10 resultados para Kosk, Patrick
em Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
Recent studies have shown that septic tank systems are a major source of groundwater pollution. Many public health workers feel that the most cri^cal aspect of the use of septic tanks as a means of sewage disposal is the contamination of private water wells with attendant human health hazards. In this study the movement and attenuation of septic tank effluents in a range of soil/overburden types and hydrogeological situations was investigated. The suitability of a number of chemical and biological tracer materials to monitor the movement of septic tank effluent constituents to groundwater sources was also examined. The investigation was divided into three separate but inteiTelated sections. In the first section of the study the movement of septic tank effluent from two soil treatment systems was investigated by direct measurements of soil nutrient concentrations and enteric bacterial numbers in the soil beneath and downgradient of the test systems. Two sites with different soil types and hydrogeological characteristics were used. The results indicated that the attenuation of the effluent in both of the treatment systems was incomplete. Migration of nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and fecal bacteria to a depth of 50 cm beneath the inverts of the distribution tiles was demonstrated on all sampling occasions. The lateral migration of the pollutants was less pronounced, although on occasions high nutrients levels and fecal bacterial numbers were detected at a lateral distance of 4.0 m downgradient of the test systems. There was evidence that the degree and extent of effluent migration was increased after periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall when the attenuating properties of the treatment systems were reduced as a result of saturation of the soil. The second part of the study examined the contamination of groundwaters downgradient of septic tank soil treatment systems. Three test sites were used in the investigation. The sites were chosen because of differences in the thicknesses and nature of the unsaturated zone available for effluent attenuation at each of the locations. A series of groundwater monitoring boreholes were installed downgradient of the test systems at each of the sites and these were sampled regularly to assess the efficiency of the overburden material in reducing the polluting potential of the wastewater. Effluent attenuation in the septic tank treatment systems was shown to be incomplete, resulting in chemical and microbiological contamination of the groundwaters downgradient of the systems. The nature and severity of groundwater contamination was dependent on the composition and thickness of the unsaturated zone and the extent of weathering in the underlying saturated bedrock. The movement of septic tank effluent through soil/overburdens to groundwater sources was investigated by adding a range of chemical and biological tracer materials to the three septic tank systems used in section two of the study. The results demonstrated that a single tracer type cannot be used to accurately monitor the movement of all effluent constituents through soils to groundwater. The combined use of lithium bromide and endospores of Bacillus globigii was found to give an accurate indication of the movement of both the chemical and biological effluent constituents.
Energy from waste (E/W) technologies in the form o f biogas plants, CHP plants and other municipal solid waste (MSW) conversion technologies, have been gaining steady ground in the provision o f energy throughout Europe and the UK. Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants (UWWTP) are utilising much o f the same biochemical processes common to these E/W plants. Previous studies on Centralised Anaerobic Digestion (CAD) within Ireland found that the legislative and economic conditions were not conducive to such an operation on the grounds o f low energy price for electric and heat energy, and due to the restrictive nature o f the allowable feedstocks. Recent changes to the Irish REFIT tariff on energy produced from Anaerobic digestion; alterations to the regulation o f the allowable use o f animal by products(ABP); the recent enactment o f the Renewable Energy D irective (09/28/EC) and a subsequent review o f the draft Biowaste Directive (2001) required that the issue o f decentralised energy production in Ireland be reassessed. In this instance the feasibility study is based on a extant rural community, centred around the village o f Woodford Co Galway. The review found that the prevailing conditions were now such that it was technically and economically feasible for this biochemical process to provide energy and waste treatment facilities at the above location. The review also outlines the last item which is preventing this process from becoming achievable, specifically the lack o f a digestate regulation on land spreading which deals specifically with biowaste. The study finds that the implementation o f the draft EU biowaste regulations, with amendments for Cr and Hg levels to match the proposed Irish regulation for compost, would ensure that Ireland has some o f the most restrictive regulations in Europe for this application. The delay in completing this piece o f legislation is preventing national energy and waste issues from being resolved in a planned and stepwise fashion. A proposed lay out for the new Integrated Waste from Energy Plant (IW/EP) is presented. Budget economic projections and alternative revenue streams are outlined. Finally a review o f the national policies regarding the Rural Development Plan (RDP), the Rural Planning Guidelines (RPG) and the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) are examined against the relevant EU directives.
Some o f the biggest issues facing humanity in the 21st century include energy security, global warming and resource scarcity. These issues will affect every nation and Ireland is no exception. There is much research underway to uncover technologies that will allow the world to overcome such problems, but none offer the flexibility o f biomass. Unlike other sustainable technologies, which offer a solution to one or at most two o f the above problems, biomass as demonstrated by the author, can play a part in mitigating all o f the above problems. It has been known for some time that biomass can be used in various ways as a form o f renewable energy, but with the development o f biorefineries biomass can be used to produce material as well as fuel products. In this report the author has looked at the viability and benefits o f biomass, bioenergy and biorefining in Ireland. The author has demonstrated that such technologies when implemented correctly are sustainable from an economic, environmental and societal point o f view. The author has shown in this thesis that abundant supplies o f biomass make bio re fineries a viable business opportunity in Ireland and has shown how a number o f biorefinery scenarios have the potential to be extremely profitable. The author has evaluated the profitability o f material product-based bio re fineries as well as fuel productbased configurations. The author demonstrated that value-added co-products help to make bio refineries profitable even when excise-relief is not granted on bio fuels. In this thesis the author has revealed some o f the problems that bioenergy and biorefineries have had to overcome to date and examines challenges that remain for bioenergy and biorefining, and looks at the future opportunities for bio fuels. This report concludes that biomass and biorefining has exciting business potential while offering unique opportunities to mitigate the problems o f the future.
This thesis presents the research and development of sustainable design guidelines for the furniture and wood products industry, suitable for sustainably enhancing design, manufacturing and associated activities. This sustainable guideline is based on secondary research conducted on subject areas such as ‘eco’ design, ‘green’ branding and ‘green’ consumerism, as well as an examination of existing certifications and sustainable tools techniques and methodologies, national and international drivers for sustainable development and an overview of sustainability in the Irish furniture manufacturing context. The guideline was further developed through primary research. This consisted of a focus group attended by leading Irish designers, manufacturers and academics in the area of furniture and wood products. This group explored the question of ‘green branding’ saturation in the market and the viability of investing in sustainability just yet. Participants stated that they felt the market for ‘green’ products is evolving very slowly and that there is no metric or legal framework present to audit whether or not companies are producing products that really embody sustainability. All the participants believed that developing and introducing a new certification process to incorporate a sustainable design process was a viable and necessary solution to protecting Irish furniture and wood manufacturers going forward. For the purposes of the case study, the author investigated a ‘sustainable’ design process for Team woodcraft, Ltd., through the design and development of a ‘sustainable’ children’s furniture range. The case study followed a typical design and development process; detailing customer design specifications, concept development and refinement and cumulating in final prototype, as well as associated engineering drawings. Based on this primary and secondary research, seven fundamental core principles for this sustainable guideline have been identified by the author. The author then used these core principles to expand into guidelines for the basis of proposed new Irish sustainable design guidelines for the furniture and wood products industry, the concept of which the author has named ‘Green Dot’. The author suggests that the ‘Green Dot’ brand or logo could be used to market an umbrella network of Irish furniture designers and manufactures who implement the recommended sustainable techniques.
Transmission of Cherenkov light through the atmosphere is strongly influenced by the optical clarity of the atmosphere and the prevailing weather conditions. The performance of telescopes measuring this light is therefore dependent on atmospheric effects. This thesis presents software and hardware developed to implement a prototype sky monitoring system for use on the proposed next-generation gamma-ray telescope array, VERITAS. The system, consisting of a CCD camera and a far-infrared pyrometer, was successfully installed and tested on the ten metre atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescope operated by the VERITAS Collaboration at the F.L. Whipple Observatory in Arizona. The thesis also presents the results of observations of the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, made with the Whipple ten metre telescope. The observations provide evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, at a level of more than 15 standard deviations above background. This represents the first unequivocal detection of this object at TeV energies, making it only the third extragalactic source seen at such levels of significance in this energy range. The flux variability of the source on a number of timescales is also investigated.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) haemorhaging is a life-threatening disease. An aneurysm is a permanent swelling of an artery due to a weakness in its wall. Current surgical repair involves opening the chest or abdomen, gaining temporary vascular control of the aorta and suturing a prosthetic graft to the healthy aorta within the aneurysm itself The outcome of this surgical approach is not perfect, and the quality of life after this repair is impaired by postoperative pain, sexual dysfunction, and a lengthy hospital stay resulting in high health costs. All these negative effects are related to the large incision and extensive tissue dissection. Endovascular grafting is an alternative to the standard surgical method. This treatment is a less invasive method of treating aortic aneurysms. It involves a surgical exposure of the common femoral arteries where the stent graft can be inserted through by an over-the-wire technique. All manipulations are controlled from a remote place by the use of a catheter and this technique avoids the need to directly expose the diseased artery through a large incision or an extensive dissection. The proposed design method outlined in this project is to develop the endovascular approach. The main aim is to design an unitary bifurcated stent graft (1 e- bifurcated graft as a single component) to treat these Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. This includes the delivery system and deployment mechanism necessary to first accurately position the stent graft across the aneurysm sac and also across the iliac bifurcation, and secondly fix the stent graft in position by using expandable metal stents. Thus, excluding the aneurysm from the circulation and therefore preventing rupture. Miniaturisation is a critical aspect of this design, as the smaller the crimped stent graft the easier to guide through the vascular system to the desired location. Biocompatibility is an important aspect. The preferred materials for this prosthesis are to use Shape Memory Alloys for the stent and a multifilament fabric for the graft. A taper design is applied for the geometry as this gives a favourable flow characteristic and reduced wave reflections. Adequate testing of the stent graft to prove its durability and the ease of the method of deployment is a prerequisite. A bench test facility has being designed and build to replicate the cardiovascular system and the disease in question aortic aneurysms at the iliac bifurcation. The testing here shows the feasibility of the proposed delivery system and the durability of the stent graft across the aneurysm sac. Finally, these endovascular treatments offer the economic advantage of short hospital stays or even treatment as an outpatient, as well as elimination of the need for postoperative intensive care The risk of developing an aneurysm increases with age, that is one of the mam reasons to look for less invasive ways of treating aneurysms. Consequently, there is enormous pressure to develop and use these devices rapidly.
This project was funded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway - Mayo Institute of Technology and an industrial company, Tyco/Mallinckrodt Galway. The project aimed to develop a semi - automatic, self - learning pattern recognition system capable of detecting defects on the printed circuits boards such as component vacancy, component misalignment, component orientation, component error, and component weld. The research was conducted in three directions: image acquisition, image filtering/recognition and software development. Image acquisition studied the process of forming and digitizing images and some fundamental aspects regarding the human visual perception. The importance of choosing the right camera and illumination system for a certain type of problem has been highlighted. Probably the most important step towards image recognition is image filtering, The filters are used to correct and enhance images in order to prepare them for recognition. Convolution, histogram equalisation, filters based on Boolean mathematics, noise reduction, edge detection, geometrical filters, cross-correlation filters and image compression are some examples of the filters that have been studied and successfully implemented in the software application. The software application developed during the research is customized in order to meet the requirements of the industrial partner. The application is able to analyze pictures, perform the filtering, build libraries, process images and generate log files. It incorporates most of the filters studied and together with the illumination system and the camera it provides a fully integrated framework able to analyze defects on printed circuit boards.
This thesis describes a search for very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission from the starburst galaxy IC 342. The analysis was based on data from the 2003 — 2004 observing season recorded using the Whipple 10-metre imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope located on Mount Hopkins in southern Arizona. IC 342 may be classed as a non-blazar type galaxy and to date only a few such galaxies (M 87, Cen A, M 82 and NGC 253) have been detected as VHE gamma-ray sources. Analysis of approximately 24 hours of good quality IC 342 data, consisting entirely of ON/OFF observations, was carried out using a number of methods (standard Supercuts, optimised Supercuts, scaled optimised Supercuts and the multivariate kernel analysis technique). No evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from IC 342 was found. The significance was 0.6 a with a nominal rate of 0.04 ± 0.06 gamma rays per minute. The flux upper limit above 600 GeV (at 99.9 % confidence) was determined to be 5.5 x 10-8 m-2 s-1, corresponding to 8 % of the Crab Nebula flux in the same energy range.
This project explored the possibility of harvesting marketable foliage stems in addition to producing timber from plantations of Larix leptolepis, Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’ and Tsuga heterophylla. Data recorded from trial sites included both growth parameters, in the form of height and diameter increments, and production parameters in the form of foliage stem yields. Results varied with species and site type. In many cases, results achieved appear to have been influenced more by the biology of the trees than by the treatments alone. Trials were also established to investigate methods of managing old or over grown Abies procera Christmas tree plantations for forest foliage production. Shelf life testing and market research into the domestic trade of forest foliage were also conducted over the course of the project. Recommendations for managing forest plantations for foliage production as well as a general discussion on the industry are presented in this report.
A study has been undertaken of the published literature on the Fries rearrangement, thermal, photo and microwave, since its discovery in 1908. A resume of these publications and especially of those pertaining to the thia-Fries rearrangement of sulfamate esters, has been compiled. Phenyl sulfamate, phenyl N,N-dimethylsulfamate, phenyl N,N-diethylsulfamate and phenyl N,N-di-n-propylsulfamate and many of their substituted compounds have been synthesised and purified, a total of thirty nine esters. The sulfamates have been characterised by mp / bp, infrared, C, H and N microanalysis and mass spectrum. Many of these sulfamates, twenty six in total, have been rearranged to sulfonamides in the thia-Fries rearrangement, and subsequently purified. The products were characterised by mp / bp, infrared, C, H and N microanalysis and mass spectrum. Mechanistic studies of the sulfamates have been investigated, particularly phenyl N,N-dimethylsulfamate. The rearrangement with various catalysts and catalytic ratios, the effect of solvents on the rearrangement and many crossover experiments have been carried out to determine the molecularity i.e. whether it is an inter-, intra- or bimolecular reaction. The microwave induced thia-Fries rearrangement has been examined to determine what effect this irradiation has on the rearrangement. Photo thia-Fries rearrangement has also been investigated.