6 resultados para UDK:550


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Objective: To compare measurements of the upper arm cross-sectional areas (total arm area,arm muscle area, and arm fat area of healthy neonates) as calculated using anthropometry with the values obtained by ultrasonography. Materials and methods: This study was performed on 60 consecutively born healthy neonates: gestational age (mean6SD) 39.661.2 weeks, birth weight 3287.16307.7 g, 27 males (45%) and 33 females (55%). Mid-arm circumference and tricipital skinfold thickness measurements were taken on the left upper mid-arm according to the conventional anthropometric method to calculate total arm area, arm muscle area and arm fat area. The ultrasound evaluation was performed at the same arm location using a Toshiba sonolayer SSA-250AÒ, which allows the calculation of the total arm area, arm muscle area and arm fat area by the number of pixels enclosed in the plotted areas. Statistical analysis: whenever appropriate, parametric and non-parametric tests were used in order to compare measurements of paired samples and of groups of samples. Results: No significant differences between males and females were found in any evaluated measurements, estimated either by anthropometry or by ultrasound. Also the median of total arm area did not differ significantly with either method (P50.337). Although there is evidence of concordance of the total arm area measurements (r50.68, 95% CI: 0.55–0.77) the two methods of measurement differed for arm muscle area and arm fat area. The estimated median of measurements by ultrasound for arm muscle area were significantly lower than those estimated by the anthropometric method, which differed by as much as 111% (P,0.001). The estimated median ultrasound measurement of the arm fat was higher than the anthropometric arm fat area by as much as 31% (P,0.001). Conclusion: Compared with ultrasound measurements using skinfold measurements and mid-arm circumference without further correction may lead to overestimation of the cross-sectional area of muscle and underestimation of the cross-sectional fat area. The correlation between the two methods could be interpreted as an indication for further search of correction factors in the equations.


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A obesidade mórbida (OM) é uma versão patológica de obesidade considerada um grave problema de saúde para os indivíduos que dela sofrem. O seu tratamento deve ser baseado numa abordagem biopsicossocial do indivíduo e do seu processo de doença que assegure o êxito do tratamento, a curto e longo prazo. A abordagem psicológica de cariz cognitivocomportamental estrutura-se ao longo das 3 principais fases do processo de tratamento: (1) pré-cirurgia, (2) internamento e (3) pós-cirurgia e follow-up. A primeira fase desta abordagem corresponde à avaliação psicológica dos doentes candidatos a cirurgia. Neste estudo apresenta-se a caracterização psicológica da população com OM, avaliada entre Fevereiro de 2002 e Maio de 2004, duma consulta de especialidade hospitalar. A metodologia desenvolvida inclui uma entrevista clínica semi-estruturada e questionários de auto-avaliação das dimensões de personalidade (MCMI-II), ansiedade e depressão (HADS), qualidade de vida (MOS-SF/20) e auto-conceito (ICAC). Foram avaliados 212 pacientes com uma média de idades de 41,1 anos e um IMC de 46,6Kg/m2. Apresentam-se os resultados obtidos e o protocolo de avaliação psicológica desenvolvido. Salienta-se a importância da avaliação psicológica para parecer técnico e os seus dados qualitativos para delineamento dos objectivos psicoterapêuticos e psico-educativos, como modo imprescindível ao sucesso deste processo de tratamento.


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OBJECTIVE: to characterize and to assess in terms of severity the surgical and trauma patients admitted to a medical intensive care unit (ICU). DESIGN: retrospective study base on clinical records and the ICU computerized database. SETTING: the medical ICU of a tertiary hospital. RESULTS: of the 2468 patients admitted to the ICU in 1989, 289 (11.7%) were surgical or trauma ones. The more frequent reasons for admission were: the need for mechanical ventilation, metabolic problems, and depression of consciousness. Of these 289 patients, 48.1% required mechanical ventilation, 14.9 hemodialysis; 4.8% had a pulmonary artery catheter inserted. Mean APACHE II, TISS and MOF scores were high (20.09 +/- 9.29, 24.17 +/- 11.45 and 5.4 +/- 3.59); they were determined in 79.2, 88.2 and 43.9% of patients respectively. Both APACHE and TISS scores were correlated with mortality. When compared with medical patients, surgical/trauma ones although younger (52.9 +/- 20.7 years versus 55.9 +/- 20.2, p = 0.00152), had a longer mean stay in the ICU (7.63 +/- 12.7 days v. 3.64 +/- 7.61, p = 0.0001), and a higher mortality (also in the ICU) (28.7 v. 16.7, p = 0.0005. COMMENTS: these are seriously ill patients, who are frequently referred to the ICU in late stages of clinical evolution. We propose they should be closely followed, from the earliest possible stage, by medical-surgical teams, in order to benefit from a multidisciplinary approach.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia, a taxa de recorrência e as complicações da vaporização laser com CO2 no tratamento dos cistos da glândula de Bartholin. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 127 pacientes que apresentavam cistos sintomáticos da glândula de Bartholin submetidas à vaporização laser CO2 na nossa instituição de janeiro de 2005 a junho de 2011. Foram excluídas todas as pacientes com abcessos da glândula de Bartholin ou com suspeita de câncer. Todos os procedimentos foram realizados em regime ambulatorial, sob anestesia local. A coleta dos dados foi feita com base na consulta do processo clínico, tendo-se procedido à análise das características demográficas, dos parâmetros anatômicos, das complicações intra e pós-operatórias e dos dados de acompanhamento. Os dados foram armazenados e analisados no software Microsoft Excel® 2007, e os resultados foram apresentados como frequência (porcentagem) ou média±desvio padrão. As taxas de complicações, recorrência e cura foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: A idade média das pacientes foi de 37,3±9,5 anos (variando entre 18 e 61 anos). Setenta por cento(n=85) delas eram multíparas. A queixa mais frequente foi dor e 47,2% (n=60) das pacientes tinham antecedentes de tratamento médico e/ou cirúrgico por abcesso da glândula de Bartholin. A dimensão média dos cistos foi de 2,7±0,9 cm. Foram verificados três (2,4%) casos de hemorragia intraoperatória ligeira e 17 (13,4%) recorrências durante um período médio de 14,6 meses (variando entre 1 e 56 meses): dez abscessos da glândula de Bartholin e sete cistos recorrentes, que precisavam de uma nova intervenção cirúrgica. A taxa de cura após um único tratamento à laser foi de 86,6%. Dentre as cinco pacientes com doença recorrente que foram submetidas a um segundo procedimento com laser, a taxa de cura foi de 100%. CONCLUSÕES: Na presente instituição, a vaporização laser com CO2 parece ser uma opção terapêutica segura e eficaz no tratamento dos cistos da glândula de Bartholin.


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Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutations in the MECP2 gene. We investigated the genetic basis of disease in a female patient with a Rett-like clinical. Karyotype analysis revealed a pericentric inversion in the X chromosome -46,X,inv(X)(p22.1q28), with breakpoints in the cytobands where the MECP2 and CDKL5 genes are located. FISH analysis revealed that the MECP2 gene is not dislocated by the inversion. However, and in spite of a balanced pattern of X inactivation, this patient displayed hypomethylation and an overexpression of the MECP2 gene at the mRNA level in the lymphocytes (mean fold change: 2.55±0.38) in comparison to a group of control individuals; the expression of the CDKL5 gene was similar to that of controls (mean fold change: 0.98±0.10). No gains or losses were detected in the breakpoint regions encompassing known or suspected transcription regulatory elements. We propose that the de-regulation of MECP2 expression in this patient may be due to alterations in long-range genomic interactions caused by the inversion and hypothesize that this type of epigenetic de-regulation of the MECP2 may be present in other RTT-like patients.


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SLC26A2-related dysplasias encompass a spectrum of diseases: from lethal achondrogenesis type 1B (ACG1B; MIM #600972) and atelosteogenesis type 2 (AO2; MIM #256050) to classical diastrophic dysplasia (cDTD; MIM #222600) and recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (rMED; MIM #226900). This study aimed at characterizing clinically, radiologically and molecularly 14 patients affected by non-lethal SLC26A2-related dysplasias and at evaluating genotype-phenotype correlation. Phenotypically, eight patients were classified as cDTD, four patients as rMED and two patients had an intermediate phenotype (mild DTD - mDTD, previously 'DTD variant'). The Arg279Trp mutation was present in all patients, either in homozygosity (resulting in rMED) or in compound heterozygosity with the known severe alleles Arg178Ter or Asn425Asp (resulting in DTD) or with the mutation c.727-1G>C (causing mDTD). The 'Finnish mutation', c.-26+2T>C, and the p.Cys653Ser, both frequent mutations in non-Portuguese populations, were not identified in any of the patients of our cohort and are probably very rare in the Portuguese population. A targeted mutation analysis for p.Arg279Trp and p.Arg178Ter in the Portuguese population allows the identification of approximately 90% of the pathogenic alleles.