5 resultados para clot activator
Trombo na Aurícula Direita: Apresentação Rara da Deficiência do Inibidor do Ativador do Plaminogénio
A presença de trombos móveis na aurícula direita são fenómenos raros, mas associados a uma elevada mortalidade. Apesar de a ecocardiografia ter permitido avanços no seu diagnóstico, a sua abordagem continua a ser motivo de debate. Neste artigo apresentamos o caso de uma doente do sexo feminino, de 24 anos, com antecedentes de tabagismo, obesidade e sob terapêutica anovulatória que recorre ao serviço de urgência por cansaço fácil e tosse com expetoração hemoptoica. O ecocardiograma transtorácico revelou massa, móvel, multilobulada de grandes dimensões na aurícula direita, condicionando abertura da válvula tricúspide. Perante episódios recorrentes de embolia pulmonar, foi submetida a cirurgia cardíaca com exérese da massa, sendo o resultado anatomopatológico compatível com trombo organizado com calcificação. O estudo genético revelou homozigotia para a variante alélica PAI-1:-675G >A(4G/4G) do inibidor do ativador do plasminogénio e heterozigotia para a variante alélica MTHFR 1298 A/C da 5,10-metilenotetrahidrofolato redutase.
O activador recombinante do plasminogénio tecidular e, de todos os fibrinolíticos, o que tem maior especificidade para a fibrina e semi-vida mais curta; daí a sua grande eficácia na lise dos trombos e a quase inexistência de complicações hemorrágicas. Os autores descrevem o caso de um recém-nascido com trombose extensa da veia cava inferior e veia renal direita em que a terapêutica com activador recombinante do plasminogénio tecidular, levou a uma diminuição progressiva do trombo e repermeabilização completa de ambos os vasos em 12 horas. Nao houve efeitos adversos relevantes.
Pseudoaneurysms of the ascending aorta are a rare complication of cardiac surgery. However, the poor prognosis associated with this condition if untreated makes early diagnosis and treatment important. We present the case of a 66-year-old woman who had undergone mitral valvuloplasty 12 days previously, who was admitted with a diagnosis of new-onset atrial fibrillation. The transthoracic echocardiogram showed a clot in the right atrium and anticoagulation was initiated, followed by antibiotic therapy. After further investigation, the patient was diagnosed with a pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta and underwent surgical repair, followed by six weeks of antibiotic therapy. She was readmitted six months later for an abscess of the lower sternum and mediastinum. After a conservative approach with antibiotics and local drainage failed, recurrence of a large pseudoaneurysm compressing the superior vena cava was documented. A third operation was performed to debride the infected tissue and to place an aortic allograft. There were no postoperative complications.
Purpose. To report a case of successful thrombolysis performed in a patient with an incidental unruptured intracranial aneurysm and review the literature. Case Report. Patient admitted for ischemic stroke due to left posterior cerebral artery occlusion, with an incidental right middle cerebral artery aneurysm, who underwent treatment with tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) resulting in clinical improvement without complications. Conclusion. The presence of unruptured intracranial aneurysms is considered as a contraindication to thrombolysis, due to a potentially higher hemorrhagic risk of aneurysm rupture. Patients, otherwise, eligible for thrombolysis are usually excluded from receiving this emergent treatment, despite its potential benefits. A reevaluation of the strict exclusion criteria for thrombolysis in acute stroke patients should be considered.
Intramural dissecting hematoma is an unusual esophageal condition with a threatening presentation but excellent prognosis when managed conservatively.We report the case of an 88-year-old woman who developed an intramural hematoma of the esophagus after intravenous thrombolysis for an acute ischemic stroke. Before thrombolysis, nasogastric intubation was attempted unsuccessfully. She was kept on nil by mouth, intravenous hydration, proton pump inhibitor, antiemetics,and an antibiotic initiated 2 days before for periodontal disease. The esophageal hematoma regressed, and she resumed oral diet asymptomatically.To our knowledge, this is the first report of this type of lesion after thrombolysis for an ischemic stroke. A brief discussion and literature review are presented.