7 resultados para ventricular dilatation
Clinical history - A 4-year-old boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks (twin pregnancy), with periventricular leukomalacia and epilepsy underwent brain MRI. Neurological examination showed severe developmental retardation with axial hypotonia, spastic tetraparesis and convergent strabismus. Imaging findings - Cranial MRI revealed typical aspects of partial rhombencephalosynapsis with vermian hypoplasia, midline fusion of the cerebellar hemispheres and transversely oriented folia and fissures. There was also mild dilatation and dysmorphism of the ventricular system, the septum pellucidum was absent, the hippocampi were malrotated and had vertical orientation and additional finding of associated periventricular cystic leukomalacia. Discussion - Rhombencephalosynapsis (RS) is a rare congenital defect of the cerebellum classically characterised by vermian agenesis or hypogenesis, fusion of the hemispheres, and closely apposed or fused dentate nuclei. It is now considered to result from an absence of division of the cerebellar hemispheres, following an insult between the 28th and 44th day of gestation (i.e., before the formation of the vermis). Other features have also been described such as fusion of the thalami and cerebral peduncles, malrotated hippocampi, corpus callosum agenesis, hypoplastic chiasm, absence of the septum pellucidum, ventriculomegaly, agenesis of the posterior lobe of the pituitary and cortical malformations. Musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, urinary tract, and respiratory abnormalities have been reported. Typical symptoms consist of swallowing difficulties, delayed motor acquisitions, muscular hypotonia, spastic quadriparesis, cerebellar signs including dysarthria, gait ataxia, abnormal eye movements, and seizures and hydrocephalus. The major MRI signs consist of fused cerebellar hemispheres, with absent or hypoplastic vermis, narrow diamond-shaped fourth ventricle and fused dentate nuclei. In a minority of cases, partial RS has been identified by MRI, demonstrating the presence of the nodulus and the anterior vermis and absence of part of the posterior vermis with only partial fusion of the hemispheres in the inferior part. Other cerebellar malformations involving vermian agenesis or hypoplasia include the Dandy–Walker continuum, Joubert syndrome, tectocerebellar dysraphy or pontocerebellar hypoplasias, and are now easily distinguished from RS by both brain MRI and morphology.
INTRODUCTION: Left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR), defined as reduction of end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions and improvement of ejection fraction, is associated with the prognostic implications of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The time course of LVRR remains poorly characterized. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that it occurs ≤6 months after CRT.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the long-term echocardiographic and clinical evolution of patients with LVRR occurring >6 months after CRT and to identify predictors of a delayed LVRR response.
METHODS: A total of 127 consecutive patients after successful CRT implantation were divided into three groups according to LVRR response: Group A, 19 patients (15%) with LVRR after >6 months (late LVRR); Group B, 58 patients (46%) with LVRR before 6 months (early LVRR); and Group C, 50 patients (39%) without LVRR during follow-up (no LVRR).
RESULTS: The late LVRR group was older, more often had ischemic etiology and fewer patients were in NYHA class ≤II. Overall, group A presented LVRR between group B and C. This was also the case with the percentage of clinical response (68.4% vs. 94.8% vs. 38.3%, respectively, p<0.001), and hospital readmissions due to decompensated heart failure (31.6% vs. 12.1% vs. 57.1%, respectively, p<0.001). Ischemic etiology (OR 0.044; p=0.013) and NYHA functional class
Recentemente, surgiram alguns trabalhos que ressaltaram a importância do cálculo do volume da aurícula esquerda (VAE) como um marcador de eventos cardíacos adversos. Foi objectivo deste estudo avaliar a importância prognóstica deste parâmetro em doentes (dts) com deficiente função ventricular esquerda e correlacioná-lo com outros parâmetros clássicos de prognóstico – consumo de O2 (VO2 max) e pro-BNP (pBNP). Métodos: Analisou-se o volume da aurícula esquerda (VAE) por método de Simpson, numa população de 35 dts com cardiopatia dilatada (idiopática e isquémica) com fracção de ejecção (FE) 31±9,6% doentes (dts) eram de sexo masculino e a média de idades foi de 50,5±10,5 anos. Toda a população efectuou estudos de ecocardiografia convencional (incluindo avaliação por M-mode, bidimensional e Doppler), prova cardiorespiratória (VO2max) e doseamento de pro-BNP. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 24 ± 4 meses, tendo-se considerado como eventos cardíacos (EC): internamento por insuficiência cardíaca, transplante e morte. Resultados: Dos parâmetros da ecocardiografia - o diâmetro da AE foi de 46,6±5,7mm, as dimensões do VE em diástole – 73,5±10mm e em sístole -58,9±11mm, a média da fracção de ejecção foi de 31±9,6%, o VAE foi de 78,6±33 ml, os volumes do VE foram de 214±82ml em diástole e de 153±75ml em sístole, 15 dts tinham padrão restritivo de enchimento ventricular (E/A>2), a média da área (Doppler cor) da insuficiência mitral foi de 4±3,3cm2, 14 dts tinham E/E’>15. O VO2 max médio foi de 20±5,8ml/kg/min e o pro-BNP de 3146±4629pg/mL. Para além da correlação de outros parâmetros clássicos ecocardiográficos com o prognóstico (volumes VE, FE e E/E’), o VAE e o volume indexado da AE (VAE/SC) mostraram uma correlação com o prognóstico (EC) com r=0,4 (p=0,02) que não se verificou para o diâmetro da AE (p=ns). Em relação à tolerância ao esforço, houve uma correlação inversa entre o diâmetro, o volume e o volume indexado da AE e o VO2max, com maior significado estatístico para o VAE e VAE/SC com r=-0,48, p=0,008. Quanto ao pro-BNP, quer o diâmetro, quer o VAE (ou volume indexado) tiverem o mesmo nível de significado estatístico (r=0,43; p=0,02). O valor predictivo de eventos (curvas ROC) para o VAE foi de 70ml e de 37ml/m2 para o VAE/m2. Conclusão: O volume da aurícula esquerda/volume indexado é um parâmetro ecocardiográfico com significado prognóstico em dts com deficiente função ventricular esquerda, correlacionando-se com a tolerância ao esforço e pro-BNP.
Introdução: O aumento da aurícula esquerda (AE) é um marcador de mortalidade na população geral. Os doentes com miocardiopatia dilatada (MCD) têm um amplo espetro de tamanhos deAE, mas a importância clínica desta observação tem sido pouco estudada. Objectivo: Avaliar a importância prognóstica a longo prazo do volume da AE (VAE) em doentes com MCD. Métodos: Estudo prospetivo de doentes admitidos durante o ano de 2004 com o diagnóstico deMCD, em ritmo sinusal. Foi realizado estudo ecocardiográfico completo em repouso e após stress farmacológico. O endpoint composto considerou a assistência ventricular mecânica (AVM), a transplantação cardíaca ou a morte. Resultados: Foram incluídos 35 doentes (68,6% sexo masculino, idade média 52,0), 82,9% etiologia não isquémica. Fração ejeção em repouso 31,1 ± 9,4%.Durante o seguimento, oito doentes morreram, um foi colocado em AVM e um foi transplantado. A análise de Cox univariável revelou potenciais marcadores ecocardiográficos de prognóstico na amostra tais como a dimensão da AE em modo M (HR-1,12; IC: 0,99-1,26;p = 0,067); VAE (HR-1,02; IC: 1,00-1,04; p = 0,046); VAE ajustado à superfície corporal (HR-1,03;IC: 1,00-1,07; p = 0,049); E/A (HR-0,99; IC: 0,99-1,81; p = 0,060); E/A > 2 (HR-7,00; IC:1,48-32,43; p = 0,014) e E/E’ mitral (HR-1,04; IC: 1,00-1,09; p = 0,074). Na análise multivariável a única variável que permaneceu no modelo foi o VAE com o ponto de corte de 63 ml (HR-7,7, IC:0,97-60,61, p = 0,05).Conclusão: Nesta amostra, o VAE foi o único parâmetro ecocardiográfico determinante de AVM,transplantação cardíaca ou morte. Os parâmetros ecocardiográficos habitualmente utilizadospara estratificação de risco, tais como a fração ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo, a dimensão do ventrículo esquerdo e a reserva contrátil não tiveram valor prognóstico na nossa amostra.
INTRODUCTION: Labour is considered to be one of the most painful and significant experiences in a woman's life. The aim of this study was to examine whether women's attachment style is a predictor of the pain experienced throughout labour and post-delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Thirty-two pregnant women were assessed during the third trimester of pregnancy and during labour. Adult attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale ' Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain was measured using a visual analogue scale for pain in the early stage of labour, throughout labour and post-delivery. RESULTS:Women with an insecure attachment style reported more pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation (p < 0.05), before the administration of analgesia (p < 0.01) and post-delivery (p < 0.05) than those securely attached. In multivariate models, attachment style was a significant predictor of labour pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation and before the first administration of analgesia but not of the perceived pain post-delivery. DISCUSSION: These findings confirm that labour pain is influenced by relevant psychological factors and suggest that a woman's attachment style may be a risk factor for greater pain during labour. CONCLUSION:Future studies in the context of obstetric pain may consider the attachment style as an indicator of individual differences in the pain response during labour. This may have important implications in anaesthesiology and to promote a relevant shift in institutional practices and therapeutic procedures.
This case report discusses an unusual presentation of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) with normal coronary arteries and severe mechanical complications successfully treated with surgery. An 82-year-old man presented STEMI with angiographically normal coronary arteries and no major echocardiographic alterations at discharge. At the first month follow-up, he complained of fatigue and dyspnea, and contrast echocardiography complemented by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging revealed a large left ventricular apical aneurysm with a thrombus communicating by two jets of a turbulent flow to an aneurysmatic formation of the right ventricular apex. The patient underwent a Dor procedure, which was successful. Ventricular septal defects and ventricular aneurysms are rare but devastating complications of STEMI, with almost all patients presenting multivessel coronary artery disease. Interestingly in this case, the angiographic pattern was normal.