6 resultados para ddc: 378.358


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Ollier Disease and Maffucci Syndrome are two rare diseases that can cause tumors in several organs, having a special predilection for the hand. However, there have been very few reports in the literature focusing on hand manifestations of these diseases. We report the cases of three female patients: one with Ollier Disease, and two other with Maffucci Syndrome. All patients had hand involvement as their initial primary complaint. The Ollier Disease patient developed chondrosarcomas of two digits and had to have these fingers amputated. One of the Maffucci patients died one year after presentation from a brain glioblastoma. These cases emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of Ollier Disease and Maffucci Syndrome, as these two conditions are associated not only to crippling hand deformity, but also to a significant risk of chondrosarcoma, and other malignant tumors.


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O complexo demencial relacionado com SIDA, ou mais recentemente classificado como demência associada ao VIH, manifesta-se clinicamente como uma demência subcortical. Surge em estadios avançados da infecção pelo VIH, evoluindo num período de tempo que pode variar entre semanas a meses. Os autores revêem a fisiopatologia, quadro clínico, diagnóstico diferencial e abordagem terapêutica desta situação.


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Pretende-se esclarecer a prevalência que as doenças hereditárias do eritrócito têm não só a nível mundial e europeu mas também ao nível do nosso país e consulta de hematologia pediátrica do Hospital Dona Estefânia. São realçados os aspectos que condicionam a morbilidade associada a estas doenças crónicas, quer do ponto de vista da sua própria evolução natural como da própria terapêutica instituida. São referidas atitudes consensuais do ponto de vista profilático e terapêutico adoptadas neste tipo de doenças crónicas. Assume-se o diagnóstico pós-natal como de extrema importância, possibilitando diagnosticar-se casais de risco e implementar medidas privilegiando o aconselhamento destes casais quanto à característica genética de que são portadores e pondo à sua disposição meios de diagnóstico seguros na caracterização da sua descendência antes do nascimento (daignóstico pré-natal), com base num estudo de biologia molecular. Conclui-se realçando os programas de prevenção, sem os quais se torna impossível o decréscimo da incidência destas doenças, nomeadamente nos países de forte prevalência.


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A iatrogenia é uma alteração patológica provocada no doente que pode ocorrer nas várias fases do acto médico. Nos EUA é considerada a quarta causa de morte, mas em Portugal as referências na literatura são escassas e a sua incidência é desconhecida. Ainda que diferente de erro médico, continua tema tabu para os profissionais de saúde. Apresenta-se o caso clínico de iatrogenia relacional, diagnóstica e terapêutica, com consequências importantes para o doente. O médico tem um papel fundamental na redução da morbilidade e mortalidade por iatrogenia, sendo seu dever questionar e repensar diagnósticos e terapêuticas e manter uma atitude vigilante e autocrítica, de modo a identificar eventuais riscos de iatrogenia ou a corrigi-la o mais precocemente possível.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite the apparent familial tendency toward abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) formation, the genetic causes and underlying molecular mechanisms are still undefined. In this study, we investigated the association between familial AAA (fAAA) and atherosclerosis. METHODS: Data were collected from a prospective database including AAA patients between 2004 and 2012 in the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Family history was obtained by written questionnaire (93.1% response rate). Patients were classified as fAAA when at least one affected first-degree relative with an aortic aneurysm was reported. Patients without an affected first-degree relative were classified as sporadic AAA (spAAA). A standardized ultrasound measurement of the common carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), a marker for generalized atherosclerosis, was routinely performed and patients' clinical characteristics (demographics, aneurysm characteristics, cardiovascular comorbidities and risk factors, and medication use) were recorded. Multivariable linear regression analyses were used to assess the mean adjusted difference in CIMT and multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to calculate associations of increased CIMT and clinical characteristics between fAAA and spAAA. RESULTS: A total of 461 AAA patients (85% men, mean age, 70 years) were included in the study; 103 patients (22.3%) were classified as fAAA and 358 patients (77.7%) as spAAA. The mean (standard deviation) CIMT in patients with fAAA was 0.89 (0.24) mm and 1.00 (0.29) mm in patients with spAAA (P = .001). Adjustment for clinical characteristics showed a mean difference in CIMT of 0.09 mm (95% confidence interval, 0.02-0.15; P = .011) between both groups. Increased CIMT, smoking, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were all less associated with fAAA compared with spAAA. CONCLUSIONS: The current study shows a lower atherosclerotic burden, as reflected by a lower CIMT, in patients with fAAA compared with patients with spAAA, independent of common atherosclerotic risk factors. These results support the hypothesis that although atherosclerosis is a common underlying feature in patients with aneurysms, atherosclerosis is not the primary driving factor in the development of fAAA.