3 resultados para Tuotelanseeraus. Teolliset markkinat. Segmentointi. Conjoint Analyysi. Technology Push
em Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
The sustained economic growth that has been experienced in the Irish economy in recent years has relied, to a large extent, on the contribution and performance of those industry sectors that possess the ability to provide high-value-added products and services to domestic and international markets. One such contributor has been the Technology sector. However, the performance of this sector relies upon the availability of the necessary capabilities and competencies for Technology companies to remain competitive. The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs have forecasted future skills shortages in this sector. The purpose of this research has been to examine the extent to which Irish Technology companies are taking measures to meet changing skills requirements, through training and development interventions. Survey research methods (in the form of a mail questionnaire, supported by a Web-based questionnaire) have been used to collect information on the expenditure on, and approach to, training and development in these companies, in addition to the methods, techniques and tools/aids that are used to support the delivery of these activities. The contribution of Government intervention has also been examined. The conclusions have been varied. When the activities of the responding companies are considered in isolation, the picture to emerge is primarily positive. Although the expenditure on training and development is slightly lower than that indicated in previous studies, the results vary by company size. Technical employees are clearly the key focus of training provision, while Senior Managers and Directors, Clerical and Administrative staff and Manual workers are a great deal more neglected in training provision. Expenditure on, and use of, computer-based training methods is high, as is the use of most of the specified techniques for facilitating learning. However, when one considers the extent to which external support (in the form of Government interventions and cooperation with other companies and with education and training providers) is integrated into the overall training practices of these companies, significant gaps in practice are identified. The thesis concludes by providing a framework to guide future training and development practices in the Technology sector.
The recruitment of 0-group plaice to sandy beach nursery grounds in Galway Bay was examined, using a Riley push-net, from February to June in 2005 and 2006. Sampling was carried out every two weeks on spring tides. Three beaches were sampled, Ballyloughan, Silverstrand and Glann na Ri. Archived 0-group plaice, for Ballyloughan and Silverstrand, from 2004, were processed. Results were compared to findings from a previous study carried out in 2002 and 2003 (Allen 2004). Otolith microstructure analysis was used to determine hatching dates, larval duration, settlement dates, post-larval age and daily growth rates of 0-group plaice in April and May 2005. Results were compared to a previous study (Allen 2004). Hatching dates in Galway Bay ranged from late January to early April in 2005. No significant difference in hatching dates was observed between years or between beaches sampled. Larval duration of 0-group plaice in Galway Bay ranged from 21 to 45 days for fish sampled in April and May 2005. No significant difference was observed in larval age between beaches sampled in Galway Bay or between years in April 2003 and 2005. A significant difference was observed between larval age and years in May 2003 and 2005, however no significant difference was observed between beaches. Settlement timing was calculated using push-net data and otolith microstructure analysis. Settlement of 0-group plaice in Galway Bay generally started in early March and finished in May. Settlement patterns, calculated using otolith microstructure analysis, in 2003 and 2005, were not significantly different to one another. There was also no difference in settlement patterns between the beaches sampled. Results from the present study showed no spatial difference in the pelagic life cycle stages of fish caught in April and May 2003 and 2005.
The impending introduction of lead-free solder in the manufacture of electrical and electronic products has presented the electronics industry with many challenges. European manufacturers must transfer from a tin-lead process to a lead-free process by July 2006 as a result of the publication of two directives from the European Parliament. Tin-lead solders have been used for mechanical and electrical connections on printed circuit boards for over fifty years and considerable process knowledge has been accumulated. Extensive literature reviews were conducted on the topic and as a result it was found there are many implications to be considered with the introduction of lead-free solder. One particular question that requires answering is; can lead-free solder be used in existing manufacturing processes? The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative study of a tin-lead solder and a lead-free solder in two key surface mount technology (SMT) processes. The two SMT processes in question were the stencil printing process and the reflow soldering process. Unreplicated fractional factorial experimental designs were used to carry out the studies. The quality of paste deposition in terms of height and volume were the characteristics of interest in the stencil printing process. The quality of solder joints produced in the reflow soldering experiment was assessed using x-ray and cross sectional analysis. This provided qualitative data that was then uniquely scored and weighted using a method developed during the research. Nested experimental design techniques were then used to analyse the resulting quantitative data. Predictive models were developed that allowed for the optimisation of both processes. Results from both experiments show that solder joints of comparable quality to those produced using tin-lead solder can be produced using lead-free solder in current SMT processes.