5 resultados para Vesicular Trafficking


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O herpes zoster (HZ) surge por reactivação do vírus varicella zoster, latente na raiz dorsal dos gânglios sensoriais. A incidência aumenta com a idade, sendo raro na infância. São descritos os casos de duas crianças de dez e 16 meses,previamente saudáveis, internadas por exantema vesicular localizado, respectivamente, aos dermátomos T11-T12 e ramo oftálmico do trigémio. Foram medicadas com aciclovir com boa evolução e o estudo da imunidade efectuado não apresentava alterações. A aquisição precoce de HZ é rara e tem sido atribuída à imaturidade do sistema imunitário da criança e à interferência com os anticorpos maternos. Numa criança pequena, previamente saudável, o HZ é um diagnóstico possível e a exclusão de imunodeficiência subjacente não é obrigatória.


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Abstract In a few rare diseases, specialised studies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are required to identify the underlying metabolic disorder. We aimed to explore the possibility of detecting key synaptic proteins in the CSF, in particular dopaminergic and gabaergic, as new procedures that could be useful for both pathophysiological and diagnostic purposes in investigation of inherited disorders of neurotransmission. Dopamine receptor type 2 (D2R), dopamine transporter (DAT) and vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 (VMAT2) were analysed in CSF samplesfrom 30 healthy controls (11 days to 17 years) by western blot analysis. Because VMAT2 was the only protein with intracellular localisation, and in order to compare results, GABA vesicular transporter, which is another intracellular protein, was also studied. Spearman’s correlation and Student’s t tests were applied to compare optical density signals between different proteins. All these synaptic proteins could be easily detected and quantified in the CSF. DAT, D2R and GABA VT expression decrease with age, particularly in the first months of life, reflecting the expected intense synaptic activity and neuronal circuitry formation. A statistically significant relationship was found between D2R and DAT expression, reinforcing the previous evidence of DAT regulation by D2R. To our knowledge, there are no previous studies on human CSF reporting a reliable analysis of these proteins. These kinds of studies could help elucidate new causes of disturbed dopaminergic and gabaergic transmission as well as understanding different responses to L-dopa in inherited disorders affecting dopamine metabolism. Moreover, this approach to synaptic activity in vivo can be extended to different groups of proteins and diseases.


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O íleus biliar representa 1 a 4% das obstruções intestinais mecânicas, podendo no entanto ser responsável até 25% dos casos, em faixas etárias superiores. O mecanismo não iatrogénico subjacente à migração do cálculo é a formação de uma fístula bilio-entérica. Em menos de 10% dos doentes com íleus biliar, a localização do cálculo impactado é o duodeno ou piloro, o que resulta numa obstrução ao esvaziamento gástrico e conhecido por síndrome de Bouveret. Apresentamos um caso de uma doente de 86 anos admitida no hospital por quadro clínico de oclusão intestinal alta com instabilidade hemodinâmica. Após estabilização, esta foi submetida a exames complementares de diagnóstico que revelaram presença de cálculo biliar a nível do bulbo duodenal e fístula colecisto-duodenal. Foi abordada cirurgicamente com realização de gastrolitotomia. No primeiro dia de pós-operatório, como intercorrência a doente exteriorizou a sonda naso-gástrica e em consequência apresentou um episódio de vómito com aspiração. Faleceu no quarto dia de pós-operatório por pneumonia de aspiração. Este caso pretende mostrar a importância da inclusão desta entidade no diagnóstico diferencial de uma obstrução ao esvaziamento gástrico, sobretudo na população geriátrica mesmo que sem antecedentes de litíase vesicular sintomática.


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Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is a rare multisystem disease, X linked dominant disorder. As all X linked dominant diseases, it is usually male-lethal. Female newborn admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit on the fi rst day of life was diagnosed as having probable herpetic infection with vesicular skin lesions distributed on upper right limb and inferior limbs. Family history showed that her 22-year-old mother had hypopigmented lesions on the lower limbs and her 13-month-old sister had hyperpigmented lesions on the trunk and limbs. In newborns, herpes infection emerges as the principal diagnosis of vesicular rash, due to the importance of precocious diagnosis and treatment. Other hypothesis must be considered in a newborn with vesicobullous rash, such as IP.


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) deficiency is an inborn error of dopamine biosynthesis and a cause of early parkinsonism. Two clinical phenotypes have been described. Type “B”: early onset severe encephalopathy; type “A”: later onset, less severe and better response to L-dopa. We aimed to study the expression of several key dopaminergic and gabaergic synaptic proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of a series of patients with TH deficiency and their possible relation with the clinical phenotype and response to L-DOPA. Dopamine transporter (DAT), D2-receptor and vesicularmonoamine transporter (VMAT2)weremeasured in the CSF of 10 subjectswith THdeficiency byWestern blot analysis. In 3 patients, data of pre- and post-treatmentwith L-DOPA were available, and in one of them, GABA vesicular transporter was determined. Results were compared to an age-matched control population. The concentration of D2-receptors in CSFwas significantly higher in patients with TH deficiency than in controls. Similarly, DAT and vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 were up-regulated. Studies performed before LDOPA, and on L-DOPA therapy showed a paradoxical response with D2 receptor expression increase as L-Dopa doses and homovanillic concentration gradually raised in a B phenotype patient. The opposite results were found in two patients with A phenotype. However, this is a very small sample, and further studies are needed to conclude robust differences between phenotypes. Synaptic proteins are detectable in the CSF and their quantification can be useful for understanding the pathophysiology of neurotransmitter defects and potentially to adjust and personalize treatments in the future.