51 resultados para ATOM
Aquest projecte centre el seu estudi en els llenguatges de sindicació RSS i Atom, les bases de dades XML natives i el llenguatge de consulta XQUERY.
En aquesta memòria desenvolupem els conceptes associats al RSS i Atom: què és la web semàntica i la sindicació web, quines són les particularitats del XML i del seu llenguatge de consulta, el XQuery, les característiques dels formats RSS i Atom, i les bases de dades XML natives.
Different procedures to obtain atom condensed Fukui functions are described. It is shown how the resulting values may differ depending on the exact approach to atom condensed Fukui functions. The condensed Fukui function can be computed using either the fragment of molecular response approach or the response of molecular fragment approach. The two approaches are nonequivalent; only the latter approach corresponds in general with a population difference expression. The Mulliken approach does not depend on the approach taken but has some computational drawbacks. The different resulting expressions are tested for a wide set of molecules. In practice one must make seemingly arbitrary choices about how to compute condensed Fukui functions, which suggests questioning the role of these indicators in conceptual density-functional theory
Selected configuration interaction (SCI) for atomic and molecular electronic structure calculations is reformulated in a general framework encompassing all CI methods. The linked cluster expansion is used as an intermediate device to approximate CI coefficients BK of disconnected configurations (those that can be expressed as products of combinations of singly and doubly excited ones) in terms of CI coefficients of lower-excited configurations where each K is a linear combination of configuration-state-functions (CSFs) over all degenerate elements of K. Disconnected configurations up to sextuply excited ones are selected by Brown's energy formula, ΔEK=(E-HKK)BK2/(1-BK2), with BK determined from coefficients of singly and doubly excited configurations. The truncation energy error from disconnected configurations, Δdis, is approximated by the sum of ΔEKS of all discarded Ks. The remaining (connected) configurations are selected by thresholds based on natural orbital concepts. Given a model CI space M, a usual upper bound ES is computed by CI in a selected space S, and EM=E S+ΔEdis+δE, where δE is a residual error which can be calculated by well-defined sensitivity analyses. An SCI calculation on Ne ground state featuring 1077 orbitals is presented. Convergence to within near spectroscopic accuracy (0.5 cm-1) is achieved in a model space M of 1.4× 109 CSFs (1.1 × 1012 determinants) containing up to quadruply excited CSFs. Accurate energy contributions of quintuples and sextuples in a model space of 6.5 × 1012 CSFs are obtained. The impact of SCI on various orbital methods is discussed. Since ΔEdis can readily be calculated for very large basis sets without the need of a CI calculation, it can be used to estimate the orbital basis incompleteness error. A method for precise and efficient evaluation of ES is taken up in a companion paper
The present work provides a generalization of Mayer's energy decomposition for the density-functional theory (DFT) case. It is shown that one- and two-atom Hartree-Fock energy components in Mayer's approach can be represented as an action of a one-atom potential VA on a one-atom density ρ A or ρ B. To treat the exchange-correlation term in the DFT energy expression in a similar way, the exchange-correlation energy density per electron is expanded into a linear combination of basis functions. Calculations carried out for a number of density functionals demonstrate that the DFT and Hartree-Fock two-atom energies agree to a reasonable extent with each other. The two-atom energies for strong covalent bonds are within the range of typical bond dissociation energies and are therefore a convenient computational tool for assessment of individual bond strength in polyatomic molecules. For nonspecific nonbonding interactions, the two-atom energies are low. They can be either repulsive or slightly attractive, but the DFT results more frequently yield small attractive values compared to the Hartree-Fock case. The hydrogen bond in the water dimer is calculated to be between the strong covalent and nonbonding interactions on the energy scale
The Computational Biophysics Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (GRIB-UPF) hosts two unique computational resources dedicated to the execution of large scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations: (a) the ACMD molecular-dynamics software, used on standard personal computers with graphical processing units (GPUs); and (b) the GPUGRID. net computing network, supported by users distributed worldwide that volunteer GPUs for biomedical research. We leveraged these resources and developed studies, protocols and open-source software to elucidate energetics and pathways of a number of biomolecular systems, with a special focus on flexible proteins with many degrees of freedom. First, we characterized ion permeation through the bactericidal model protein Gramicidin A conducting one of the largest studies to date with the steered MD biasing methodology. Next, we addressed an open problem in structural biology, the determination of drug-protein association kinetics; we reconstructed the binding free energy, association, and dissaciociation rates of a drug like model system through a spatial decomposition and a Makov-chain analysis. The work was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and become one of the few landmark papers elucidating a ligand-binding pathway. Furthermore, we investigated the unstructured Kinase Inducible Domain (KID), a 28-peptide central to signalling and transcriptional response; the kinetics of this challenging system was modelled with a Markovian approach in collaboration with Frank Noe’s group at the Freie University of Berlin. The impact of the funding includes three peer-reviewed publication on high-impact journals; three more papers under review; four MD analysis components, released as open-source software; MD protocols; didactic material, and code for the hosting group.
In the present chapter some prototype gas and gas-surface processes occurring within the hypersonic flow layer surrounding spacecrafts at planetary entry are discussed. The discussion is based on microscopic dynamical calculations of the detailed cross sections and rate coefficients performed using classical mechanics treatments for atoms, molecules and surfaces. Such treatment allows the evaluation of the efficiency of thermal processes (both at equilibrium and nonequilibrium distributions) based on state-to-state and state specific calculations properly averaged over the population of the initial states. The dependence of the efficiency of the considered processes on the initial partitioning of energy among the various degrees of freedom is discussed.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Els objectius inicials foren la construcció d una 'Cèl•lula Solar Sensibilitzada mitjançant un Colorant’ (DSSC) amb el tint d una col llombarda i posterior caracterització segons el dossier 'Nanocrystalline Solar Cell Kit: Recreating Photosynthesis’. Les DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) són un tipus de cèl•lules que imiten els principis que la fotosíntesis ha fet servir exitosament durant més de 3,5 bilions d anys. S’han construït algunes DSSC i se n’ha provat la seva eficiència. El seu funcionament es basa en l’energia d’un fotó que excita un electró i el fa saltar de nivell energètic fins que es desprèn de l’àtom de colorant, deixant un forat en la molècula. Aquest electró lliure passa a través de la capa de TiO2 fins arribar a la càrrega on es genera el corrent elèctric. Tot seguit, l’electró arriba al contra-elèctrode i és aquí on entra en contacte amb l’electròlit, el mediador iode/triiode. Aquest regenera l’electró, que anteriorment ha saltat del colorant, oxidant-se ell mateix.
Aquest projecte se centra en el disseny i implementació d'un servei de recerca automatitzada de continguts web, fent servir les fonts d'informació disponibles en format RSS i Atom, dues especificacions basades en XML que serveixen per sindicar tot tipus de dades. Un cop llegits els continguts es poden definir regles de selecció automàtica que s'encarreguen de seleccionar la informació que més ens interessa en funció dels valors dels diferents atributs disponibles.
Es presenta un mètode de selecció d'orbitals atòmics relacionat amb la teoria de la Semblança Molecular Quàntica, que permet reduir l'espai actiu quan es vol dur a terme un càlcul a nivell d'Interacció de Configuracions per a l'àtom d'heli
The synthesis of three bidentate, hemilabile phosphine ligands, newly synthesized in the research group (TPOdiphos, DPPrPOdiphos and SODPdiphos), has been up-scaled and optimized. The ligand substitution reaction on Mo(CO)6 and W(CO)6 has been studied and the corresponding complexes fac-[MTPOdiphos(CO)3], fac-[MDPPrPOdiphos(CO)3], and fac-[MSODPdiphos(CO)3], (M= Mo, W) have been isolated in good yields and characterized by NMR, IR and HR MS. In the case of fac- [MoTPOdiphos(CO)3] the XRD crystal structure was resolved. The complexes were found to be octahedral, neutral molecules, with the metal in the zero oxidation state and the ligand adopting a facial P,P,O-coordination. The hard ligand atom (oxygen) is expected to exhibit special features the future applications of these novel ligands.
Partint de les definicions usuals de Mesures de Semblança Quàntica (MSQ), es considera la dependència d'aquestes mesures respecte de la superposició molecular. Pel cas particular en qnè els sistemes comparats siguin una molècula i un Àtom i que les mesures es calculin amb l'aproximació EASA, les MSQ esdevenen funcions de les tres coordenades de l'espai. Mantenint fixa una de les tres coordenades, es pot representar fàcilment la variació del valor de semblança en un pla determinat, i obtenir els anomenats mapes de semblança. En aquest article, es comparen els mapes de semblança obtinguts amb diferents MSQ per a sistemes senzills
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the dehydrogenation processes that take place in three hydrogenated amorphous silicon materials: nanoparticles, polymorphous silicon, and conventional device-quality amorphous silicon. Comparison of DSC thermograms with evolved gas analysis (EGA) has led to the identification of four dehydrogenation processes arising from polymeric chains (A), SiH groups at the surfaces of internal voids (A'), SiH groups at interfaces (B), and in the bulk (C). All of them are slightly exothermic with enthalpies below 50 meV/H atoms , indicating that, after dissociation of any SiH group, most dangling bonds recombine. The kinetics of the three low-temperature processes [with DSC peak temperatures at around 320 (A),360 (A'), and 430°C (B)] exhibit a kinetic-compensation effect characterized by a linea relationship between the activation entropy and enthalpy, which constitutes their signature. Their Si-H bond-dissociation energies have been determined to be E (Si-H)0=3.14 (A), 3.19 (A'), and 3.28 eV (B). In these cases it was possible to extract the formation energy E(DB) of the dangling bonds that recombine after Si-H bond breaking [0.97 (A), 1.05 (A'), and 1.12 (B)]. It is concluded that E(DB) increases with the degree of confinement and that E(DB)>1.10 eV for the isolated dangling bond in the bulk. After Si-H dissociation and for the low-temperature processes, hydrogen is transported in molecular form and a low relaxation of the silicon network is promoted. This is in contrast to the high-temperature process for which the diffusion of H in atomic form induces a substantial lattice relaxation that, for the conventional amorphous sample, releases energy of around 600 meV per H atom. It is argued that the density of sites in the Si network for H trapping diminishes during atomic diffusion
The computational approach to the Hirshfeld [Theor. Chim. Acta 44, 129 (1977)] atom in a molecule is critically investigated, and several difficulties are highlighted. It is shown that these difficulties are mitigated by an alternative, iterative version, of the Hirshfeld partitioning procedure. The iterative scheme ensures that the Hirshfeld definition represents a mathematically proper information entropy, allows the Hirshfeld approach to be used for charged molecules, eliminates arbitrariness in the choice of the promolecule, and increases the magnitudes of the charges. The resulting "Hirshfeld-I charges" correlate well with electrostatic potential derived atomic charges
The method of extracting effective atomic orbitals and effective minimal basis sets from molecular wave function characterizing the state of an atom in a molecule is developed in the framework of the "fuzzy" atoms. In all cases studied, there were as many effective orbitals that have considerable occupation numbers as orbitals in the classical minimal basis. That is considered to be of high conceptual importance