3 resultados para Vídeo corporatiu


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O derrame parapneumónico caracteriza-se pela necessidade de um processo invasivo para a sua resolução e o empiema pela presença de pus na cavidade pleural. Em ambos os casos, o diagnóstico por TAC e o tratamento precoces resultando em menores morbilidade e mortalidade. São indicação para um tratamento invasivo os derrames loculados, os que ocupam mais de 50% do tórax, os que revelam coloração por Gram e exame cultural positivos, ou derrames com pH inferior a 7,20, glucose inferior a 60 mg/dl, e nível de DHL superior a três vezes o limite normal no soro. Estas características resultam da evolução através de três estádios dos derrames incorrectamente tratados: 1) exsudativo; 2) fibrino-purulento; 3) fibrótico. Dependendo do estádio evolutivo, a abordagem terapêutica varia entra toracentese terapêutica, colocação de drenagem torácica com ou sem instilação de fibrinolíticos, cirurgia toracoscópica vídeo-assistida e decorticação pulmonar. Os autores fazem uma revisão do estudo destas situações baseados em três casos clínicos com apresentações muito díspares: uma doente com empiema por Streptococcus pyogenes que faleceu rapidamente por hemoptise maciça; um doente com empiema resultante de pneumonia aguda ocorrida durante um voo de avião; uma doente com empiema e bacteriemia por Streptococcus pneumoniae conduzindo a diagnóstico até então desconhecido de infecção por VIH.


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The use of minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of lung cancer has been growing worldwide. Between May 2008 and November 2012, we performed 24 videothoracoscopic anatomical lung resections in our department. This includes 22 lobectomies and 2 anatomic segmentectomies, which is known to be a more complex surgery, since it demands a finer dissection of sub-lobar structures. We report the clinical cases of two patients who underwent anatomic segmentectomies. The first one was a 63 year old woman, smoker and with a history of breast cancer 20 years earlier. An incidental 9 mm node was found in the lingula. The patient underwent an anatomic lingulectomy and the frozen section was suggestive of a primary lung cancer. Therefore, we proceeded to a full lymphadenectomy. The final pathology evaluation showed a typical carcinoid tumour (pT1aN0). The second patient was a 50 year old woman, a smoker and with a heavy family history of lung cancer. In a screening CT scan a 8 mm ground glass opacity was identified in the left lower lobe (segment VI). After a VATS wedge resection of the node the frozen section evaluation was compatible with adenocarcinoma. We then proceeded to an anatomic segmentectomy with lymphadenectomy. The definitive pathology evaluation confirmed that it was a pT1a N0 bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma. The patients now have 5 and 2 months of follow up respectivelly and neither of them has signs of recurrence and the surgical incision showed a good aesthetic result. Anatomic segmentectomy is the indicated surgery especially in patients with low grade tumours, in early stage lung cancers or in patients without pulmonary function for a lobar resection, and it can be done safely using VATS.


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BACKGROUND: Wireless capsule endoscopy has been introduced as an innovative, non-invasive diagnostic technique for evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract, reaching places where conventional endoscopy is unable to. However, the output of this technique is an 8 hours video, whose analysis by the expert physician is very time consuming. Thus, a computer assisted diagnosis tool to help the physicians to evaluate CE exams faster and more accurately is an important technical challenge and an excellent economical opportunity. METHOD: The set of features proposed in this paper to code textural information is based on statistical modeling of second order textural measures extracted from co-occurrence matrices. To cope with both joint and marginal non-Gaussianity of second order textural measures, higher order moments are used. These statistical moments are taken from the two-dimensional color-scale feature space, where two different scales are considered. Second and higher order moments of textural measures are computed from the co-occurrence matrices computed from images synthesized by the inverse wavelet transform of the wavelet transform containing only the selected scales for the three color channels. The dimensionality of the data is reduced by using Principal Component Analysis. RESULTS: The proposed textural features are then used as the input of a classifier based on artificial neural networks. Classification performances of 93.1% specificity and 93.9% sensitivity are achieved on real data. These promising results open the path towards a deeper study regarding the applicability of this algorithm in computer aided diagnosis systems to assist physicians in their clinical practice.