5 resultados para formula workflow


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INTRODUCTION: A growing body of evidence shows the prognostic value of oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES), a cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) parameter derived from the logarithmic relationship between O(2) consumption (VO(2)) and minute ventilation (VE) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prognostic value of a new CPET parameter - peak oxygen uptake efficiency (POUE) - and to compare it with OUES in patients with CHF. METHODS: We prospectively studied 206 consecutive patients with stable CHF due to dilated cardiomyopathy - 153 male, aged 53.3±13.0 years, 35.4% of ischemic etiology, left ventricular ejection fraction 27.7±8.0%, 81.1% in sinus rhythm, 97.1% receiving ACE-Is or ARBs, 78.2% beta-blockers and 60.2% spironolactone - who performed a first maximal symptom-limited treadmill CPET, using the modified Bruce protocol. In 33% of patients an cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac resynchronization therapy device (CRT-D) was implanted during follow-up. Peak VO(2), percentage of predicted peak VO(2), VE/VCO(2) slope, OUES and POUE were analyzed. OUES was calculated using the formula VO(2) (l/min) = OUES (log(10)VE) + b. POUE was calculated as pVO(2) (l/min) / log(10)peakVE (l/min). Correlation coefficients between the studied parameters were obtained. The prognosis of each variable adjusted for age was evaluated through Cox proportional hazard models and R2 percent (R2%) and V index (V6) were used as measures of the predictive accuracy of events of each of these variables. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves from logistic regression models were used to determine the cut-offs for OUES and POUE. RESULTS: pVO(2): 20.5±5.9; percentage of predicted peak VO(2): 68.6±18.2; VE/VCO(2) slope: 30.6±8.3; OUES: 1.85±0.61; POUE: 0.88±0.27. During a mean follow-up of 33.1±14.8 months, 45 (21.8%) patients died, 10 (4.9%) underwent urgent heart transplantation and in three patients (1.5%) a left ventricular assist device was implanted. All variables proved to be independent predictors of this combined event; however, VE/VCO2 slope was most strongly associated with events (HR 11.14). In this population, POUE was associated with a higher risk of events than OUES (HR 9.61 vs. 7.01), and was also a better predictor of events (R2: 28.91 vs. 22.37). CONCLUSION: POUE was more strongly associated with death, urgent heart transplantation and implantation of a left ventricular assist device and proved to be a better predictor of events than OUES. These results suggest that this new parameter can increase the prognostic value of CPET in patients with CHF.


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A estratégia nutricional actual em recém-nascidos muito prematuros em cuidados intensivos, consiste em iniciar desde o primeiro dia de vida nutrição parentérica com elevadas doses de nutrientes e alimentação trófica o mais precocemente possível. Pretende-se assim prevenir o atraso de crescimento extrauterino, a osteopenia e a mánutrição cerebral. O leite humano (LH) é o preferido, por todas as vantagens biológicas e imunológicas no pré-termo. A partir de certa altura o LH pode não suprir as necessidades do pré-termo em crescimento, sendo necessário suplementá-lo com “fortificantes”. Na indisponibilidade de LH, estão recomendadas Fórmulas para pré-termo substancialmente enriquecidas em energia, macro- e micronutrientes. Após alta, de acordo com as recomendações da ESPGHAN (JPGN 2006;42:596), quando a criança atinge as 40 semanas (porventura 52 semanas) de idade corrigida: 1) se a evolução ponderal for adequada, está indicada a amamentação exclusiva, ou, se esta não for suficiente, suplementação com Fórmula para Lactente enriquecida em ácidos gordos polinsaturados de cadeia longa; 2) se a evolução ponderal for deficitária, será necessário fortificar o leite materno, ou introduzir Fórmula para Após Alta (postdischarge formula – PDF), mais rica em energia e nutrientes.


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No momento da alta existe grande prevalência de restrição de crescimento extrauterino em crianças nascidas pré-termo, pelo défice reservas aquando do nascimento associado à dificuldade na administração de nutrientes em quantidade suficiente por via parentérica e entérica durante o internamento. De acordo com as recomendações da ESPGHAN (JPGN 2006;42:596), quando a criança atinge as 40 semanas (porventura 52 semanas) de idade corrigida: 1) se a evolução ponderal for adequada, está indicada a amamentação exclusiva, ou, se esta não for suficiente, suplementação com Fórmula para Lactente enriquecida em ácidos gordos polinsaturados de cadeia longa; 2) se a evolução ponderal for deficitária, será necessário fortificar o leite materno, ou introduzir Fórmula para Após Alta (post-discharge formula – PDF), mais rica em energia e nutrientes. Quanto aos micronutrientes, de acordo com as recomendações ESPGHAN (JPGN 2010;50:1), está indicada a dose diária de 800-1000 UI de vitamina D até aos 12-18 meses e de 2-3 mg/Kg de ferro das 2-6 semanas aos 6-12 meses de idade. Embora possa haver a necessidade de suplementação com outras vitaminas e oligoelementos nesta população, não existem recomendações disponíveis emanadas por sociedades científicas.


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Bone histomorphometry is defined as a quantitative evaluation of bone micro architecture, remodelling and metabolism. Bone metabolic assessment is based on a dynamic process, which provides data on bone matrix formation rate by incorporating a tetracycline compound. In the static evaluation, samples are stained and a semi-automatic technique is applied in order to obtain bone microarchitectural parameters such as trabecular area, perimeter and width. These parameters are in 2D, but they can be extrapolated into 3D, applying a stereological formula. Histomorphometry can be applied to different areas; however, in recent decades it has been a relevant tool in monitoring the effect of drug administration in bone. The main challenge for the future will be the development of noninvasive methods that can give similar information. In the herein review paper we will discuss the general principles and main applications of bone histomorphometry.


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Elemental and semi-elemental formulas are used to feed infants with short bowel syndrome, who may not be able to tolerate feeds of more than 310 mOsm kg(-1). The present study aimed to measure the osmolality of elemental and semi-elemental formulas at different concentrations, with and without the addition of nonprotein energy supplements.