2 resultados para Home monitoring system
em Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
Transmission of Cherenkov light through the atmosphere is strongly influenced by the optical clarity of the atmosphere and the prevailing weather conditions. The performance of telescopes measuring this light is therefore dependent on atmospheric effects. This thesis presents software and hardware developed to implement a prototype sky monitoring system for use on the proposed next-generation gamma-ray telescope array, VERITAS. The system, consisting of a CCD camera and a far-infrared pyrometer, was successfully installed and tested on the ten metre atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescope operated by the VERITAS Collaboration at the F.L. Whipple Observatory in Arizona. The thesis also presents the results of observations of the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, made with the Whipple ten metre telescope. The observations provide evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, at a level of more than 15 standard deviations above background. This represents the first unequivocal detection of this object at TeV energies, making it only the third extragalactic source seen at such levels of significance in this energy range. The flux variability of the source on a number of timescales is also investigated.
This project focused on the investigation and the development of a chemical sensing system for the determination of chromium Cr6+ and a bio-reactor followed by electrochemical detection at a glassy carbon electrode, for the determination of organochlorine compounds. The conjugation of Cr6+ with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide was studied at various types of electrodes such as glassy carbon, ultra-trace epoxy-graphite, chemically or un-modified carbon-paste and dropping-mercury. The cyclic voltammetric behaviour of the complex was also investigated. In addition, the possibility of developing a chemical sensor, Le. an electrochemical probe capable of sensing Cr6+ through its complexation with 1,5-diphenylacarbazide was studied. The conjugations of l-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene and ethacrynic, which are electrophilic organochlorine compounds, with reduced glutathione, were studied in order to test the bioreactor developed, based on the immobilisation of glutathione s-transferase. This was carried out at different types of electrodes such as glassy-carbon, gold, silver, platinum, epoxy-graphite, hangingmercury, and ferrocene-modified rotating-disc electrodes.