8 resultados para laser method
The treatment of vascular lesions of the tongue is a very challenging procedure since the maintenance of the lingual tissue is of critical importance. Numerous treatment options have been described in literature but the Nd:YAG Laser appears to be one of the safest therapeutic options. We described a successful treatment of vascular lesions of the tongue with an excellent clinical result after only one treatment session with the Nd:YAG laser, with conservation of the lingual tissue and its functionality.
According to the new KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines, the term of renal osteodystrophy, should be used exclusively in reference to the invasive diagnosis of bone abnormalities. Due to the low sensitivity and specificity of biochemical serum markers of bone remodelling,the performance of bone biopsies is highly stimulated in dialysis patients and after kidney transplantation. The tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is an iso-enzyme of the group of acid phosphatases, which is highly expressed by activated osteoclasts and macrophages. TRACP in osteoclasts is in intracytoplasmic vesicles that transport the products of bone matrix degradation. Being present in activated osteoclasts, the identification of this enzyme by histochemistry in undecalcified bone biopsies is an excellent method to quantify the resorption of bone. Since it is an enzymatic histochemical method for a thermolabile enzyme, the temperature at which it is performed is particularly relevant. This study aimed to determine the optimal temperature for identification of TRACP in activated osteoclasts in undecalcified bone biopsies embedded in methylmethacrylate. We selected 10 cases of undecalcified bone biopsies from hemodialysis patients with the diagnosis of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Sections of 5 μm were stained to identify TRACP at different incubation temperatures (37º, 45º, 60º, 70º and 80ºC) for 30 minutes. Activated osteoclasts stained red and trabecular bone (mineralized bone) was contrasted with toluidine blue. This approach also increased the visibility of the trabecular bone resorption areas (Howship lacunae). Unlike what is suggested in the literature and in several international protocols, we found that the best results were obtained with temperatures between 60ºC and 70ºC. For technical reasons and according to the results of the present study, we recommended that, for an incubation time of 30 minutes, the reaction should be carried out at 60ºC. As active osteoclasts are usually scarce in a bone section, the standardization of the histochemistry method is of great relevance, to optimize the identification of these cells and increase the accuracy of the histomosphometric results. Our results, allowing an increase in osteoclasts contrast, also support the use of semi-automatic histomorphometric measurements.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia, a taxa de recorrência e as complicações da vaporização laser com CO2 no tratamento dos cistos da glândula de Bartholin. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 127 pacientes que apresentavam cistos sintomáticos da glândula de Bartholin submetidas à vaporização laser CO2 na nossa instituição de janeiro de 2005 a junho de 2011. Foram excluídas todas as pacientes com abcessos da glândula de Bartholin ou com suspeita de câncer. Todos os procedimentos foram realizados em regime ambulatorial, sob anestesia local. A coleta dos dados foi feita com base na consulta do processo clínico, tendo-se procedido à análise das características demográficas, dos parâmetros anatômicos, das complicações intra e pós-operatórias e dos dados de acompanhamento. Os dados foram armazenados e analisados no software Microsoft Excel® 2007, e os resultados foram apresentados como frequência (porcentagem) ou média±desvio padrão. As taxas de complicações, recorrência e cura foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: A idade média das pacientes foi de 37,3±9,5 anos (variando entre 18 e 61 anos). Setenta por cento(n=85) delas eram multíparas. A queixa mais frequente foi dor e 47,2% (n=60) das pacientes tinham antecedentes de tratamento médico e/ou cirúrgico por abcesso da glândula de Bartholin. A dimensão média dos cistos foi de 2,7±0,9 cm. Foram verificados três (2,4%) casos de hemorragia intraoperatória ligeira e 17 (13,4%) recorrências durante um período médio de 14,6 meses (variando entre 1 e 56 meses): dez abscessos da glândula de Bartholin e sete cistos recorrentes, que precisavam de uma nova intervenção cirúrgica. A taxa de cura após um único tratamento à laser foi de 86,6%. Dentre as cinco pacientes com doença recorrente que foram submetidas a um segundo procedimento com laser, a taxa de cura foi de 100%. CONCLUSÕES: Na presente instituição, a vaporização laser com CO2 parece ser uma opção terapêutica segura e eficaz no tratamento dos cistos da glândula de Bartholin.
The Ponseti method is reportedly effective for treating clubfoot in children up to 9 years of age. However, whether age at the beginning of treatment influences the rate of successful correction and the rate of relapse is unknown. We therefore retrospectively reviewed 68 consecutive children with 102 idiopathic clubfeet treated by the Ponseti technique in four Portuguese hospitals. We followed patients a minimum of 30 months (mean, 41.4 months; range, 30–61 months). The patients were divided into two groups according to their age at the beginning of treatment; Group I was younger than 6 months and Group II was older than 6 months. All feet(100%) were initially corrected and no feet required extensive surgery regardless of age at the beginning of treatment. There were no differences between Groups I and II in the number of casts, tenotomies, success in terms of rate of initial correction, rate of recurrence, and rate of tibialis anterior transference. The rate of the Ponseti method in avoiding extensive surgery was 100% in Groups I and II; relapses occurred in 8% of the feet in younger and older children. Level of Evidence: Level II, prognostic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Introdução: A fasceíte plantar (FP) constitui a causa mais frequente de dor no retropé. Está recomendada uma prova terapêutica inicial conservadora. Objetivos: Caraterizar fatores demográficos e sintomáticos, terapêutica prévia e resultados de monoterapia com laser. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospetivo (12 meses). O tratamento aplicado foi laser infravermelho (AsGa 904nm; densidade de energia 20J/cm2; potência de pico 200mW). Fez-se análise estatística descritiva e comparativa (nível de significância de 0,05). Resultados: Seguiram-se 32 doentes com FP, com idade média de 54,28 anos (24–86; DP 13,95), 66% mulheres, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) médio de 30,18Kg/m2 (17,91-41,13; DP 5,19), 75% unilaterais, tempo médio de evolução de 6,28 meses (0,2-24; DP 6,82), 21 tinham feito previamente farmacoterapia e 12 outros tratamentos de MFR. O nível de dor inicial (END) médio foi 7,31 (5-10; DP 1,38). Dos 26 doentes tratados (6 perdas), 24 (92,3%) reportaram melhoria. O número médio de sessões foi 28,5 (11– 60; DP 14,01). O nível médio de dor final foi 0,75 (0-5; DP 2,37), com melhoria média de 89,7% (28,6%-100%; DP 0,16) do nível de dor. A intensidade de dor inicial foi maior em doentes com IMC superior (p=0,002). Não se encontraram outras relações estatisticamente significativas. Conclusões: A FP caraterizou-se por um nível de dor significativo (moderado a grave). A obesidade pareceu ser um fator de risco. A taxa de melhoria com o tratamento com laser foi muito satisfatória. A terapia com laser de baixa intensidade IV constitui uma boa opção terapêutica, a justificar avaliação suplementar por ensaios prospetivos controlados e randomizados.
PURPOSE: To determine the correlation between ocular blood flow velocities and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) in glaucoma patients using colour Doppler imaging (CDI) waveform analysis. METHOD: A prospective, observer-masked, case-control study was performed. OPA and blood flow variables from central retinal artery and vein (CRA, CRV), nasal and temporal short posterior ciliary arteries (NPCA, TPCA) and ophthalmic artery (OA) were obtained through dynamic contour tonometry and CDI, respectively. Univariate and multiple regression analyses were performed to explore the correlations between OPA and retrobulbar CDI waveform and systemic cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, blood pressure amplitude, mean ocular perfusion pressure and peripheral pulse). RESULTS: One hundred and ninety-two patients were included [healthy controls: 55; primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG): 74; normal-tension glaucoma (NTG): 63]. OPA was statistically different between groups (Healthy: 3.17 ± 1.2 mmHg; NTG: 2.58 ± 1.2 mmHg; POAG: 2.60 ± 1.1 mmHg; p < 0.01), but not between the glaucoma groups (p = 0.60). Multiple regression models to explain OPA variance were made for each cohort (healthy: p < 0.001, r = 0.605; NTG: p = 0.003, r = 0.372; POAG: p < 0.001, r = 0.412). OPA was independently associated with retrobulbar CDI parameters in the healthy subjects and POAG patients (healthy CRV resistance index: β = 3.37, CI: 0.16-6.59; healthy NPCA mean systolic/diastolic velocity ratio: β = 1.34, CI: 0.52-2.15; POAG TPCA mean systolic velocity: β = 0.14, CI 0.05-0.23). OPA in the NTG group was associated with diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate (β = -0.04, CI: -0.06 to -0.01; β = -0.04, CI: -0.06 to -0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Vascular-related models provide a better explanation to OPA variance in healthy individuals than in glaucoma patients. The variables that influence OPA seem to be different in healthy, POAG and NTG patients.
Canine dirofilariosis is a life-threatening parasitic disease that is increasingly reported worldwide. Once diagnosed the main treatment goals are to improve the animal's clinical condition and to eliminate all life stages of the parasite with minimal posttreatment side effects. This can be achieved through mechanical, surgical, or chemotherapeutical approaches. Currently, manual extraction is the preferred method to remove adult heartworms due to its diminished invasiveness, reduced damage to the vascular endothelium, and shortened anaesthesia duration. However, it remains an expensive technique that can be highly traumatic. To address this issue, a nontraumatic homemade catheter-guided snare was developed for heartworm removal by adapting and folding a 0.014-inch coronary wire (BMW, Abbott Vascular). Transvenous heartworm extraction was performed on a dog severely infected with adult heartworms by inserting the modified snare into a 6-F Judkins right coronary guiding catheter BMW (Cordis) and advancing it into the right ventricle under fluoroscopic guidance. Fifteen adult specimens of Dirofilaria immitis were successfully extracted from the pulmonary artery and right ventricle without complications. To assure the death of both larvae and adults, postoperative treatment was successfully managed using ivermectin, doxycycline, and melarsomine, with no recurrence after surgery.