5 resultados para hpc,risc-v,cluster,graph500,npb,hpcbenctt
Upper eyelid tumours, particularly basal cell carcinomas, are relatively frequent. Surgical ablation of these lesions creates defects of variable complexity. Although several options are available for lower eyelid reconstruction, fewer surgical alternatives exist for upper eyelid reconstruction. Large defects of this region are usually reconstructed with two-step procedures. In 1997, Okada et al. described a horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap for reconstruction of a large upper eyelid defect in a single operative time. However, no further studies were published regarding the use of this particular flap in upper eyelid reconstruction. In addition, this flap is not described in most plastic surgery textbooks. The authors report here their experience of 16 cases of horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flaps used to reconstruct full-thickness defects of the upper eyelid after tumour excision. The tumour histological types were as follows: 12 basal cell carcinomas, 2 cases of squamous cell carcinomas, 1 case of sebaceous cell carcinoma and 1 of malignant melanoma. This technique allowed closure of defects of up to 60% of the eyelid width. None of the flaps suffered necrosis. The mean operative time was 30 min. No additional procedures were necessary as good functional and cosmetic results were achieved in all cases. No recurrences were noted. In this series, the horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap proved to be a technically simple, reliable and expeditious option for reconstruction of full-thickness upper eyelid defects (as wide as 60% of the eyelid width) in a single operative procedure. In the future this technique may become the preferential option for such defects.
Este artigo pretende fazer uma revisão de uma das últimas e inovadoras alternativas cirúrgicas viáveis para a cura da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina, com um sucesso superior a 86%. É uma cirurgia mini invasiva e que induz um suporte da uretra média livre de tensão, muito eficaz. Tem vantagens, poucas complicações, curto tempo operatório e benefícios para a doente no pós-operatório imediato e tardio.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of factor V Leiden (FVL) and prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutations in Portuguese women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage (RM) and a control group of parous women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: FVL and PT G20210A analysis were carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and 100 controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal losses). RESULTS: Overall, the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in women with RM (5 and 3%) compared with controls (5 and 1%) OR 1.36 (CI 95% 0.45-4.08). In RM embryonic subgroup, PT G20210A was observed in 1.3% of women and FVL prevalence (2.6%) was inclusively lesser than that of controls. Both polymorphisms were more prevalent in women with fetal losses than in controls, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of the >10 weeks' subgroup. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that neither FVL nor PT G20210A is associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with embryonic RM and negative personal thromboembolic history.
Background: Genetic changes in influenza surface and internal genes can alter viral fitness and virulence. Mutation trend analysis and antiviral drug susceptibility profiling of A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses is essential for risk assessment of emergent strains and disease management. Objective: To profile genomic signatures and antiviral drug resistance of A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses and to discuss the potential role of mutated residues in human host adaptation and virulence. Study design: A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses circulating in Portugal during pandemic and post-pandemic periods and 2009/2010 season. Viruses were isolated in MDCK-SIAT1 cell culture and subjected to mutation analysis of surface and internal proteins, and to antiviral drug susceptibility profiling. Results: The A(H1N1)pdm09 strains circulating during the epidemic period in Portugal were resistant to amantadine. The majority of the strains were found to be susceptible to oseltamivir and zanamivir, with five outliers to neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) identified. Specific mutation patterns were detected within the functional domains of internal proteins PB2, PB1, PA, NP, NS1, M1 and NS2/NEP, which were common to all isolates and also some cluster-specific. Discussion: Modification of viral genome transcription, replication and apoptosis kinetics, changes in antigenicity and antiviral drug susceptibility are known determinants of virulence. We report several point mutations with putative roles in viral fitness and virulence, and discuss their potential to result in more virulent phenotypes. Monitoring of specific mutations and genetic patterns in influenza viral genes is essential for risk assessing emergent strains, disease epidemiology and public health implications.
A colecistite aguda acalculosa é uma entidade pouco frequente na idade pediátrica e uma complicação rara da enterocolite por salmonelas não tifóides. A co-infecçãocom o virus influenza A (H1N1)v nunca foi previamente descrita. Caso Clinico: Rapaz de 10 anos de idade, previamente saudável, com febre elevada, cefaleias , mialgias, vómitos e diarreia. a RT-PCR para virus influenza A, subtipo H1N1v foi postiva no exsudado nasofaríngeo mas não foi prescrito oseltamivir. Ao quinto dia da doença por persistência do quadro clinico com agravamento da sintomatologia gastrointestinal recorreu à urgência. Foi internado com sinais de desidratação grave, insuficiência pré-renal aguda e oligúria, tendo-se procedido a analgesia , antipiréticos e hidratação endovenosa. Foi isolada Salmonella Enteriditis nas coproculturas. Ao 9º dia de doença houve agravamento da dor abdominal associando-se sinal de Murphy. A ecografia abdominal revelou sinais de colecistite aguda e adenopatia a comprimir infundíbulo da vesicula biliar tendo-se iniciado antibioterapia. Os sintomas persisitiram durante cinco dias, verificando-se posterior evolução clinica favorável. Discussão: A etiologia da colecistite acalculosa foi provavelmente multifatorial para a qual contribuíram a febre, a desidratação, os analgésicos, o jejum prolongado e a infecção por salmonela, cujo ciclo envolve a via biliar. A compressão pelos gânglios hipertrofiados na sequência da infecção H1N1v foi provavelmente um fator adicional, sendo questionável se a terapêutica prévia com oseltamivir teria modificado o prognóstico.