29 resultados para vertebral vein


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A partir de uma invulgar apresentação clínica e radiológica de um caso de tuberculose (TB) vertebral, fazemos uma revisão da literatura sobre infecção tuberculosa da coluna. Destacam-se alguns aspectos epidemiológicos relativamente à infecção por Mycobacterium Tuberculosis em geral e à sua localização vertebral em particular, incluindo-se os dados disponíveis respeitantes ao nosso país. São ainda focados os mecanismos patogénicos da infecção óssea, considerando-se 3 padrões de lesão vertebral cada um com diferentes aspectos radiológicos e diferentes consequências clínicas.


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Objectivo: Apresentar os resultados da primeira aplicação da nova tecnologia – Métrica Vertebral – na análise da posição 3D do vértice de cada uma das apófises espinhosas, em mulheres grávidas. Material e Métodos: O Métrica Vertebral foi aplicado a mulheres, sem patologia associada, em quatro momentos da gravidez (12, 20, 32, 37 semanas de gestação). Aplicaram-se modelos lineares univariados. Resultados: Observou-se que as diferenças que ocorrem ao longo da gravidez são mais significativas ao nível da posição y (anteroposterior). Verificou-se, igualmente, que existe uma correlação biomecânica positiva entre a posição do vértice de cada uma das vértebras com a posição homóloga das restantes. Discussão/Conclusão: Através do Métrica Vertebral foi possível obter resultados inovadores na análise biomecânica da coluna vertebral. É um dispositivo que tem diferentes aplicações podendo ser facilmente adoptado em áreas como ortopedia, neurocirurgia, pediatria e reabilitação. É de realçar ainda que este instrumento não se esgota na amostra da presente investigação pois pode ser futuramente aplicada à população em geral.


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A retrospective study was made of 6 children, with nonsurgical-related acute myocardial infarction (AMI), between January 1987 and December 1994. The ratio for gender was 1 and mean age at AMI was 49 days, 4 cases being associated with congenital heart disease (Fallot's tetralogy, truncus arteriosus and DiGeorge syndrome, one case each, and anomalous origin of left coronary artery, 2 cases). Kawasaki disease and coronary embolisation from thrombosis of the renal vein occurred in the other 2 cases respectively. All developed congestive cardiac failure and cardiomegaly. In the ECG pathologic q waves with more than 35 msec occurred in all, and QT prolongation occurred in 3. Five children (83%) all with AMI in the anterior and lateral wall of the left ventricle died, death being related with cardiac mechanical failure and not with arrhythmias.


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Orbital myositis is a subgroup of the nonspecific inflammatory syndrome or orbital pseudotumor and is characterized by a primary inflammation of extraocular muscles. The authors describe a 70-year-old patient with acute proptosis, ocular pain and right ophthalmoplegia, whose orbital computed tomographic scan showed enlargement of the homolateral extraocular muscles. Clinical presentation and complementary tests were compatible with the diagnosis of orbital myositis however, because of the particular aspects, which included retinal central vein occlusion, optic nerve lesion, distension of the superior ophthalmic vein and the homolateral cavernous sinus, the differential diagnosis with cavernous sinus pathology and thyroid ophthalmopathy was considered. The importance of a rapid diagnosis and treatment is stressed.


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The thoracic outlet syndrome is a changeable clinical syndrome caused by compression of the neurovascular bundle of the upper extremity, within the cervicoaxillary channel. From April 1980 through May 1995, 24 patients with clinical thoracic outlet syndrome were evaluated by selective arteriography. The diagnosis was confirmed in seven patients, in 14 the exam was normal and in the last three cases another arterial pathology was detected--subclavian artery occlusion, subclavian artery kinking and vertebral steal syndrome. The authors' aim is to emphasize arteriography as a diagnostic exam for thoracic outlet syndrome, very useful in the detection and localization of arterial compression. It also allows the diagnosis of other arterial entities.


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INTRODUCTION: Vagal activity is thought to influence atrial electrophysiological properties and play a role in the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF). In this study, we assessed the effects of acute vagal stimulation (vagus_stim) on atrial conduction times, atrial and pulmonary vein (PV) refractoriness, and vulnerability to induction of AF in the rabbit heart with intact autonomic innervation. METHODS: An open-chest epicardial approach was performed in 11 rabbits (New Zealand; 3.9-5.0 kg), anesthetized and artificially ventilated after neuromuscular blockade. A 3-lead ECG was obtained. Atrial electrograms were recorded along the atria, from right to left (four monopolar electrodes), together with a circular electrode adapted for proximal left PV assessment. Acute vagus nerve stimulation was obtained with bipolar electrodes (20 Hz). Epicardial activation was recorded in sinus rhythm, and the conduction time from right (RA) to left atrium (LA), and from RA to PVs, was measured in basal conditions and during vagus_stim. The atrial effective refractory period (ERP) and dispersion of refractoriness (Disp_A) were analyzed. Vulnerability to AF induction was assessed at the right (RAA) and left (LAA) atrial appendages and the PVs. Atrial stimulation (50 Hz) was performed alone or combined with vagus_stim. Heart rate and blood pressure were monitored. RESULTS: In basal conditions, there was a significant delay in conduction from RA to PVs, not influenced by vagus_stim, and the PV ERPs were shorter than those measured in LA and LAA, but without significant differences compared to RA and RAA. During vagus_stim, conduction times between RA and LA increased from 16+8 ms to 27+6 ms (p < 0.05) and ERPs shortened significantly in RA, LAA and LA (p < 0.05), but not in RAA. There were no significant differences in Disp_A. AF induction was reproducible in 45% of cases at 50 Hz and in 100% at 50 Hz+vagus_stim (p < 0.05). The duration of inducible AF increased from 1.0 +/- 0.2 s to 12.0 +/- 4.5 s with 50 Hz+vagus_stim (p < 0.01). AF lasted >10 s in 45.4% of rabbits during vagus_stim, and ceased after vagus_stim in 4 out of these 5 cases. In 3 animals, PV tachycardia, with fibrillatory conduction, induced with 50 Hz PV pacing during vagus_stim. CONCLUSIONS: Vagus_stim reduces interatrial conduction velocity and significantly shortens atrial ERP, contributing to the induction and duration of AF episodes in the in vivo rabbit heart. This model may be useful for the assessment of autonomic influence on the pathophysiology of AF.


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Venous ulcers in patients with post thrombotic syndromes are complex situations with multiple therapeutic options. They are responsible for high morbidity rates, conservative treatment is very slow and recurrences are very common. Deep venous reconstructive surgery is an alternative, but it should be based on the morphologic and functional aspects of the venous system and only adopted after a very careful study, including venography. The authors describe a morphological "pattern", found in some of these patients and related to the competence of the saphenous femoral junction, rendering possible to perform a valvular transposition. Seven patients with post thrombotic ulcers who have been treated during the last 6 years in which the pattern already described was detect, underwent a transposition of the superficial femoral vein, to the great saphenous vein and when necessary complemented with skyn grafts. Before the operation all patients had ulcers with more than 3 cm in size (3.2-5.4 cm) and with more than 4 months duration (4-16 months). All ulcers healed in the postoperative period (mean time 28 days). All patients have been reevaluated in 2003 and it was diagnosed the thrombosis of two procedures, one of them with the recurrence of the ulcer who healed with conservative treatment. The authors consider this method as a very easy technique to perform, although rarely used, and a valid alternative in a highly selected group of patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Venous aneurysms of the lower limbs are rare. When they involve the deep venous system, they can be associated with deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The authors report the case of a 63-year-old women evaluated by duplex imaging and venography, in the context of a pulmonary embolism, and detected bilateral large aneurysms of the femoral veins (5 cm in the right femoral vein and 4 cm in the left femoral vein). The aneurysms were located at the bifurcation of the common femoral vein with the superficial and profound veins. METHOD: The right aneurysm was partially thrombosed. The patient was asymptomatic in the lower-limb extremities. After a period of anticoagulation, the authors proceeded to surgically excise the right aneurysm and replaced the venous system using a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft with the construction of an a-v fistula. RESULT: The patient had no complications in the postoperative period and her 8-month follow-up examination revealed no symptoms, not even leg edema. The duplex scan showed patency of the graft. She continued with oral anticoagulation. The histologic examination revealed an eosinophilic inflammatory reaction of the vein wall, compatible with the diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome. CONCLUSION: The authors conclude that they have probably described the first case in the international literature of a venous aneurysm with a Churg-Strauss syndrome and pulmonary embolism.


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As lesões metastáticas extradurais são o tipo de tumor mais frequente a nível dos diferentes segmentos da coluna. Entre Janeiro de 1989 e Junho de 1996, foram observados a nível hospitalar 209 doentes com metástases da coluna. Com base num protocolo de avaliação individual, foi efectuado um estudo retrospectivo destes doentes, incidindo primordialmente sobre o respectivo quadro clínico e alterações neuro-imagiológicas encontradas, bem como sobre o tipo de neoplasia primária e a resposta à terapêutica instituída. Tivemos como objectivo fundamental o de tentar caracterizar a semiologia e evolução mais habituais deste tipo de lesões, no sentido da obtenção dum diagnóstico rápido e da instituição duma terapêutica em tempo útil, permitindo um índice de sobrevida com o mínimo de qualidade.


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Even though in clinical practice carotid cavernous fistulas (CCF) are not a frequent pathology, it should be a diagnostic hypothesis in face of a suggestive clinical presentation. We intended to review the diagnosis and the therapeutics, comparing them with the actual perspectives. Files of 25 patients with the diagnostic hypothesis of CCF, confirmed by conventional angiography in the HSAC Neuroradiology Department, were reviewed. In this group of patients, (5 males and 20 females), the fistulous aetiology was spontaneous in 10 and traumatic in 15. Clinically the symptom most often presented was diplopia (23 cases) and the most frequent encountered sign was ophthalmoplegia (20 cases). Of the Neuroradiologic investigation, CT scan (done to all patients) have shown an prominent superior ophthalmic vein as the most frequent abnormality. Angiographic study was based on Lasjaunias et al protocol (Surgical Neuroangiography, Vol. 2, Springer-Verlag). Surgery was the therapeutic approach for the traumatic fistulas; only 2 of the spontaneous were treated by endovascular route. Three patients are still under observation. In all the others cases there was a fistula exclusion.


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A flebectasia da jugular externa é uma entidade nosológica rara, sendo escassas as descrições na literatura mundial. Clinicamente apresenta-se como uma massa cervical de aparecimento ou alargamento durante a manobra de Valsalva. Os autores descrevem um caso clínico, salientando as possibilidades da TC (Tomografia Computorizada) num diagnóstico etiológico e topográfico preciso, sem o recurso a outros meios invasivos.


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A Via Verde do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) tem como objectivo o tratamento rápido dos doentes com AVC isquémico com terapêuticas de repermeabilização, a fim de diminuir o grau de incapacidade por sequelas neurológicas Existem, contudo, critérios rígidos de selecção dos candidatos que beneficiam de terapêuticas de fase aguda o que origina a exclusão de um grande número de doentes. Estes doentes devem realizar de forma célere um estudo neurovascular de forma a permitir uma estratificação de risco e uma orientação terapêutica adequada. No nosso Centro, este estudo neurovascular tem sido feito frequentemente no Serviço de Urgência. Apresentação e discussão do resultado dos exames neurovasculares, neste caso Exame Ultrassonográfico dos Grandes Vasos do Pescoço (ECODVP), realizado no Serviço de Urgência do Hospital de São José - Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, pelo Laboratório de Neurossonologia – Unidade Cerebrovascular, durante o ano de 2011. Análise retrospectiva de todos os doentes que realizaram ECODVP no Serviço de Urgência durante o período de 1 de Janeiro a 31 de Dezembro de 2011. Estes exames foram executados com recurso a um Ecógrafo Toshiba com sonda linear (7-14MHz). Os exames foram classificados em “Normal”, “Estenose Carotídea ou Vertebral > 50%”, “Trombo na Carótida Interna”, “Dissecção Carotídea ou vertebral”, “Oclusão Alta da Carótida Interna” e “Oclusão Proximal da Carótida Interna”. Foram avaliados 164 indivíduos (93 sexo masculino e 71 sexo feminino) com uma média de idades = 64,40 anos. Dos 164 indivíduos avaliados foram documentados 134 exames Normais correspondendo a 82% do total de exames. Dos restantes 18%, 30 tinham as seguintes alterações: Estenoses Carotídeas ou Vertebrais (> 50%): 17; Trombo Carotídeo: 2; Dissecções Carotídeas ou Vertebrais: 3; Oclusão Alta da Carótida Interna: 6; Oclusão Proximal da Carótida Interna: 2. A realização de exames Neurovasculares no Serviço de Urgência do Hospital de São José traduz um serviço de qualidade, permitindo redireccionar e encaminhar os doentes, adequando as devidas medidas diagnósticas e terapêuticas a instituir.


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A 31 year old male Caucasian received a renal cadaveric allograft. Reconstruction of an inferior polar artery was corrected pre-implantation. Delayed graft function occurred leading to dialysis support for one month. Graft biopsies(days 7, 15) showed acute tubular necrosis(ATN) and no rejection. Serial ultrasound (US), performed on average weekly, were compatible with ATN. On day 31, Doppler US and a CAT scan suggested for the first time a pseudoaneurysm adjacent to the implantation of the graft artery on the external iliac artery. For clinical and technical reasons, arteriography was only performed on day 67, when serum creatinine was 3.3 mg/dl. It showed a large pseudoaneurysm with an arteriovenous fistula to the right common iliac vein. Compression of the right external iliac artery was clear. In an attempt to close the arteriovenous fistula, the communication with the pseudoaneurysm was embolised with gelfoam and metallic coils with partial success. One week later, by right femoral approach a covered wallstent was placed immediately below the origin of the graft artery.Subsequent Doppler US and arteriography con-firmed closure of the communication with thepseudoaneurysm and of the arteriovenous fistula. The calibre of the right external iliac artery was then normal. By month 18, serum creatinine is stable at 2.1 mg/dl. We can only speculate on the origin of thepseudoaneurysm and of the AV fistula, whichwere not evident until one month post-transplantation. Backtable surgery was performed on thepolar not the main graft artery. Invasive angiography was irreplaceable in this unusual clinical situation.


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Aim. Percutaneous endovascular procedures have become the standard treatment of arteriovenous fistulae and graft stenosis. This study evaluates the immediate results of angiographic procedures performed by nephrologists in patients with dysfunctional arteriovenous fistulae and arteriovenous graft stenosis. Patients and Methods. A retrospective analysis was performed on patients referred to the three Interventional Nephrology units between April and June, 2010. Clinical data were recorded. Results. A total of 113 procedures were performed: 59 in arteriovenous fistulae and 54 in arteriovenous graft stenosis. The main reasons for referral were increased venous pressure (21%), limb oedema (21%) and decreased intra-access flow (20%). Stenoses were detected in 85% of the procedures, mostly in patients with arteriovenous graft stenosis (56%). The main locations of stenosis were the outflow vein (cephalic/basilic) in arteriovenous fistulae (34%) and venous anastomosis in arteriovenous graft stenosis(48%). Angioplasty was performed in 73% of procedures where stenoses were detected. The immediate success rate was 91% for arteriovenous fistulae and 83% for arteriovenous graft stenosis. Partial success was obtained in 11% of angiographies. The complication rate was 7%. Conclusions. Physical examination findings led, in at least half the cases, to angiography referral and enabled the diagnosis and treatment of stenoses. For this reason, we advocate that this tool should be included in any vascular access monitoring programme. Our results support the safety of these procedures performed by nephrologists and their efficacy in the recovery of dysfunctional arteriovenous fistulae and arteriovenous graft stenosis.