16 resultados para foot rot


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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global epidemic, and diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is one of its most serious and costly complications. DFUs result from a complex interaction of a number of risk factors. Once the protective layer of skin is broken, deep tissues are exposed to bacterial infection that progresses rapidly. Patients with DFUs frequently require amputations of the lower limbs and, in more than half the cases, infection is the preponderant factor. Given the challenges of treating these complex infections, this paper aims to provide a hospital-based framework for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot infections (DFIs). We propose a treatment-oriented assessment of DFIs based on a cross-examination of the medical, foot, and wound history; a systemized and detailed physical examination; and the results of complementary diagnostic procedures. We stress the need for a clinical diagnosis of DFIs and the importance of microbiological evaluation for antibiotic therapy guidance. Regarding treatment, we propose a multidisciplinary approach prioritizing invasive infection drainage, necrosis debridement, and the prompt start of empirical antibiotic therapy, followed by complete and appropriate vascular reconstruction. For severe DFIs, we suggest that negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) be included in the treatment pathway. We also provide rules for managing particular situations, such as osteomyelitis. It is our hope that this protocol will improve the hospital management of DFIs and, ultimately, the prognosis of DFI patients.


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In cases of extensive damage to the foot, with significant bone loss, it is generally accepted that reconstruction must include bone flaps or grafts either in the emergency setting or subsequently. In this report, we describe the case of an 18-year-old student with an avulsion injury of the dorsum of his right foot. Consequently, he lost most of the soft tissue over the dorsum of the foot and the cuboid, navicular, and cuneiform bones. A latissimus dorsi free flap was used to reconstruct the defect. A functional pseudoarthrosis developed between the remaining bones of the foot, and the patient experienced satisfactory foot function after rehabilitation. For this reason, no additional reconstructive procedure was undertaken. This case suggests that it might be adequate to use the latissimus dorsi muscle flap more liberally than previously reported in the reconstruction of extensive defects of the dorsum of the foot, including cases with significant bone loss. This option could avoid the morbidity and inconvenience of a second surgery and the need to harvest a bone flap or graft.


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AIMS: An epidemiological survey of diabetic foot infections (DFIs) in Lisbon, stratifying the bacterial profile based on patient demographical data, diabetic foot characteristics (PEDIS classification), ulcer duration and antibiotic therapy. METHODS: A transversal observational multicenter study, with clinical data collection using a structured questionnaire and microbiological products (aspirates, biopsies or swabs collected using the Levine method) of clinically infected foot ulcers of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). RESULTS: Forty-nine hospitalized and ambulatory patients were enrolled in this study, and 147 microbial isolates were cultured. Staphylococcus was the main genus identified, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was present in 24.5% of total cases. In the clinical samples collected from patients undergoing antibiotic therapy, 93% of the antibiotic regimens were considered inadequate based on the antibiotic susceptibility test results. The average duration of an ulcer with any isolated multi-drug resistant (MDR) organism was 29 days, and previous treatment with fluoroquinolones was statistically associated with multi-drug resistance. CONCLUSIONS: Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause of DFIs in our area. Prevalence and precocity of MDR organisms, namely MRSA, were high and were probably related to previous indiscriminate antibiotic use. Clinicians should avoid fluoroquinolones and more frequently consider the use of empirical anti-MRSA therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Hand, foot, and mouth syndrome (HFMS) is a common acute illness. It is characterized by mild clinical symptoms including fever, blisters, and sores in the mouth and on the palms and soles following a 3- to 7-day incubation period. This syndrome is rarely seen in adults. CASE PRESENTATION: A 35-year-old male Caucasian patient had a history of multiple episodes of acute pharyngitis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and occasional abdominal pain. He presented with polyarthralgia in the knees and hands and odynophagia, followed by fever, oral mucosal aphthous lesions, and vesicles on the palms and soles. Three weeks after presentation, he was admitted to the emergency room with acute myocarditis. The in-hospital evaluation revealed positive serology for coxsackie A9 (1:160), positive anti-transglutaminase and anti-gliadin antibodies, normal immunoglobulins, and human immunodeficiency virus negativity. CONCLUSION: We herein describe a case of HFMS that was associated with coxsackie A9 infection complicated by acute myocarditis. Although an association between celiac disease and HFMS has not been described, this patient's immunologic disruption could have favored the development of infection and ultimately HFMS.


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Diabetes mellitus is a major chronic disease that continues to increase significantly. One of the most important and costly complications of diabetes are foot infections that may be colonized by pathogenic and antimicrobial resistant bacteria, harboring several virulence factors, that could impair its successful treatment. Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most prevalent isolate in diabetic foot infections, together with aerobes and anaerobes.


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Soft-tissue and bone necrosis, although rare in childhood, occasionally occur in the course of infectious diseases, either viral or bacterial, and seem to be the result of hypoperfusion on a background of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Treatment consists in correction of septic shock and control of necrosis. Necrosis, once started, shows extraordinarily rapid evolution, leading to soft-tissue and bone destruction and resulting in anatomic, functional, psychological, and social handicaps. Ten mutilated children were treated from January 1986 to January 1999 in Hospital de Dona Estefaˆ nia, Lisbon, Portugal. One was recovering from hemolytic-uremic syndrome with a severe combined immunodeficiency, another malnourished, anemic child had malaria, and three had chicken pox (in one case complicated by meningococcal septicemia). There were three cases of meningococcal and two of pyocyanic septicemia (one in a burned child and one in a patient with infectious mononucleosis). The lower limbs (knee,leg, foot) were involved in five cases, the face (ear, nose, lip) in four, the perineum in three, the pelvis (inguinal region, iliac crest) in two, the axilla in one, and the upper limb (radius, hand) in two. Primary prevention is based on early recognition of risk factors and timely correction. Secondary prevention consists of immediate etiologic and thrombolytic treatment to restrict the area of necrosis. Tertiary prevention relies on adequate rehabilitation with physiotherapy and secondary operations to obtain the best possible functional and esthetic result.


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Although several tendon sources are available for reconstructive surgical procedures, all have one or more shortcomings. The aim of this work was to evaluate if the extensor tendons of the hallux showed anatomical characteristics that could make them an additional source for tendon grafting procedures.The authors performed a detailed morphometric analysis of the extensor tendons of the hallux in 26 lower limbs in order to evaluate the putative association of anatomical variants with hallux valgus, and to attempt to assess the feasibility of using part of the extensor apparatus of the hallux as a source of tendon for grafting procedures.An accessory extensor hallucis longus ten-don was found in 92.3% of cases. The extensor hallucis brevis tendon length was 10.5 ± 0.6 cm; its width was 0.5 ± 0.1 cm, and its thickness varied between 1-2 mm, making it a potentially good candidate as a source of ten-don grafts. Several anatomical variations were observed, namely the fusion of the tendons of the extensor hallucis brevis and the accessory extensor hallucis longus muscles in the distal part of the foot.This new therapeutic option, if implemented, would possibly increase the supply of autogenous donor tissue for reconstructive procedures, thereby enhancing the reconstructive surgeon’s armamentarium.


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Introduction. Fabry disease is a rare metabolic disorder caused by the genetic deficiency of the lysosomal hydrolase alpha-galactosidase A, located on chromosome X. Females with the defective gene are more than carriers and can develop a wide range of symptoms. Nevertheless, disease symptoms generally occur later and are less severe in women than in men. The enzyme deficiency manifests as a glycosphingolipidosis with progressive accumulation of glycosphingolipids and deposit of inclusion bodies in lysosomes giving a myelinlike appearance. Patients and Methods. Records of renal biopsies performed on adults from 1st January 2008 to 31st August 2011, were retrospectively examined at the Renal Pathology Laboratory. We retrieved biopsies diagnosed with Fabry disease and reviewed clinical and laboratory data and pathology findings. Results. Four female patients with a mean age of 49.3±4.5 (44-55) years were identified. The mean proteinuria was 0.75±0.3 g/24h (0.4-1.2) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (CKD EPI equation) was 71±15.7 ml/min/1.73m2 (48-83). Three patients experienced extra-renal organ involvement (cerebrovascular, cardiac, dermatologic, ophthalmologic and thyroid) with distinct severity degrees. Leukocyte α-GAL A activity was below normal range in the four cases but plasma and urinary enzymatic activity was normal. Light microscopy showed predominant vacuolisation of the podocyte cytoplasm and darkly staining granular inclusions on paraffin and plastic-embedded semi-thin sections. Electron microscopy showed in three patients the characteristic myelin-like inclusions in the podocyte cytoplasm and also focal podocyte foot process effacement. In one case the inclusions were also present in parietal glomerular cells, endothelial cells of peritubular capillary and arterioles. Conclusion. Clinical signs and symptoms are varied and can be severe among heterozygous females with Fabry disease. Intracellular accumulation of glycosphingolipids is a characteristic histologic finding of Fabry nephropathy. Since this disease is a potentially treatable condition, its early identification is imperative. We should consider it in the differential diagnosis of any patient presenting with proteinuria and/or chronic kidney disease, especially if there is a family history of kidney disease.


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As particularidades anatómicas e fisiopatológicas da Mao e do Pé levam a que as infecções localizadas adquiram aspectos especificos. Foram revistos 77 doentes internados e/ou seguidos em consulta externa do Hospital de Dona Estefânia com Infcções da Mão (25) e do Pé (52), no periodo de Janeiro de 1991 a Janeiro de 1994. Foram tratados em ambulatório os doentes com paroníquia (7 da mao e 42 do pe), um doente com polpite da mão e um com celulite do dorso da mao. Os restantes 16 com infecções da mão (64%) e 15 com infecções do pé (29%), foram internados tendo sido tratados com imobilização, elevação da zona afectada e antibioticoterapia endovenosa. Em todos os casos de abcesso foi efectuada drenagem cirurgica, 16 da mão e 22 do pé. Nas infecções da mão nao houve sequelas. Nas infecções do péhouve uma osteite do primeiro metatarso e umaa fistula cutânea.


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BACKGROUND: Paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes (PNS) pose quite an uncommon neurological complication, affecting less than 1% of patients with breast cancer. Nearly one third of these patients lack detectable onconeural antibodies (ONAs), and improvement in neurologic deficits with concomitant cancer treatments is achieved in less than 30% of cases. CASE PRESENTATION: A 42-year-old, premenopausal woman presented with facial paralysis on the central left side accompanied by a left tongue deviation, an upward vertical nystagmus, moderate spastic paraparesis, dystonic posturing of the left foot, lower limb hyperreflexia and bilateral extensor plantar reflex. After ruling out all other potential neurologic causes, PNS was suspected but no ONAs were found. A PET-CT scan detected increased metabolism in the right breast, as well as an ipsilateral thoracic interpectoral adenopathy. Core biopsy confirmed the presence of an infiltrating duct carcinoma. After breast surgery, the neurologic symptoms disappeared. One week later, the patient was readmitted to the hospital with a bilateral fatigable eyelid ptosis, and two weeks later, there was a noticeable improvement in eyelid ptosis, accompanied by a rapid and progressive development of lower spastic paraparesis. She started adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy with marked clinical and neurological improvement, and by the end of radiotherapy, there were no signs of neurologic impairment. CONCLUSION: This case study highlights the importance of a high level of vigilance for the detection of PNS, even when ONAs are not detected, as the rapid identification and treatment of the underlying tumor offers the best chance for a full recovery.


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O pé diabético é uma complicação major comum da Diabetes mellitus sendo o cirurgião geral o responsável pelo seu diagnóstico e tratamento. A infecção aguda é uma urgência médico-cirúrgica. Este artigo tem como objectivos orientar o cirurgião no diagnóstico e tratamento do pé diabético infectado no serviço de urgência. Antibioterapia de largo espectro, drenagem/ desbridamento cirúrgico no serviço de urgência, internamento, repouso do membro e apósitos adequados são medidas essenciais para o correcto tratamento do pé diabético com infecção moderada-grave. Os desbridamentos devem, sempre que possível, preservar a estrutura e funcionalidade do pé. A intervenção atempada é essencial para reduzir o número de amputações major, a mortalidade e custo social associados.


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A doença de mãos-pés-boca é uma infecção viral, mais frequentemente causada pelos vírus coxsackie A16 e enterovírus 71, que afecta preferencialmente crianças com idade inferior a 10 anos. Geralmente é uma doença benigna, caracterizada por febre e vesículas na boca e extremidades distais, mas também pode associar-se a complicações mais graves com meningoencefalite ou miocardite. Os autores reportam um caso de DMPB num adulto imunocompetente, com 27 anos de idade, que apresentava pápulas das mãos, pés e cavidade oral, algumas com progressão posterior para vesículas. A exuberância do quadro clínico e curso mais prolongado da doença também constituíram características pouco usuais.


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Background: The diagnosis of Rett syndrome (RTT) is based on a set of clinical criteria, irrespective of mutation status. The aims of this study were (1) to define the clinical differences existing between patients with Rett syndrome with (Group I) and without a MECP2 mutation (Group II), and (2) to characterize the phenotypes associated with the more common MECP2 mutations. Patients and Methods: We analyzed 87 patients fulfilling the clinical criteria for RTT. All were observed and videotaped by the same paediatric neurologist. Seven common mutations were considered separately, and associated clinical features analysed. Results: Comparing Group I and II, we found differences concerning psychomotor development prior to onset, acquisition of propositive manipulation and language, and evolving autistic traits. Based on age at observation, we found differences in eye pointing, microcephaly, growth, number of stereotypies, rigidity, ataxia and ataxic-rigid gait, and severity score. Patients with truncating differed from those with missense mutations regarding acquisition of propositive words and independent gait, before the beginning of the disease, and microcephaly, growth, foot length, dystonia, rigidity and severity score, at the time of observation. Patients with the R168X mutation had a more severe phenotype, whereas those with R133C showed a less severe one. Patients with R294X had a hyperactive behaviour, and those with T158M seemed to be particularly ataxic and rigid. Conclusion: A clear regressive period (with loss of prehension and language, deceleration of growth) and the presence of more than three different stereotypies, rigidity and ataxic-rigid gait seemed to be very helpful in differentiating Group I from Group II.