassicin contents were reduced with all studied treatments. Progoitrin content was not affected by blanching and HPP at 200 MPa. HPP at higher pressure levels (400 and 600 MPa), though, induced an increase of progoitrin levels. The results indicated that blanching and HPP at 600 MPa and 20 °C were the treatments that better preserved the original quality properties of swede.
Nota breu sobre la descripció de Halimium halimifolium subsp. halimifolium al Maresme
Se pretende definir el tipo de clara mas conveniente en las masas de latizal de Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. laricio (Poir) del Pais Vasco, a partir de la caracterizacion obtenida a traves de ciertos atributos individuales de los arboles y de su estratificacion vertical. Se desprende que los individuos no ofrecen rasgos distintivos destacables y suficientes sobre los que sustentar los criterios de eleccion de los arboles a apear en las claras, asi como que tampoco muestran tendencia hacia la estratificacion vertical. Desde este analisis, se apunta como necesario primar aspectos de sencillez y operatividad practica en la fase de senalamiento de la intervencion selvicola, optandose, en consecuencia, por las claras por lo bajo y posponiendose para mas adelante las selectivas.
Nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N) in plant organic matter is currently used as a natural tracer of nitrogen acquisition efficiency. However, the δ15N value of whole leaf material does not properly reflect the way in which N is assimilated because isotope fractionations along metabolic reactions may cause substantial differences among leaf compounds. In other words, any change in metabolic composition or allocation pattern may cause undesirable variability in leaf δ15N. Here, we investigated the δ15N in different leaf fractions and individual metabolites from rapeseed (Brassica napus) leaves. We show that there were substantial differences in δ15N between nitrogenous compounds (up to 30 ) and the content in (15N enriched) nitrate had a clear influence on leaf δ15N. Using a simple steady-state model of day metabolism, we suggest that the δ15N value in major amino acids was mostly explained by isotope fractionation associated with isotope effects on enzyme-catalysed reactions in primary nitrogen metabolism. δ15N values were further influenced by light versus dark conditions and the probable occurrence of alternative biosynthetic pathways. We conclude that both biochemical pathways (that fractionate between isotopes) and nitrogen sources (used for amino acid production) should be considered when interpreting the δ15N value of leaf nitrogenous compounds
Recientemente, MARTÍN-BLANCO & CARRASCO [Anales Jará Bot. Madrid 58(2): 355. 2001] enmendaban una cita anterior de Delphinium fissum subsp. sordidum de Ciudad Real, pero sin aclarar la identidad de la recolección. Explicaban que la planta -perenne, sin duda- no podía ser identificada como D. pentagynum ni como D. emarginatum subsp nevadense, los dos únicos táxones perennes del género entre los recopilados en Flora iberica [BLANCHÉ & MOLERO in CASTROVIEJO & al. (eds.), Fl. Iber. 1:242-251.1986]. Dudas similares habían sido expresadas anteriormente al atribuir a D. fissum subsp. sordidum una población de Almorchón (Badajoz) finalmente publicadas bajo este nombre [BLANCHÉ, Collect. Bot. {Barcelona) 16(1): 230-231.1985]. Todas estas interpretaciones se deben a la misma causa: las muestras estudiadas no tenían fruto ni, por ende, semillas.
Easter Island, a remote island in the Pacific Ocean, is currently primarily covered by grasslands, but palaeoecological studies have shown the former presence of different vegetation. Much of its original biota has been removed during the last two millennia, most likely by human activities, and little is known about the native flora.Macrofossil and pollen analyses of a sediment core from the Raraku crater lake have revealed the occurrence of a plant that is currently extinct from the island: Dianella cf. intermedia/adenanthera (Xanthorrhoeaceae), which grew and disappeared at the Raraku site long before human arrival. The occurrence of Dianella within the Raraku sedimentary sequence (between 9.4 and 5.4 cal. kyr B.P.) could have been linked to the existence of favorable palaeoenvironmental conditions (peatland rather than the present-day lacustrine environment) during the early to mid Holocene. This finding contributes new knowledge about indigenous plant diversity on Easter Island and reinforces the usefulness of further macrofossil and pollen analyses to identify native species on Easter Island and elsewhere.
Els elèctrodes són instruments d’anàlisi molt emprats per la seva gran eficiència, fàcil utilització, de resposta “in situ” i que ocupen poc espai. Tot i això, existeix una problemàtica actual dels elèctrodes, que és la no comercialització d’elèctrodes per tots els metalls que trobem dissolts en solucions d’interès analític. Per aquest motiu s’estudien possibles substàncies dins la formació de la membrana dels elèctrodes, ionòfors, que reaccionin amb espècies iòniques amb inexistència d’elèctrodes comercials. S’han dut a terme estudis amb residus vegetals com a ionòfors. Algunes dels biomaterials estudiats són la rapa i la iohimbe per a la detecció del Cr(VI) i l’Hg(II). Aquestes han sigut les motivacions que han dut a construir un elèctrode de ió selectiu amb membrana de PVC i marro de cafè com a ionòfor, i seguidament avaluar-ne laseva resposta